Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

329: Qiu Yuelin: I advise you not to say that, my husband hears it, you will all be in trouble

Many people have seen Zhiyin and Yilin, right?

However, many people did not respond back then, but these two magazines are well-known gathering places.

The articles in it are all soft articles that seem reasonable, but are brainwashing you all the time.

To give a few examples.

Sakura Country toilet water can be drunk directly.

The stinky ditch in Sakura Country is very clear and can be used for raising fish.

Plates at Sakura Country Restaurant have to be washed seven times before they can be used.

German sewers can still be used for a hundred years, and the drainage performance is first-class.

The underworld gangsters of the beautiful country gathered at the entrance of the game hall. When they saw old and weak women and children entering, they would give way to friendly gentlemen.

British gentlemanly and so on.

When I was a child, I didn't understand anything, and I was crazy and brainwashed by these things.

Later, I had my own judgment, and there were some real videos sent back by some travel experts to know how ridiculous these foreign propaganda were.

The toilets in Sakura Country are produced in China, and there is no water purification system at all, let alone drinking directly, and bacteria are rampant.

The stinky ditch in the Sakura Country can't raise fish either. Most of them, like Huaxia, can only discharge sewage. When it rains, the stench is unbearable.

The dishes will not be washed seven times. One time is considered basic, and both sides are considered conscience.

The masters of frying tempura and kneading sushi for hundreds of years are just bragging. According to this, any old man or lady who has fried fritters for decades on Huaxia Street is a master.

In Venice, the water holy land, sewage is directly discharged into the water, and it stinks badly in summer, just like a public toilet.

The sewers in Germany cannot be used for a hundred years, and many of them are built in modern times, and when it rains, they will flood the mountains.

The most ridiculous thing is that the beautiful country gangsters have all received quality education since childhood and are gangsters, but they will treat the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled with courtesy.

When I saw this article, Qi Lin almost laughed.

The idiot shepherd woman who wrote this was walking past the black community and making sure her mother didn't even recognize her.

As for the last British man, the most gentlemanly, romantic and rich.

Ha ha, according to authoritative data from the World Human Rights Organization survey, British men are the country with the highest risk of domestic violence.

As long as your favorite team loses in the game, you go back to beat your wife.

Such mentally handicapped articles are still believed by many people 20 years later, especially those women's rights on the scarf are regarded as bibles, and they are shown every day.

Qiu Yuelin also grew up under the influence of public knowledge and countless brainwashing weekly magazines.

If she is single, she really wants to go abroad to see if those countries are like fairyland on earth as written in magazines and periodicals.

Can't blame her for this.

After all, the environment is like this. In this era, many ignorant people have been deceived to go abroad and have seen the cruel side of foreign countries.

Some people will say that people from abroad always say that it's not good to go abroad, why haven't they seen them come back?

Stupid stuff.

Once the Huaxia ID card is cancelled, it is basically impossible to come back. This is the first point.

The second point is that they live abroad and have been assimilated by the local environment. The children's education, work, and living environment are all fixed. It is easier said than done if they want to abandon all these and come back.

Always remember a sentence, the poor are poor wherever they go, and their unrestrained life abroad has nothing to do with you.

The wealthy community in foreign countries is the real paradise. They just listen to the public opinion and shout that there is no human rights. Those who go abroad are just humble cannon fodder.

Instead of fantasizing about going abroad every day and living an unrealistic obscenity without oppression and survival pressure, it is better to work hard to enrich yourself.

There is a saying that makes sense: if you have real talent and practical knowledge, you can become a middle-class no matter where you go, and you can live a life of excellence in China, in the beautiful country, and in the cherry blossom country.

The environment is never the fetters that affect a person's good life, but his ignorance.

The unemployment rate of those developed countries in Europe and the United States is often 40 to 50 percent, and they will not joke with you.

"I'm sorry, my husband is from China, where he is, I will stay there""

When Qiu Yuelin heard that Yuna was going to invite her to the Beautiful Country, her pretty face was slightly stunned.

However, she immediately rejected Yuna with a smile without hesitation.

What a joke, Qiu Yuelin herself is the daughter of a billionaire family.

Now I'm doing a career I like and have a happy love. When my brain is flooded, I want to follow Yuna to the beautiful country.

Yuna didn't find the problem at all, and still bewitched Qiu Yuelin: "These are small problems, you can take your husband to the beautiful country, and you can even take your parents with you.

"Our beautiful country has human rights and freedom, and even the air is sweet. The life of the rich is far beyond your imagination. It is definitely not comparable to China. 99

Hearing Yuna's constant devaluation of Huaxia, Qiu Yuelin frowned slightly: "Miss Yuna, I advise you not to say that, if my husband hears these words, you will be in trouble.

When Qiu Yuelin said that she would be in trouble, Yuna was stunned for a moment, and then she couldn't help laughing.

Beautiful countries are global hegemons.

And she's the best NSA agent ever.

