Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

344: Yu Jin And Chen Shuyi Bet Qi Lin?

"Boss, it's all my fault. I didn't hit that female ninja and let her go."

After being bullied by Qi Lin, Chu Chunqiao blushed.

At this time, the gentle little girl didn't scold Qi Lin for bullying her. Instead, she felt guilty that she was too useless and let the person who assassinated the boss go.

Qi Lin touched Chuchun's little head, and said with a light smile, "Silly girl, I let that female ninja go on purpose, otherwise I would have shot directly, or let Kunkun help you, would there still be a chance for her to jump?"

"Of course, the most important thing is that I want to use her to hone your soft fist.

"It seems that the effect is quite good, and you should have grown a lot."

There was a touch of surprise in Chuchun's beautiful eyes, and the gentle big eyes blinked and asked: "Really?"

"Can I still lie to you?"

Speaking of this, Qi Lin played with Chuchun's pair of delicate white silk feet.

Because of the battle at home just now, the white silk on the soles of the feet has been stained with dust, and it is slightly dirty.

But that's it, because the little feet with white silk in the early spring add a touch of charm.

"Let me just say, there is no one in the world who is more suitable to be my little maid than Chuchun. You are really gentle when you wear a maid uniform, braided ponytails, and a maid headband."

"It's not like that female ninja, who can't help but talk violently, and is also ruthless."

When you bully a girl, you have to say something nice, right?

But for Chuchun, Qi Lin's simple words of praise are enough words of love that she will remember for a lifetime.

In the depths of Chuchun's gentle and beautiful eyes, there was a trace of shyness.

If the boss doesn't dislike her, she also wants to just stay by his side, be a gentle little maid, and serve him.

"jingle bell ~"

When Qi Lin was flirting with Chuchun, his cell phone rang.

He glanced at the caller ID and found that it was actually Chen Shuyi calling.

"Husband, the second groundbreaking ceremony for the Xiongchu Elevated Highway is about to be held. You are the big boss of the company. Do you want to come and participate in the ribbon-cutting?"

Chen Shuyi was noisy there, it seemed that there were quite a lot of people, she said loudly to Qi Lin.

Qi Lin is actually not interested in this kind of activity in front of the public.

With this time, wouldn't it be nice to bully Chuchun, a gentle little maid again?

But this time was different, Qi Lin's heart moved, and he actually smiled and said, "Okay, then I'll come over."

Let Lindong pretend to be Matsushima Wuna, and use Yangbian 50 million from Chen Tiansheng.

Now Matsushima Wuna mission failed, will definitely go back to find Chen Tiansheng.

It happened that Qi Lin was thinking of some way to let Chen Tiansheng know that he was not dead.

This opportunity presented itself.

The Xiongchu Elevated Project was cut off by Qi Lin from Chen Tiansheng.

He couldn't believe that Chen Tiansheng wouldn't watch the live broadcast of the second groundbreaking ceremony.

What would happen if he saw on TV that he was not dead, and it happened that Matsushima Yuna went to his villa to look for him again?

Think Qi Lin is looking forward to it.

Chen Shuyi covered her mouth and giggled: Husband, I love you, then come here quickly, we will wait for you to come here before starting the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

Qi Lin rubbed his nose in bewilderment: "When did this little girl learn to be so polite and say thank you for loving me?"

Qi Lin didn't understand what was going on until Chuchun drove the Maybach and sent Qi Lin to the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

"My wife Jin'er, you are the reporter who will be interviewing live this time, right?"

Looking at Yu Jin who was fiddling with the interview equipment, Qi Lin looked at her beautiful little face in surprise.

Chen Shuyi suppressed a smile and said, "That's right, Jin'er has been promoted to a senior reporter, as long as it's an interview related to you, she won't let anyone, she must do it herself."

Yu Jin, who was still pretending to be calm, blushed, and came directly to tickle Chen Shuyi: "You little traitor, you have already said that this is a private conversation between sisters! You still have to tell this guy.

"Heck, you obviously lost the bet, and you became angry from embarrassment. Who in our family doesn't love Qi Lin, why do you have to cover it up?"

Chen Shuyi trembled when she was scratched.

Qi Lin became curious about the bet between the two girls: "What's the matter with you? You won't use me to bet, right?"

Chen Shuyi broke away from Yu Jin, hid behind Qi Lin and said with a smile: "I bet Jin'er that I will call you and ask you to come to the ribbon-cutting ceremony. I said you will come because there is a beautiful reporter here."

"Jin'er said that you like the new and forget the old, so you probably forgot about her a long time ago, the group won't come.

Hearing this, Qi Lin was a little taken aback.

He smiled and asked, "Then what's your bet?"

Chen Shuyi smiled and said: "What else can it be? If anyone guesses wrong, they will kiss you in front of the other party. Husband, don't you like this bet?"

More than just like it.

Qi Lin almost wanted to praise the two wives.

"Jin'er's wife, I'm willing to bet and admit defeat. Since I lost, come here quickly."

Qi Lin pointed to his mouth and said with a smile.

