Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

349: Little Brother Qi Lin, You Have Been Adopted

"Boss, why are you being so rude, you ruined my heroine's skirt, now it's all right, I can't collect it anymore.

The two who had nothing to do went back to the hotel at six o'clock in the evening and played until eight o'clock in the evening.

After all, they are all young and frivolous young people, Jiang Nannan will definitely click his tongue secretly when he sees the degree of insanity.

Qi Lin lit a cigarette, caressed the girl in his arms, exhaled a puff of smoke ring and smiled slowly: "It's not because you, little girl, put your acting skills into it, and that pure energy makes you look dumb." It’s as if the girl Ah Fang came out of a movie.”

"It's normal for me to be a little excited to be able to play the wife of Tathagata God Palm A Xing.

Hearing what Qi Lin said so blatantly, Huang Yiyi blushed, and lightly hammered Qi Lin with her tender little hand.


When the two were chatting, Huang Yiyi thought of something funny and suddenly laughed out loud.

"Why are you laughing all of a sudden?"

Qi Lin flicked the cigarette ash, slightly astonished.

Huang Yiyi lay in Qi Lin's arms, with her small head resting on Qi Lin's shoulder, and her slender jade fingers drew circles on Qi Lin's chest: "When I first met the boss, I thought the boss was so mature.

He has a good temperament, completely different from his peers. "

"At that time, I just felt that the boss didn't show his age, and he was actually in his 30s."

"One time I overheard Mr. Man chatting with Mr. Zhang, and I realized that the boss is only 18 years old this year, younger than me.

"It's all right now. The mature big brother has now become a little brother, and I feel weird when I want to be hurt by my sister."

After hearing this, Qi Lin said amusedly: "No wonder you kept touching my head just now, and your feelings brought yourself into the identity of a sister."

"Then I have to say, sister, you are quite moist."

Huang Yiyi is no match for the gangster Qi Lin. Qi Lin's beautiful eyes turned white: "If you can't say a few words, you're not serious. I won't tell you bad boss. I'll go take a shower."

After speaking, she stood up and walked towards the luxurious bathroom of the presidential suite.

"Boss, you ruined my skirt, why don't you go down and buy me new clothes?"

After a while, Huang Yiyi's melodious voice like a lark came from the bathroom.

"Don't you need money to buy new clothes? Give me the money first."

Qi Lin held back a smile and saw a joke.

Huang Yiyi in the bathroom was speechless for a while.

Not to mention eating and wiping, it ruined her skirt, and now she has to pay for it.

But fortunately, Huang Yiyi is a little rich woman herself. After the filming of Kung Fu, Sugarman Entertainment also paid her 2 million as a reward.

As a newcomer, a small actor in 2002 can get 2 million remuneration for the first time, which is considered a very preferential treatment.

Huang Yiyi felt that this was how the boss took care of her captive canary.

And she also enjoyed the feeling of being pampered by Qi Lin.

"Little brother Qi Lin, you will be taken care of by my sister from now on, you can use the card in my bag to swipe, there are more than 2 million in it, and the password is your birthday々." "

Huang Yiyi in the bathroom said with a smile.

"When did this little girl know about my birthday?"

Qi Lin couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then a smile appeared on his face.

I have to say that this chick is quite good at catching a man's heart, not only telling herself all her bank card passwords, but also setting his passwords.

Originally, he just wanted to keep Huang Yi in captivity like a canary, but his physical condition made him start to like the little girl a little bit.

As the boss, of course Qi Lin would not personally help Huang Yiyi buy clothes.

After thinking about it, he called Lin Dong.

This little girl helped her cash out the 50 million cheated from Chen Tiansheng, and she should go back to the villa now.

"Boss, are you going back to the villa to sleep tonight?"

Lin Dong was having dinner with Qi Xueyao and Wang Siling, when she received a call from Qi Lin, her pretty face beamed with joy.

"I won't be going back to the villa tonight. I'm looking for you because I want you to do something. You can help me buy some dresses for girls and send them to the Asia Hotel."

Qi Lin said with a smile.

Qi Xueyao was close to Lin Dong and heard Qi Lin's words.

"He seems to have gone to the Kung Fu wrap-up banquet at noon. I heard that the two little girls in the Kung Fu production crew are all very beautiful. Now it's time for Dong to help him buy girls' skirts. I guess they are in the hotel. The little girl's skirt was ruined, so she couldn't wear it.

Qi Xueyao twitched her lips, perfectly deduced what happened now.

It has to be said that as the person next to Qi Lin's pillow, she knows her husband too well.

Wang Siling on the side didn't say anything.

With Qi Lin's career now so big, it's normal for him to mess around outside.

