Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

347: Huang Yiyi And Jiang Nannan's Jealousy

At noon the next day, the most luxurious banquet venue in the Asia Hotel was reserved by Sugarman Entertainment.

Although there was no live TV broadcast, all the wonderful scenes of the normal banquet were captured by the photographer.

Zhou Xingxing plans to bring this video back to Xiangjiang, and then reveal it to those entertainment reporters, to see if it can make headlines in the entertainment industry.

Xiangjiang has limited funds, so the requirements for actors will be higher, and the finale banquet is also extremely shabby.

The Asia Hotel is magnificent and extremely luxurious.

The treatment of this standard is far from what Xiangjiang entertainment industry can compare.

Some actors in Xiangjiang are still living in the previous world, thinking that China is still the backward and dilapidated China.

It's time for them to see the world, to see how prosperous the mainland is today, and how generous the actors are treated.

As the boss, Qi Lin must be arranged at the main table.

As the general manager of Kung Fu, Zhang Man sat beside Qi Lin.

Huang Yiyi and Jiang Nan's coffee were too low, and they should have been arranged at the back table, but they entrusted Qi Lin's service.

The company's senior executives knew that the two leading actresses of Sugarman Entertainment were both Qi Lin's canaries, so they were able to sit beside Qi Lin.

Then there is Zhou Xingxing, the leading actor, and Zhang Dan, another vice president of Sugarman Entertainment, "Four Three Three".

The charterer and the charterer are also veterans of Xiangjiang. Although their status is not high enough, their qualifications are not small, and they are also arranged at the main table.

"Let us all salute the general manager, he gave us the opportunity to find food, and provided such an excellent script, so that we made a wonderful script.

Zhou Xingxing rarely stood up, and as the leader, led everyone to toast Qi Lin.

Don't think that looking for food to eat is an exaggeration. In Xiangjiang Cantonese, looking for food to eat is a very common word.

When the economy is in recession, no matter how big your coffee position is, if you don't have resources, you will still be hungry.

Therefore, Xiangjiang people have special respect for the bosses who feed themselves, that is, give them job opportunities.

All the people at the main table even heard the movement here, and all the staff of the whole Kung Fu stood up and toasted Qi Lin.

"A toast to Mr. Qi, thank you Mr. Qi for giving us the opportunity to find something to eat.

Everyone said in unison, and the gratitude came from the heart.

"Then I also wish Kung Fu will sell well, the box office will explode, and everyone will get bonuses."

Qi Lin smiled faintly, but he didn't get up, but raised his wine glass as a response to everyone's toast.

It's not that he is arrogant, but that of all the people present, no one can make him stand up and respond.

Not even Zhou Xingxing.

"Everyone eats and drinks freely, don't make it too formal, the nerves are tense during the filming, isn't it time to relax now?"

Qi Lin smiled again to reassure everyone, don't be too restrained.

Seeing the boss being so casual, everyone laughed and no longer restrained.

It's time to eat, drink, chat and clink glasses, it's very enjoyable.

"President Qi, Kung Fu has finished filming, and I want to report to you about my upcoming itinerary.

Zhou Xingxing said in a polite tone.

His next itinerary also involves Huang Yiyi and Jiang Nannan.

These two girls belonged to Qi Lin, so he had to say hello.

"Tell me about it."

Qi Lin smiled and wanted to steam the grouper with a chopstick.

But it seems that this dish is a bit far away for him.

Huang Yiyi and Jiang Nannan have been paying attention to Qi Lin's actions.

Almost at the same time, the two of them put their little hands on the glass turntable, trying to transfer the dishes to Qi Lin.

The little hands of the two girls were put together, and in the next second, their beautiful eyes were focused together, and the inside was full of lightning.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Man couldn't help but look interested in the clothes.

She is Qi Lin's confidant and beloved general, and her position in Qi Lin's heart is far from comparable to that of Huang Yiyi and Jiang Nannan, so she has no intention of participating.

In the end, it was Huang Yiyi who took the initiative to give up the glass turntable, and Jiang Nannan turned the grouper in front of Qi Lin.

But just when Jiang Nannan proudly wanted to glance at Huang Yiyi.

But found that the scheming little green tea Huang Yiyi picked up a chopstick to steam the grouper, and carefully picked out the fish bones for Qi Lin, then took it with her white and tender hands, and fed it into Qi Lin's mouth.

Compared with Huang Yiyi's caring service, Jiang Nannan's glass turntable is not a bit of a show.

Qi Lin also glanced at Huang Yiyi with satisfaction.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Nannan stomped her little feet angrily, but there was nothing she could do about Huang Yiyi.

Zhou Xingxing turned a blind eye to the jealousy between Huang Yiyi and Jiang Nannan, and continued to talk about his plan: "The kung fu is finished, and the next step is the most important publicity link. I plan to have a wave of publicity with Xiangjiang first, and bring Huang Yiyi and Jiang Nannan along with me. superior.

"After the promotion of Xiangjiang, we will go to Southeast Asia, the Peninsula, and Taiwan to promote, so that more audiences will know the news of the movie's upcoming release.

Qi Lin also understood Zhou Xingxing's intentions.

