Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

356: The Thief King Of The Century Also Has To Bow His Head, The Gorgeous Bomb Fireworks In The Sky

Li Chaoren winked at Qi Lin again and again, but found that he didn't seem to see it.

In desperation, he could only say to Zhang Qiang: "Mr. Zhang Qiang is here, so naturally I can't let you go home empty-handed. I have 40 million in cash in my villa. If Mr. Zhang Qiang wants it, then I can give it to you."

Zhang Qiang nodded in satisfaction seeing Li Chaoren being so upbeat.

He sat down on the chair again, and said lightly: "Ask the security guard in your villa to help move the money into the car, so that I can take it away conveniently.

More than 40 million yuan in cash weighed about 800 kilograms, or about half a ton, and Zhang Qiang would definitely not be able to move it away by himself.

Hearing Zhang Qiang's arrogant words, the faces of several security guards in the villa were extremely ugly.

Li Chaoren paid them to come back just to protect the safety of his family.

But now they have to watch the gangsters enter the house and threaten Mr. Li, and they have to help the gangsters move the money.

Is there anything more frustrating than this~?

But he actually happened.

When moving to more than 38 million, Zhang Qiang thought for a while and suddenly said: "Just 38 million, the number four is unlucky, and I don't want the extra 2 million."

Chinese people pay attention to auspiciousness, and even the thief king of the century can't help being superstitious.

"Thank you Mr. Li for your generosity, then I will go back and wait for good news from Mr. Li."

Zhang Qiang stood up and finally smiled.

This is the happy smile of a successful trick.

Then turned and walked towards the door.

Seeing that Zhang Qiang was about to leave with 38 million yuan, but Qi Lin was still indifferent, Li Chaoren couldn't help but sighed.

I knew that he shouldn't trust the self-confidence of young people too much.

Maybe the development of some things is beyond Qi Lin's expectation.

"Chirp! Chirp chirp!"

At this moment, under Zhang Qiang's bewildered gaze, Hai Dongqing, whose feathers were all white, flew over his head.

It flew into the villa and landed on Qi Lin's shoulder.

The strange bird call, in the ears of Qi Lin who understands bird language, is a series of clear messages.

"Master, Zhou Pojun and I have solved all the kidnappers. Li Kai was hidden in an old refrigerator by them, and we have found him. Now he is safe.

Kun Kun said in Qi Lin's ear.

Qi Lin kept silent, just for the first news.

Seeing that Kunkun and Zhou Pojun had rescued Zhang Kai now, he finally smiled.

"This sea dongqing is very clever, Mr. Li, would you mind lending it to me for a few days?"

Zhang Qiang is also a bird lover, especially this kind of raptor.

He was also thinking about it, after this kidnapping, he contacted the bird dealers in the Mainland to get one or two for fun, but unexpectedly, he ran into Li Chao's family.

As for Qi Lin, he thought it was Li Chaoren's family or something, and he didn't pay attention to it at all.

Li Chaoren looked a little embarrassed at this time, because Qi Lin was not his family at all, and he was not qualified to ask Qi Lin to give this sea dongqing to Zhang Qiang.

"There are some things that a low-level gangster like you can't touch, otherwise it will bring you disaster."

Qi Lin stroked Kun Kun's supple feathers, and said lightly.

This is the first time someone has spoken to Zhang Qiang like this, and his face suddenly darkened: "Who are you? Are you qualified to speak here? Or is it because Mr. Li thinks that the one billion ransom is not enough and wants to double it again?" ?”

Li Chaoren did not expect that Qi Lin would clash with Zhang Qiang at the critical moment.

He quickly winked at Qi Lin, motioning him not to provoke Zhang Qiang, and said at the same time: "Brother Qi Lin, just treat it as my debt to you, so you can give him this sea dongqing. How much will you spend then? I bought it, and I will compensate you at double the price."

Qi Lin can also understand Li Chaoren's mood. He is afraid that Zhang Qiang will be angered, and his son will be in danger.

It is also time to tell Li Chaoren a good news.

"Mr. Li, you don't need to look at him anymore, your son is fine now, we can think about it and keep this gangster.

Qi Lin smiled faintly and flicked Kun Kun's beak.

Kun Kun's sharp eyes flashed a cold light, and he fluttered his wings, hovering over the living room.

Hearing Qi Lin's words, the expressions of Zhang Qiang and Li Chaoren changed at the same time.

"Brother Qi Lin, don't lie to me? You can't take a joke about such a big event."

He said almost tremblingly.

Zhang Qiang gave Qi Lin a hard look, and then immediately dialed his subordinate's phone number.


After a series of sounds, the phone was connected.

