Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

326: When you leave this villa, don't believe anyone's nonsense

Chen Tiansheng did not know that the assassination he entrusted to Matsushima Kirina had been tampered with by Qi Lin beyond recognition.

After a cloud of smoke appeared in the villa, he knew that Matsushima Kirina had returned.

"The ninjas in the Sakura Country are too weird. Fortunately, no one is looking for such an assassin to assassinate me, otherwise I would be hard to guard against. 39

Chen Tiansheng sighed in his heart.

Suppressing the fear in his heart, Chen Tiansheng asked Matsushima Kirina, who gradually emerged in the thick fog, "Has the assassination mission been completed?

Matsushima Kira said in a flat voice: "The other party has studied Israeli horsemanship. Although I have sneaked a sneak attack from the dark, he was still dodged by him. I just cut off four of his fingers."

Chen Tiansheng: "???"

The failure of the assassination was unexpected by Chen Tiansheng, because he had already experienced the power of Matsushima Kirina.

Could it be that Qi Lin's strength is so strong that even Matsushima Kiri ~ Nai can't do anything about it?

As for cutting off four fingers, Chen Tiansheng was very dissatisfied.

A broken finger can be reattached, Qi Lin is a scourge if he lives for one day.

Unless Qi Lin is really dead, Chen Tiantian will not be at ease for a day.

In addition, Chen Tiansheng also investigated Qi Lin's information, especially when Chen Jiawei was kidnapped last time, Qi Lin took away 50 million from him.

After returning home, the bodyguard told him that Qi Lin used Muay Thai Kung Fu.

Why is there an Israeli Maga now?

Coincidentally, when Matsushima Kirina returned to the villa, Chen Jiawei also followed home.

As soon as he entered the door, he scolded angrily: "Dad, that Matsushima Kirina is an idiot. We clearly asked her to kill Qi Lin, but he ran to assassinate Buzz. 39

"Now Buzz is mad, saying that if he finds the murderer, he will let the knights of the family knights come over and deal with him personally.

"What shall we do now?"

Chen Jiawei's voice just fell, but Matsushima Kirina's face turned cold.

It's nothing more than being refined by Qi Lin over and over again at the concert site. Now this Chen Jiawei dares to scold her, does she really think her temper is sloppy?


Chen Jiawei suddenly felt a chill on his neck.

In the next second, a figure appeared beside him, and a sharp kunai was pressing on the aorta of his throat.

"What did you just say? Say it again if you can. Years

Matsushima Kirina's voice was cold and biting.

Chen Jiawei did not expect that Matsushima Kirina had already returned.

Although life is now in the hands of Matsushima Kirina, Chen Jiawei still gritted his teeth and said, "So what if I scolded you? Is it reasonable for you to assassinate the wrong person?"

This is the second time that Matsushima Kirina heard Chen Jiawei say that he had assassinated the wrong person.

She said lightly: "We assassinated the wrong person, and the one I did is called Buzz. 35

Hearing Matsushima Kirina admitting himself, Chen Jiawei immediately said to Chen Tiansheng: "Dad, you heard it yourself, she admitted it herself, we told her to assassinate Qi Lin, but she ran to assassinate Buzz. 99

Chen Tiansheng also became ugly after a while of surprise.

Although Buzz's family is not in Huaxia, the name of the world's largest construction group is definitely not something that can only be compared with the Shanhe Group in the Hengshan City of Jianghan City.

If he really offends Buzz, the future of Shanhe Group will be even more difficult.

Matsushima Kirina's eyes flashed with a trace of anger: "Chen Tiansheng, the first time you asked me to assassinate Qi Lin was right, but that night, you ran to the hotel where I was staying to find me, saying that you remembered the assassination incorrectly. The target, in fact, the person who really wants to assassinate is Buzz.""

"I asked you how you could remember this kind of thing wrong, and you said you were old and confused."

Chen Jiawei laughed angrily at Matsushima Kirina's words: "You dare to quibble, you are obviously already mixed up with that bastard Qi Lin."

"In the beginning, I thought you women were unreliable. You couldn't walk when you saw Qi Lin's little white face, just like that little bitch Yu Jin, admit it, are you tempted by Qi Lin's little white face? Betrayed us? 99


As soon as Chen Jiawei finished speaking, he felt a tingling pain in his throat, and a trace of blood slowly left along his neck.

"Do you really think I dare not kill you? If you dare to slander me again, I will kill you now!

A cold light flashed in Matsushima Kirina's eyes.

"Miss Matsushima, don't get excited, I think there must be some misunderstanding, maybe Jiawei is also kept in the dark. 35

The old fox Chen Tiansheng was quite rational. After thinking for a while, seeing Matsushima Kirina's emotions began to fluctuate, he immediately began to appease her.

"Miss Matsushima, let me ask you, the person who made you change the target of your assassination really looks exactly like me?

Seeing that Matsushima Kirina calmed down a little and stopped exerting force on Kunwu, he immediately continued to ask.