Chen Shuyi and Yu Jin are both working women.

As usual, Chen Shuyi was dressed in a uniform as an OL, with a black silk skirt and high heels.

And Yu Jin is in a high-end gray lady's suit, with black silk hidden in the suit trousers, and she is stepping on high heels.

Taking off the high heels can kill a man.

"I've been rambling on and on every day, and I didn't say I'm going to play tricks, but there are so many people here, how do you want me to kiss you!"

Yu Jin chopped off her little feet, her pretty face flushed slightly, protesting that the two villainous couples teamed up to bully her.

Qi Lin was just joking with Yu Jin.

He couldn't really let so many people see him kissing Yu Jin, taking advantage of it for nothing.

"Start the ribbon-cutting ceremony first, and your live interview can also be opened."

"Remember to make me look handsome this time, if you dare to make your husband look unphotogenic, be careful with family law.

Qi Lin blinked at Yu Jin.

"Understood, domineering bastard."

Yu Jin cast a coquettish look at Qi Lin, "Then turned on the simultaneous live broadcast.

Ever since she came into contact with Chen Jiawei's marriage contract, Yu Jin began to follow her heart and slowly accept Qi Lin's identity as a woman.

Also attending the ribbon-cutting ceremony was Executive Wang.

That is, the top leader of Jianghan City.

A middle-aged man in his 50s and a young man who is only 18 years old, such a strange combination, the audience in front of the TV has no sense of disobedience.

It's really because Qi Lin is already a frequent visitor in front of the TV.

How many times have you been a little hero and made the citizens of Jianghan look good? What happened to such a young talent?

After the ribbon-cutting, Chief Wang personally awarded two certificates to Qi Lin: Outstanding Youth of Jianghan City and Outstanding Young Entrepreneur of Jianghan City.

It's really that Qi Lin has too much halo on him, and even Chief Wang admires him very much.

With these two titles, it is estimated that Qi Lin's business path will be smoother in the future.

After Mr. Wang delivered some encouraging speeches, he left.

As the leader of Jianghan City, it would not be an exaggeration to describe Chief Wang's life as a day-to-day management.

After Chief Wang left, Yu Jin, who had already adjusted the camera, started the interview with her husband.

"May I ask why Mr. Qi chose today as the starting time? Is there any knowledge in this?"

Yu Jin asked the question that the citizens of Jianghan City most wanted to know.

Qi Lin smiled faintly, his suit was straight and handsome, and his handsome image even made Yu Jin stunned for a moment.

I hated this bastard before, but I didn't pay much attention to his appearance.

Now I gradually fell in love with this guy, and suddenly found that he is so handsome!!!

Realizing her own thoughts, Yu Jin's pretty face flushed suddenly.

Qi Lin didn't know that he had inadvertently fascinated his little wife.

He smiled and said: "New year, new weather, January 3rd is the end of the New Year's Day holiday, and it is also the beginning of a new life. I chose this day, and I definitely want to complete the Xiongchu Viaduct as a new task. I am meticulous and strive for perfection. , It is worthy of the people's trust in our urban people company."

Yu Jin can't imagine how a young man who is only 18 years old can cope with the camera freely and speak impeccably.

"Let's just say, there must be something unique about a man that I, Yu Jin, value."

Yu Jin smiled smugly in her heart.

When I hated Qi Lin before, I couldn't see him anywhere instantly.

Now that I fall in love with him, it means beauty is in the eye of the beholder, even if the gums are in the shape of diamonds.

"Of course, what I said earlier are all polite words. There is a real reason for choosing today as the start date. I wonder if you would like to hear it?"

Yu Jin knew that the bastard Qi Lin couldn't hold back.

Look, it took less than a minute to settle down, and then I started to work hard (De Nuo Zhao).

But Yu Jin knew that Qi Lin had his own measure.

She smiled cooperatively and asked: "Of course I want to hear it, please ask General Doctor Qi to talk."

Qi Lin smiled, and didn't make a fool of himself: "Because I negotiated a deal today, without paying any cost, I earned 50 million with my partner alone.

"Good luck will be passed on. I want to pass this luck on to the Xiongchu Viaduct. I wish its construction goes well and the workers are safe."

Ordinary viewers just watched Qi Lin's interview as a pleasure, laughed and passed.

But some people think otherwise.

Chen Tiansheng had heard the news about the second construction of the Xiongchu Elevated Highway.

Qi Lin is also dead now.

He sneered and turned on the TV, wanting to see how Chen Shuyi endured her grief and continued.

Without Qi Lin, Chen Shuyi's wrist is no match for Shanhe Group.

At that time, he will use some means at will to make the Xiongchu Elevated Road have another accident, and the city people will directly lose their qualifications to undertake the construction.

Or to make it simpler, have someone assassinate Chen Shuyi, leaving the "City People" company leaderless.

Although Shanhe Group has no qualifications for urban construction, but Chen Tiansheng just set up a shell company and asked people in the government to operate it. Wouldn't the big fat piece of Xiongchu Elevator come back?

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