Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

359: The Dream Lover Of All Xiangjiang Men: Zhou Huimin

Today, Xiangjiang Peninsula Hotel ushered in a special day.

It is not a special day for the family of Li Chaoren, the richest man in Hong Kong.

But the hotel banquet hall was occupied by Superman Li.

And Li Chaoren also invited people from the four major families of Xiangjiang to the banquet.

The four major families refer to the four families of Guo Desheng, Li Zhaoji, Li Chaoren, and Zheng Yitong who made their fortunes in real estate.

Except for the celebrations organized by the Xiangjiang government, the four major families seldom get together.

Now Li Chaoren used his connections to invite so many distinguished guests at one time, in fact, to repay his kindness.

To repay Qi Lin's kindness for saving their family, I want to introduce some contacts to Qi Lin.

In the most honorable box of Dragon and Phoenix Chengxiang, the most core members of the four major families are sitting at this time.

Seeing Qi Qi looking at his peers or juniors, Li Chaoren smiled faintly: "Today, I invite you here not for anything else, but mainly to introduce a friend to everyone.

"This is Mr. Qi Linqi, from the mainland.

"Maybe everyone doesn't have much impression of it, but I said that 720 antivirus company is his company, so everyone should understand."

Hearing Li Chaoren's words, everyone who did it again was stunned.

The reason why he invited the four major families to gather was to introduce a noble person to everyone.

The reason why the nobleman is called the nobleman is that knowing him is helpful to everyone's future development and path.

Some time ago, the panda burning incense virus in Xiangjiang was also very serious.

Due to the paralysis of the company's network, the business of the four major families also suffered heavy losses.

The most critical moment was the birth of 720 antivirus company, especially after entering Xiangjiang, the rampage of Panda Burning Incense was brought under control.

And they also heard that 720 anti-virus company has already controlled the anti-virus software market in Sakura Country, Southeast Asia and the Peninsula, as well as Europe and the United States.

Although this company is still in its infancy, with the keen sense of being businessmen for many years, they understand that sooner or later, 720 Antivirus Company will grow into a unicorn in the Internet technology industry, a giant, and perhaps a major player in business. , can reach the point where they are on an equal footing.

That's right, sitting on an equal footing.

Many industries of the four major families have been taken over from their parents since the 1920s.

The hard work of three or four generations cannot be caught up by these rising stars overnight.

Therefore, after hearing Qi Lin's identity, the members of these four major families just nodded in a friendly manner, without being too eager.

Seeing this scene, Li Chaoren seemed to have expected it a long time ago. He smiled and nodded to his youngest son Li Ju.

Li Ju turned on the projector equipment that his subordinates had prepared long ago on the table, and pressed the play button.

What was projected on the white wall was the video of Zhang Qiang committing the crime captured by the surveillance cameras in Li Chaoren's villa, Qi Lin's timely action, and finally Kun Kun captured the high bomb and exploded in the sky.

Although the four big families in Xiangjiang usually have some conflicts in business, they still stand on the same front when it comes to big issues.

Both belong to the top giants, and they will all be regarded as fat and oily lambs by the gangsters.

Now that Li Chaoren released this video, it can be regarded as a reminder to them to be careful in the future and not to step into the back road of his eldest son Li Kai.

The other three major families who have been reminded by him will also remember Ji Chaoren's kindness.

It has to be said that this old fox still knows how to do business, and any resource will be used by him without waste.

The video is playing.


When Zhang Qiang entered the villa with a bomb tied and threatened Li Chaoren to prepare two billion cash, all the people present gasped.

Only then did they know that just yesterday, Li Kai, the eldest son of Ji Chaoren, was kidnapped by the Thief King of the Century.

The rest is basically the process of Qi Lin pretending.

It seems to have been arranged long ago, telling Li Chaoren that his son was rescued.

Then Zhang Qiang's fish died and the net was broken. He wanted to drag Qi Lin to die together, but Qi Lin avoided him.

In the end, Kun Kun appeared, grabbed the high explosives strapped to Zhang Qiang's body, flew into the sky, and threw it out at the last second.

Gorgeous bomb fireworks bloom wantonly in the sky.

"Presumably everyone will know what happened after reading it."

"That's right, my eldest son Li Kai was kidnapped by Zhang Qiang, the thief king of the century, if it wasn't for the help of little brother Qi Lin, our whole family might have passed away yesterday.

"Brother Qi Lin not only has made some achievements in business, but also the way he handles affairs is worth learning from."