Can a Chinese man get her in trouble?

He would not dare to give him ten courage.

"So, Miss Qiu doesn't want to ask for a green card from our beautiful country?

Yuna asked with a sigh, as if feeling sorry for Qiu Yuelin.

"Not very interested.""

Because of Yuna's words, she no longer has much affection for this woman.

"Well, let's talk about business directly. Your father withdrew the 720 antivirus company to Huaxia. This kind of hot-headed behavior is very unacceptable. We are only doing routine inspections. He doesn't need to have such a big deal. reaction.

"Our network security department in the United States is not a place for small belly, as long as your father is willing to move the branch back, those details can be discussed later.

Yuna's tone is arrogant, it is obvious that the beautiful country is in trouble now and needs help from the 720 anti-virus company, but it is like a charity to the 720 anti-virus company.

Qiu Yuelin probably figured out something.

His father is introverted and not a person who likes to lose his temper. If the government of the beautiful country was not too pushy, he would not have withdrawn the branch.

This Yuna should have looked for her father, but her father did not agree.

Yuna didn't know where she got the news. Knowing that the shares of 720 Antivirus Company were all in her hands, she wanted to use herself as a breakthrough.

"I'm sorry, I never interfere in the company's affairs. I don't understand any of the business issues you mentioned. Please go to my father to talk about it."

Qiu Yuelin is very smart.

Qi Lin gave her 100% of the shares, which was her favor.

It would be good for her to live her life as a wealthy daughter. These business matters should be handled by big men like Qi Lin.

Qiu Yuelin didn't give Yuna another chance to pester her, she got up and turned to leave.

Looking at Qiu Yuelin's back, Yuna did not appear meaningful.

It seemed that the task this time was not as simple as she imagined.

However, Yuna is a beautiful NSA ace after all.

She is not in a hurry when things are progressing and encountering difficulties.

Prepare to go back to collect more information first, and then start with this matter.

However, when Yuna walked out of the office, she was stopped by someone.

"Miss Yuna? I want to work with you.""

A young man in his thirties appeared in front of Yuna.

That's right, this person was Hu Bing, who was hiding outside the office and eavesdropping on the past.

Knowing that Qiu Yuelin had left, he dared to find Yuna.

Yuna had long known that someone was eavesdropping outside the window.

She looked at the man in a suit in front of her with interest: "Find me to cooperate? Come and listen."5

Looking at Yuna in front of him, Hu Bing couldn't help clenching his fists.

Because his father was seriously ill, Hu Bing, who was short of money, had to jump into the pit that Qi Lin dug for him.

He married an old and ugly woman, and he had to force a smile every day to maintain this relationship, otherwise he would not be able to get his father's medical bills.

This kind of life makes his life worse than death every day.

If Yuna does not appear, then Hu Bing will most likely lie dormant for the rest of his life and die in grief.

But Yuna's appearance gave him hope.

If a business negotiator from the Beautiful Country can also give Qiu Yuelin a Green Card from the Beautiful Country, then she must have high authority.

Hu Bing is also a poisoner of bosom friend Yilin. He believes that the beautiful country is a fairyland on earth. It is better to immigrate to the country by himself than to earn two or three thousand wages in the country. Maybe he can cure his father's disease.

The most important thing is that if he and Yuna can slap Qi Lin hard and take revenge for the loss he suffered at Qi Lin's hands during this period, it would be perfect.

"I know that Miss Yuna wants to take Qiuyuelin to the beautiful country. 35

"She is a very filial person. I have a way to deceive her mother. When you use her mother to threaten her, she will definitely have to go to the beautiful country with you."5

"When she goes to the beautiful country with you, you let her mother go, and when she arrives in the beautiful country, it will be too late to regret it.

Hu Bing's eyes had a hint of sinisterness, and he gave Yuna a poisonous plan.

Yuna looked at Hu Bing with a smile, and then asked: "You can't help me for nothing, right? Tell me what conditions do you want me to promise you?

Hu Bing said without hesitation: "My conditions are very simple, as long as Miss Yuna promises to give me a beautiful national green card and arrange a job as a teacher, I will deceive Qiu Yuelin's mother. 35

Yuna said earlier that she didn't want to reveal her identity as a trump card so quickly, otherwise she would be on Huaxia's blacklist, and it would be difficult to come here to complete the task in the future.

Hu Bing's idea is good, but Yuna doesn't want to accept it.

"It's a good idea, I'll think about it.

Yuna said with an ambiguous smile, then turned to leave.

Seeing that Yuna didn't promise him right away, Hu Bing said anxiously: "Miss Yuna, Qiu Yuelin's husband Qi Lin is very cunning, and has a powerful force behind it. The longer the delay, the less chance of success. It's even harder if you want to achieve your goals.

Hearing Hu Bing's words, Yuna's beautiful eyes flashed a smile.

It turns out that Qiu Yuelin's husband is also someone who is not easy to mess with, so she can't act rashly.

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