Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

324: Showing affection at the concert, Buzz's head is green

Qi Lin directly took Bernice's microphone and said with a smile: "I don't want to sing Miss Bernice's song. As your fan, I want to send you a song."

"I wrote and wrote this song myself, and I will give you all the copyright of this song. 35


As soon as Qi Lin said this, the audience was in an uproar.

Fans write songs for idols.

This is unprecedented in the entire history of the singing industry.

After the uproar, the audience below showed mocking expressions.

This kid is handsome and handsome, but does he really think writing songs is so easy?

Bernice is also an all-rounder in writing and singing, and has written many well-known songs.

But in the same way, some of the songs she wrote were not recognized by the public, and there were often criticisms of Jiang Lang's talents.

You can see how difficult it is to write your own songs.

Bernice also had a hint of surprise in her beautiful eyes. She didn't expect Qi Lin to send her a song on the spot.

Unlike the disdain of the audience.

Bernice's beautiful eyes had a hint of brilliance, and her heart was sweet.

Qi Lin is an excellent person, no matter how ugly the songs he wrote, but it was also a gift he gave to himself. Just this kind of heart and this boldness are not comparable to ordinary people.

Before Bernice asked Qi Lin what song to sing, Qi Lin picked up the microphone and sang acapella.

That's right, it's a cappella.

Because this song was brought up by Qi Lin, the band in the background couldn't keep up.

"Remembering me.

"Discover and see all over the world."

As soon as Qi Lin opened his mouth, the ethereal and silent voice stunned the audience.

The scene that made people laugh did not appear. At the beginning of this song, people already felt the appearance of a divine comedy.

That's right.

This song is "godisagirl" composed by the German G·C band in 2003

The Chinese name God is a girl.

This song is one of the top ten most sung songs in the world.

It is also the most downloaded English song in China.

It can be seen how popular it is with the Chinese people.

Bernice has indicated that she wants to betray Buzz and join Qi Lin's villain.

Then Qi Lin must give a candy to his little Yanma to make her happy.

Bernice in her previous life was just a top Gallic singer.

In this life, Qi Lin wants to make her a world-class superstar.

The kind that shines brighter than Swift and Avril.

Listening to Qi Lin's singing next to her, Bernice's beautiful eyes shone brightly.

This time, even she guessed wrong, Qi Lin didn't write songs randomly, he really knew how to write songs.

She had a hunch that this song would be popular across the country.

Qi Lin's talent is far beyond his imagination.

Her lover, I don't know how many unknown abilities are hidden from her.

What moved Bernice the most was that.

Such a precious song, Qi Lin said that he would give it away without any hesitation.

This also shows that she has a very high status in Qi Lin's heart.

The difficulty of "godisagirl" is not high, and it is extremely brainwashed.

Bernice had already learned after listening to the first half.

In the second half, she smiled sweetly and sang along with Qi Lin.

Backstage, the band has also played.

The two looked at each other and sang duet like an immortal couple.

With that beautiful and handsome profile, the audience even began to make up the minds of outstanding Chinese youths and a romantic love story with the Gaul goddess.

In the eyes of Chinese people, Chinese men who catch up with European and American beauties are definitely very long faces.

Just now, I was envious and jealous of Qi Lin's otaku, but now his mind has changed and he has started to hit CP.

There's no way, this kid is so handsome, he's so talented, he's invincible, how can these otakus compare to him?

Only one person.

That's right, we are extremely conceited, thinking that Bernice won't take a fancy to Buzz, a Chinese man, and his face will be black.

Qi Lin gave Bernice a song, and now the two are still singing duet to each other, Buzz already felt a little more weight on his head.

From somewhere, a green hat must have been flying, and it was fastened firmly on his head.

Just like the tight-knit curse on Sun Wukong's head, it couldn't be pulled off.

"ZiZuZu, they've all started singing together. Ordinary Chinese man Bernice definitely doesn't like it, but who is Qi Lin? My fiancee is such a proud person, and he's not fascinated by this shit." ""

Chen Jiawei, who was on the side, didn't mention Baz, but every word was like a heavy slap, slapped on Baz's face.

"Can you shut up for me?"

Baz immediately glared at Chen Jiawei, and even wanted to kill him.

At the same time, Matsushima Kirina also looked at Qi Lin who was singing on the stage with great interest.

After all, she is a 19-year-old girl, and she is still in college and has a favorite singer.

