Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

342: No! You Must Not Be Tempted By The Assassination Target!

The gate of Ode to Joy community.

"Wait, the moving company's car will be here soon."

Qi Lin said to Matsushima Yuna.

Chuchun continued to pretend to be Qi Lin and Qiu Yuelin, holding Qi Lin's arm, and waiting beside him.

Half an hour later, a fully loaded moving company finally arrived late.

The daughter of an ordinary family is completely different from the wealth of a rich family.

When the moving company brought down boxes of packed packages, Matsushima Kirina was a little shocked.

There are hundreds of pairs of shoes of all kinds.

High-heeled shoes, princess shoes, small leather shoes, long tube shoes, high-heeled sandals, flat sandals, plush shoes, sneakers, daddy shoes.

Not to mention dresses and dresses, almost reaching thousands of pieces.

Maybe after Qiu Yuelin bought a lot of clothes and brought them home, she never bought them.

Therefore, even if Hu Bing married Qiu Yuelin, it would not be easy.

Just the three consumption views of the rich daughter are inconsistent with Hu Bing.

That means Qi Lin can support this little goblin who can spend money.

There are dozens of boxes of salutes, plus some messy things. If it wasn’t for Qiu’s mother holding Qiu Yuelin and saying that the piano is not easy to move, anyway, Qi Lin is rich in your family and asked her to buy you a new one. Qiu Yuelin can pack the piano and send it over.

Qiuyue has already paid the money for moving the "173" company.

After moving all of Qiu Yuelin's belongings, they left directly.

"The moving company has already left, what are you still doing in a daze, hurry up and do it."

Qi Lin said angrily to Matsushima Yuna who was standing aside.

Matsushima Wuna glanced left and right, thinking that Qi Lin was calling someone else.

When she was sure that there was no one else around, she pointed her beautiful eyes at herself in disbelief: "Boss, what do you mean you want me to carry these things upstairs?"

Qi Lin laughed and said: "Could it be possible? These things are Miss Yuelin's favorite things, or close-fitting things. If a group of thick-handed men touch them, she should throw them all away, so these things must be let go. Your nanny is here to do it."

"But don't worry, I won't let you do it for nothing. The cost of helping to move will not be included in your salary. I will give you a bonus."

Kirina Matsushima: "..."


Bonus your sister!

It's a joke in the world.

What kind of babysitter did this guy hire?

Simply Superman!

It’s okay to let myself clean so much yesterday, but today I let myself move again.

If she didn't think about turning against Qi Lin now, all the previous efforts would have been in vain. She really wanted to rush up now and use Kunai to make ten holes in Qi Lin's neck.

Meimou rolled her eyes, and Matsushima Kirina forced a smile: "Then I will thank the boss for the bonus."

After saying this, the maid Matsushima Kirina picked up a box and walked towards the building.

Xing Yuelin bought a high-end residential complex,

Otherwise, going up and down the seventh and eighth floors, she would really go on strike and turn her face on the spot.

Looking at Matsushima Yuna's back, Qi Lin's darkness revealed a hint of playfulness.

He was deliberately causing all kinds of trouble for this female ninja. She wanted to see how strong this female ninja's endurance was and how much she was bullied by herself before she began to resist.

On the one hand, he didn't give Matsushima Kirina any chance to assassinate, on the other hand, he kept tossing the female ninja, refusing to give her food, and wasting her energy.

I have to say that Qi Lin is really bad.

'Qiu Yuelin' opened the door of the villa, then sat on the sofa with Qi Lin drinking tea, eating snacks, and directing Matsushima Wuna to work.

"Yueyue, take off your slippers, the posture of the lady witch should be more comfortable."

Qi Lin said to Chuchun with a smile.

Chuchun's pretty face froze for a moment, but she still sat on the sofa with her little white silk feet.

The next moment, Qi Lin played with her pair of delicate white silk jade feet with a leisurely look.

Sensing the boss's excessive behavior, Chuchun struggled unnaturally with a hint of shyness on her gentle and pretty face.

Qi Lin said in a low voice: "Be natural, you are my wife, if that female ninja finds out about your abnormality, it will be troublesome.

Hearing what Qi Lin said, Chuchun bit her lower lip lightly, nodded, and stopped moving, allowing Qi Lin to bully herself.

that's it.

For more than four hours in the morning, Qi Lin watched Matsushima Yuna move up and down, and finally his tired face turned pale.

Working on an empty stomach, no one knows what it feels like.

In particular, Matsushima Kirina is a skill ninja, not a power ninja.

Any box of salutes weighs tens of catties, which is really embarrassing for her.

It was hard to bring all the salutes up.

Before Kirina Matsushima took a breath, Qi Lin glanced at his watch: "Hey, it's already 12 o'clock at noon, and it happens to be a restaurant again..."

Hearing this, Matsushima Kirina's beautiful eyes had a hint of ominous premonition.

Sure enough, Qi Lin looked at himself with a smile in the next second: "Xiaofang, put these salutes here first, and clean up in the afternoon, you cook for us first.

