Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

333: Hu Bing: Grass mud horse, Qiu Yuelin's mother is actually a master?

What Hu Bing hated most was Qi Lin.

His opening, on the contrary, aroused Hu Bing's ferocity.

He suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed with a grim expression: "It's okay if you don't remind me, anyway, it's all dead, I'll kill Qiu Yuelin's mother now. 99

"Qiu Yuelin, remember, I killed your mother entirely because of this shit, if you hate him, you will hate him for the rest of your life!

Hu Bing's heart can be punished!

I have never fought Qi Lin in my life.

Now even in death, he would be disgusted by Qi Lin, causing a gap between him and Qiu Yuelin.

After saying this, Hu Bing's eyes were crazy, he raised his dagger and stabbed it towards 'Qiu Mu'.

While committing murder, he shouted: "Die! Give me all to die!

"Stop me!"

Seeing that Hu Bing was about to kill, Lan Gang's face changed, and he was about to order a sniper to kill him.

But Lan Gang's order was blocked by Qi Lin.

"Don't move for now, don't worry, there will be no problem with the hostages."

Qi Lin squeezed Lan Gang's hand and shook his head.

Seeing Qi Lin's determined expression, Lan Gang glared at him.

What is this kid kidding?

If the hostage really died in front of him, then his deputy director would also have to bear the cauldron.


What happened the next second left Lan Gang stunned.


Hu Bing's dagger was stuck.

But immediately blocked by the car door, under the unseeable sight, he was kicked out.

Immediately after, a seemingly weak show fist hit Hu Bing's jaw directly.

Hu Bing, who was 1.0775 meters tall and very strong, was just flown out.

When Hu Bing landed heavily, those policemen woke up like a dream and rushed up to control Hu Bing.

"Crazy! Crazy! Totally crazy!

"Why does Qiu Yuelin still know martial arts?"

Hu Bing didn't understand all of this at all. He was held tightly, bloodshot at the corners of his mouth, and muttered to himself.

"There are so many things you can't think of.

"Tell me, how do you feel now?

Qi Lin had already walked in front of Hu Bing, while Qiu Yuelin was holding her husband's arm.

"Ha ha···......

Hu Bing laughed in despair: "If you can't fight, you can't fight, I have nothing to say, kill me, I don't want to live like this for a long time.

The beloved woman was snatched by Qi Lin.

Father is seriously ill.

Married another woman who would have nightmares when sleeping together.

Hu Bing, like Wang Cheng, suffered a tragic fate under the influence of Qi Lin's giant pits.

"Want to die? 35

Qi Lin didn't know when, he had already leaned into Hu Bing's ear and said with a chuckle, "Do you know why you lost so badly? Because you are surrounded by all my people.

"Your wife Ma Dan is my employee, and Yuna is just a bitch begging me to do things. Do you really think she will take you to the beautiful country? 99

"And right now, the prison you're going to go to is all my people.

"I won't let you eat a gun directly, I will let the big guys inside take care of you a lot, and let you taste the feeling of being a woman."

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Hu Bing's expression changed from stunned at the beginning to panic at the back.

Death is not terrible, but the thought of being imprisoned in prison for a lifetime, and being swallowed by dry skin, even made him tremble.

Just when he wanted to keep yelling and let Qi Lin kill him, an unexpected person appeared.

Ma Dan, who was almost two months pregnant, rushed up crying.

The police wanted to stop her, but under Qi Lin's signal, they asked Ma Dan to see Hu Bing for the last time.

"A Bing, why are you so stupid? You have a good life, but why do you want to kidnap others?"

Hu Bing glanced at Ma Dan in disgust: "What a good life, I used to rely on you to give me money to cure my father's illness, I just didn't show it.

"Actually, I think you are very ugly, and every day you spend with you is very disgusting. From beginning to end, I have no feelings for you at all. 55

"I and you are both people who were used by Qi Lin. He wanted the shares in your hands, and he wanted my life to be worse than death, so he brought us together...

Ma Dan interrupted Hu Bing's words with a cry: "I know, I know all this, but I really love you, I take your presence as a gift from God to me, you are handsome and handsome, you are erudite and talented , You are my Prince Charming, I know you hate me, but I am willing to be used by Qi Lin.

Speaking of this, Ma Dan suddenly turned and knelt down in front of the police, crying in despair: "You arrest me, you arrest me quickly, I am the real mastermind behind the scenes, and this matter has nothing to do with Hu Bing. ."

Looking at Ma Dan, who was crying, and his expression was deformed, Hu Bing was stunned, and some things that were sealed were slowly revealed.

He remembered what his deceased mother had taught him.

"A soldier, look for a daughter-in-law in the future, if you have conditions, find someone who loves you, and you love her too, if you don't have conditions, find someone who loves you, but you don't have to be sorry, don't find someone you love , but doesn't love you at all, or you'll suffer for the rest of your life."5

Hu Bing took a deep breath and looked up at the sky.

