Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

331: Maid Uiharu and the Unspeakable Secret of the Boss

"Mr. Hu Bing, I thought about it for a while, and I think your plan is the best one. You can deceive Qiu Yuelin's mother and leave it to me."

Yuna dialed Hu Bing's cell phone and said lightly.

Seeing Yuna calling herself so quickly, Hu Bing was pleasantly surprised.

"Miss Yuna, don't worry, I do such a dangerous thing for you, you have to give me some protection, right?"

"My father is still seriously ill, and now I need help very much.

Hu Bing wasn't stupid, but seeing Yuna getting anxious, he started to talk about conditions instead.

Yuna saw a lot of such greedy people, she chuckled: "It's easy, I'll pay 100,000 meters to your bank card immediately, and when Qiu Yuelin promises to go to Beautiful Country with me, I'll take you with me."

"You are so smart, our government in the beautiful country needs people like you very much, and when you go to the beautiful country, you will definitely be able to show your skills there.


This is the true face of outreach.

It sounds high-sounding, but in fact, Hu Bing has dug a deadly trap.

"Miss Yuna said that, I'm relieved.

Hu Bing was overwhelmed by the upcoming new life and couldn't help but be overjoyed.

At the same time, he sneered in his heart: "Qi Lin, I won't play with you anymore. If I can't fight you, won't I live in another place?"

"But before you leave, you must try hard and try hard, and then deceive Qiu Yuelin to the beautiful country, and make you suffer for the rest of your life.

hang up the phone.

Yuna said to Qi Lin: "Mr. Qi Lin, I did what you asked me to do, the negotiation? 35

Qi Lin smiled and said, "When this matter is over, Miss Yuna will wait for me at the 720 Antivirus Company.

Although the negotiation time is not now, since Qi Lin agreed to negotiate, it is a good start.

When Qiu Yuelin went home at noon, she found that there was an extra pair of men's shoes at the door.

"Mom, are there any guests at home?"

Qiu Yuelin asked curiously while changing out her small brown leather shoes.

She was wearing a long off-white sweater and black pantyhose today.

This kind of collocation has a ladylike style and is very warm in the late autumn season.

"I guessed wrong, there are no guests at home, but your husband is here.

Suddenly, Qiu Yuelin was picked up from behind, and then left the ground in a circle.


Qiu Yuelin first screamed.

Then, her beautiful eyes lit up with joy, and her pretty face sneered: "Don't turn around, you bastard, let me down, I'm dizzy.

Sure enough, when Qi Lin let Qiu Yuelin down.

Her little black silk feet stepped on the floor, just like she was drunk, she couldn't find her way, and she stumbled, both cute and funny.

Qi Lin simply picked her up again and sat on the sofa.

"You bastard, remember that this is also your home? You don't go to school, and you don't come to my home. It's like the person I married wasn't you."

Qiu Yuelin was of course happy to see Qi Lin.

But when she thought that this bastard hadn't come to her for more than half a month, she couldn't help but scold her.

"I've been busy with 720 Antivirus recently. The business negotiation team in Beautiful Country has already approached you, right?"

"The influence of this incident is not only about you and me, but even about the international situation. The small family is important, but only by protecting everyone, our small family can be safe, right?"

Qi Lin is here to fool Qiu Yuelin again.

But Qiu Yuelin was not the little Virgin from before, so she was so foolish.

Her plain-white jade hand lightly beat Qi Lin's chest, and said in a coquettish voice, "When did you become so patriotic? I think you have too many confidantes, and you can't even remember a wife like me.

Congratulations to Miss Qiuyuelin.

She guessed right.

But Qi Lin is also impossible to admit, right?

"Don't believe me, do you? Then I'll tell you more shocking news.

"After my close follow-up investigation for a week, your old friend Hu Bing is brewing a big conspiracy."

Qi Lin pretended to be serious.

"Hey, you bastard, can you stop talking nonsense? When will Hu Bing become my old friend? It's clear that my boyfriend is only you from the beginning to the end, and now he is married to you. If you say this again, I will be angry. .

Qiu Yuelin puffed out her mouth, and her beautiful eyes showed a hint of dissatisfaction.

Qi Lin was just teasing Qiu Yuelin. He pinched his wife's cheek. He smiled and continued, "I see, your love belongs to me alone, right?"

Qiu Yuelin's pretty face blushed slightly: "It's disgusting, narcissistic bastard, who loves you... By the way, what's wrong with you saying that Hu Bing is preparing conspiracies? He is not with Ma Dan. Are you doing well? That Ma Dan is pregnant with his child, why is he still uneasy about giving birth? 99

Qi Lin's dark eyes flashed with playfulness: "Some people think that their life is too long, and they like to do it.

"Knowing that Yuna is the business negotiator of Beautiful Country, he took the initiative to approach Yuna and said that as long as he kidnapped your mother, he could force you to obey and follow Yuna to Beautiful Country.

"And the reason why he did this is to get a green card in a beautiful country and go to a beautiful country to live a life of the highest class."

