Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

371: Drunk Poisonous Blood For Female Ninjas, Isn’T It The Right Place?

A dozen bodyguards sent by Chen Tiansheng were fooled away by Qi Lin.

After returning home, Chen Tiansheng frowned when he saw several people returning empty-handed.

"Where's that female ninja? Didn't you send me a message saying that you found her hiding place, and you are fully sure that you can capture her alive?"

The leading bodyguard was stunned for a moment, and then explained: "Boss, we surrounded Matsushima Yuna and were about to take her down, but Mr. Chen came here at this time and said that he would deal with this female ninja personally~ .”

"We saw that he was accompanied by bodyguards, so we handed Matsushima Yuna to him."

"Mr. Chen didn't tell you about this—didn't he?"

Hearing his subordinate's return, Chen Tiansheng felt an ominous premonition in his heart.

"What did you say? Jiawei also went to the place where Matsushima Wuna was hiding just now?"

The bodyguard replied honestly: "Yes, everyone has seen Mr. Chen."

The rest of the bodyguards also nodded, proving that the odd bodyguard was not lying.

At this time, Chen Tiansheng was already a black thread.

"You idiots, Jiawei was seriously injured and is still lying on the bed."

"Think about it with your undeveloped brains, how could he appear in the hiding place of Matsushima Yuna?"

Although Chen Jiawei's life is no longer in danger.

But Xia himself suffered heavy injuries, and he still can't walk now, and he is still recuperating in the room on the second floor of the villa.

Chen Tiansheng knew best about him going out.

Hearing Chen Tiansheng's words, those bodyguards were all stunned.

Especially the head bodyguard, who was shocked and asked: "But who is that person if it's not Mr. Chen? He obviously looks the same as Mr. Chen!"

There are some things that even these bodyguards cannot say.

Chen Tiansheng's gloomy old face carried a hint of apprehension.

Apart from Qi Lin, he couldn't think of anyone else with this ability.

For example, the last time he pretended to be himself and tricked Matsushima Yuna into assassinating Buzz.

"I don't know what plan Qi Lin, the little bastard, has to get Matsushima Yuna away. Next, I have to be on guard against his moves."

Maybe Qi Lin's exhortation worked.

Yan Yan held an annual meeting at Huamei Zixin's headquarters. After reorganizing the rights of the hospital and explaining the development route for the next year, Fu ended the meeting.

She didn't attend the company's fellowship party either, and came back directly to accompany her husband.

However, in the living room, she did not see Qi Lin.

Ask the new babysitter...

Oh, right.

She dismissed all the people Lizhou recruited before.

Now Yan Yan uses people selected by himself.

"Mr. Qi just went upstairs. It seems that the doctor said that the operation of the lady sent here is over."

Knowing that Qi Lin hadn't left yet, Yan Yan felt relieved.

She didn't go upstairs to bother either.

No matter what Qi Lin thinks about this girl of unknown origin, or what grievances are involved in it, Yan Yan doesn't care.

She is a smart woman, she only needs to manage her one-acre three-point land well and maintain her relationship with Qi Lin.

The second floor of the villa.

The operating room where Matsushima Yuna was treated.

After anesthesia injection, wound cleaning, and bullet removal, Matsushima Yuna was put on an oxygen mask and given antibiotic drip, and her life was out of danger.

When the doctor was about to sew up the wound and tie gauze on Matsushima Yuna, this stopped them.

"Let's wait for a while. Her wound has not been treated for a while. There may be poisonous blood in it. If you don't suck it out, you may suffer from sepsis."

Without waiting for any reaction from these doctors, Qi Lin leaned down.

Matsushima Yuna's physique is far superior to that of ordinary people. After the operation, the severe pain of the wound made her wake up slowly.

The moment she opened her eyes, she vaguely saw a man lying in front of her.

This made Matsushima Yuna's drowsy head suddenly wake up, and then she took a closer look.

"You bastard? What are you doing?"

Matsushima Yuna was so angry that she thought Qi Lin was belittling her.

Without even thinking about it, Matsushima Yuna touched Kunai at her waist, ready to poke a hole for Qi Lin.

But Matsushima Kirina didn't touch anything, only the skin around her waist.

As if thinking of something, Matsushima Kirina's pretty face blushed instantly, and she wanted to die.

Although Matsushima Yuna, who felt a heavy loss, didn't touch Kunai, she still didn't give up the idea of ​​killing Qi Lin.

Her white and tender little hand turned into a knife, and she wanted to hit Qi Lin's neck directly.


Last night's surgery, the anesthetic had just worn off, and she was still very weak.

The palm knife hadn't been raised yet, and it fell down without strength.

at this time.

Qi Lin finally raised his head, with blood stains on the corner of his mouth, and said with a faint smile: "You don't need to thank me, I saw that your wound has poisonous blood, so I sucked it out for you, so that you won't be infected with sepsis

"Okay doctor, suture and bandage her."

The female doctor at the side almost couldn't help laughing when she heard Qi Lin's nonsense.

