Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

353: Put A Cup In Front Of Li Chaoren, The 20,000-Person Club In Seoul Is Under My Control

"Brother Li Kai is a bit older than me, but I believe our hobbies are still the same, for example, we both like female stars.

The corners of Qi Lin's mouth were slightly raised, and he said with a faint smile.

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Li Kai was slightly taken aback.

He has never been married until now.

However, he has quite a lot of emotional experience. He has dated with several lawyers, company Sihua, and the anchor of Sakura Country, but he has never dated with a female star.

Qi Lin was wrong.

But when it came to this point, Li Kai smiled and agreed with Qi Lin's words: "Well, there is no man who doesn't like the romance in the entertainment industry. In this regard, Mr. Qi and I are quite similar."

Li Kai is a person who likes to be entangled.

He always remembered Qi Lin's words in his heart.

It wasn't until a certain day later, after he got married and had a child with Xiangjiang actress Liang Luo, that he lamented that Qi Lin's scheming was so accurate that his prediction was so accurate.

"Akai, go open a bottle of champagne, I want to have a drink with Mr. Qi, thank him for his help to our Cheung Kong last time.

"If he hadn't opened the back door for us, our company network would not have returned to normal so quickly."

Seemingly reminded of something, Li Chaoren said with a smile as he left.

I forgot to say that.

Qi Lin's 720 antivirus also has a branch in Xiangjiang.

When Europe, America and Cherry Blossom Country were still in dire straits, the Panda anti-virus mutant worm in Xiangjiang had already been brought under control.

Perhaps because of the blood, when the 72023 antivirus company entered the Xiangjiang market, the Xiangjiang government was more welcoming, and there was no such thing as the resistance and exclusion of the Cherry Blossom Country.

Therefore, the development of 720 antivirus company here is very good.

Monthly revenue has officially exceeded 100 million.

Li Kai handed his father and Qi Lin a glass of champagne each.

"Brother Qi Lin, from now on, the network security of our Cheung Kong company will be entrusted to you by 720 antivirus. "We also celebrate the tenth cooperation between our two companies."

Li Chaoren smiled and clinked glasses with Qi Lin.

"Happy cooperation."

Qi Lin drank it down with a smile.

Just being responsible for the network security of Li Chaoren's family business, Qi Lin can earn tens of millions of profits a year.

Although I don't know why Li Chaoren takes care of himself so much, but he has inherited this love.

The business culture of Chinese people is the wine table culture.

Although they drank champagne, the distance between the few people was also shortened.

Qi Lin pondered for a while, and decided that it was time to give Li Chaoren some hints.

If he can anticipate and take precautions in advance, he may be able to avoid the crisis of the eldest son being kidnapped in advance.

"Mr. Li, I wonder if you recognize Ye Huan?"

Qi Lin asked with a smile.

Li Chaoren froze for a moment, then smiled and said: "I have a little impression of the person you mentioned. It seems to be a gangster in Xiangjiang. When he robbed the gold shop a few years ago, he was holding weapons of mass destruction and confronted the police. It's coming."

"I heard that he escaped from prison some time ago, and now he is missing...What did little brother Qi Lin suddenly ask him for?"

Qi Lin took out a 1916 and ignited it, slowly exhaled a puff of smoke ring and said with a smile: "Some time ago, I just threw a few random people over to help me with my affairs. The underground forces have all been subdued, and a community of more than 20,000 people has been established, which can bring me more than one billion profits every month."

"Although I don't care about this little money, at least it can be used as an eyeliner to help me find out some news, right? I just let them mess around there."

"No, two days ago, there was a message back to me, saying that Ye Huan wanted to do something in Baoer, but was driven out by my people, and fled to Xiangjiang in a speedboat.

"This kind of gangster is a scum that kills without blinking an eye. I want to remind Mr. Li to be careful of the family around him."

Having said so much, Qi Lin can be regarded as being benevolent and righteous.

If Li Chaoren doesn't believe it, then he will really pick up a huge favor.

Regarding Qi Lin telling Ye Huan to go to Xiangjiang and telling him to be careful of his family, Li Chaoren was calm and not worried at all.

But when Qi Lin said that he had a community of more than 20,000 people in Biaoer and completely controlled the underground order in Biaoer, Li Chaoren's pupils couldn't help shrinking slightly.

Superman Li doesn't like clubs, but when he controls a club and controls the entire underground world of Seoul, the concept is different.

There are hundreds of associations in a small Xiangjiang, and there are three or four associations with more than 10,000 people.

The so-called Hades is easy to mess with, but little ghosts are hard to deal with.

When foreign companies want to do business in Xiangjiang, the first hurdle they have to pass is these associations.

At the beginning, Sanxing of the Peninsula and General Motors of the Beautiful Country came here to invest in the communication company, but the senior executives received threatening letters for no reason, and finally all quit the company's senior management.

However, Li Chaoren successfully invested in this company and became the real beneficiary with nothing to do.

No one would believe that he wasn't playing tricks behind his back.