Forget about Huang Yiyi, she is the heroine of kung fu after all, Zhou Xingxing took her to promote, the movie has not been released yet, as a star girl, Huang Yiyi can also become a second-tier star.

But Jiang Nannan is just a small supporting role in Kung Fu, but Zhou Xingxing still takes her with him.

This is for Qi Lin's face, to help his little canary increase exposure.

But he was also afraid that his self-assessment would make Qi Lin misunderstand what he thought about Jiang Nannan and Huang Yiyi.

Zhou Xingxing didn't know that Qi Lin was a reborn person.

Although Zhou Xingxing had a relationship with Zixia, but in the end he was with an outsider for more than ten years, and he was still not married.

His character is doomed, he is not the kind of person who will easily fall in love with women.

"Yiyi and Nannan are both newcomers, and there are many things they don't understand. During this time, Ah Xing has worked hard to guide them.

Qi Lin said with a smile.

His words have already indicated that he agrees to let Zhou Xingxing take his two daughters to Hong Kong for publicity.

"Where is Mr. Qi, these are what I should do."

Zhou Xingxing also knew that Qi Lin had taken his love, so he smiled politely.

"The mainland market is bigger than you imagined, and it is rising faster than you imagined. There will be many opportunities for us to cooperate in the future.

Qi Lin smiled and picked up the wine glass.

If someone talks to Zhou Xingxing like this, he will definitely reply that the future cooperation will follow the fate, I only choose the scripts I like, you may not be able to write such excellent scripts again

But in the face of Qi Lin, the big devil, Zhou Xingxing didn't dare to say that.

He humbly picked up the wine glass, the rim of which was much lower than Qi Lin: "Yes, yes, as long as Mr. Qi needs it, I, Zhou Xingxing, will definitely be there on call. It is also my honor, Zhou Xingxing, to be able to cooperate with Mr. Qi. ...."

The two clinked glasses, Qi Lin took a sip of champagne and smiled, "You are the number one comedian in Asia, Zhou Xingxing, so you don't need to be so cautious, I like your nonsensical and funny looks in your movies."

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Zhou Xingxing smiled wryly.

How can life and movies be confused.

If he really said "I love you mother" like in the movie.

It is estimated that in the next second, a black holed pistol will be placed on the back of his head.

But Qi Lin's words still have some effect.

After drinking for three rounds, Zhou Xingxing's words became lively: "Mr. Qi, why don't you go to Xiangjiang with me this time? There are many entertainments in Xiangjiang that are absolutely impossible in the mainland, such as horse racing, red light districts, Southeast Asia, North America, etc. There are wild horses in Europe, as well as young and Dangerous boys, you can go to Austria to gamble two such vacations, and you will definitely not disappoint Mr. Qi."

Although there were still gangsters in Xiangjiang in 2002, it was not as good as it was in the 1990s.

If it was really the era when the stars were shining, Qi Lin might be tempted to go to Xiangjiang for a vacation with Zhou Xingxing.


Qi Lin wanted to refuse.

"jingle bell ~"

But at this moment, his cell phone rang.

Qi Lin frowned slightly, picked up his phone and glanced at it.

"Superman Li?"

To Qi Lin's slight surprise, the call was actually made by Li Chaoren.

What did the richest man in Asia suddenly ask him for?

"Answer the phone."

After glancing at Zhou Xingxing, Qi Lin connected the phone.

Zhou Xingxing naturally didn't dare to interrupt Qi Lin, so he could only pretend to be eating, but listened to Qi Lin answering the phone with his ears up.

At this moment, his heart was already shocked.

There are other reasons, because Qi Lin said what to do with calling me from the richest man in Asia.

As a native of Xiangjiang, Zhou Xingxing can more intuitively understand Li Chaoren's position in Xiangjiang.

The head of the four major families.

The Order of Justice of the Peace awarded by the Queen of England.

A real powerful person who is usually difficult for him to meet at 1.1, but he took the initiative to call Qi Lin.

It turned out that in Zhou Xingxing's eyes, Qi Lin was just a blessing with extremely black means and extremely cunning.

Only now did he discover that Qi Lin had a mysterious side that was unknown to everyone.

"In Jianghan City, there are rumors that Mr. Li is going to invest here. Is it possible that Mr. Li is now in Jianghan City and wants me to be a landlord?"

Qi Lin smiled lightly and spoke first.

Although Li Chaoren is over 70 years old, his voice is still loud: "Haha, it is true to invest in Jianghan City, but I let my second child take charge of this..."

"I heard that brother Qi Lin and Zhou Xingxing's movie Kung Fu has been completed, and now it's time to enter the promotional stage?"

"Are you interested in coming to Xiangjiang as a guest? Let me, Wangnian, show my friendship as a landlord."

It has to be said that Li Chaoren's news channels are really well-informed, and he knew that the kung fu had been completed so quickly.

At Zhou Xingxing's invitation, Qi Lin could not go.

But Qi Lin had to think about Li Chaoren's invitation.

This is not because he is afraid of offending Li Chaoren, but because Xiangjiang has an important person waiting for him, and an important event is about to happen recently. .

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