Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

328: The ace agent Yuna, lock the key figure Qiu Yuelin

After waving away all the subordinates with wine bags and rice bags, the network security leader had no choice but to dial the special line on Fobo Le's side.

"William, I'm facing a tricky thing on my side now."

"A idiot's subordinate, who messed up something. 39

“Do you know the 720 antivirus software company? You also investigated their branches some time ago. 35

"That's right, they have now given up all the beautiful country business, went back to China, and left a mess, and now the beautiful country Internet is on the verge of collapse."

"I'm going to send a professional negotiating business team to China to solve this matter, but in case the negotiation breaks down and for the glory of the beautiful country, we will use unconventional means to solve this matter."

"So I want to place a ace of yours in the business negotiation team to make this trip to China more secure."

William on the other end of the phone smiled and said, "I said that the network on the security bureau's side is always paralyzed, and it turns out that the 720 antivirus company has withdrawn.

"Okay, it just so happens that I have an ace agent here who just came back from vacation, so let her go with you."

"By the way, although she is a special agent, she also graduated from the MIT Department of Business Administration and is proficient in business negotiation. I suggest that she be fully responsible for this matter."

The identity of the agent is to be trusted.

The network security department laughed and said: "This is no problem, who is in charge of this negotiation is not important, the result is the most important, isn't it?

After the director of the security bureau hung up the phone, he directly asked his assistant to call in the ace agent he just mentioned.

After a while, the office door was pushed open.

A woman in a sexy black leather coat, blonde, fair skin, and exquisite facial features, swaying, walked in.

Different from the typical European and American beauties of Bernice.

The leather-clad beauty who came in is more like a star in the later generations of the beautiful country.

Swift, Taylor Swift.

It not only has the characteristics of European and American beauties, but also combines the characteristics of Oriental beauties.

There is no conflict between the two, and they are perfectly combined to create a peerless appearance that not only Westerners think it looks good, but even Easterners think it is too beautiful.

"Yuna, there is a new task coming, this time you will lead the team, bring a business negotiation team to Huaxia, and negotiate with a company called 720 Antivirus, make sure they agree to our conditions and return to the beautiful country.

"This is our bottom line, but don't use it unless it's a last resort.

The Director of Security handed Yuna a note.

Yuna picked up the note and glanced at it.

I saw it read: "The last condition, operating with the same treatment as a local company in Beautiful Country, allows 720 Antivirus to retain the privacy of source code, but all user data information obtained by 720 Antivirus in Beautiful Country shall not be transmitted back. Huaxia Kingdom. 99

This condition is clearly the condition for Sakura Country to be abused by the Panda Burning Incense Virus at the beginning, and finally weeping and chirping to invite the 720 Antivirus Company back.

This really fulfills a sentence, people are good by being bullied, and Ma Shan is being ridden by others.

The beautiful country has encountered tough problems, and there is a day when it chooses to make concessions.

"Yuna, you are the best agent of Fobolle in the past ten years, you won't let me down, will you?

The Director of Cyber ​​Security asked with a smile.

"After completing the task, I need a one-and-a-half month vacation and a bonus of 5 million meters.

After all, he is an ace agent, and he can still make conditions with the director.

"OK, I promise you.

Compared with the security of the Internet in the entire beautiful country, 5 million meters of gold is nothing at all.

After getting what she wanted, Yuna's beautiful eyes showed a faint smile, and then she turned and left the director's office.

Some basic information about 720 antivirus company Fobola is still there.

After bringing the negotiating team to Huaxia, Yuna directly found Qiu Shanhai.

Qiu Shanhai's character is known to many people, that is, the kind of businessman with the temperament of a scholar.

Just been bullied to death by the beautiful country government.

Now that the company has been withdrawn from Beautiful Country, there are worms running rampant there, and it is too late for him to be happy. How could he accept the negotiation of the business team photographed by Beautiful Country.

Without seeing anyone, Yuna and her party were kicked out.

In desperation, Yuna could only start from a long-term plan and began to carefully collect all the information of Qiu Shanhai.

It's okay not to collect, but once collected, Yuna found a very interesting place.

"The owner of this 720 antivirus company is not Qiu Shanhai, but his daughter Qiu Yuelin 100%.

"As far as I know, young people in Huaxia can't stand the rigid place of Huaxia now, and yearn for the freedom of a beautiful country."

"Since Qiu Yuelin is the real controller of the company, why not start with her?"

Thinking of this, Yuna took her own business negotiation team and went directly to the No. 1 Middle School attached to China Normal University.

The principal of the First Affiliated High School of China Normal University has been replaced long ago.

The old principal has retired due to heart problems.

The new principal was the one who presided over the meeting, but Hu Bing was sloppy at his meeting.

"We are a business negotiating team sent by the beautiful country government and want to meet someone at your school.

