Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

332: Hu Bing's dead end, everyone is acting, only he takes it seriously

After changing the face for Chuchun, Qi Lin got out of the car.

He was going to go to school to find Qiu Yuelin to watch a good show.

As for Chuchun himself, he followed Qi Lin's instructions and drove towards the No. 1 High School attached to China Normal University.

When she was about to arrive at the First Affiliated Middle School of China Normal University, Yi Rong became Qiu Mu's early spring, and the car was stopped by someone.

Looking at the man in front of him, Chuchun knew that this was the Hu Bing the boss said.

Qi Lin had shown her a photo of this man.

Hu Bing came over and knocked on the car window, signaling Chuchun to open the car window.

Chuchun knew that she was playing a mother who was in a mess for the safety of her daughter.

However, she couldn't speak, because her voice was different from Qiu Mu's, and she was revealed as soon as she spoke.

But it doesn't matter, Hu Bing didn't plan to give 'Qiu Mu' a chance to speak.

"Auntie, you don't have to go to school, Yuelin has just been sent to the hospital."

"You are very sad in your heart now that you are willing to drive, your mood is unstable, and it is not suitable to drive in this state, so let me do the driving.

Hu Bing said with good intentions.

'Qiu Mu' nodded quickly, then got out of the car and sat in the passenger seat.

Looking at Qiu Mu who was controlled by his acting skills, Hu Bing showed a smug smile at the corner of his mouth, and then sat in the driver's seat.

"It's not good to kidnap anyone, but "827" dares to kidnap the boss's wife's mother."

"It is estimated that this Hu Bing is very proud at the moment, but he does not know that his death is coming soon. 99

Chuchun glanced at Hu Bing through the rearview mirror, and smiled faintly in his heart.

In the end, the car did not stop at the entrance of the hospital, but stopped on an inaccessible road.

Seeing this scene, Chuchun knew that it was time for him to smash his acting skills.

"You... What is this place? Where is Yuelin?

She asked in ambiguous words 'panic'.

Hu Bing didn't care about Chuchun's somewhat deformed voice, he just thought it was caused by her being too nervous.

He smiled lightly and said: "Auntie, don't be nervous, I have no ill will towards you, and Yuelin is fine. When I finish one thing, you and Yuelin will be able to reunite naturally. 55

After speaking, Hu Bing locked the car so that Qiu Mu could not escape.

After doing all this, Hu Bing immediately called Yuna: "Miss Yuna, Qiu Yuelin's mother has been tricked out by me, come and pick her up, then it's up to you.

Yuna is now with Qi Lin.

Unfortunately, Qiu Yuelin was also beside them.

The phone is hands-free.

Hearing that Hu Bing had really kidnapped her mother, Qiu Yuelin's pretty face was full of anger, and she wanted to tear this scum to pieces.

"Don't be in a hurry, you don't vote like this, and finally do one thing for me. You call to threaten Qiu Yuelin and see how she reacts.

Yuna said with a smile.

Hu Bing didn't expect Yuna to change her mind temporarily and increase the price, and a flash of anger flashed on his face: "Miss Yuna, we agreed that I will only help you deceive Qiu Yuelin's mother. 99

Yuna said calmly, "Well, since you don't cooperate, then our deal will end here, and I'm going to be a beautiful country."

"It's just that you are miserable. You kidnapped someone and offended that Qi Lin. It is estimated that you will end up badly in the future."5


Zhiyin and Yilin are actually fucking liars, who said that people in the beautiful country are honest?

Hu Bing had no way out. If Qi Lin knew that he had kidnapped Qiu Yuelin's mother, there would be more terrifying revenge waiting for him later.

"I can personally call and threaten Qiu Yuelin, but you must add 100,000 meters of gold, and call now, otherwise, even if I risk being arrested, I will not continue. 99

Hu Bing gritted his teeth and said.

"This is a trivial matter, the biggest advantage of our beautiful country is that it has a lot of money.

Yuna smiled lightly and hung up the phone.

After a while, Hu Bing's mobile phone actually received the account information.

With 200,000 meters of gold in the bank card, Hu Bing felt a little more secure.

He hesitated for a moment, and then called Qiu Yuelin.

"Husband, Hu Bing is calling."

Qiu Yuelin held her phone, and her beautiful eyes looked at Qi Lin beside her.

"Go ahead, my recorder is ready."

Qi Lin smiled lightly, playing with the voice recorder in his hand.

It was also his idea to let Yuna tell Hu Bing that he needed to threaten Qiu Yuelin in person.

With this evidence, Hu Bing's life is over.

Qiu Yuelin nodded before connecting to the phone.

"Yue Lin, if it wasn't for your blind eye and your eyes on Qi Lin, we wouldn't be able to get to this point."

Hu Bing said in a deep voice.

"What the hell are you trying to say? If that's all, then I'm hanging up, and you don't want to call me again."5

Qiu Yuelin knew what Hu Bing wanted to do, and her voice was cold.

"Don't be so aggressive, you don't have the right to speak now, let me tell you the truth, Qiu Yuelin, your mother is in my hands now, if you don't have an accident with her, just obey Miss Yuna's conditions and go to the beautiful country with her. ."

