Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

348: Cosplay, Huang Yiyi's Victoria's Secret

This important person must be guessed by many people.

Jiang Lei has been to Xiangjiang for a month, and he doesn't know what the hell he is doing there.

But there is a high probability that he is holding back some big move, waiting to surprise Qi Lin.

Similarly, in fact, Qi Lin also wanted to surprise Jiang Lei a long time ago.

If Jiang Lei knew that his own sister had fallen into Qi Lin's big net, and the trap was getting deeper and deeper, he didn't know how he would feel.

At the same time, if Jiang Lei falls into Qi Lin's hands, and his life is about to hang by a thread, will Jiang Nannan stage a scene of saving his brother?

As for the big event that is about to happen, it is also related to Li Chaoren.

Qi Lin has already searched.

In 1996, Li Chaoren’s eldest son, Li Kai, was kidnapped, but it never happened!!!

In this way, Qi Lin discovered that the world he was reborn in seemed to be different from the world he was in.

The direction of many plots has been completely messed up.

But if it's a mess, it's a mess.

The famous gangsters like Zhang Qiang and Ye Huan actually existed.

Zhang Qiang was arrested for robbing a gold shop, and her wife asked a barrister to help him with the lawsuit and was released.

Ye Huan used an AK47 to shoot at the police on the streets of Xiangjiang, and was finally arrested and imprisoned. However, a few years later, he hijacked the driver and escaped from prison by taking advantage of the stomach pain of pretending to be 23.

These news can really be found in Xiangjiang newspapers.

Since these two thugs really exist, the kidnapping of Li Chaoren's eldest son will definitely happen, which is what Qi Lin concluded.

"I have long wanted to witness the style of Victoria's Secret. Since Mr. Li has kindly invited me, I must go."

Qi Lin made a joke.

Victoria's Secret, as everyone knows what it's worth, isn't Victoria's Harbor.

Qi Lin originally thought Li Chaoren was an old antique......

"Haha, you kid think I don't understand, right? You young people, you really like these romances. They are exactly the same as my two boys. It just so happens that the selection of Miss Xiangjiang in 2002 is about to start. I will prepare a few front tickets for you. How about a closer look at Victoria's Secret?"

Li Chaoren had a rare yellow accent.

"This is really good."

The election of Miss Xiangjiang is famous all over the world, although after entering the millennium, the quality of Miss Xiangjiang is far inferior to that of the 1980s and 1990s.

However, the quality of a very few Miss Xiangjiang is still very good. Qi Lin would be very happy if he could listen to some soft Cantonese babbling.

After listening to the call between Qi Lin and Li Chaoren, Zhou Xingxing couldn't help but smile bitterly.

The status of the richest man in Asia is completely beyond his comparability.

After he invited Qi Lin just now, he knew he was going to reject him by looking at his expression.

But as soon as Li Chaoren called, Qi Lin immediately changed his mind.

However, Zhou Xingxing was still very happy that Qi Lin went to Xiangjiang with him.

One is to act as a guide to let Qi Lin appreciate the charm of the Bauhinia flower, one of the Asian financial centers and one of the Four Little Dragons.

The second is to see if we can connect with Li Chaoren through Qi Lin's relationship.

Several companies run by Zhou Xingxing went bankrupt repeatedly, and he was ready to invest in the real estate industry in frustration.

And as Li Chaoren, who owns the most land in Xiangjiang, if he casually reveals a little information to him, he will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of his life.

"Boss, what's so good about those Asian ladies, if you want to see, I can also show you Victoria's Secret."

Hearing that Qi Lin was going to Xiangjiang with him, Huang Yiyi was pleasantly surprised.

Then, a mist flashed across her beautiful eyes.

Girlish feelings are always poetry.

At the beginning, Huang Yiyi wanted to rely on Qi Lin to win the heroine of kung fu, so as to enter the entertainment circle smoothly.

The two belong to a mutual exploitation relationship.

But with the further development of the two, Huang Yiyi found that Qi Lin was not only handsome, but also humorous, powerful and powerful, and he also understood girls' minds.

Just ask such a man, is there any girl who doesn't love him.

Huang Yiyi's psychology of exploiting Qi Lin at the beginning has also turned into the current entanglement of love, and gradually falls in love with this mysterious big boss.

"You little girl know a lot, don't you?"

"Fix the passport and so on, and we have to wait until tomorrow at the latest...

Speaking of this, Qi Lin leaned close to Huang Yiyi's ear and asked softly: "Is the floral skirt you played the Kung Fu heroine Fang'er still there?"

Huang Yiyi's pretty face froze for a moment. She didn't know what Qi Lin meant by asking, but she nodded obediently and said, "Keep it here. It's the first time I acted as a heroine's costume. I plan to treasure it as a souvenir for the rest of my life."

A smile flashed across Qi Lin's black eyes: "After the finale banquet is over, you can wear this dress and get a room at the hotel. The pure energy you performed in Kung Fu is amazing. I want to try the male lead's." What is it like to be a childhood sweetheart, Ah Fang."

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Huang Yiyi instantly understood, she gave Qi Lin a white look with her beautiful eyes, and although her pretty face was a little red, she still said: "I know~"

"Bad boss, Ah Xing only knows how to practice Tathagata Palm every day, and he doesn't understand the fun at all. Boss, can you help Ah Xing treat me well?"

Huang Yiyi winked like silk, biting her moist lower lip.


Looking at the little girl's beautiful face, if it wasn't for the wrong occasion, he would definitely hug her directly to the princess and love her a lot.

Jiang Nannan on the side looked at Qi Lin and Huang Yiyi, and she didn't know what it was like.

Anyway, very unhappy.

She didn't realize that the current self could barely remember what her boyfriend Feng Wei looked like.

His mind is full of Qi Lin, the big boss, or 060 is gnashing his teeth, and Huang Yiyi, the little vixen, is fighting for favor with him.

"Boss, I, I will take you to see Victoria's Secret too.

Jiang Nannan tugged at the corner of Qilin's clothes unwillingly.

Pure as she is, she doesn't even know what Victoria's Secret is.

Qi Lin laughed and said: "The swan white silk tutu is the most suitable for you, what's wrong with you? Besides, Nan Nan and I are going to the hotel, do you want to come with us?"

Huang Yiyi also blinked her big beautiful eyes cooperatively and said, "I don't mind having one more person~"

Jiang Nannan knew that Qi Lin and Huang Yiyi had broken through that layer of paper.

Although Jiang Nannan gave Qi Lin her first kiss, she was bullied several times by Qi Lin.

But she is still innocent after all.

She is a more traditional woman.

She has been struggling with the fact that there are too many women around Qi Lin. If possible, she really only wants to have a boyfriend who only belongs to herself and only loves herself.

Now I dare not rashly give my innocence to Qi Lin, lest I lose nothing in the end.

"No, no, you better go, I have something to do tonight."

Even her innocence is still there, let alone accompany Qi Lin with Huang Yiyi, she waved her hands again and again, her little face flushed, unable to bear Huang Yiyi's sturdy words.

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