Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

334: I'm most interested in being near a rich woman or something

"Mr. Qi Lin made me wait so long? Seeing Mr. Qi Lin like this, did he come here when he was full?"

Yuna glanced at the lip print on the corner of Qi Lin's mouth, apparently kissing a certain beauty fiercely.

She seemed to find that she understood a weakness of Qi Lin, this handsome young man should have no resistance to beauty.

"Not only are you full, but you are also full, if Miss Yuna doesn't mind, I can give you a little bit.

Qi Lin's black eyes did not hide at all, staring at Yuna's flaming red lips.

Not only in line with European and American aesthetics, but also in line with oriental aesthetics, just like Yuna, who has moist lips, and has a completely different charm from oriental beauties.

Yuna Mei rolled her eyes at Qi Lin.

She really did not expect that an eastern man's character is more open than a western man.

Unable to stand Qi Lin's frivolous character, Yuna simply cut to the point.

"No, I've already had dinner. Since Mr. Qi Lin is here, let's start the business negotiation about 720 Antivirus Company's return to the beautiful country market? 35

Qi Lin lit a cigarette, spit out a smoke ring, and smiled lightly: "Miss Yuna, just say something.

Yuna handed a document to Qi Lin, and then explained: "This is a document jointly developed by our beautiful country's cybersecurity department and the Ministry of Commerce.

"We can take a step back and stop asking for the source code of 720 Antivirus Company, but for the network data security of Beautiful Country, the top managers of the Beautiful Country branch of 720 Antivirus Company must be Beautiful Country people."

Hearing Yuna's words, Qi Lin's black eyes flashed with disdain.

In the previous life, when Douyin entered the beautiful country market, it was also a means of coercion.

Seeing that Douyin has become the most downloaded software in the APP, it is very popular among young people in beautiful countries, and it has a tendency to dominate the entertainment software in the world.

The government intervened directly, asking Douyin to hand over management rights, and the top management of the company were all replaced by beautiful Chinese.

ByteDance only has the right to dividends, and has no control over the Douyin international version of Beautiful Country.

Qi Lin didn't want 720 Antivirus to become such a puppet.

"Since Miss Yuna has taken a step back, then I will take a step back too."

"The 720 antivirus company enjoys the same treatment as a local company in a beautiful country, and is not allowed to treat it differently.

“The top management of the company are all assigned by me personally, and I can use whoever I want. 35

"But I can guarantee that all customer information stored on the company's servers will be stored in the beautiful country and will not be transmitted to any other country."

Qi Lin shook the soot and smiled lightly.

He has the system space, and he can use the most primitive method to bring all the hard drives that store the user information of the beautiful country back to China.

Beautiful country has always wanted all the information of Huaxiaguo network users, because from this information, you can get a lot of useful things.

For example, these users include university professors, scientists, weapons scientists, politicians, and such staff who control the lifeblood of China.

Through these data, we can know their contact information, hobbies, family members.

Play a great role for future penetration.

Conversely, think about it, what would happen if Qi Lin used the 720 antivirus software to steal the user information of Beautiful Country, and then hand it over to the Huaxia government?

I believe the government is very interested in these data.

In order to survive in Huaxia as a villain, Qi Lin must have interests with the Huaxia government.

Let the Chinese government treat him as a trusted partner.

As long as this relationship exists, Qi Lin can have many privileges that ordinary people cannot have.

State utilization is above all else.

If a person invents controlled nuclear fusion, but accidentally blows up a city and kills hundreds of thousands of people.

Instead of blaming, the state will protect this person like a treasure.

this is the truth.

Qi Lin, who owns the system, is such a person.

Back to the official.

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Yuna's beautiful eyes turned cold: "With all due respect, Mr. Qi Lin's conditions are too unrealistic, not only our beautiful country government will not agree, even I will not agree"

The advantage is mine.

Qi Lin shrugged indifferently: "No? Then don't talk about it, anyway, I still have the European market, the cherry blossom country market, the Southeast Asian market, and it doesn't matter if there is one less beautiful country market. 99

Yuna's tone was flat, but there was already a hint of threat: "Mr. Qi Lin may be too ignorant of the influence of our beautiful country, as long as the beautiful country really wants to intervene, not only the beautiful country market, but also the European market, the cherry blossom country market, Southeast Asia. Those countries in the market will not allow Mr. Qi Lin's company to survive there.

Qi Lin looked at Yuna with interest: "Do you mean to threaten me?"

Yuna smiled lightly: "Mr. Qi Lin really wants to think so, then I can't help it."