Matsushima Kirina's tone was light: "It looks exactly like you, otherwise I wouldn't believe what he said. 95

When Chen Tiansheng heard this, he actually laughed: "That's right, I look exactly the same. I happened to be at home that night, and I installed a surveillance camera in the living room. Is it me who went to see you? Just take a look at the surveillance camera. understood.""

In the monitoring room, Matsushima Kirina saw the video in the villa that day.

Chen Tiansheng really stayed in the living room to read newspapers and TV, but did not go out.

The computer technology in 2002 could not even do PS, let alone change the time and scene in real-time monitoring.

"Miss Matsushima now believes what I say?"5

Chen Tiantian asked with a smile.

Matsushima Kirina took the kunai on Chen Jiawei's neck and asked, "Then what is going on here? Why are there two of you?"

Chen Tiansheng had a serious look on his face: "I want to ask Miss Matsushima a question, did anything suspicious happen when you assassinated Buzz? 99

Matsushima Kirina hesitated for a moment, then said truthfully: "The Qi Lin you asked me to assassinate for the first time appeared by my side several times, and some of his behaviors were very strange.

Chen Tiansheng's eyes gleamed: "That's right, Qi Lin is a scheming kid, and even I have suffered a few losses from him, this time pretending to be me must also be done by him, so Miss Songdao will be fooled.

Chen Jiawei's eyes were uncertain at this time.

No wonder he saw Qi Lin at the concert. It turned out that this dog acted in it, making Matsushima Kirina mistake the target of assassination.

"Miss Matsushima, I can't blame you for this, you can continue to assassinate Qi Lin, but this time you have to be careful, as long as you leave this villa, don't believe anyone's nonsense, the only people you need to assassinate are One, that is Qi Lin.

Chen Tiansheng emphasized to Matsushima Kirina.

Listening to Chen Tiansheng's words, Matsushima Kirina's heart sank.

Although they have never played against Qi Lin, the two have already dealt with each other.

Quietly appeared behind him, strange and unpredictable behavior, and methods.

Do you really have the ability to complete the assassination of him?

"Looks like it's going to be a long-term plan again, and if you act rashly, you might lose your life to Huaxia.

Matsushima Kirina thought to herself.

0.·Ask for flowers·

Because of the emergence of 720 anti-virus software, the situation of Huaxia Internet has stabilized, and 80% of the anti-virus software share is controlled by 720 anti-virus companies.

But abroad is different.

For reasons beyond the reach of the whip, the networks of many countries are still being ravaged by the mutant panda burning incense virus, resulting in heavy losses.

Some people will ask, is the destructive power of a worm-breaking virus really so exaggerated?

Are there no hackers abroad, or national-level cybersecurity teams?


After all, it is different from the previous life.

This time, the Panda Burning Incense Virus is a system-enhanced version, and the system personally distributes it to all parts of the world.

Although some great people did crack the first-generation panda burning incense virus.

But I'm sorry, worms will evolve. Just after a wave of strangulation, a wave of worms with more destructive power has once again swept the foreign Internet world, causing headaches for governments around the world.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Qi Lin also assigned the company's technical backbone and management to develop markets in major countries.

four markets.

North American market.

European market.

Peninsula Southeast Asia market.

Sakura Country Market.

The complete 720 anti-virus software that appeared across the era has been beaten by local anti-virus software companies in various countries and has no resistance.

When multinational companies enter other countries, others will open trade barriers to protect local companies.

But I'm sorry, the function of killing panda burning incense virus is unique to 720 anti-virus software. If you don't want me to come and help you clean the virus, then you can kill yourself.

One of the most intuitive examples is the Sakura Internet Market.

The narrow nationality and exclusivity of Sakura Country are well known.

In the beginning, Sakura Country quite rejected the 720 antivirus company for its own development.

I think the antivirus software company in our country can deal with this panda burning incense virus.

But a month later, the Sakura government completely conceded defeat.

This panda burning incense virus has not been killed, but has grown stronger and more terrifying under the siege of many antivirus software companies.

Even the Internet system of the Sakura country government was completely collapsed.

In desperation, the Sakura country government dismissed the extremely favorable conditions, and invited the 720 antivirus software company back, and signed a contract, absolutely not interfering in the operation of the 720 antivirus software company, and enjoying the same treatment as the local company.

This kind of one-sided multinational company's entry into other countries is absolutely unprecedented in Sakura Country.

It is easy to say that on the peninsula, with the support of the strongest community in Bower and the policy care of the mayor of Bower, 720 Antivirus Company has successfully occupied the market of antivirus software companies on the Peninsula.

Europe is also very interesting.

Because the European Union has just been born, the beautiful countries are worried that the European Union threatens their status as world hegemon, and will suppress the newly born European Union.

At this time, in order to gain the support of China, the EU, who was also devastated by the panda burning incense virus, wanted to die.

The only problem is the North American market.

That's right, Pretty Country is doing a whole lot of shit again.

PS: Although there are multinational companies, they will not go abroad for the time being. Spoiler, the beautiful Congress will send spies over, and then a series of interesting things will happen.

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