But he didn't like the new and dislike the old like other men, forgetting about the girls at home.

He always cared about Wang Siling, practiced piano with her, asked her about the situation in school, and said things that made Wang Siling shy, and took advantage of her.

Just like when the two met.

The only thing that makes Wang Siling unhappy is that Qi Lin has only tasted it so far, he has done everything, the only thing is that he has not taken away her innocence.

In Qi Lin's own words, when Wang Siling wins a world-class piano trophy, he will come to enjoy this cute little sister again.

As soon as Qi Lin finished hanging up the phone, he received a call from Rose from Qi Lin's 800,000 forbidden army head loli chief coach from the peninsula.

"It's too cold here in Baoer. If it wasn't for you to sit at the front, I would have wanted to come back a long time ago."

As soon as the phone was connected, Rose couldn't help complaining inside.

It's winter here in Jianghan City.

The peninsula is close to the Arctic Circle, and the temperature is minus 20 to 30 degrees in winter. As a southerner, Rose is indeed a little uncomfortable.

"For your hard work, our rose big sister has grown up, how about rewarding you with a kiss when you come back?"

Qi Lin said in a teasing tone.

"Ghosts want your kiss...I just hope that you, a big pervert, hold your hands high. When I come back, my four confidantes will be safe and sound."

Rose said angrily.

The confidant and love general she mentioned naturally refers to spring, summer, autumn and winter.

But when Rose came back, she was destined to vomit blood.

The current situation is.

Lin Dong has a deep-rooted love for Qi Lin.

Jin Qiu stole Chen Shuyi's dress, was taught a few times by Qi Lin, and almost did it.

Even Chuchun, who has always been gentle and sensible, has been molested by Qi Lin during this period, causing her to have an inexplicable feeling in her heart.

Only Zhong Xia has been following Lan Yuxi and has little contact with Qi Lin, so he survived for the time being.

But that's all.

Lan Yuxi is Qi Lin's heartfelt little devil, as long as Qi Lin speaks, she can get Zhong Xia drunk in the next second, and then give it to Qi Lin to enjoy.

In addition, Blue Rain has been subtly influencing Zhong Xia.

Instill in Zhong Xia that Qi Lin is the best and most handsome man in the world. Since we are good sisters, we will share the blessings. I will share the boss with you.

I'm not very interested in those little girls, but I miss the experience of your fleshy little feet stepping on your back. If one day, you can win the rose big sister who is wearing a red dress and long-legged skin stockings , I'm quite happy. "

The so-called far is close, close is smelly.

When Qi Lin and Rose were together, they bickered every day, and she gritted her teeth in anger.

Now that the two have been separated for a month, Qi Lin misses this hot tempered sister Yu who is like a little pepper.

"Bah! Without this day, I won't let you succeed. Let me be your bodyguard, but let me be your canary, absolutely not!"

Rose's pretty face flushed, and Qi Lin said softly.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore, how is the situation on the peninsula recently?"

Qi Lin asked about business.

Rose's face straightened, and Qi Lin talked about the situation here: "The entire underground world of Baoer is under our control, and the government of Baoer has completely acquiesced to this matter, and has not troubled us again."

"Because we are not in Huaxia, we are doing all kinds of business, and we also have cooperation with the consortium in the peninsula. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as making money every day."

"We are involved in dance halls, KTV, red light districts, Internet cafes, video game centers, and underground casinos, and our assets have reached more than 1 billion."

"Almost every day, the net operating profit can reach more than 10 million, and it is still growing."

"Currently there are about 20,000 members of the (Zhao's) regiment, and more than 8,000 peripheral members. Because these people are already enough to be deployed in all places in Biaoer, there is no further expansion."

"Qi Lin, what plan should we make next? Should we go out of Biaoer and continue to infiltrate like other cities on the peninsula, or develop steadily in Biaoer?"

Qi Lin didn't even think about it, and said lightly: "The unlimited development of any association will be feared by the government. If you don't want to incur disaster, you can stay in Biaoer and develop with peace of mind."

"The reason why I cultivate power in the peninsula is not for the gray industry, but for my formal industry in China to successfully enter their market, so that I won't have no power to fight back under the siege of the chaebol."

"Based on the power at this stage, it is already enough for me to do this seven times."

"When my investment industry in the peninsula takes shape, I will have the capital to play card games with those chaebols.

Qi Lin belongs to the big satyr, but there is nothing to say about the overall situation behind the scenes. Rose nodded and said: "Well, I will listen to you."

"By the way, has anything interesting happened on the peninsula recently? For example, some girl group became popular, and a female star accompanied hundreds of politicians and business people. Unbearable pressure, she committed suicide by jumping off a building."

Qi Lin asked about the news on the peninsula with great interest. .

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