Although Li Chaoren has nothing to do with these clubs, these clubs are really doing things for him.

Now that Qi Lin controls all the associations in Seoul, it means that if Li Chaoren wants to invest in Seoul, or even invest in the peninsula, it will depend on Qi Lin's face.

Otherwise, the money will not be made at that time, and there will be a big somersault there.

Li Chaoren would have misunderstood it, thinking that Qi Lin was showing off his muscles, but Qi Lin was reminding him to be careful where his son was kidnapped.

"Hehe, Biaoer is a good place. I didn't expect little brother Qi Lin to do business there. When the time comes, our family, Akai, will go to do business. Little brother Qi Lin, don't forget to help."

"Thank you, little brother Qi Lin, for your reminder. I still believe in the security of Xiangjiang. For so many years, Xiangjiang has not made a statement about the kidnapping of a rich man."

Li Chaoren agreed in a very face-saving way.

He didn't care about Qi Lin's reminder.

A look of helplessness flashed across Qi Lin's black eyes.

It is because no rich man has been kidnapped for so many years, you started to take it lightly, and gave Zhang Qiang a chance to succeed.

After that, not only Li Kai was kidnapped by him, but he also extorted 1 billion yuan.

Guo Bing, the second richest man in Xiangjiang, was also brutally murdered [600 million was blackmailed again.

Seeing that Li Chaoren didn't believe what he said, Qi Lin didn't bother to remind him.

In the next few days, under Li Kai's hospitality, Qi Lin went to watch the horse betting, the Victoria's Secret show, and the Miss Xiangjiang contest.

Speaking of Miss Xiangjiang in this issue, Qi Lin can only use four words to describe it.

That is unsightly.

The champion, runner-up and third runner-up, except that the third runner-up is a mixed race, also has slightly longer eyes.

What is the champion and the runner-up?

Take it out and put it on the street, it may not be considered a beauty.

Qi Lin can only say that this kind of black box operation, not Miss Xiangjiang elected by ordinary people, is really disgusting.


Qi Lin, who was surrounded and walked out of the venue, spit out a mouthful of saliva.

After spending a few days with Qi Lin, Li Kai also fell in love with this unassuming, humorous, well-informed little brother.

Seeing Qi Lin's nauseated appearance, Li Kai laughed loudly and said: "So I thought Miss Xiangjiang in this episode was too ugly, but I didn't expect Mr. Qi to think the same way.

"Those audiences are simply blind, as if they are not high society if they are not praised for their beauty and temperament, it is simply too fake."

"Good-looking is good-looking, ugly is ugly, mainstream aesthetics is the real aesthetics, Mr. Qi, am I right?"

The corner of Qi Lin's mouth twitched: "That's because you haven't seen the model show of Huaqing Academy of Fine Arts. It was a group of demons dancing wildly. This time, the champion and runner-up of Miss Xiangjiang can be regarded as human beings. Those squinting and snake spirits in Huaqing Academy of Fine Arts The face is simply an alien, indescribable existence."

"Is that an exaggeration?"

Li Kai was dumbfounded by what Qi Lin said.

130" Yes, and it's more exaggerated than what I said.

Qi Lin's tone was affirmative.

He decided that when his power can control the whole world, he must define squinting eyes, a shoehorn face, and thick lips as ugly.

Speaking of this, Qi Lin has to praise the Coconut Tree Coconut Milk.

They have been advertising side-by-side for more than ten years, and have been fined countless times, just to tell the people of the country what is considered a traditional beauty.

Oval oval face, big round eyes, single or double eyelids, pretty nose, bulging big bear.

"If you find an opportunity, why don't you buy the Coconut Tree brand of coconut milk, and then hold a national beauty pageant, let them show their talents, show their beautiful bodies, and then let the people vote to select the most beautiful beauties in China."

"Finally put this beauty in the bag..."

cough cough~

Qi Lin's idea was good in the first place, but why did it turn crooked later.

After all, Li Kai is still the chairman of Yingke and has his own business.

After doing a lot of friendship with the landlord, he went back to his company to get busy.


Qi Lin and Li Chaoren are watching the news in the living room.

Yes, Li Chaoren was so overwhelmed with hospitality that he simply replaced a luxurious guest room with new appliances and let Qi Lin stay here temporarily.

"This station has received the latest news that the gangster Ye Huan crossed from the peninsula to the border of Xiangjiang. When he landed on the island, he accidentally encountered several coast patrol policemen and a gun battle broke out.

"Fortunately, with the cooperation of several coastal patrols, they wounded the bandit Ye Huan's thigh and captured him together."

"Currently, Ye Huan has been escorted by the police to St. Mary's Hospital, where he is being monitored and treated.

After reading the news, Li Chaoren laughed directly, and Qi Lin said: "I just said that little brother Qi Lin is making too much fuss, our Xiangjiang police are still very conscientious, this Ye Huan was captured before he even landed on Xiangjiang Island , Brother Qi Lin doesn't have to worry about anything anymore, right?"

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