Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

343: Helping Chuchun Heal, The Boss Sister Yuelin Will Be Angry

"I, I'm going to clean up the lady's salute first."

After eating, Matsushima Yuna regained some strength and escaped from Qi Lin's embrace in a panic.

While eating this meal, at some point, she was already snuggled into Qi Lin's arms.

Qi Lin kissed her mouth countless times.

He obviously drank a lot of soup, but his mouth was dry.

No way, Qi Lin intercepted all the honey scented tea.

What made Matsushima Yuna even more embarrassing was that she actually wanted to go to the bathroom to change the cutie again.

If this goes on like this, before the assassination is completed, she herself will fall.

In order to prevent this from happening, Matsushima Yuna would rather continue to clean up and salute than stay with Qi Lin anymore.

But how could Qi Lin let go of this already emotional female ninja.

Strike while the iron was hot, she took Matsushima Kirina's tender little hand and pulled her back.

When Matsushima Wuna fell into Qi Lin's arms, Qi Lin put his arms around her small waist and said with a smile: "What's the hurry, I've been tired all morning, why don't you take a nap before continuing to work?"

Kirina Matsushima: "...

What did you do yesterday and this morning?

Do you know how to care about her now?

How could Matsushima Wuna not know what Qi Lin was thinking, he just wanted to eat himself while the iron was hot.

With Qi Lin holding Xiaoman's waist and walking towards the master bedroom, Matsushima Wuna completely panicked this time.

She knew what consequences she would face if she didn't do something.

"Boss, you, you won't bully me, will you?"

Matsushima Kirina bit her lower lip lightly, pretending to be shy, but in fact she had already touched a sharp kunai with her tender hand.

"You're thinking too much. It's so cold. I just want you, a little maid, to help me get out of bed."

As he spoke, Qi Lin's hand was already moving towards the big bear, as if he had completely let go of his guard.

"Hey! Dead perverts die!"

It was this moment that Matsushima Kirina had been waiting for.

Whether Qi Lin can be assassinated is a matter of success or failure.

The sharp kunai pierced into the main artery at the neck.

If it really succeeds, then Qi Lin can only drink his hatred on the spot.

"It's done?"

Seeing that Qi Lin didn't seem to respond, Matsushima Kirina's beautiful eyes revealed a hint of joy.


However, when that Kuwuba Qi Lin's neck was only 0.1 mm, a silver-white figure rushed over suddenly, and a pair of sharp claws directly knocked Kuwu away, passing Qi Lin's neck.

Kun Kun, who had been hiding in the dark, appeared.

How could Qi Lin be defenseless against Matsushima Yuna.

Hand Kunkun is specially designed to deal with her sudden assassination.


Seeing that he was about to succeed, he was destroyed by a strange bird, and Matsushima's silver teeth were about to be crushed.

"Xiaofang, what are you doing? It's just to warm your bed, why are you still doing it.

Facing the dangerous assassination, Qi Lin didn't panic at all. Instead, he looked at Matsushima Wuna beside him with a smile that was not a smile.

"Who is Xiaofang, I am Sakura Kunakami Matsushima Kirina, you pervert dare to let me warm my bed, today is your death date.

According to Matsushima Yuna's original calm personality, she ran away if she missed a single hit.

But Qi Lin's behavior in the past two days was really irritating.

Even Matsushima Yuna, who has always been calm, is a bit over the top.

She waved Kunai and attacked Qi Lin again.

"You women in Sakura Country are really weird. One second, you kissed me with a look of passion, and the next second, you can kill your sweetheart. It's simply too ruthless.

Qi Lin was still in the mood to tease Matsushima Wuna.

However, he did have the confidence.

You don't even need to let him do it.

Kun Kun's sharp eyes stared at Matsushima Yuna, and her sharp claws could accurately predict her every attack.

Matsushima Wuna didn't even have a chance to get close to Qi Lin.

"Damn it, where did this bastard get such a perverted strange bird, not to mention its amazing attack power and agility, the outer layer of silver armor is invulnerable, I can't do anything with it.

Matsushima Yuna gritted her silver teeth, and gradually calmed down in her heart.

She can't even take down a strange bird. She still doesn't know the depth of Qi Lin's strength. If Qi Lin's reinforcements arrive, she will be really in danger.

"I'll let you go today, you bastard took my first kiss, just wait, I'll kill you sooner or later!"

Leaving a word of threat, Matsushima Yuna dropped a smoke bomb and was about to run away first.

But she underestimated Kun Kun's strength too much.

To human eyes, smoke bombs that cannot be seen through are just like toys to Kun Kun.

When Matsushima Kirina was about to escape from a window.


A sharp and ear-piercing bird cry rang out, and Kun Kun directly waved his wings and stood in front of her.

Seeing this scene, Matsushima Kirina's beautiful eyes were terrified.

how is this possible?

Even though she threw out all the smoke bombs, she still used concealment to avoid everyone's sight. How did this strange bird discover her real body?

