Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

372: Bernice, I Want To Hear You Call Oh My Gad!

"Boss, this is the video that was shot just now, and it has been copied in the storage."

Zhou Pojun walked up to Qi Lin, and handed him the video memory of the conversation between Qi Lin pretending to be Chen Jiawei and Matsushima Wuna just now.

"Okay, I see, you go down."

Qi Lin took the storage device and said to Zhou Pojun.

After Zhou Pojun went down, Qi Lin called Bernice directly.

His main purpose of shooting this video is to completely separate Buzz and Chen Jiawei.

Let two dogs eat dogs.

He fished in troubled waters, directly killed Buzz, and completely took his fiancée Bernice as his own.

"Dear Lin, what can I do for you?"

Bernice was in a good mood.

Last time Qi Lin gave her a single, God Is a Girl, which had too much influence.

Someone at the scene recorded the song and spread it on the Internet.

In an instant, this song became popular throughout China and became a must-listen single for all non-mainstream.

Because the copyright was passed on to her, she directly recorded this single into her own album, and it was launched simultaneously in Europe, America and Huaxia.

In just a few days, Bernice's song climbed hundreds of places at a rocket-like speed.

Dominating the charts in Europe, America, and China's singles charts, and the status is unbreakable by the "540".

During this period of time, Bernice is coordinating with the signing company to speed up the production of records, and is going to take advantage of this wave of enthusiasm to make a fortune.

According to the estimate of Bernice's signing company, she can earn more than 50 million yuan in a month just from the copyright fee for downloading the single online and the record sales.

And it's short-term.

In the next year, five years, or even ten years, with the popularity of this song, it can bring Bernice a steady stream of income.

Therefore, the gift that Ou Lin gave Bernice was too precious.

In the past, Bernice had a good impression of this handsome young man from China in fear.

Now that she has seen Qi Lin's wrist and Qi Lin's talent, Bernice has already forgotten how terrible Qi Lin is, and has gradually grown in love with him.

More handsome than Baz, more generous than Baz, more talented than Baz, she seems to feel more and more that her fiancé should change.

"It's nothing, I just miss you a little bit, you come to this address, let's have a meal together.

Qi Lin smiled and said to Bernice.

Bernice really thought that Qi Lin was looking for her for a candlelight dinner.

Without even thinking about it, he smiled and said, "Okay, then I'll come right over.

After hanging up the phone, Bernice said to the assistant: "I'll talk about the recording later, I'm going on a date."


This assistant has been with Bernice since she was not famous, so she is an absolute confidant.

She also knew that Bernice's fiancé was Buzz.

She already has a fiancé and is going on a date with another man. Will Bernice's fiancé faint out of anger when she finds out about this?

half an hour later.


The doorbell rang from Yanyan Villa.

The nanny hurried over to open the door.

"Hello, who are you looking for?"

Seeing the beautiful foreign man with blond hair and blue eyes and big waves, the nanny was stunned.

"I'm here to find Mr. Qi Lin, he sent me here."

Bernice said in broken Chinese.

"Mr. Qi Lin is in the living room, please come in."

Hearing that the foreign woman was looking for Qi Lin, the nanny moved away.

When Bernice poked her head out and saw Qi Lin sitting on the sofa, and Yan Yan who was snuggling in Qi Lin's arms and looking at the early teacher, she was speechless.

"Dear Lin, is this what you said you missed me? And candlelight dinner?"

At this time, Yan Yan's pretty face also had a hint of helplessness.

I can be pregnant.

Qi Lin took one or two women here, not afraid that she would get angry and get pregnant.

Or is Qi Lin determined that she has a good temper, is gentle and considerate, and won't mind these things, so she is even more unscrupulous?

"Looks like you're busy again. Let's chat first. I'll go up and catch up. Dinner is ready."

Yan Yan got up and said.

She originally wanted to cook, but Qi Lin rejected it on the grounds that she was pregnant and cooking was too dangerous.

Qi Lin squeezed Yan Yan's tender white hand and smiled: "It's really just talking about business, but you pregnant women really need to rest more, you go to sleep, I will call you later.

"It's strange to believe your nonsense."

Yan Yanmei rolled Qi Lin's eyes in reproach, then let go of Qi Lin's hand and went upstairs.

Seeing that there was no one in the living room, Bernice sat down next to Qi Lin, pouting her lips and said, "Are all you Chinese men so philandering? Your wife is pregnant, why do you want me to come here? And you You shouldn't bother me."

"In our Gaul, a man who is as thoughtful as you is going to be crucified and burned to death to make atonement to Jesus."