Obviously there are instruments to help expel the poisonous blood, and it is cleaner than sucking with the mouth, this little handsome guy insists on doing it himself.

It is true to want to take advantage of others.

The position of sucking girls will make people marry in the future.

And as far as he knew, Mr. Qi was also Mr. Yan's husband.


Today's youngsters are really good at playing.

After hearing Qi Lin's nonsense and the bleak fact that all the secrets were seen by Qi Lin, Matsushima Yuna couldn't bear this kind of blow anymore, and spit out a mouthful of dirty blood.

"Did her blood flow backwards? It won't be life-threatening, right?"

Qi Lin didn't expect Matsushima Yuna to have such a big reaction [Quickly ask the doctor.

The female doctor coughed, and then said: "It's okay, the blood in the wound should be spit out, it's good, it's convenient for a quick recovery in the later stage."

Qi Lin looked at Matsushima Yuna, wanting to ask her if she felt uncomfortable.


Matsushima Yuna passed out again after being spat out by Qi Lin to donate blood.

"Pay attention to her condition at all times, take good care of her, and when she recovers, I will give you money.

Qi Lin exhorted the female doctor.

"Don't worry, Mr. Qi, even if you don't tell us, we will do our best.

The female doctor said with a smile.

Qi Lin nodded, then turned and went downstairs.

When he came to the living room, Qi Lin saw Yan Yan sitting on the sofa, peeling a juicy grape.

Qi Lin was not polite, he sat directly beside Yan Yan, and opened his mouth: "Ah~"

"People say that babies born from eating more grapes have big and round eyes, you greedy little villain, you still want to grab me..."

Yan Yan gave Qi Lin a white look, and was about to stuff the peeled grapes into Qi Lin's mouth.

...asking for flowers......

"You, why are there blood stains around your mouth? Did you become a vampire?"

But seeing the blood stains around Qi Lin's mouth, Yan Yan was stunned.


"Ahem, isn't it that someone's wound has poisonous blood? I sucked it out for her as a good person, and forgot to wipe it for a while."

Qi Lin quickly took out a tissue and wiped the blood stains from the corner of his mouth.

Yan Yan:

She remembered that the location of the wound was...

Helping is fake, but taking advantage is real, right?

Yan Yan was really speechless towards his naughty little husband.

"Li Zhou is still unwilling to hand over his shares. As long as we don't get his shares for a day, our control over Huamei Zixin will not be thorough enough. After all, Li Jiaming is still alive."

"Moreover, many important materials in the hospital were also put in the safe by Li Zhou. This old guy is very cunning. No one knows which bank safe he put these things in except himself."

"Without these things, it will be very inconvenient for me to deal with some important matters of Huamei Zixin."

Yan Yan fed the grapes into Qi Lin's mouth and talked about business.

She sat sideways on the sofa.

Because she went to work in the company during the day, she was wearing a pure white suit and skirt, on her slender long legs, she was wearing a skin-colored bare-legged artifact, and she was stepping on a pair of white high-heeled shoes, "very feminine.

Qi Lin played with Yan Yan's jade feet, kneaded her cute toes, and said with a smile: "As long as Li Zhou is still in our hands, these things will be ours sooner or later, we just need to wait for a suitable time. "

Yan Yan nodded, and then asked: "The girl you brought back should be your enemy, right? Should I let Mei Lan Zhuju stare at her, so that she won't run around after waking up and break into the management system?" That room in Lizhou?"

Hearing Yan Yan talk about this matter, Qi Lin was thoughtful, and then his black eyes showed a meaningful smile: "It turns out that the timing can be made by yourself, wife, didn't you ask about the shares in Li Zhou's hand, And how can I get the important information of Huamei Zixin? I seem to have a solution."

"Don't let plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum stare at her, let Matsushima Wuna contact Li Zhou. Li Zhou's only chance to convey news to the outside world is this Matsushima Wuna. When the time comes, let's follow the vine and see. Can we get what we want?"

Yan Yan understood it all at once, and she said with a smile, "Matsushima Wuna? So this girl is from the country of Sakura. If she and you are really enemies, maybe Li Zhou will believe her and ask her to help convey the message to Li Jiaming. For news or something, we’ll just take advantage of it when the time comes.”

"Yes, that's what it means."

Qi Lin nodded with a smile.

"Xiaolin, what do you want to eat tonight, I will ask the nanny to buy vegetables, and I will cook for you later.

Qi Lin ran around all day, and it was really not easy for him to stay at home with him for a day.

So Yan Yan cherishes today's opportunity very much.

Although the two can't mess around.

Yan Yan has been pregnant for one and a half months, and the fetal position is unstable, so safety is the most important thing, but this does not prevent the two of them from being like ordinary couples, kissing each other, hugging each other, and so on.

"As long as it is made by my wife, I like it."

Qi Lin said with a smile.

"You are sweet."

Yan Yanjiao was angry, gave Qi Lin a white look, then got up and went to call the nanny Wan Wan. .

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