Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

357: Jiang Nannan, This One Won't Work, Is There Anything More Exciting?

After being treated by the private doctor in Li Chaoren's villa, Zhang Qiang, the thief king of the century, wakes up leisurely.

"If you don't kill me, you will regret it."

Zhang Qiang, whose hands were handcuffed and unable to move, stared at Qi Lin viciously.

There is a reason why he dared to kidnap rich people in Xiangjiang.

The laws of Hong Kong are different from those of the mainland.

And Zhang Qiang has already dealt with the police here.

Two years ago, he hijacked a plane transporting 120 million cash at the airport and was caught by the police on the spot.

His wife used the power of the media to deliberately promote him, saying that Zhang Qiang was innocent when the police beat people casually.

Find him a better lawyer.

He actually won the case in court and let him be acquitted.

Is this plot dreamy enough? But it really happened.

In Zhang Qiang's eyes, Li Chaoren is a public figure, and he definitely dare not dispose of him at will.

The greatest possibility is to hand him over to the Xiangjiang police.

In this way, he would have another chance to manipulate and escape from the inside, seeking Qi Lin's revenge.

Unfortunately, this time he guessed Qi Lin's idea wrongly.

"Think I'll hand you over to the Xiangjiang police?"

"No, no, it's better to take you back to the mainland than to make you argue with the Xiangjiang police. y

"I believe the police there will give you a satisfactory answer."

Qi Lin took out a 1916 from the cigarette case, and Zhou Pojun immediately stepped forward to light it for Qi Lin.

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Zhang Qiang's pupils shrank suddenly, and for the first time a look of fear appeared.

If he was really taken to the mainland by Qi Lin, there would be only one fate for him, and that would be to be shot.

"Brother, I don't think you seem to be following a normal path. This time, it's because I didn't have eyes and moved the person you protected."

"Well, my Zhang Qiang ability is here, and I will follow you in the future. If you let me go east, I will never dare to go west on June 23. With my left and right arms, brother, your future career It will definitely be more comfortable.”

Zhang Qiang's tone softened, and he actually began to admit cowardice.

Hearing Zhang Qiang's words, Qi Lin was a little funny.

Zhang Qiang chose to be a gangster because he was born with restless factors in his bones.

To use an idiom to describe it, it is the eagle watching the wolf, the absolute rebel.

Let such a person be his right and left arm, unless Qi Lin feels that he is tired of working.

When he wasn't paying attention, Zhang Qiang would stab him from behind and send his boss to heaven.

After all, Zhang Qiang, like Qi Lin, is a villain.

And when people with such identities meet, they are always doomed and can only survive.

"Forget it, I'm just a normal businessman, if you let me hang out with you, do you want you to help me kidnap and blackmail a rich businessman?"

Qi Lin smiled faintly, turned around and prepared to leave.

"Fuck you, don't let me go, and you don't want me to follow you, you just want me to go to hell!"

"You kill me early, and when I go to hell, I will come back as a ghost and kill all your family members!!!"

Seeing that Qi Lin was not on the road, Zhang Qiang revealed his true colors, and cursed Qi Lin.

Hearing his words, Qi Lin's black eyes flashed a chill.

"Suddenly I want to change my mind."

To Zhang Qiang's surprise, Qi Lin suddenly turned around and said.

"Let me just say, I am such a gangster who is not afraid of death, brother, you are definitely useful."

Qi Lin didn't pay attention to Zhang Qiang, but asked the system: "System, is there any medicine that can control people's mind and make him absolutely obey my orders?"

System: "Future technology, XC3511 hallucinogenic drug, can permanently control people's mind, make it completely obey the host's orders, and become a complete puppet."

"Please remember, the host, after taking this potion, the effect is irreversible, and the user can no longer restore his original mind."

"Purchase requires 150 points.

When Qi Lin heard this, he was stunned: "Points? What is this thing? Do I have this thing?"

System: "The host will get 10,000 points for completely depriving a hero's luck value."

"At present, the host has completely deprived the hero Hu Bing of his luck, Hu Bing no longer has the status of the hero, and the host has accumulatively accumulated 10,000 points.

After listening to the system's answer, Qi Lin was thoughtful.

In the past, he still felt that keeping the main characters like Wang Cheng and Yu Chen to play slowly, and that they had only ten or twenty points of luck left, was no longer a threat to him.

It now appears that this is not the case at all.

As long as I completely trample them to the point of no return, or kill them, the system will reward me with points, just like Hu Bing who has been sentenced to life.

"Points are a good thing, and you can actually buy good things like future technology. If you save more points, can you touch the threshold of longevity, or the medicine to delay aging?

A gleam flashed across Qi Lin's black eyes.