Qi Lin stood up, stretched his waist, and walked out with Chu Chun without looking back: "Wasting time, if you can't talk, don't look for me, it's not good for me to sleep at home with my wife in my arms during this time. ?"5

"As for what you said made me out of business, then I will wait and see to see if you really have this ability. 35

Seeing Qi Lin's back disappear into the reception room, Yuna's eyes flashed a chill.

So disregarding the beautiful country, Qi Lin was the most daring person she had ever met.

But this person is really daring and has no brains. Yuna is very interested in seeing him in the next confrontation.

"Hey, husband, why did you come back so soon?"

"How's the business going?"

Qiu Yuelin was watching TV in the living room of her villa, and Mei Mu was a little surprised when she saw Qi Lin came back in less than an hour.

Qi Lin sat down beside Qiu Yuelin, leaned against her soft embrace, and said lazily, "What else can I do? So soon, the conversation must have collapsed. 35

Qiu Yuelin's pretty face blushed slightly, but she still straightened Qi Lin's head and made him lie comfortably on the bear.

"Has the talks collapsed? Will that affect your business?"

Qiu Yuelin's tone was a little worried.

Qi Lin said with a smile: "I have the advantage. The people who are anxious should be Yuna and the government of the Beautiful Country. As long as they agree to this battle, it will be much easier for Huaxia's companies to do business in the Beautiful Country in the future, and they will no longer be so passive. Let anyone slaughter.

Seeing Qi Lin so confident, Qiu Yuelin smiled lightly and pinched her head to Qi Lin, who was squinting slightly.

"Wife Yueyue, transfer all the shares of 720 Antivirus Company in your hands to my name? You have also seen through this incident that sometimes owning these shares is not a good thing, but will bring you danger.

Suddenly, Qi Lin said to Qiu Yuelin.

Qiu Yuelin's beautiful eyes were stunned for a moment, and her face was a little hesitant.

Qi Lin suddenly wanted to take away these billions worth of shares, and Qiu Yuelin also had the illusion that she had fallen out of favor and Qi Lin didn't want her.

But after thinking about it carefully, I felt that what Qi Lin said was quite right.

This time, Yuna found her because of these shares, and she was almost kidnapped by Hu Bing.

After thinking about it, the best way to solve the problem that this will not happen again in the future is to give all the shares to Qi Lin.

Besides, the products of 720 Antivirus Company were originally designed by Qi Lin, and these things belonged to him.

"I listen to my husband.

Qiu Yuelin nodded obediently without complaining at all.

This was something Qi Lin never thought of.

He thought Qiu Yuelin would complain a few words to him.


The more obedient Qiu Yuelin is, the more Qi Lin likes her.

Smiling, Qi Lin took out a cool black centurion card from his bosom: "Take this card first, although the shares are in my hands, but you will be an honorary director of 720 Antivirus Company in the future. Dividend rights are granted every year.

Qiu Yuelin glanced at the centurion card, which was very valuable at first glance, and asked curiously, "How much money is there? How much dividends will the honorary director of 720 Antivirus Company get every year in the future?"

It's not that Qiu Yuelin is greedy for money, she is purely curious.

"This is Morgan's Centurion Knight Card, which contains 100 million Chinese coins.

"As for the dividend rights of 720 Antivirus Company, it is determined based on the non-tradable shares that I have allocated to you.

"I will assign you 10% of the non-tradable shares. If the annual net profit of 720 Antivirus Company exceeds 10 billion yuan in the future, after deducting the company's development and operating funds, your annual dividend will be at least 500 million yuan.

Qi Lin said with a smile.

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Qiu Yuelin was dumbfounded.

Because of her status as a rich family daughter, Qiu Yuelin had no concept of money.

(Money to Zhao) But she still knows the market value of her own company, which has been around four or five billion.

Now, the pocket money Qi Lin gave her is 100 million, and she will be distributed huge dividends in the future.

This is how much she loves her, and she is so generous.

If someone told her now that Qi Lin didn't love her, she would definitely slap him to death.

"Husband, Yueyue loves you to death."

Qiu Yuelin smiled and hugged Qi Lin tightly.

Qi Lin, on the other hand, narrowed his eyes slightly, indulging in the squeezing of the big bear.

"Hee hee, Yueyue is also a rich woman now, husband, it's still early, it's only after seven o'clock, why don't we go shopping? I'll cover all the expenses tonight.

Qiu Yuelin didn't want to stay at home anymore, she wanted to go out with Qi Lin to live a two-person world.

"I'm most interested in being close to a rich woman or something. Since you want to take care of me, what are you waiting for?"

Qi Lin sat up slightly reluctantly, broke away from Qiu Yuelin's embrace, and smiled.

He had a hunch that Qiu Yuelin might take the initiative to throw her arms around her tonight.

And today, he will finally win this Bai Fumei sister, a sweet girl who is naturally white and thin.

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