A smile flashed across Qi Lin's black eyes: "I only do things that suit my identity. I am a big villain. Even if you don't like me, I will do whatever it takes to get you. The tone is pointless struggle. It's better to throw yourself into my arms early Isn't it more comfortable to give a hug than to resist?"

Bernice's beautiful eyes rolled Qi Lin's eyes: "I can't say no to you, tell me, why did you ask me to come here? Don't say it's just for me to see your pregnant wife, anyway, I don't envy her at all, and I don't even envy her at all. Can have a baby, and a baby with blonde hair and blue eyes."

Qi Lin touched Bernice's golden wavy hair in a funny way: "Okay, okay, I know you can give birth, I'll come and hear what your ohmygad is after I get Buzz

Bernice blushed pretty.

European and American girls are precocious.

It is rare for her to be innocent at the age of 24.

ohmygad! That's the English way, we Gallic girls don't call it that way in French. "

Qi Lin asked with great interest: "Then how do you Gaul girls express their admiration for the one they love?"

Bernice couldn't stand this bastard Qi Lin anymore, she gave Qi Lin a light blow, and said coquettishly: "When you let me and Buzz break off the engagement, you can listen to whatever you want... okay, you should say it first business."

Seeing that Bernice was so amused, Qi Lin gave Bernice the memory storage that Zhou Pojun gave him.

"What is this?"

There was a hint of curiosity in Bernice's beautiful eyes.

"The thing that can make Buzz and Chen Jiawei turn against each other, you just need to give this thing to Buzz.

Qi Lin said with a smile.

"By the way, how is Buzz doing now?"

Qi Lin asked again.

Seeing Qi Lin's trickery, Bernice puffed her mouth and put away the storage device: "What else can I do? His four fingers were cut off, and only two of them survived after being connected, and the remaining two were completely necrotic. He will be disabled from now on..."

"Knowing this unfortunate news, he is now insane, looking for his murderer all over the world...

"Dear Lin, do you know who assassinated him?"

Today, Bernice is wearing a Lolita princess dress, with white silk leggings on her slender legs.

Europeans and Americans are fair-skinned, delicate-looking, with a straight nose and delicate facial features, just like dolls.

Bernice also knew Qi Lin's preferences, so she followed suit and began to wear Lolita princess dresses, giving up her previous sexy outfits.

He gently caressed Bernice's white silk legs, and then took her little white silk feet out of the slippers, placed them on his lap, and played with them carefully.

"The man who assassinated Buzz is lying on it now."

Qi Lin uttered a piece of news that shocked Bernice.

"So, you are the mastermind behind the assassination of Buzz?"

Bernice asked in surprise.

Qi Lin shook his head slightly: "Things are complicated, but you just need to know that this female ninja was not sent by me, and I just wanted to use her to save her.

Bernice wasn't too interested in knowing the inside story.

She suddenly smiled and kissed Qi Lin on the cheek: "Dear Lin, thank you for the song you gave me last time, I like it very much."

"And I want to tell you some good news. This song is still going viral. At that time, I will transfer all the money earned from this song to your account."

What singers need most is popularity.

The song that Qi Lin sent her has made her rise from a Gaul superstar to a world-class famous singer.

The invisible income brought to her is definitely not comparable to the tens of millions.

So Bernice is going to give all the money to Qi Lin.

Western women are very free-thinking, and the financial division with their husbands is also separated. She is worried that Qi Lin thinks she is too materialistic.

Qi Lin is now worth tens of billions, so how can he value such a little money.

And he is very clear about a truth.

The end of love is matter.

Only the more Bernice takes her own, the more this 5.1 free-thinking Gallic princess can't get rid of his control.

"We have a saying in Huaxia, "Marry a chicken and follow the chicken, marry a dog and follow the dog. Sooner or later, you will be my Qi Lin's woman. If I give you something, you should take it well and return it to me. For me, it is You want to make a clear distinction with me, and you want to make a break with me."

Qi Lin pinched Bernice's fair chin.

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Bernice's beautiful eyes showed a trace of panic: "That's not what I meant...Forget it, I'll follow your orders, I'll just take it."

Bernice said helplessly.

"That's right."

"My mouth is pouting, I haven't tasted the taste of tulips for a long time."

Qi Lin looked at Bernice's moist lips with lip gloss, and said with a smile.

The fog in Bernice's beautiful eyes rose again.

When Qi Lin kissed her, she would become emotional.

Speaking of which, she hasn't kissed Qi Lin for a long time.

Pouted slightly.

In the next second, Bernice felt a sense of dizziness.

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