There is no one who is not afraid of death, especially when Qi Lin is reborn, his power is getting bigger and bigger, and one day he will be able to become the rule maker of this world.

If he can survive, wouldn't he be able to create a terrorist family that manipulates the entire world behind the scenes?

System: "The host's integral points have not reached the specified number, exceeding the authority to view anti-aging medicine."

It seems to have detected Qi Lin's thoughts, the system said so.

"Sure enough, such a potion that works against the sky is simply beyond my reach.

"It seems that we need to cut more leeks from the hero of this world."

"I don't know how many male protagonists there are in this world, and whether the points obtained by killing them all are enough to exchange for the potion of eternal life."

Qi Lin stroked his chin while Xia Si thought.

System: "Ask the host again, whether to spend 150 points to exchange for XC3511 hallucinogenic potion."

The value of 150 points is just a drop in the bucket for exchanging anti-aging medicines, there is no need to save.

"Exchange it."

Qi Lin said to the system in his mind.

"Ding! The exchange is successful, the potion has been distributed to the host system space, and the parent host will check it by himself.

The system knows.

Qi Lin smiled faintly, and took out a bottle of glass alloy needle tube with a very sci-fi atmosphere from his pocket.

Taking off the protective cover on the needle tube, Qi Lin handed the syringe to Zhou Pojun.

"Po Jun, inject the medicine inside into his body."

Zhou Pojun nodded and walked in front of Zhang Qiang holding the needle.

"You, what do you want to do? What is this thing?"

Looking at the medicine in the needle tube, which was green and shining with a faint light, Zhang Qiang's heart tightened, and he had an ominous premonition.

But Zhou Pojun didn't give him time to explain.

Aim at his waist and inject it directly.


The moment the liquid base entered Zhang Qiang's body, a very unbearable severe pain directly attacked Zhang Qiang's trigeminal nerve.

He looked up to the sky and roared, with a jealous and ferocious expression on his face, as if he wanted to roar the sky to pieces.

Seeing Zhang Qiang in such pain, Zhou Pojun was also shocked, not understanding what the boss had injected this man with.

Next, Zhang Qiang's Yanbian model is like a zombie in a movie.

The body twisted in a strange posture, and the monster-like growl sounded from the mouth, and the behavior he showed became less and less like a normal person.

This situation lasted for a full ten minutes before finally ending.

"Boss, Zhang Qiang's injuries have all healed!"

Zhou Pojun saw the changes in Zhang Qiang's body at a glance, and said in shock.

Qi Lin saw it without his reminding.

System: "Zhang Qiang has been completely controlled by hallucinogenic drugs, and he only obeys the host's orders from now on. However, he retains his original mind, but from now on, his mind can only see the outside world through his eyes in the depths of his mind. In this world, I can no longer control my body.

"Well, yes, this kind of punishment is even more difficult for Zhang Qiang than killing him."

"Po Jun, how about this hallucinogenic potion? It can control people's body for my use, and can never disobey my orders. At the same time, it retains its own thoughts, watching the outside world, but can't control itself."

Qi Lin smiled and said to Zhou Pojun.


Zhou Pojun was a big man, but he couldn't help swallowing his saliva in fear.

If Qi Lin injects him with this medicine, will he also become this kind of person who is neither human nor ghost, and life is better than death?

"Boss, you have always known my loyalty to you."

That's right, Qi Lin's words were intended to frighten Zhou Pojun, and Zhou Pojun was really frightened.

Of course, he never meant to betray Qi Lin, but he was afraid that Qi Lin's heart would be so dark that his relatives would not recognize him.

Even his loyal bodyguard didn't trust him.

"Seeing how scared you are, I didn't say I would give you an injection..." Qi Lin smiled dumbly at you, and patted Zhou Pojun on the shoulder: "Of course I understand your loyalty to me, keep it up, I hope that in the future I will stand on the mountain When looking at the scenery from the top, the person standing beside me will still be you.

Hearing that Qi Lin didn't intend to inject himself, Zhou Pojun breathed a sigh of relief.

"Swear to serve the boss to the death."

Zhou Pojun lowered his head and expressed his heart to Qi Lin.

"Untie him."

Qi Lin said to Zhou Pojun.


But before Zhou Pojun passed by, Zhang Qiang had already tore off the handcuffs tied to the fence by himself.

Even though his wrist had been torn bloody, his expression didn't change at all.

"Oh, is it still like this?"

"Pojun, make two moves with him."

Qi Lin said with great interest, he wanted to know how effective the controlled puppet was.

The puppet has lost its original thinking, and can only complete some mechanical commands, with limited uses.

If the combat power is still average, then it is really like a chicken rib.

"Yes, the drawing board."

Zhou Pojun nodded, and then directly attacked Zhang Qiang...