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Qiu Yuelin was stunned for a moment, and then a flash of anger flashed across her pretty face.

"How could Hu Bing do this? Even if I didn't choose him, I've never done anything to hurt him?"

"He's going to kidnap my mother just for a green card, is it crazy?"

Qi Lin kissed Qiu Yuelin's moist little mouth and said with a smile, "That's why I'm here to be your savior. If I don't show up, you'll most likely want his way. 99

Qiu Yuelin leaned delicately into Qi Lin's arms: "I know you are the best, as long as you are here, no one can hurt me, right? 35

"That's for sure.

Qi Lin played with Qiu Yuelin's little black feet and said with a smile.

In other words, thickened cotton pantyhose is not as comfortable as black silk.

This made Qi Lin start to miss summer again.

"Since you already know that Hu Bing is going to do this, husband, how are we going to deal with him?"

Qiu Yuelin's beautiful eyes suddenly had a hint of curiosity, and she asked Qi Lin with her big fluttering eyes.

Qi Lin smiled lightly: "Just take the plan and wait for Hu Bing to call.

Two in the afternoon.

Qiu Yuelin is going to school.

She asked Qi Lin's opinion, and Qi Lin told her to go back to school normally.

Three in the afternoon.

Qi Lin, who was waiting at Qiuyuelin's villa, finally received a call from Hu Bing.

That's right, Qiu Mu's mobile phone is in Qi Lin's hands.

Pressing the speakerphone, Hu Bing's anxious voice came from the phone: "Auntie, it's not good, Yuelin suddenly fainted in school, and her face was pale, the situation is particularly dangerous, you come to school quickly.

Not to mention, Hu Bing's acting skills are still good. If Qiu's mother, who didn't know it, heard the news, maybe she didn't think about it, and she didn't call Qiu Yuelin to confirm, so she went to school in a panic.

At that time, halfway through the road, Hu Bing stopped her car, saying that Qiu Yuelin had been sent to a certain hospital, and he drove Qiu Mu to go there.


In this way, a kidnapping case is simply completed.

Qiu Mu was looking at Qi Lin at this time, meaning to ask herself what to do.

Qi Lin covered the mouth of the microphone and laughed softly, "Just follow what I taught you just now."

Qiu Mu nodded, and then jumped into acting.

Her tone was hurried, with a hint of anxiety and crying: "Ah? Why did this child Yuelin have such a big accident? Then I'll drive to school now?"

After speaking, she looked at Qi Lin again, meaning to ask how she was doing.

Qi Lin gave a thumbs up and gave an appreciative smile.

Qiu Mu also couldn't help laughing and was satisfied with her performance.

"Auntie, be careful on the way, I'm standing beside Yuelin now. By the way, don't call Yuelin later, just call me, because her cell phone is also with me."

Hu Bing added.

Qiu Mu said quickly: "Okay, I understand. 35

Then, she hung up the phone.

"Xiao Lin, is there anything else I can help you with?"

Qiu Mu's eyes were full of anger.

Thanks to her discerning eyes, she finally chose Qi Lin as her son-in-law.

If he really chooses Hu Bing, he doesn't know how he will harm him.

"Mom, just rest at home, I promise you, this time, Hu Bing will be sent to prison.

Qi Lin smiled and comforted Qiu Mu.

Qiu Mu nodded and said angrily, "It's better for this kind of person to stay inside for the rest of his life, so as not to come out and harm others."

After Qi Xueyao was pregnant, Qi Lin stopped her from driving.

But in order to facilitate Qi Xueyao to go shopping, Chuchun was arranged to learn to drive and get a driver's license.

Now that Qi Lin just wanted someone, he brought this gentle little maid out.

"I will disguise you now, and you will let Hu Bing kidnap you later, if he does anything to you, then you don't have to be polite and control him directly.

"If he just lied to you and waited for others, don't talk and accompany him to finish the play.

Qi Lin told Chu Chun the details of the mission.

Since Hu Bing was to be eliminated once and for all, the heavier the crime that was arranged for him, the better.

The first is the crime of kidnapping, the second is the crime of endangering public security with a sharp weapon, and the last is the crime of treason and espionage.

With these charges added, it is difficult for Hu Bing not to die.

Chuchun watched helplessly as he was transformed into the appearance of Qiu's mother.

Although she had long known that the boss had this incredible ability, she was still shocked by Qi Lin's bizarre disguise technique.

"Remember to protect yourself, but don't let Hu Bing take advantage.

Asking Chuchun to drive a car from Qiu's family, Qi Lin told Chuchun again.

"Got it, boss."

Uiharu said in a soft voice.

At the same time, she couldn't help but start thinking wildly.

She is obviously just the bodyguard of the Qi family, why doesn't the boss like her being taken advantage of by other men?

Recently, Chuchun also accidentally saw the Sakura Country comics that Lan Yuxi brought home some time ago.

It tells the unspeakable secrets of the maid and the boss.

And her work uniform, these maid skirts are all bought by the boss.

Is the boss....

Chu Chun felt a little shy in his heart.

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