Hearing this sentence, Matsushima Kirina chose to lie flat.

She knelt down on the floor and said softly: "Boss, I don't have any strength at all, I really can't cook anymore.

She actually wanted to turn around more.

But the problem is, she doesn't even have the qualifications to turn her face now.

If you don't have strength, you don't have fighting power. Are you going to fight Qi Lin now and wait for him to catch you and beat him directly?

"I can also see that you have worked really hard. Since this is the case, I won't embarrass you."

"Let's order something for lunch today."

Qi Lin smiled lightly and let go of Matsushima Wuna.

There is a restaurant under the community, just make a phone call, and the restaurant will deliver the packaged meals to your door.

Money can turn ghosts around. Although there is no certain group of takeaways at this time, it is still very simple to get others to deliver to your door.

Sweet and sour carp.

Dipping crabs.

Sauteed tender pumpkin.

Stewed pork ribs with beans.

Stir-fry hairy tripe.

Delicious morel soup.

Steamed shrimp.

There is also a large bowl of fragrant Thai rice.

Drinking morel soup in winter is delicious, wife, try it.

Qi Lin didn't call Matsushima Wuna either, he took a sip of the soup first, and then fed Chuchun a sip.

Even though he knew that Qi Lin was calling Qiu Yuelin, Chuchun's heart skipped a beat. With a hint of shame in his gentle and beautiful eyes, he gently opened his moist and tender lips, and sent Qi Lin over with the belly Drink the mushroom soup.

Watching the scene of the two showing their affection, Matsushima Kirina finally couldn't bear it anymore.

I didn't eat dinner yesterday, and I didn't eat breakfast today.

If she does not eat at noon, she will become the first female ninja to starve to death.

"Boss, I'm hungry too."

She pretended to be pitiful, her beautiful big eyes were twinkling with stars, and she looked at Qi Lin

Qi Lin was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said: "Look at my memory, I even forgot that you haven't served the table yet.

"Okay, come and eat."

Qi Lin asked Matsushima Wuna to come over.

Matsushima Yuna, who was still limp and weak just now, quickly got up from the floor, then sat at the table, ready to move her chopsticks.


Qi Lin stopped her directly.


Matsushima Yuna looked at Qi Lin with a puzzled expression, wondering what the hell he was going to do.

"The first rule of the nanny rule, when eating with the boss, you have to feed the boss a bite with your mouth first, and then you can take a bite yourself. It's written in the contract, didn't you read it?"

With a hint of playfulness in Qi Lin's dark eyes, he said to Matsushima Wuna.

Kirina Matsushima: "......"

At the beginning, she just wanted to gain Qi Lin's trust quickly, and Qi Lin promised not to take away her innocence immediately, so when Matsushima Wuna signed the contract, she didn't read it carefully.

If she had known that there were such shameless conditions in the contract, she would have never signed it.

But it's too late to say anything now.

Now that I am exhausted and hungry, I am not Qi Lin's opponent at all, and I can't complete the assassination.

Anything can be done after she recovers her strength.

"Asshole! Such a big person still needs to be fed, this is my first kiss of Matsushima Kirina!!!"

At this time, Matsushima Wuna thought of a man in her heart.

Oda Nobuo!

One of the vassals of the Matsushima family, Jonnin, is also her childhood sweetheart and the big brother who took care of her growing up.

Thinking of the private agreement between the two, Matsushima Kirina closed her beautiful eyes in pain: "Nobuo big brother, I'm sorry, I have to complete my task, otherwise I won't even have the chance to go back to Sakura Country to see you.

When Matsushima Kirina opened her eyes again, her beautiful eyes were peaceful.

"If this bastard didn't gradually trust me as a maid, he wouldn't dare to be fed by an assassin, unless he doesn't know my identity at all."

"Be patient, as long as he relaxes his guard against me, it is the best time to assassinate him.

Thinking of this, Matsushima Yuna has already made a decision in her heart.

But after all, she is still a 19-year-old girl at 0.9.

When she peeled a gibai shrimp and put it into her moist mouth before sending it to Qi Lin, her pretty face was already blushing.


Qi Lin smiled unceremoniously at the loving feeding from the maid.

Together with the delicious base prawns and tender fish sashimi, I swallowed them together.

It was Matsushima Kirina's first kiss, so she couldn't stand such bullying by Qi Lin.

She immediately felt dizzy in her mind, and fell into Qi Lin's arms.

A heart is like a deer bumping wildly, panicking.

"I, I am so obsessed with the kiss of the assassination target?"

"No! Absolutely not! I'm the Jonin of the Matsushima family, I can't be so shameless!"

"How can a Chinese man be worthy to make the most beautiful woman in Sakura Country fall in love with him!"

Matsushima Kirina didn't know how she finished the meal.

Anyway, she was full, but not by herself.

Qi Lin is also full, because every time Matsushima Wuna's meal is divided into half for him.

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