Facing Zhou Pojun's attack, Zhang Qiang was directly sent flying, smashing several vases behind him to pieces.

Facing the fierce attack, he just got up and let the blood drip from the corner of his mouth, but he didn't fight back at all.

Qi Lin rubbed his forehead: "Forgot, you have to order me to act, right?"

"From now on, your name will be Lu Yi.

"Zero and one, attack the man opposite you."

Hearing Qi Lin's order, Zhang Qiang's momentum changed instantly, and his body was full of terrifying murderous aura.

With the sound of breaking through the air, he kicked his legs and attacked Zhou Pojun.

"Boom boom boom!"

A loud bang immediately sounded in the lobby on the fourth floor, even alarming Li Chaoren's family.

After a few minutes.


Qi Lin, who felt the same, finally shouted to stop.

"Pojun, tell me your opinion."

Qi Lin smiled and said to Zhou Pojun.

Zhou Pojun's fists were trembling faintly, and they were already bloody.

"Boss, Zhang Zhangqiang's strength has skyrocketed by at least four or five times after injecting that potion. He is only slightly weaker than me, but I'm not sure that I can kill him. Unlike normal people, he seems

No pain at all, no fatigue, this is the scariest thing.

"Maybe he's the real killing machine."

Qi Lin nodded in satisfaction.

Such a killing machine can come in handy at critical moments.

"What happened?"

"Hiss! How did Zhang Qiang break free by himself? Didn't he already have his tendons broken?"

When Li Chaoren's family came up, they found that Wang Qiang, who was expressionless and only stared at Qi Lin, was so frightened that his hair stood on end.

"Don't worry, I just communicated with Zhang Qiang, he has already chosen to completely surrender to me."

Qi Lin explained with a smile.

However, Li Chaoren's expression changed: "Brother Qi Lin, this is the king of thieves of the century. He is born to be rebellious. With his character, he will never submit to anyone. The right thing to do is to kill the grass and roots."


Qi Lin smiled faintly: "He will not submit to others, but I am different from others... Zhang Qiang, bark like a dog."

"Wow woof."

"Zhang Qiang, lick my shoes clean."

Zhang Qiang immediately crawled over like a dog, stuck out his tongue and began to lick Qi Lin's leather shoes.

But Qi Lin kicked his head away.

Faced with such insulting things, Zhang Qiang just lay still, not paying attention to the shoe prints on his face.

"Zhang Qiang, jump off the fourth floor."

Although jumping from the fourth floor won't kill anyone, but fractures and the like are certain.

Hearing Qi Lin's order, Zhang Qiang rushed to the window without hesitation, ready to jump down.

At the end of Setsuna, Qi Lin smiled and said: "Okay, come back."

Zhang Qiang, who was standing on the window, turned around and jumped off, then walked silently behind Qi Lin like a loyal dog.

Seeing this scene, Li Chaoren, Li Kai, and Li Ju were all dumbfounded.

How did Qi Lin do it?

2.6 In just a few hours, why did the thief king of this century become like this? It seems to be completely obeying Qi Lin, and it's not just pretending.

A shadow was cast over the hearts of Li Chaoren and the others.

Qi Lin seems to have too many unknown meanings.

"Fortunately, Qi Lin and I are already allies. I hope he will not think about our Li family for the sake of our allies."

Li Chaoren sighed inwardly.

"Zhang Qiang, you go to watch the night, Pojun, you go to rest.

The members of the Li family saw that Qi Lin was fine, so they sent someone to clean the fourth floor, while they went back to rest.

Apart from needing to eat, drink and scatter like normal people, Zhang Qiang doesn't need to sleep.

With him protecting Qi Lin at night, Zhou Pojun can rest at night and help Qi Lin better during the day.

In this regard, Zhou Pojun thinks this zero and one is quite useful.

After dealing with Zhang Qiang's matter, Qi Lin returned to the room, lay down on the big soft bed, and took out his mobile phone.

Then I saw the private photos sent by Jiang Nannan.

"That sentence is indeed true, there is competition to have experience."

"In the past, how could this girl send me such photos."

Looking at the text messages on the mobile phone, Jiang Nannan pouted to be cute, in a pure white tube top dress and a big bear's deep groove.

The slender fingers are better than this, standing on one leg, with one calf raised, and under the high-heeled sandals, you can see the delicate white and tender arches.

Isn't this the most provocative photoshoot pose in Douyin 20 years later?

"It's time for this little ballet princess to eat, I don't know if I will have a chance to have a good time seeing Jiang Lei this time.

Qi Lin glanced at the provocative little girl, and a smile flashed across his black eyes.

"This doesn't work, it looks boring, is there anything more exciting?"

Qi Lin sent the following text message. .

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