"I also just found out that he also has the ability to cover the sky with one hand in Biaoer. It is he who knew Zhang Qiang's partner Ye Huan came back from Biaoer smuggled in advance and predicted the occurrence of this crisis before he was able to prepare for Zhang Qiang.

"I can't reveal too much about what little brother Qi Lin does in Seoul. In short, we have more than 200,000 members in the Xiangjiang community, which is almost the same in Seoul, but our community in Xiangjiang is scattered. And all the club forces in Biaoer are under the control of little brother Qi Lin, so you should understand when I say this?"

Li Chaoren has now become Qi Lin.

Of course, it was also because Li Chaoren knew that the four big families were arrogant, and he was worried that Qi Lin would be displeased by the reactions of these people, so he praised him vigorously.

I have to say, this effect is also very good.

Hearing that Qi Lin was actually in control of the power of the entire Seoul society, and even saved the lives of Li Chaoren's family with his own efforts.

The existence of such a black and white two ways is indeed worthy of their awe.

"President Qi, my father Li Zhaoji, my name is Li Jiacheng, nice to meet you."

The youngest son of Li Zhaoji, the second richest family in Hong Kong, took the initiative to toast Qi Lin.

At the beginning, Li Zhaoji gave his son a name with the same pronunciation in order to beat Li Chaoren who was the same age.

At that time, this matter was still aroused in Xiangjiang, and everyone wanted to see Li Chaoren's reaction.

But Li Chaoren has never seen such a big storm, and it seems that he doesn't care about it at all, "He still talks and laughs in public.

That is to say, when the Li family grew up, he was the one who was tricked the most.

Every time I see Li Chaoren, I feel embarrassed.

He is a junior, and Li Chaoren is an elder. He didn't even dare to say his name in self-introduction, but only dared to say Li, which is true and a bit funny.

Not only Li Jiacheng, but the descendants of the other two major families also began to toast with Qi Lin, and they became acquainted with each other.

If Qi Lin only has 720 anti-virus, at most they think Qi Lin is an excellent young entrepreneur.

But if Qi Lin controls Biaoer, or even the power of the entire peninsula, the concept will be completely different.

It is equivalent to Qi Lin being the underground emperor of Xiangjiang. If they want to do business with Biaoer, they may have to look at Qi Lin's face.

The most important thing is the way Li Chaoren said about Qi Lin's handling of things.

If they were to be kidnapped by the thief king of the century, they would probably handle it no better than Superman Li.

But in that situation, Qi Lin rescued Li Kai easily, and directly grabbed the thief first Zhang.

Everyone here is the second generation of top wealthy families, and no one is worried that they will also encounter this situation.

It was also Li Kai who was lucky and met Qi Lin under the introduction of Li Chaoren, so this time the crisis was resolved and he was successfully rescued.

They thought, should they also have a better relationship with Qi Lin?

Let's not talk about whether we will rely on 720 anti-virus company in the future, or go to Seoul to do business on the peninsula.

It is said that the sense of security of being Qi Lin's friend cannot be bought with money.

Originally, these people from the three major families thought that Li Chaoren asked them to take care of the younger generation.

Now it seems that this is basically introducing people to everyone, and they are also beneficiaries.

Once again, a handsome young man stood up and raised his glass to toast Qi Lin: "Brother Qi Lin, I am not a few years older than you, so I call myself Brother."

"My name is Li Zhen, and I am the founder of YES magazine. At the same time, my father is also Li Kuang, one of the four great talents in Hong Kong. I think you should have read Liuzhiqinmo written by him."

"After listening to the deeds of brother Qi Lin just now, I am very impressed. This kind of behavior reminds me of the incarnation of chivalry in novels. I never thought that in the real world, "there is such a heroic and courageous existence like you."

I know that Qi Lin has an entertainment company, which is involved in the cultural industry.

So Li Chaoren invited Li Kuang and Jin Yong.

Coincidentally, Jin Yong was on a business trip abroad to give lectures, and Li Kuang was not feeling well, so both families hired their own descendants to do it for them.

Seeing Li Zhen who suddenly appeared, several top rich second generations couldn't help frowning.

To be honest, as long as Xiangjiang is a wealthy second generation with a head and face, not many people would like to see Li Zhen.

He didn't have a lot of money on him, so he swaggered outside in the name of the old man Li Guo, calling himself the top rich second generation.