Qiu Yuelin's duplex villa is on a high floor.

If there is Kunkun's interference, Matsushima Yuna is very likely to have an accident when escaping and fall seriously injured.

In desperation, she could only focus on 'Qiu Yuelin'.

"Qi Lin's woman seems powerless, so it's better to coerce her first and force Qi Lin to get out of the way.

Do whatever comes to mind.

Matsushima Kirina turned around and faced Qiuyue Lin who seemed to be caught off guard.

"If you don't want to die, just cooperate with me obediently."

Matsushima Kirina Kunai almost hugged the fair neck of 'Qiuyue Lin', and said in a cold voice.

However, Qiu Yue, who seemed weak and deceitful, moved at this moment.

What Chuchun is best at is soft fist.

A pair of show fists can move a thousand catties four or two times, and can strike with unlimited possible power.


Matsushima Yuna's Kunai was spread out, and the amazing strength of the soft fist made Matsushima Yuna take four or five steps back before he could barely stop.

She looked at 'Qiu Yuelin' in disbelief with her beautiful eyes.

At this time, Matsushima Kirina was going crazy.

She never imagined that just Qi Lin's wife could be so powerful.

She also finally understood why Chen Tiansheng was willing to spend 100 million yuan to assassinate him.


Matsushima Wuna no longer thought about how to successfully assassinate Qi Lin, but escaped from here successfully.

The back road has been blocked by that strange bird.

She had to break through Chuchun's block before she had a chance to escape.

Thus began a war between girls.

The same 19 years old.

The Jonin of the Sakura Kingdom faces off against the subjects taught by Rose herself.

have to say.

Youthful, beautiful, beautiful girl fighting is just beautiful.

The hem of the skirt fluttered, and there were whispers one after another.

The pure white cutie pops up from time to time to say hello to Qi Lin.

"Zuzu, such a good-looking real martial arts movie, no matter how much money you pay, you can't see it."

"That Matsushima Kirina, you can do a few more round kicks, and you don't see many ordinary straight thrusts.

Qi Lin said with a smile.

Matsushima Wuna was exhausted here, but Qi Lin was making sarcastic remarks next to her, which made her half dead.

In fact, I really want to talk about it.

Matsushima Kirina's strength is definitely higher than that of early spring.

The most obvious gap between the two is actual combat experience.

Although Chuchun is very talented in martial arts, under the guidance of Rose, he has become a rare master of soft boxing.

But the problem is that Matsushima Yuna has tried assassination missions since she was a teenager, growing up in a life-and-death struggle.

This kind of experience is definitely not comparable to Chuchun.

Fortunately, Matsushima Wuna had to guard against Kunkun's sneak attack, which made her a little distracted. Only then did Chuchun fight her with dozens of moves, and she was not at a disadvantage.

Qi Lin also used Matsushima Wuna as her training partner in order to increase her actual combat experience in early spring, so she did not intervene.



Kirina Matsushima still found a chance.

She pretended to be Kunai stabbing at Chuchun's heart, and when Chuchun was about to unload her force and hit Chuchun open, Matsushima Kira hit Chuchun's left chest with a palm, directly making Chuchun take a good step back.

Taking advantage of this excellent opportunity, Matsushima Kirina did not pursue Chen Sheng, but dropped a smoke bomb again, and got into the window behind Chuchun.


Seeing that Matsushima Kirina wanted to escape, Kun Kun wanted to catch up.


Qi Lin smiled lightly and summoned Kun Kun back.

His divorce plan has succeeded, and he still wants to watch Chen Tiansheng and Matsushima Yuna kill each other, so how could he have the heart to kill her.

"Chuchun, are you alright?"

Qi Lin stepped forward and asked Chuchun concerned, at the same time stretched out his thugs and pulled Chuchun up.

"Boss, I'm fine."

Chuchun wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his white and tender hands, and smiled softly.

Don't look at the bloodshot from the corner of her mouth, it's actually just a surge of energy and blood.

This injury is nothing compared to the experience gained from the battle with Matsushima Yuna this time.

"Don't hold on, you're vomiting blood, you must have hurt your internal organs, I'll help you heal your wounds."

Qi Lin took Chuchun's little hand and sat on the sofa.

When Chuchun came to his senses, Yinxiong already had an extra hand.

"Boss, you, you bully me like this, sister Yuelin will be angry when she sees it."

Chu Chun's pretty face was blushing, but she still didn't lose her temper, which shows how gentle her character is.

"Why are you losing your temper? Aren't you Yuelin now? It's only natural for me to heal my wife, right?"

Qi Lin blinked, then leaned over.


Chuchun was really shy this time, because Qi Lin had already kissed her moist lips.

"Is that how I gave my first kiss to the boss?"

There was mist in Chuchun's beautiful eyes, and her heart was in a mess.

And Qi Lin's black eyes carried a hint of a smile.

Because this time the honey flower tea has a new taste, with a sweet and bloody smell.

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