But it was not his subordinates who spoke, but a man with a strong voice: "Don't fight, your subordinates are all dead, you should meet the boss now, right? Be smart and don't resist, otherwise you will The end will be even more tragic."


After hearing Zhou Pojun's words, Zhang Hua's face couldn't hold back any longer.

He dared to come to Li Chaoren's villa alone because Li Kai was his trump card.

Now that all his subordinates are dead and Li Kai has been rescued, what capital does he have to negotiate terms with Li Chaoren?

"Li Chaoren! Your son has already been rescued, and now you don't have to raise that money. I only need 38 million, and I will let you go, otherwise I will die with you all!"

At this moment, Zhang Qiang, Hai Dongqing, who cared about Qi Lin, let out an angry roar, then turned around and rushed to the car full of banknotes outside, and left here quickly.

However, before Zhang Qiang could touch the door of that car, there was already a handsome guy with a shabby expression in front of him.

Don't think about it, this person must be Qi Lin.

"Didn't you want my Costin just now? I don't want this bird anymore. Where are you going?"

Looking at Qi Lin in front of him, Zhang Qiang felt a huge threat all at once.

"It's you again! You're the one who ruined my good deeds, right? If you like meddling in other people's business so much, I'll send you on your way first!"

But Zhang Qiang was not afraid, took out a dagger, and stabbed directly at Qi Lin's heart.

As a gangster who repeatedly robbed gold shops and caused all the police in Xiangjiang to suffer, it is impossible to say that he does not have outstanding skills.

Zhang Qiang is actually a master of Krav Maga in Israel.

Seeing this dangerous scene, Li Chaoren, who had just rushed to the door, was also sweating on his forehead, worried about Qi Lin.

But it is a pity that Zhang Qiang met Qi Lin, an SSS-level fighting master who broke through the limits of human beings.


Qi Lin looked calm, and accurately blocked Zhang Qiang's arm, knocking the dagger out.

Before Zhang Qiang could make a counterattack, he struck again with one hand, hitting Zhang Qiang's fragile elbow joint.



Zhang Qiang screamed and his arm broke

The inhuman pain almost made him faint.

"Grass Mud Horse!"

"Compare me to a wolf, right? Don't let me go?"

"Today, labor and management will let you be buried with me!"

Zhang Qiang's ferocity was directly inspired by Qi Lin. Under the stimulation of severe pain, he laughed wildly, and with his good hand, he took the button to hang the bomb.


In the middle of Setsuna, the alarm that the bomb was about to explode rang loudly, and Li Chaoren, who was not far away, was dying.

"Quick! Quickly protect Mr. Li!"

Amidst the hysterical voice, those security guards ran towards Li Chaoren desperately.

"Kun Kun!"

Qi Lin quickly took two steps back, avoiding Zhang Qiang who wanted to hug him, and called out to Kun Kun.

In milliseconds, Kun Kun swooped down from above.

A pair of sharp claws directly cut off the time bomb tied to Zhang Qiang's body.

Grabbing the time bomb, Kun Kun flew to the sky at a very high speed, and then threw the bomb out at the last second.



While still in mid-air, the liquid bomb exploded directly, and the deafening sound almost made Li Chaoren's already degraded hearing a thing of the past.

After doing all this, Kun Kun hovered and landed like a king returning in triumph, and finally landed calmly on Qi Lin's shoulder.

"Good job, go back and reward you with a female Haidongqing."

Qi Lin smiled lightly, stroking its holy feathers

For the first time, Kun Kun's paws softened, and he almost failed to stand firmly on Qi Lin's shoulder and fell off.

Zhou Qiang's weapon was shot down by Qi Lin, and the only guaranteed time bomb was defuse by Kun Kun without any risk.

He was directly subdued by the security guards rushing up, but his long and narrow eyes still stared at Qi Lin viciously, wishing to peel Qi Lin alive.

"You like to die together, don't you?"

"Kun Kun, go and give me all his tendons and hamstrings.

Qi Lin didn't like Zhang Qiang's eyes very much, he said lightly.

"you dare!"

Once the tendons and hamstrings are useless, they will be almost like a useless person.

How can Zhang Qiang, who is the thief king of the century, accept this.

But now he has been reduced to a prisoner, and what Qi Lin wants to do with him is not his decision at all.

In the fearful eyes of those security guards and Li Chaoren, Kun Kun, who was teased by Qi Lin for a while, was a little annoyed, and took all his anger on Zhang Qiang.


The scream that was ten times more tragic than before was yelled out of Zhang Qiang's mouth!

Kun Kun, who flew to Zhang Qiang's body, easily scratched his wrists and ankles with his silvery sharp claws, then picked out the tendons in his arms and hamstrings, and cut them off one by one.

...asking for flowers...