Usually, he even has to rely on Zhou Huimin, an actress wife, to support him, so that he can barely maintain a luxurious life.

If it wasn't for Li Kuang not coming today, logically speaking, he wouldn't even be qualified to enter this box.

Of course, the reason why all the top rich second generations hate him the most is because he married Zhou Huimin, the dream lover of all Xiangjiang men.

But he is a second-generation ancestor who has nothing to do, so he is not treated by anyone wherever he goes.

"I have indeed watched Six Fingers Qin Demon. Master Li Kuang is indeed quite talented. It just so happens that I want to make a TV series recently. Why don't we talk about the copyright issue now?"

Qi Lin said to Li Zhen with a half-smile.


Li Zhen smiled awkwardly.

It is true that he is Li Kuang's son, but Liuzhiqinmo is his father's hen that lays golden eggs. Issues such as copyright are not something he can decide.

Talking about business while eating is easy to hurt your peace, by the way... In the video just now, Brother Qi Lin's pet is Hai Dongqing, right?"

Li Zhen changed the subject directly.

Qi Lin didn't poke Li Zhen, and said with a smile, "Yes, it's Hai Dongqing."

Li Zhen pretended to be familiar and said: "President Qi, this Haidongqing is amazing, he is so well trained, and he even knows how to defuse bombs!"

"May I ask, where did Mr. Qi buy this Costin? I'm also very interested in birds of prey, and I want to play with them when I have free time.

Qi Lin is best at dealing with pretend monsters, he said with a faint smile: "I didn't spend much money on this pair of Haidongqing, but I ran into a dozen poachers once, and took their The old nest seized a large number of shotguns and the like, and rescued the pair of Costin.

"In addition, although Hai Dongqing is very interesting, it is a bit troublesome to raise."

"They usually only eat delicious shellfish, such as ghost claw snails, and some fruits, jackfruit, lotus mist, golden pillow and so on."

"I have to spend more than 1 million yuan every month to airlift these fresh ingredients to feed the two little guys."

While Qi Lin was talking, Kun Kun, who was wandering outside, felt something.

A loud bird song flew in through the window, and then landed on Qi Lin's shoulder, rubbing against his neck with its soft feathers.

At this time, Kun Kun was wearing a super battle armor.

Those feathers, which are as thin as a cicada's wing, can easily cut steel, and that sharpness exudes a cold light.

The claws and beak of the bird made everyone present shudder uncontrollably.

If they remembered correctly, it was this bird of prey that picked out Zhang Qiang's tendons on the spot.

When Qi Lin said that he needed more than 1 million words per month, and airlifted food to Costin, several top rich second generations nodded in agreement.

They also kept some exotic pets, and the usual expenses were quite a lot, and they even bought insurance for them.

But Hai Dongqing is hard to raise without Qi Lin.

The most important thing is that Qi Lin's sea dongqing is too practical. If they were to raise it, they would also be willing to pay such a large amount of money for it.

After hearing Qi Lin's words, Li Zhen was completely embarrassed at the moment.

Buying a Costin to play with is all his pretended words.

His monthly living expenses are not even 1 million, let alone use this money to raise birds.

Although Li Zhen seemed to be a bit of a shit stick, it had to be said that under his chatter, everyone in the box also started talking.

On the topic of pets, these top rich second generations chatted and laughed.

Only Li Zhen, the initiator of the topic, couldn't insert a word, and sat there stupidly.

In the main box, there are all the important male guests of the four major families.

As Li Zhen's wife, Zhou Huimin was not qualified to sit in.

At the moment, she is sitting in another box with the female relatives of the four major families.

Jiang Nannan and Huang Yiyi were also sitting inside.

"My name is Zhou Huimin, I don't know how to call the two younger sisters?"

Zhou Huimin, who was clearly in his early thirties, was older than Jiang Nannan and Huang Yiyi, but he took the initiative to raise his wine glass and toasted the two of them.

She often goes in and out of wealthy circles with Li Zhen, and she was once as pure and ignorant as Jiang Nannan, and she has already learned the ways of the world.

In particular, she knew from Li Zhen that these two girls were the family members of Li Chaoren's banquet of distinguished guests, so she started to make friends.

Don't talk about becoming friends or anything [but at least keep an eye in the other person's heart.

"jingle bell ~"

However, before Jiang Nannan could answer, her cell phone rang suddenly.

"Excuse me, I'll answer the phone first."

Jiang Nannan apologized to Zhou Huimin, and then connected the phone. .

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