Regardless of the rest, although Qi Lin is a bit poisonous, the song he sang is really nice.

However, no matter how good the song is, it cannot stop the fact that Matsushima Kirina is going to assassinate Buzz.

She glanced at her watch.

The set delayer is almost there.


Just after looking at the watch, the power supply of the whole concert was suddenly cut off, and the whole concert venue was plunged into darkness, and I couldn't see my fingers.

Seeing this scene, Matsushima Kirina's eyes flashed with light.

It was finally time for her to do it.

"What's the matter? Why was the power cut off suddenly?

"Grass, you finally saved money to watch a concert, just come with me?"

"Hurry up and call, if you delay the progress of the concert, give me a refund directly!"

After the power outage, the audience suddenly became noisy and chattering.

There was no better place on stage.

It was pitch black, Bernice's pretty face was blank, she didn't understand what happened and why the power was suddenly cut off.


Suddenly, Bernice screamed.

She hurriedly hugged her waist.

"Don't be afraid, it's me. 35

Beside Bernice's delicate earlobe, Qi Lin's magnetic voice came.

The warm air penetrated into the ear hole, and Bernice's body softened.

Qi Lin knew that Bernice was already emotional.

He is a beautiful woman looking at the moon, letting Bernice lean on his arms, and then support her fair and slender legs, which has become the most classic film and television couple action.

next second.


A charming glint flashed in Bernice's beautiful eyes, and she was kissed by Qi Lin.

Serve Qi Lin with a fresh and tender fish sashimi, and all the sweet fish sauce is stored by Qi Lin.

At the concert where thousands of people gathered, the audience under the stage was smeared and surrounded by dancers.

Her fiancé was not far away, so Bernice was bullied by Qi Lin.

I have to say, Qi Lin is too good at playing.


While the two of them were kissing each other, a scream suddenly came from the audience.

Hearing this scream, Qi Lin's black eyes flashed with sarcasm.

While he was bullying Buzz's fiancee, the white-skinned ghost was assassinated by Kirna Matsushima.

There is nothing more embarrassing than this in the world.

At the time of Matsushima Kirina, the gate was delayed and the power was temporarily cut off for the concert.

When it was discovered that there was a power outage, the staff immediately pulled the switch.


With the sound of electricity, the concert scene was brightly lit again.

The moment she felt the light, Matsushima Kirina's eyes flashed with worry, and she instantly disappeared into the fog, not letting others see her appearance.

She never imagined that Baz would actually know the Israeli Marga technique, and under her fatal assassination, she blocked a crucial blow.

Maga is the world's number one martial arts, and the sensitivity is indeed not a blow.

Although Keegan cut off four of Buzz's fingers, overall, her assassination was a failure.

When the lights went out, Chen Jiawei sneered again and again.

Because he knew that this was Matsushima Kirina starting to move, and when the lights came on again, he would see Qi Lin's body.

But really when the lights came on, Chen Jiawei was dumbfounded.

Right next to him, Buzz screamed and clutched his right hand.

The four severed fingers that were bleeding out, and the four fingers that fell on the ground, all told Chen Jiawei what happened just now.

damn it!

Matsushima Kirina, the woman (who has money) actually assassinated the wrong person!!!

Her father, Chen Tiantian, repeatedly warned her that Qi Lin was extremely cunning and asked her to read more of Qi Lin's information.

The woman didn't care.

Well now, he actually cut off four fingers of his ally and almost killed him.

If Buzz knew about this, plus more than 1,000 collections, he wouldn't be with him forever.

Buzz's screams caused all attention to hit him.

Fortunately, this is the case, otherwise the scene of Bernice and Qi Lin kissing would have been exposed.

When the light was restored, Bernice blushed, and immediately pushed the bastard away from Qi Lin.

"Come down and see what happened.

She said sarcastically.

Qi Lin's dark eyes flashed a smile: "It seems that your fiancé was assassinated, but he was lucky. He even saved his life under the assassination of the female ninja. 39


Bernice didn't understand what Qi Lin was talking about, her beautiful eyes flashed with doubts.

However, when she heard that Baz was assassinated, she actually had a smile on her pretty face: "Who is so good? How could you help deal with Bazla without you taking action.

"The only pity is that Buzz didn't die, otherwise you would have successfully robbed his fiancee.

Bernice winked at Qi Lin.

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