Strings of tears kept falling from the corners of his eyes.

He seemed to have missed something, and seemed to have done something wrong.

But what's the use of talking about it now?

Everything in the past, after all, there is no chance to regret it again.

"I should be what you want to see now, right?

"Qi Lin, I have never begged anyone in my life. Finally, I beg you, don't hurt my wife, don't hurt my children."

Hu Bing said to Qi Lin calmly, as if he had seen through something.

For the former hero of the novel, Qi Lin just smiled lightly, and his black eyes did not waver.

For a villain, mercy is the last thing needed.

Hu Bing was taken away, and Qi Lin walked to Ma Dan, who was sitting limply on the ground.

"Kill the child in the stomach, otherwise Hu Bing will not see the sun tomorrow."

"Leaving Huamei Zixin and having a peaceful day, this is not the place you should stay.

Qi Lin said lightly.

There are too many examples where the protagonist's descendants seek revenge from the villain. Although Qi Lin has the confidence to kill any protagonist's descendants, he doesn't want to take any risk.

The reason for Ma Dan to leave Huamei Zixin is also very simple.

Ma Dan's love for Hu Bing is too deep, and she may one day resent Qi Lin Qi Lin will do something to harm Huamei Zixin, or backstab Yan Yan.

"No! This is A Bing's only bloodline, you can never hurt him!

A flash of panic flashed in Ma Dan's eyes, and he hurriedly backed away.

"Then there is no other way. In a few days, Hu Bing will commit suicide in fear of crime, and your life will not be so peaceful in the future. 99

"I also think that you are an old man of Huamei Zixin, and I want to give you this opportunity for Yan Yan's sake."

"Finally, think about your own son. She is the one you should cherish now. For someone who doesn't love you, even your son is in danger. You are not qualified as a mother. 35

Qi Lin's tone was indifferent.

Ma Dan himself has an 18-year-old son with his ex-husband, Qi Lin reminded her.

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Ma Dan's eyes were full of despair.

"Understood, I will kill this child."

She woke up.

Hu Bing had already entered.

For Hu Bing's life, as well as her and his son's life, she had to do this.

"Go back to Huamei Zixin today to deal with this matter, otherwise, you will not be able to leave this place."

Abandoning these words, Qi Lin turned around and walked towards Chuchun's car.

Chuchun opened the car door for Qi Lin, then drove the car away from the sad place of Ma Dan.

"Husband, why did you ask my mother to open the door for you and drive the car for you!

Looking at Chuchun's appearance, Qiu Yuelin always thought it was her mother, she said coquettishly.

No way, Qi Lin's SSS-level Disguise 827 technique can restore 100% of the opponent's appearance.

"Chu Chun, my name is Sister Yuelin.

Qi Lin said to Uiharu with a smile.

"Sister Yuelin~"

Early Spring called out softly.

That unique girly voice was indeed not Qiu Mu's.

Although Qiu Mu was not really kidnapped, as long as Qiu Yuelin thought that if it wasn't for Qi Lin's intervention, Qiu Mu and herself would have been in a dangerous situation, she felt scared for a while.

"Yueyue, do you say that if our mother was really kidnapped, would you obediently agree to any request from the gangster?"

After arriving home, Qiu Mu was cooking dinner in the kitchen, Qi Lin smiled and tried Qiu Yuelin.

Qiu Yuelin pouted and held Qi Lin's arm: "You think I'm stupid, I have such a powerful husband, why should I face the gangster alone, I must ask you for help first.

Qi Lin was very satisfied with Qiu Yuelin's answer, he squeezed Qiu Yuelin's fair jaw and smiled: "My husband is very satisfied with this answer, I will reward you with a kiss."

At this time, Qiu's mother was coming over with a plate of super good dishes, when Qiu Yuelin saw this scene out of the corner of her eye, her pretty face blushed, and she pushed Qi Lin's chest: "No, my mother is here.


But as soon as she finished speaking, Qi Lin completely blocked her moist mouth.

Before eating, Qi Lin first tasted a smooth and tender fish sashimi, and drank twice the nectar juice.

After dinner, Qi Lin was going to go to 720 Antivirus Company.

After all, Yuna was still there waiting for him to negotiate.

"Husband, when will you be willing to take me away?"

Qiu Yuelin held Qi Lin's hand reluctantly and swayed on the swing.

The rich lady was originally sweet, so she was much more clingy than Qi Xueyao at the beginning.

"I'm going to negotiate with Yuna, and I'll come and pick you up next night.

Qi Lin fondly rubbed Qiu Yuelin's little head and said with a smile.


Hearing the answer she wanted to hear, Qiu Yuelin smiled sweetly, and then tidied up Qi Lin's collar before focusing on Qi Lin's departure.

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