A group of beautiful Chinese people suddenly visited the school, and the new principal was also confused and confused.

But seeing that the other party was dressed formally and had extraordinary temperament, he received them.


When he heard that the other party was a business negotiating team sent by the beautiful country government, the principal couldn't help taking a breath on the spot.

The team dispatched by the government of the beautiful country is already at the diplomatic level.

Why don't they come to the Jianghan city government to find themselves?

"I don't know which one from our school are you looking for, miss? Would you mind revealing the name? 35

the principal asked cautiously.

Yuna smiled lightly and said, "Her name is Qiu Yuelin, and she is a teacher in your school."

Speaking of this, Yuna had a lingering doubt in her heart.

How did a teacher create a unicorn Internet company like 720 Antivirus?

And she never seems to go to the company, instead she chooses to be a teacher in a humble school.

Even in the beautiful country, such a strange thing has never happened.

Where does Yuna know.

The shares in Qiu Yuelin's hands were actually given to her by Qi Lin.

She is single-minded and obedient to Qi Lin, which means that the company is still in the hands of Qi Lin.

With such a ridiculous holding model, Yuna will be at a loss when it is difficult.

"Qiu Yuelin?

The headmaster looked thoughtful.

Qiu Yuelin is a rich second-generation lady, and everyone in the school is well known.

In addition, according to teachers, she is also engaged to Qi Lin.

Although Qi Lin hasn't come to school for a long time, the principal knows that although this kid is a high school student, his business outside is getting bigger and bigger.

Both of them are involved in business, so it is not surprising that this beautiful country's business negotiating team has been recruited.

"Miss Yuna, wait a moment, I'll have someone go and find Teacher Qiu Yuelin."

After figuring out the other party's intention, the principal said with a smile.

Just as Yuna was sitting in the office waiting.

Outside the door, a shadow flashed in the eyes of a figure.

Hu Bing was going to report to the principal, but overheard the conversation between Yuna and the principal.

Since there was not much useful information in the conversation, he suppressed his curiosity, quietly left the office, and then hid in the dark, waiting for Qiu Yuelin's arrival.

After a while, Qiu Yuelin, who was preparing lessons in the office, came to the principal's office with a puzzled face.

"Principal, do you think someone is looking for me?"

The principal got up and introduced to Qiu Yuelin with a smile: "This is Miss Yuna, a business negotiator appointed by the beautiful country government to China.

Knowing that he was in the way, he smiled and said, "You two chat first, I'll go out for a walk."

Having said that, he gave the office to the two of them.

After the principal left, outside the office, Hu Bing appeared again, listening outside the window.

In the office, Yuna looked out the window thoughtfully with a faint smile on her beautiful face.

It's kind of funny to want to monitor an agent of her level, this person outside the office.

"I don't know what Miss Yuna has to do with me? I'm just an ordinary teacher. It's not my turn for things like business negotiation, right?

Qiu Yuelin looked at Yuna in confusion.

It may be that life is so peaceful that Qiu Yuelin even forgot that she also owns 100% of the shares of 720 Antivirus Company.

Yuna looked at Qiu Yuelin in astonishment: "Miss Qiu, why do you say this? Isn't all the shares of 720 Antivirus Company in your hands? You are in control of the entire destiny of 720 Antivirus Company."

Qiu Yuelin's pretty face froze, and she said a little embarrassedly: "I-I forgot about this."


"The 720 antivirus company has already landed in Beautiful Country, Cherry Blossom Country, Peninsula Southeast Asia, and Europe, and has controlled the antivirus software market with a population of more than one billion people. Don't you know that the monthly profit exceeds one billion?"

Yuna asked with a wry smile.

Qiu Yuelin nodded honestly: "I don't know, my father and my husband take care of the company, I don't care.


It seemed that she still didn't know enough about this little girl.

But it doesn't matter, the more innocent and ignorant the little girl is, the easier it is to be fooled.

"Miss Qiu, let me be blunt with you. Our beautiful government appreciates talents like you very much. 100% of the shares of 720 Antivirus Company are in your hands. You can decide the fate and future of this company."

"As long as you nod your head and move the company's headquarters to the beautiful country, we will immediately prepare a beautiful country green card for you, making Miss Qiu a true citizen of the beautiful country.

"This company is too talented in Huaxia, and the business environment of Huaxia is simply not enough for it to develop."

"In the beautiful country, with the support of the government, Miss Qiu's 720 antivirus company can definitely become a world-class Internet hegemon and grow into a company like Microsoft. 35

Yuna is a special agent, she directly resorted to mental brainwashing, trying to deceive Qiu Yuelin, the actual controller of the 720 antivirus company, to the beautiful country.

Everyone has passed, will it be difficult to control this antivirus software company that is in the limelight and sweeping the world?

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