Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

360: Kissing Jiang Nannan In Front Of Jiang Lei

"Nan Nan, I have already reached the entrance of the Peninsula Hotel, but the doorman won't let me in.

On the phone, Jiang Lei's voice came.

Xiangjiang Regal has always kept a low profile and never likes to make publicity, so Jiang Lei didn't know who was holding the banquet.

"Brother, wait at the door now, I will come out to pick you up now."

Jiang Nannan said in a low voice.

"Okay, then hurry up."

Jiang Lei nodded, then hung up the phone.

"I'm sorry everyone, excuse me first."

Jiang Nannan nodded apologetically to the guests in the box.

The female family members here are either rich or noble, and the aristocratic temperament in their bones makes Jiang Nannan gradually become filthy.

Fortunately, she is a family member brought by Qi Lin, and these wealthy female family members are very well-educated.

She nodded kindly, indicating that she would not mind.

Relieved, Jiang Nannan walked out of the box and ran towards the hotel gate.

When he came back, Jiang Nannan already had another man beside him.

Looking at Jiang Lei beside Jiang Nannan, Huang Yiyi's pretty Liu Yemei couldn't help but frowned: "Jiang Nannan, this is the female family room, if you bring men in casually like this, have you ever wondered if it will cause trouble to the boss?"

Jiang Nannan didn't like Huang Yiyi in the first place, but seeing her being aggressive towards him now, Jiang Nannan pouted and said, "This is my brother, and he's not an outsider. "The boss won't mind if he finds out."

Li Ju's wife, Wang Liqiao, was also in the box.

She smoothed things over and said with a smile: "It's okay, there are boys 240 here too, it's just a casual meal, nothing too particular."

After Wang Liqiao said that, Huang Yiyi didn't say much anymore, just eating her own food.

At this moment, Jiang Lei looked at the women and children in a room full of bewilderment.

Didn't it mean that Jiang Nannan was brought by his boss to accompany him for a drink?

Why didn't the wretched and pot-bellied boss he imagined appear, and where is Jiang Nannan's boss?

"Nannan, where's your boss? Didn't you say you were with your boss?"

Sitting on Jiang Nannan's right hand, Jiang Lei asked puzzledly.

Jiang Nannan explained in a low voice: "Brother, the boss is dining in the main box. We are the family box."

Hearing Jiang Nannan's words, Jiang Lei smiled wryly.

What Jiang Nannan said scared him half to death.

After a long time, it was just a simple banquet, and there was no such thing as forcing Jiang Nannan to accompany the drink.

What's even more annoying is that he, a big man, squeezed into a room full of women's family boxes, which made his old face blush.

"By the way, the female family members here are full of jewels, and their temperament is definitely not something that ordinary people can have. It seems that the boss Nan Nan is here in Xiangjiang, and the power is not bad."

He sighed in his heart.

On the other side, after Qi Lin and the second generation of Xiangjiang's top wealthy family bragged for a while, he suddenly remembered the two canaries he had brought.

Huang Yiyi is fine, it is also the first time Jiang Nannan has seen such a big scene.

I might as well go and see them, lest they get nervous.

"Eat first, I'll go out to get some fresh air."

Greeting with a smile, Lin left the box.


Qi Lin pushed open the door of the female family's box.

Since Jiang Nannan and Huang Yiyi were facing the box door, they saw Qi Lin who pushed the door in at a glance.

With a hint of surprise on their pretty faces, the two women hurriedly stood up to greet Qi Lin.



Zhou Huimin didn't know who Qi Lin was at first.

But seeing the reactions of Huang Yiyi and Jiang Nannan, she understood instantly.

It turned out that this young and handsome young man was the object of Li Chaoren's banquet today.

Thinking of this, she quickly got up, smiled and stretched out Qi Lin's tender little hand: "I'm Zhou Huimin, very happy to meet Mr. Qi.

Regarding Zhou Huimin's proactive greeting, Qi Lin looked at her with a pair of black eyes with a little interest.

There is no other reason.

Zhou Huimin was the teacher who enlightened his youth when he was a teenager in his previous life.

Facing Zhou Huimin's goddess poster, Qi Lin often enters the state of a sage after a burst of wonder.

At this time, Zhou Huimin was wearing a sun-kissed skirt.

The beauty known as the most beautiful legs in Xiangjiang is wearing a pair of black silk thin stockings and a pair of stiletto heels, her femininity is overwhelming.

The taste of a good wife and loving mother is definitely not comparable to that of Huang Yiyi and Jiang Nannan.

"Seeing once is worse than hearing about it for a long time, sister Huimin, you were my goddess when I was young~"

Qi Lin blinked and held Zhou Huimin's little hand together.

The goddess's husband Li Zhen is a complete waste [Qi Lin will not take him (cdbf) seriously at all.

So the behavior shown is unscrupulous.

He gently kneaded Zhou Huimin's little hand, and still tickled her palm.

It's also fortunate that Zhou Huimin turned his back on those female relatives, otherwise Qi Lin's frivolous behavior would spread, and there might be another storm in the Xiangjiang entertainment circle.

Hearing Qi Lin's frivolous words and frivolous actions, Zhou Huimin's pretty face blushed, and she quickly pulled her little hand out.

She didn't expect that this young man, who was a round younger than her, would be so dishonest.

the other side.

When Qi Lin's voice sounded behind him, Jiang Lei couldn't help shaking slightly.

He is so familiar with this voice, even if it turns into ashes, he will never forget this dog.

Jiang Lei, who turned around, looked frightened and angry: "Qi Lin, why are you here?"

He obviously didn't introduce Qi Lin's name, so Jiang called it out in one mouthful.

Jiang Nannan glanced to the left and to the right, Meimou was very puzzled and asked: "Brother, you know my boss!"

Jiang Lei is just a plaything in Qi Lin's hands, he will definitely not be as exaggerated as Jiang Lei.

He smiled lightly: "Your brother and I have known each other for a long time. We are friends who started a business together. Your brother's Snowman Education has my shares."

"To my surprise, he is actually your big brother, Nan Nan."

In public, Jiang Jia finally suppressed the anger in his heart.

Of course, the main reason is that he set up a trap for Qi Lin. If he turns his face now, how can he trick Qi Lin into it?

"Damn it, that bastard Qi Lin already knew that Nan Nan is my sister. He must have deliberately approached Nan Nan and played with her feelings to get revenge on me for opposing him."

Jiang Lei gritted his teeth and thought about it.

Actually, he guessed wrong.

At first Qi Lin really didn't know that Jiang Nannan was Jiang Lei's younger sister.

It was only later that I found out about it through Jiang Nannan's diary by accident.

"Yes, Mr. Qi is indeed one of the shareholders of our company."

Jiang Lei admitted this.

Seeing that Qi Lin and Jiang Lei knew each other, Jiang Nannan was overjoyed.

Naively, she thought that in this way, Gao Jianggao would no longer object to her entering the entertainment industry.

After all, it was his business friend who took care of his sister.

Seeing Jiang Lei trying to suppress the anger in his heart and pretending to be indifferent, Qi Lin showed a smirk.

"Nannan, since your brother and I are friends, then we don't need to hide our relationship from him, right?"

Under Jiang Nannan's dazed expression on her pretty face.

Qi Lin's handsome cheek has come closer.

Then, under Jiang Lei's furious expression, he directly kissed Jiang Nannan's little mouth.


Jiang Nannan's beautiful eyes widened, she didn't understand why the boss would suddenly bully her.

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