Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

323: Milk delivery, artificial milk delivery? A bit astringent!

Bernice Concert.

Chen Jiawei and Buzz also arrived early.

The position of the two is very good, right in the first row of the stage.

Because of this, when Qi Lin and Matsushima Kirina walked in, Chen Jiawei, who was chatting with Buzz, dropped his eyes.

"This... 9

"Why is Qi Lin with this female ninja?"

If he hadn't known that this was the killer invited by his own family, Chen Jiawei would have even thought that Matsushima Kirina had defected and got involved with Qi Lin.

"Calm down! Be calm! The truth is not what I saw. This must be Matsushima Kirina's strategy, quietly approaching Qi Lin, and then killing this bastard with one fatal blow."

Chen Jiawei comforted himself in his heart.

After figuring it out, Chen Jiawei became happy instead.

"Qi Lin, Qi Lin, don't you know that there is a knife on the head of the color? 35

"It's fine if you rob my fiancee, now even a female killer dares to be tempted, I'll wait and see how you die.

Buzz also saw Qi Lin's figure, and he frowned slightly: "This guy will come here?"

Chen Jiawei smiled lightly: "Mr. Buzz, I've already said it, be careful with your fiancee, obviously, he came to Miss Bernice's concert with ulterior motives. 35

Buzz interrupted Chen Jiawei expressionlessly: "Again, this is just Qi Lin's wishful thinking. Bernice will never have any entanglement with Qi Lin. He will only be my fiancee by Buzz."

Seeing that Buzz was conceited and refused to listen to persuasion, Chen Jiawei pouted and said nothing more.

Qi Lin and Matsushima Kirina found the role and sat down.

The female ninja began to pay attention to the location and environment of Buzz, and planned the time and route for the assassination of 07.

Qi Lin eats popcorn and refuses to be honest.

While chewing the popcorn crisply, he asked gossip: "I don't know what your name is, miss. It's always called by miss, and I thought you were doing that."

Matsushima Kirina:

Don't think she is from Sakura country, you don't know what miss means.

The bastard next to him is not only a pervert, but also annoying to death, and a mouth is also poisonous.

"My name is Song Nai."

Suppressing the anger in her heart, Matsushima Kirina pretended to be calm.

Qi Lin was stunned for a moment.


The next second, a mouthful of popcorn spit out and sprayed on the back of the head of an otaku in front.

"what are you doing?"

The fat otaku immediately turned his head and glared at him.

Qi Lin is very clear about the sour and stinky attributes of the otaku: "If you talk more, believe it or not, I will kill you?"9

Qi Lin said lightly.

Seeing that Qi Lin was tall and big, and he seemed to be difficult to mess with, the otaku shrank his head and turned his head away angrily.

"What were you laughing at? Is my name funny?"

Matsushima Kirina couldn't help her curiosity, and asked Qi Lin why he laughed.

Her name was simply abbreviated from Sakura Country's name.

"Song Nai?"

"Bringing milk?

"Artificial milk? This name is similar to Miss. 99

Qi Lin said while holding back a smile.

Matsushima Kirina: 66.........

"Your vicious tongue will make girls hate you, you know?"

Matsushima Kirina no longer showed her sweet smile.

Because she found out that Qi Lin is a bitch.

Qi Lin shrugged and didn't mind Matsushima Kirina's evaluation at all.

"Then let's not discuss this issue, and ask one more thing, where is Miss Song Nai from? Maybe we are still fellows?"

Qi Lin continued to tease Matsushima Kirina.

Matsushima Kirina knew that Qi Lin was from Jianghan City.

She didn't want to have anything to do with Qi Lin.

The identity of the Sakura people must not be revealed.

She turned her beautiful eyes and said directly: "I am from Sichuan Province. 35

If it is said that in the country of cherry blossoms, which place in China is the most familiar to the people of the country of cherry blossoms, it must be the country of Sichuan.


Mapo Tofu.

Liu Guanzhang and Zhuge Liang, who founded the country in Sichuan, are all familiar to the people of Sakura.

"A native of Chuanfu? I heard that Miss Chuanfu speaks the language of Chuanfu very nicely. Miss Song Nai would like to hear a few words?

Qi Lin said while holding back a smile.

He didn't believe that this female ninja could speak the Chuanfu dialect.

Song Nai turned her face away, glanced at Qi Lin, and her beautiful eyes flashed a little smug.

Knowing that when she came to Huaxia, she would meet someone asking her about her identity, she had already learned a few words of Sichuan dialect.

Dialogue is definitely not acceptable, but it's okay to fool the past.

"Bah is fine.

"You rake ear man."

Not to mention, this playful Sichuan dialect is quite similar.

Seeing Qi Lin's stunned expression, Matsushima Kirina smiled again.

Qi Lin had a hint of amusement in his heart.

It seems that this Sakura country girl has done her homework.