That blood dripping appearance, don't mention how exciting it is.

Under the severe pain, Zhang Qiang, who could no longer bear it, finally passed out.

After a few hours.

In Li Chaoren's villa, it was extremely lively.

The Li family has a great business, but the population is not very prosperous.

Li Chaoren's wife, Mrs. Zhuang, had passed away a few years ago.

Li Kai is not married either, only Li Chaoren's youngest son Li Ju is married, and his wife is Wang Liqiao.

Yesterday, Li Chaoren didn't tell him because he was worried that Li Ju, who was young and energetic, would know the news.

Until now, Qi Lin sent someone to rescue Li Kai, and Li Chao told his younger son Li Ju that his elder brother had been kidnapped.

"Brother, are you okay?"

"What kind of gangster is so bold that he even dares to kidnap people from our Li family?"

Li Ju asked angrily.

Li Kai's eyes were a little red and swollen, this was because he cried and hugged Li Chaoren when he returned home just now.

"I'm fine. The person who kidnapped me is Zhang Qiang, the thief king of the century, but he..."

Before Li Kai could finish speaking, Li Ju interrupted him and said, "It's good that you're fine, maybe Dad gave him a ransom, so they let you out, Daxi?"

"Brother, you have to be more careful when commuting to and from get off work in the future, and we need to arrange more security around us, so that we won't be caught by these gangsters again.

Li Ju thought that Li Kai was released after paying the ransom.

"Ah, you misunderstood me. I didn't get my father to rescue me with a ransom. It's a long story... You come here, and my brother will introduce someone to you first."


Li Kai pulled Li Ju, who had a bewildered face, and his wife Wang Liqiao to Qi Lin who was drinking tea.

"This is Qi

Mr. Lin Qi is also my father's old friend, and this time I am all thanks to Mr. Qi. If he hadn't rescued me in time, I'm afraid I would have been in trouble this time. "

"That gangster Zhang Qiang was also caught by Mr. Qi, and he is now locked up in our villa." 1

Li Kai told all about what happened before and after.

After listening to this thrilling process, especially Qi Lin's bare-handed dealing with the bandits, and at the last moment, he asked his pet to throw the bomb out to save the people in a villa.

Qi Lin has already admired the five bodies.

"I don't want to thank you for your kindness. I thank Mr. Qi for saving my elder brother, and I thank Mr. Qi for protecting my father Zhouquan. I, Li Ju, will never be vague about what Mr. Qi will order from now on."

Li Ju said sincerely.

It is different from ordinary wealthy families.

Li Chaoren's tutoring is still very good.

Obviously Li Kai died, Li Ju is the only heir of the family.

Zhang Qiang kidnapped Li Kai, the biggest beneficiary is him.

But Li Ju didn't want anything to happen to his elder brother.

The relationship between the two brothers is usually very good, and they jointly manage the company. It is precisely because the two brothers are united and twisted together that the Li family has been able to control the No. 1 Xiangjiang family for decades.

The location of the wealthy.

"Boss Li and brother Li Kai have already said this, so you don't need to repeat it again."

Qi Lin did not refuse, and accepted Li Ju's bow.

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Li Ju's face was embarrassed, a little embarrassed.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing this scene, Li Chaoren and Li Kai couldn't bear it any longer and burst out laughing.

Several people exchanged a few pleasantries, and Li Chaoren talked about the business.

"Brother Qi Lin, what are you going to do with Zhang Qiang? Do you want to hand it over to the Xiangjiang police or what?

Qi Lin smiled lightly and said: "Xiangjiang law's punishment for such thugs is too light, if they are released on parole for medical treatment or something, they may escape from prison again, and it will be a big deal for you at that time."

a scourge. "

"I'm going to take him back to Huaxia and hand him over to the Huaxia police. I believe [taking a gun is unavoidable based on his guilt."

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Li Chaoren nodded approvingly: "Little brother Qi Lin is still considerate. Anyway, you caught this man, so let him handle it with you."

"In addition, it would be hypocritical to say too many words of thanks. Brother Qi Lin's help this time is equivalent to the grace of rebuilding for our Li family."

"Tomorrow, I'm going to hold a special banquet at the Peninsula Hotel to entertain little brother Qi Lin, which is equivalent to the alliance between our two families. From now on, we will be allies who advance and retreat together."

What Li Chaoren said is straightforward enough.

He is now the richest man in Asia with hundreds of billions of assets, while Qi Lin's assets have not even reached tens of billions.

It is said to be an alliance, but in fact it is Li Chaoren who is willing to help Qi Lin, and even provide him with funds unconditionally. This is the benefit of Qi Lin saving Li Kai.

This kind of favor in exchange for a little effort is simply not so exciting. .

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