Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

325: Frame the blame or throw it in your arms?

"Hurry up!"

"Someone assassinated me! Close all passages and don't allow anyone to leave!

"The murder weapon is still in the hands of the assassin, you should catch him at all costs!""

Buzz endured the pain and yelled at the staff.

At the same time, he ordered to stay outside, and his bodyguard team came in to protect himself.

All channel exits in the stadium are intelligently controlled.

After Buzz gave the order, all the exits of the passage were blocked.

The seat was empty, Matsushima Kirina, who was fleeing towards the exit, had a hint of helplessness on her pretty face at this moment.

The exit has been closed, and there are still staff and Baz's bodyguards who are searching, never letting go of any suspicious person.

"I can't get out of the exit on the first floor, why don't I go up and escape from the outer wall?"

If you miss a hit, flee immediately, and then look for an opportunity. This is the ninja's assassination criterion.

And for Shangnin, climbing tall buildings should not be too easy.

It is night again, and the chance of escape is still quite large.


Before Matsushima Kirina could turn around to implement it, she was suddenly patted on the back.

Matsushima Kirina's eyes showed a cold light, and she looked back immediately.

Second time!

She was approached silently again.

But when she saw Qi Lin's handsome face, a hint of helplessness flashed across her pretty face.

Why is this bastard again, is he a ghost? The haunted 823.

After being helpless, Matsushima Kirina suddenly had an idea.

"Since this bastard likes to follow me, why not frame it again?

"The blood-stained kunai is still on me, and I directly planted the blame on this bastard. When the security guards catch him, can't I leave in the chaos?"

Thinking of this, Matsushima Kirina staggered and bumped into Qi Lin.

Her original intention was to hide Kuwu in Qi Lin at the moment of contact with Qi Lin, and then get away from him.

But Qi Lin's hand was like a shadowless hand, and before she could escape, he hugged her firmly.

Smelling the faint fragrance of cherry blossoms on Matsushima Kirina's body, Qi Lin asked suspiciously, "Miss Song Nai, why did you leave before the concert started? And are you feeling unwell? Why can't you stand still?"

Matsushima Kirina endured the anger in her heart and forced a smile: "I'm a little dizzy, I want to go back to rest, can you, can you let me go first?"

Quietly touched the orange petals of Matsushima Kirna, Qi Lin said with a smile, "Of course you can.

Last time it was leg bend, this time it's...

Matsushima Kirina, who regarded her chastity as extremely important, almost couldn't help but directly kill the bastard Qi Lin.

"Calm down! Be calm!

"Kunai is already hiding in this bastard, I still have to wait for the police to teach him a lesson, it's better to sentence (ahdg) to life imprisonment. Besides, the most important thing for me now is to escape from here. 99


The search staff had already come over.

"I'm sorry you two, there was a major injury incident at the concert site, and the murderer is still in the process of escaping. We want to search you."

It was said to be an inquiry, but the two of them got started directly.

Fortunately, the person who searched Matsushima Kirina was a woman, or else Matsushima Kirina couldn't hold back and would kill her and force her way out.

Qi Lin smiled and searched these people calmly.

"Miss, although there is nothing abnormal about you, you can't leave here until the police come, please go back to the concert scene, or find a place to rest first.

The female staff member did not find anything on Matsushima Kirina.

"Sir, you and this lady should also find a place to rest, if there is anything that makes you uncomfortable, please take care of it. 39

That line of staff did not find anything from Qi Lin.

Seeing this scene, Matsushima Kirina's eyes widened, her pretty face full of inconceivable.

Just now, she personally hid Kunai in Qi Lin's pocket.

But why didn't these staff find out?

Obviously these staff turned Qi Lin's pocket upside down!

Where did Matsushima Kirina know?

Qi Lin is a man with system space.

As soon as she hid Kunwu on Qi Lin, Qi Lin had already transferred the weapon to the system space.

Isn't it funny to want to frame him even with this little trick?

"Miss Song Nai, you seem disappointed just now, could it be that you hope to find something from me?

The two walked to a rest bench and sat down, Qi Lin asked with a smile.

Matsushima Kirina's mind is blank now, and she is still entangled with what happened just now.

Hearing Qi Lin talking to herself, she forced a smile: "How can this be, sir, are you thinking too much?"

Buzz is a foreign guest after all.

The police rushed out and took control of the scene.

When Lan Gang saw Qi Lin, he was completely speechless.

Qi Lin was there when more than 1,000 items from Buzz's collection were stolen last time.

Now that Buzz was assassinated, Qi Lin is still there.

If Qi Lin didn't do it, he wouldn't believe it.

But this time, Lan Gang really misunderstood Qi Lin.

This time he came only to watch a play, and the real killer was the one sitting next to him.

Lan Gang pulled Qi Lin aside and asked seriously, "Did you do the assassination of Buzz? I'm already the next director. If Buzz dies in Jianghan City, my Your career may be over."

Qi Lin smiled lightly: "Uncle Lan doesn't believe me so much? Should I swear? If the person who assassinated Buzz was me, or someone I sent, then there is no child born between me and Yuxi..

Before Qi Lin could finish speaking, Lan Gang interrupted him: "Bah, bah, what nonsense? I just want to believe you.

"You boy can go.

Lan Gang said angrily.

Speaking of which, he always doubted Qi Lin, but he always protected his son-in-law.

Worrying about what Qi Lin would find out later, he asked him to leave here quickly.

Qi Lin smiled, put his hands in his pockets, and left in a condescending manner.

Matsushima Kirina didn't find anything suspicious and left the gym successfully.


When Matsushima Kirina was about to find Chen Tiansheng, someone patted her back.

This time, Matsushima Kirina had a prediction.

When she turned around helplessly, she found that it was Qi Lin again.

"Sir, I really don't like your type, please stop pestering me?"

Matsushima Kirina of course knew Qi Lin's name, but Qi Lin didn't take the initiative to mention it. It would be suspicious if she called Qi Lin's name directly.

Qi Lin looked Matsushima Kirina up and down, and said amusingly, "Are you sick? You lost your belongings, and thought I liked you. Ordinary girls who lost their student cards are not as confident as you."

"Take your stuff, or you won't have such good luck next time."

At some point in Qi Lin's palm, the blood-stained kunai appeared, and then threw it to Matsushima Kirina.

After doing all this, Qi Lin put in his pockets, turned around and left gracefully.

Looking at the Kunai in his hand, Matsushima Kirina was dumbfounded at this time.

It turned out that this Qi Lin didn't know what she framed, but she didn't expose herself.

Thinking of this, Matsushima Kirina got goosebumps.

The whole person has a feeling like a awn on the back.

This seemingly cynical young man seems to have a strangeness everywhere, playing her in the palm of his hand, and his evil spirit is awe-inspiring.

"Fortunately, the person Chen Tiansheng asked me to assassinate was not him, otherwise, I might not even be 50% sure.

Matsushima Kirina said to herself with a wry smile.

shook his head.

Matsushima Kirina's figure disappeared directly into the mist.

When she appeared again, it was already in front of the villa of Chen Tiansheng Manor.

In the villa, the lights are bright.

It seems that Chen Tiansheng has been waiting for him for a long time.

Brothers, it's a new month. Anyone who has a free monthly pass will give it a little, so that the data will look better, thank you.

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