"Ms. Song Nai's words from the Chuanfu are really nice. It just so happened that I have also learned some of the Chuanfu dialect. Can Miss Song Nai give me some advice?"

Qi Lin said with a smile.

Song Naimei's eyes had a hint of bad premonition.

She can only speak a few words of Sichuanese, and she never thought that Qi Lin could speak Sichuanese.

But when things got to this point, I couldn't help myself.

"Go ahead. 35

She suppressed her unease and said.

"cough cough~"

Qi Lin cleared his throat.

"Song Nai, you are a treasure."

"Song Nai, you look like a ghost."

"Song Nai, you melon child.

"Song Nai, you..."

Hearing Qi Lin spit out the fragrance, Song Nai's face darkened.

"Stop, stop, are you talking or swearing?"

Matsushima Kirina had seen these swear words when she first read the complete collection of Sichuan dialects.

But it is too unsightly for a girl to learn swearing.

But that doesn't mean she doesn't understand the meaning of these words.

Doesn't Baoqi say that he is iron and foolish?

Ghosts are obsessed with sun-eyes, which means that they do things wretchedly.

Guwazi is calling himself a big fool.

This bastard is really poisonous, and if he says anything, there is a hole waiting for him.

Qi Lin's black eyes were full of doubts: "Are these all swearing? But my friend from Chuanfu told me that these words were meant to be compliments.

"For example, when you meet a beautiful girl, you will praise her as a ghost, which means that she is so beautiful that even ghosts can be fascinated.

Matsushima Kirina:

"Then you really made a good friend."

Qi Lin's acting skills were amazing, and Matsushima Kirina didn't know if he was deliberately pranking himself, or if he really didn't know the meaning of these words.

Just when Qi Lin wanted to open his mouth to speak.

Live dynamic music sounded.

It turned out that it was already 6 pm and the concert was about to start.

Surrounded by a group of dancers, Bernice slowly descended from the platform in the center of the stage.

For the performance today, she wore a crescent-white high-slit slim-fitting evening dress.

Xiaoman's waist is full of a grip, and he is a tall man of 1.75 meters.

The slender, snow-white legs under the high slit almost demanded the lives of all the men who came to watch the concert.

Seeing that the concert finally started, Qi Lin could no longer speak, Matsushima Kirina finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Ever since she met this bastard, she has always been frightened and angry.

Thinking of her dignified Sakura Kununin, when did she suffer such humiliation?

Bernice's appearance caused thunderous applause off the stage.

And she will mobilize the atmosphere again. After a few dynamic songs, the scene will be turned upside down.

Half an hour later, Bernice gave a little news and began to interact with the audience under the stage.

"Fans of Huaxia, you are so enthusiastic, I like your support very much, so, is there anyone willing to come on stage to interact with me and sing a song together?"

Bernice said with a smile in Chinese with her feet curled.

The lover is from China, and she always has to learn in the future. Bernice has also hired a Chinese teacher.

Hearing that the idol can actually speak Chinese, the otaku below were very excited.

It seems that the goddess really likes 820 Huaxia, otherwise why did she deliberately learn Chinese?

But how could they know that Bernice learned Chinese not for their fans, but for some bastard.


"Miss Bernice, I would like to sing with you on stage! 35

"Woo, choose me, Miss Bernice, I am a student in Gaul, and I chased you from Gaul to Huaxia. 35

It wasn't Bernice's intention to interact with the audience offstage.

It was planned by the broker.

Seeing such an enthusiastic audience, Bernice smiled and prepared to pick a female fan.

It's not impossible for male fans, but isn't she afraid that her lover will be jealous and angry, so what if she goes back and punishes her?

However, when Bernice saw a figure in the crowd who raised her hand and looked at her with a smile, she was a little surprised.

Afterwards, she smiled and changed her mind.

"Then this gentleman.

Bernice pointed in the direction of Qi Lin.

Looking at Qi Lin who was still harassing him just now, he actually ran up to the stage to sing.

Matsushima Kirina couldn't help but froze for a moment.

"Can this guy still sing?

Not only Matsushima Kirina, but Buzz might be the most angry at this time.

Bernice wanted to find fans to sing with her, but why did she choose Qi Lin?

Could it be that his fiancée really cheated on him and had a private relationship with Qi Lin?

Chen Jiawei on the side looked at Buzz's ugly face, and a gloating flashed in his eyes.

See, this is the consequence of not listening to what people have to say.

Seriously, Chen Jiawei now even wants Qi Lin to pry away Buzz's fiancee.

How could Buzz have such a splendid singer as his fiancee, and let him experience the feeling of his fiancee being pryed away. In this way, he can balance a lot in his heart.

on the stage.

"I wonder which of my songs this gentleman will sing?"

The two were on stage and couldn't communicate with each other.

Bernice held back her laughter and prepared to prank Qi Lin.

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