Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

354: Li Kai Was Kidnapped, Li Chaoren: I Regret Not Listening To Qi Lin Back Then!

A light flashed in Qi Lin's black eyes, but he didn't answer Li Chaoren's words.

When Ye Huan logged into Xiangjiang Island, it meant that he had received a notice from Zhang Qiang, and that he was going to attack Li Chaoren's eldest son, Li Kai.

Although Ye Huan was arrested, several of his brothers fled in all directions, completing the rendezvous with Zhang Qiang.

Perhaps within a day or two, Li Kai will encounter the darkest moment in his life.

When resting at night, Qi Lin walked to the balcony.

On his shoulder stood Kun Kun with sharp eyes.

"Follow Li Kai for the past two days, if he is kidnapped, don't help him, just report back to me anytime.

Qi Lin caressed Kun Kun, and then tied a satellite phone to him.

Kun Kun rubbed Qi Lin's neck affectionately, then flapped his wings and flew to the sky.


The next night, bad news came from Li Chaoren's side.

Zhang Qiang just kidnapped Li Kai himself, but released his driver.

"Mr. Li Chao is not well, Mr. Li, he, he was kidnapped!"

As soon as he entered the door, the driver cried and said to Li Chaoren.


Hearing the bad news, Li Chaoren, who was over seventy years old, instantly stood up with a shocked expression on his face.

"Where was Li Kai kidnapped? Who kidnapped him? What's the purpose? Why did you come back alone?"

Li Chaoren couldn't even say the shocking words now, Qi Lin frowned, and simply asked on his behalf.

And as soon as he opened his mouth, he asked a few of the most critical questions.

Li Chaoren also stared at the driver closely.

He has always had a gentle expression, but now his eyes are like a scourge.


Li Chaoren has two sons in his life, whichever he loses, for him who is over 70 years old, it is a white-haired man giving a black-haired man.

The driver knew that this gentleman was a distinguished guest of Mr. Li Chao, so he didn't dare to talk nonsense, and said in a crying voice: "When I was driving back from the road halfway up the mountain, the tire suddenly burst. A gun was pointed at it, and then seven or eight men in black hoods surrounded us."

"Mr. Li was taken into their own car by them. Their leader claimed to be Li Qiang, and asked me to come back and give a message to Mr. Li Chao. If you don't want your son to have an accident, you'd better not call the police, otherwise he will explode with a single shot. Mr. Li's head, then chop him into minced meat and feed it to the dogs, so that Mr. Li Chao can't even find the dead body||."

Hearing this, Li Chaoren, whose head was covered with sweat, sat down on the sofa and patted his thigh in frustration: "Hi!!! I regret that I didn't listen to little brother Qi Lin, I didn't expect this world There are such audacious bandits in the world."

Regarding Li Chaoren's despair, Qi Lin didn't say anything sarcastic.

He said lightly: "Since the other party told Mr. Li not to call the police, it should be for money. Next, let's wait for the call with peace of mind. Let Brother Li Kai say a few words to see if he is safe before answering the phone call." plan to come down."

Li Chaoren has a lot of money, and his thinking is the same as Qi Lin's, that is, don't call the police first, wait for news from the kidnappers, and make sure Li Kai is still safe.

Four hours later.

Li Chaoren finally received a call from Li Qiang.

"Li Chaoren, your son is in my hands now. If you don't want him to have trouble, prepare 2 billion in cash and wait for me to get it."

Li Qiang didn't say a word of nonsense, and went straight to the point.

As the richest man in Asia, Li Chaoren also has a strong heart of his own.

"I need to listen to my son's voice first to make sure he is safe.

Li Qiang on the opposite side was silent for a moment, and replied: "Yes."

"Dad, I was kidnapped."

"You must not call the police, cooperate with them, and I will have a chance to come back.

As the eldest son of Li Chaoren, Li Kai did not embarrass him.

Although he is now in the den of tigers and wolves, his voice is still quite stable.