Hu Bing's eyes had a hint of a smile, as if he was holding a winning ticket.

"Hu Bing, you despicable and shameless bastard, if you have anything to do with me, why did you kidnap my mother?"

Qiu Yuelin said excitedly.

The person Hu Bing kidnapped was actually Chuchun, Qi Lin didn't tell Qiu Yuelin about this, she really thought it was her mother.

"Thanks to Qi Lin, I learned these methods from him, and now I know how cool it is to be a bad guy."

"It's just that I realized it a little late. If I had known this earlier, Qi Lin wouldn't be able to take you away."

"Okay, there's not much time left for you, hurry up and contact Miss Yuna, if it takes more than half an hour and Miss Yuna doesn't move, you'll never see your mother in your life.

Speaking of this, Hu Bing directly hung up the phone.

"Husband, what should I do now? Hu Bing really kidnapped my mother. 99

Qiu Yuelin was crying, and her beautiful eyes looked at Qi Lin anxiously.

Qi Lin smiled lightly and whispered in Qiu Yuelin's ear.

"So this is ah."

Qiu Yuelin's beautiful eyes lit up on the side, and the worries in her heart were also put down.

Yuna's expression was flat, but her heart was full of curiosity.

What did Qi Lin say to Qiu Yuelin that could calm her flustered heart so quickly.

"Well~ after a long time of tossing, I can finally close the net this time."

Qi Lin stretched his back.

In the recorder, there is a real recording of Hu Bing's threats to kidnap hostages.

Although Yuna paid 200,000 meters to Hu Bing, she used an anonymous foreign account.

The phone card she used to contact Hu Bing was also an anonymous phone card.

After eliminating the calling card, Hu Bing had no evidence to correct Yuna.

Instead, he will be charged with treason because of a huge amount of assets of unknown origin.  …

Qi Lin contacted Lan Gang here, and Hu Bing contacted Yuna immediately.

"Miss Yuna, I've already contacted Qiu Yuelin. With her character, she will definitely obey."

"How is the arrangement that you promised me? Qi Lin is too insidious, I'm going to take a plane to the beautiful country now. 99

Hu Bing's fear of Qi Lin has gone deep into his bones.

Although he has succeeded now, he still wants to leave Huaxia immediately, the sooner the better.

"Where are you now? I'm here to find you, and arrange to leave the beautiful country by the way.

Yuna said with a smile.

Hearing Yuna's words, Hu Bing was overjoyed: "I am on the second road of Huangxiang Road, the construction section at the fork. 35

20 minutes later.

Hu Bing did not wait for Yuna, but waited for more than a dozen police cars with live ammunition to surround him.

He didn't even have a chance to react to Hu Bing.

"Hu Bing, kidnapping is a crime, and the only way out is to release the hostages immediately.

Lan Gang is already an old actor, although he still doesn't know what Qi Lin is doing.

However, Hu Bing's kidnapping of others has solid evidence and fully meets the standard of arrest by the police.

Looking at the police who surrounded him in front of him, Hu Bing felt despair in his heart.

He had already done enough concealment in this matter, and he cooperated perfectly with Yuna's side. He didn't understand what he did wrong, and he was surrounded by the police so quickly.

But Hu Bing was unwilling to be captured.

A fierce light flashed in his eyes, he opened the car door on the side of 'Qiu Mu' as protection, and then took out a dagger and aimed it at the neck of 'Qiu Mu'.

"Back off, back all for me, or I'll kill her!

Just when Hu Bing was about to gamble, Qi Lin, Qiu Yuelin and Yuna appeared.

"Hu Bing, you are a beast, let my mother go!

Qiu Yuelin already knew that this woman who looked exactly like Qiu Mu was not her own mother.

But she still acted there according to Qi Lin's instructions.

Hu Bing didn't have time to pay attention to Qiu Yuelin at this moment, but stared at You Na who was standing beside Qi Lin.

He figured it out, it was the woman 3.6 who betrayed him. She had no idea of ​​taking her to the Beautiful Country at all, but chose to stand on Qi Lin's side.

"Why? Why do you all stand on Qi Lin's side? What's so good about him? He's obviously more sinister, more shameless, and more vicious than me. Are you all blind?"

Hu Bing roared out of control.

"Yuna, you unbelievable bitch, you betray me, you will cooperate with Qi Lin, you will regret it later.

At the same time, he scolded Yuna.

"If I were you, I would definitely put down the dagger now, surrender voluntarily, and strive for leniency.

"If you really use a knife, you won't even have the last chance to transform."

The corners of Qi Lin's mouth were slightly raised, and he ignored Hu Bing's abuse and made a joke.

He wasn't joking.

Hu Bing voluntarily surrendered, although the crime was still very serious, with a minimum sentence of 20 years in prison.

But after a good transformation in the cell, it is estimated that it will be released in less than ten years.

If Hu Bing used the knife, he would be punished with the same punishment for multiple offenses, and he would not run away from life imprisonment.

Also, don't forget who he's holding hostage right now.

It was Chuchun, a master of soft boxing, who was kidnapped. If Qi Lin hadn't asked her to cooperate with Hu Bing in acting, Chuchun would have punched him long ago.

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