Just let Li Kai and Li Chaoren say a few words, Li Qiang asked his subordinates to take Li Kai away to prevent him from revealing too much information.

"Can we talk about the ransom now?"

Zhang Qiang asked lightly.

Li Chaoren smiled wryly: "Of course, but 2 billion is too much. I won't be able to spend so much cash for a while. I can cooperate with you, but you have to give me some time."

Zhang Qiang said lightly: "Then I will give you a day tomorrow to prepare money. Is this enough?"

"However, I also warn Mr. Li that I, Zhang Qiang, are a thug. The cruelty and ruthlessness in doing things are not comparable to those of you businessmen. If you dare to call the police, I will make you never see your son again."

Speaking of this, Zhang Qiang hung up the phone directly without planning to speak to Superman Li.

"Brother Qi Lin, what should I do now? Should I prepare this cash?"

It was Qi Lin who first reminded him that something might happen at home.

In addition, Qi Lin is also in control of the underground world of Biaoer. Facing these things, he may be more experienced than himself.


It's not that Li Chaoren didn't suspect that Qi Lin was involved in this matter, but immediately, he overturned this idea.

Qi Lin owns so many companies that lay golden eggs. Just a 720 antivirus, he earns more than one billion yuan every month. This is not counting the profits that Seoul contributed to him.

He had absolutely no need to risk offending himself by doing such a thing.

It should be from which channel Qi Lin got the news, someone might be detrimental to the Li family, and then told himself.

It's just that I didn't pay attention at first.

Thinking of this, Li Chaoren is still very annoyed.

"If Mr. Li believes in me, he will do as I say. They are just a group of desperate gangsters. They don't have any brains. I can not only help Mr. Li rescue brother Li Kai, but also help you catch these gangsters. , It depends on whether President Li cooperates with me or not."

With a hint of a smile in his black eyes, Qi Lin said slowly.

Hearing that Qi Lin was so confident, even Li Chaoren couldn't help it.

Then he began to weigh the pros and cons.

If he didn't believe in Qi Lin, he had to rely on his own strength to rescue the eldest son, not to mention whether he could be rescued, even if Li Kai was rescued in the end, he could only watch those gangsters flee with money.

How could this make Superman Li reconciled.

Qi Lin is different. He seems to know a lot of inside information that he doesn't know. Since he is so confident, there must be a way to do what he said.

Li Chaoren's face couldn't help becoming serious: "As long as little brother Qi Lin can help me rescue Akai, you will be our Li family's guest from now on. No matter what little brother Qi Lin needs our Li family's help in the future, I will help you." Ji Chao will never be ambiguous."

This is what Qi Lin wanted.

He smiled: "There is no need to raise the 2 billion. Li Qiang can't wait that long at all. He should come to the villa tomorrow to verify that you really don't have so much cash. At that time, it will be the biggest opportunity to resolve this crisis." .

"That gangster Li Qiang will come to the villa?"

Li Chaoren was shocked when he heard Qi Lin's words.

He really didn't expect that there were such bold gangsters in this world.

At the same time, Li Chao was still a little worried about Qi Lin's words.

If that Li Qiang didn't come to the villa, after 24 hours, he asked (Li Nuozhao) what to do if he couldn't pay the ransom of 2 billion yuan?

"Okay, I will listen to little brother Qi Lin."

Superman Li nodded.

"But we can't just do nothing. I'm going to call more bodyguards over now. If the bandits are coming to the villa, our personal safety also needs to be considered.

Superman Li Qilin nodded, and then went out to make a phone call.

But Qi Lin knew that Li Chaoren was not going to mobilize bodyguards at all, but to raise cash.

Smart people like him never put all their eggs in one basket.

Qi Lin was not angry at Li Chaoren's distrust.

If he had encountered such a thing, he might have made the same choice as Li Chaoren.

Anyway, as long as the final goal is achieved, not only can you get Li Chaoren's great favor, but you can also catch Li Qiang and hand it over to Lan Gang, so that this father-in-law's career will be improved to a higher level. (Century Thief was finally caught in the mainland.)

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