Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

375: Ever Since I Fell In Love With Qi Lin, I Began To Reject My Man

Buzz Residence.

"Have you asked the private medical institution in Gaul? Can my two severed fingers regain their previous flexibility?"

Buzz sat on the couch with his hands at his sides.

Especially the four fingers are particularly attracting attention.

Two of them were held in place with steel nails and appeared to be healing.

The other two fingers are replaced by mechanical fingers.

Only the thumb is intact.

All of this is, of course, Matsushima Kirina's original masterpiece.

"Mr. Buzz, your finger is necrotic. Unless someone is willing to donate his finger to you, there is no hope of connecting it. And due to the existence of rejection, it may not be 100% sure."

"I asked the private medical institutions in Gaul, and this is the answer they gave me."

said his butler, bowing.


A look of anger immediately appeared on Buzz's face, and he hammered the chair heavily.

As a result, his last hope of healing his finger was gone.

Is he destined to be a cripple all his life?


Just when Buzz was about to lose his temper, the doorbell rang.

"Go see who's coming."

Buzz suppressed the anger in his heart, and said lightly to the butler.

The butler nodded and walked to the gate.

"Miss Bernice, why are you here?"

The butler's surprised voice came.

Hearing that the housekeeper said that Bernice was here, Buzz was stunned for a moment.

In the next second, his face brightened.

Because the family took back his status as the heir, and he was disabled now, Buzz was always worried that Bernice would dislike him.

Especially Bernice was busy with work recently, the two of them didn't even talk on the phone, not to mention meeting each other.

Buzz's worry became more and more intense.

"Dear Bernice 063, have you had breakfast yet? I'll ask the butler to prepare your favorite morning tea for you."

Buzz greeted him, and quickly said with a smile.

Bernice didn't feel anything when Buzz called her dear before.

Now that she heard it, she actually started to repel it in her heart.

But she won't say what's on her mind.

"I've already had breakfast. I came here this time mainly to see how your injury is recovering. After all, you were injured at my concert."

Bernice had a faint smile on her face.

"Bernese, you don't need to feel guilty about this, after all, the other party came after me, and they just chose the time to do it at your concert.

"Actually, it's me who should express my apology, and it's also because of this incident that caused problems in your concert."

In order to win Bernice's favor, Buzz quickly shifted the responsibility to himself.

It's funny to say.

Bernice's concert frequently had problems, either the backup dancer was almost killed, or the audience was murdered.

But maybe she's just too popular.

Obviously the concert is interrupted, and the biggest loss is the audience.

Those viewers not only didn't blame Bernice, but also comforted her that China was safe, which was a very rare event.

These fans of Bernice were afraid that Bernice would feel that China was not safe, so she would withdraw from the China market and never come here for concerts again.

Seeing Buzz who flattered her somewhat, Bernice felt a little amused.

That's what women are.

The more enthusiastic the man is, the more he licks the dog, the more she dismisses it.

Today, Bernice's reputation is getting bigger and bigger, and she has faint signs of becoming an international superstar. (cdda)

Buzz was afraid that Bernice would dislike him and make him disabled, that's why he has a slightly humble attitude now.

But Buzz doesn't have to worry at all, because even if he is not disabled, Bernice will despise him.

Bernice did not forget the task Qi Lin entrusted to her.

"By the way, there is another important thing to do here. I got something from a friend of mine. It's about you. You should check it out for yourself first."

Bernice gave the storage to Buzz.

Seeing Bernice's jumpy change of topic, Buzz couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

But he still took the storage and asked the housekeeper to install it on his laptop for viewing.

I don't know if I don't see it, but I was shocked when I saw Baz.

in video.

Chen Jiawei confronted a woman holding a kunai.

But Buzz is very familiar with the weapon in this woman's hand.

When he was assassinated back then, he blocked the opponent's fatal blow with his own fingers, and it was at that time that he felt the shape of the weapon used by the opponent.

And his sixth sense told him that this woman must have assassinated him in the first place.

"Although you didn't assassinate Buzz, I didn't expect that we would get to where we are today.

The 'Chen Jiawei' on the screen spoke.

But what he said made Buzz's eyeballs pop out.

He never expected that the mastermind behind the assassination of himself was actually his ally Chen Jiawei.

"Say it! Who gave you this video?"

Buzz looked at Bernice with a ferocious expression, he hadn't recovered from the anger of knowing the truth of the matter.

"Pay attention to your tone of voice, I am giving you something out of kindness, not causing you to become such a person, if this is your attitude towards me, then you will pretend that I have never been here.

Bernice's tone was light, she turned around and was about to leave.

It was only at this time that Buzz realized that his tone was serious.

He quickly stopped Bernice.

"Qi Lin gave you this video, right? This Huaxia person is not a good person. I am worried that you will be deceived by him."

Buzz actually guessed the origin of the video.

"You suspect that I have a relationship with Qi Lin?"

Bernice's pretty face turned cold: "Think about the relationship between Qi Lin and Chen Jiawei. This video was obviously shot behind him. Could it be that Chen Jiawei let Qi Lin stand behind him to shoot the video?"

"I only helped you because you are my fiance, if not, I wouldn't care about you.

"I still want to record songs, you can get nervous slowly by yourself."

After speaking, Bernice, who was wearing a warm white wool coat and high heels, left the villa.

When she met Qi Lin, she would wear a Lolita dress.

She wouldn't dress like that when meeting outsiders.

After Bernice left.

Buzz didn't catch up.

His face was cloudy and uncertain at this time.

It's easy to coax a woman when she is angry, the most important thing right now is to find out the truth of the matter with Chen Jiawei.

He is a smart adult, how could he easily believe Bernice's words.

But it was Buzz's cleverness that made him more and more confused in the situation arranged by Qi Lin.

This is a conspiracy.

Because Matsushima Wuna was invited to Huaxia to assassinate, he was the mastermind behind the scenes.

He couldn't justify that.

As long as Baz recognizes this point, Chen Jiawei is the one to assassinate him properly.

He was never one to procrastinate.

Buzz dialed Chen Jiawei directly.

"Mr. Chen, let's make an appointment to meet up somewhere."

Buzz straight to the point.

Chen Jiawei was lying on the bed at this time, still unable to walk on the ground.

However, after a few days of recuperation, his pale complexion after losing a ball had now turned rosy, and he seemed to be recovering well.

Chen Jiawei never mentioned to Baz that he became a eunuch.

After all, this is the Achilles' heel of a man, and it is also the eternal pain in Chen Jiawei's heart.

"Mr. Buzz, I want to say sorry to you. I'm injured now and I can't go out. What should I say, can I talk on the phone?"

Chen Jiawei explained.

Buzz's voice is still faint: "It's about dealing with Qi Lin. He is becoming more and more powerful now. I don't want to keep foxes in trouble, so that I won't be able to deal with it in the future. This time I plan to do it once and for all, and the details need to be finalized by you and me." .”

"The phone said that these things are not safe, they may be tapped, and we must talk face to face.

This time, Buzz had to ask Chen Jiawei out.

Hearing Buzz's tone that could not be refused, Chen Jiawei hesitated.

In the end he agreed: "That's fine, you can tell me a place."

A cold light flashed in Buzz's eyes: "The section along the river in the outskirts of Jianghan City. There are few people here. We will definitely not be known by outsiders when we talk about things."

"OK, doctor

Chen Jiawei nodded, and then cut off the phone.

After experiencing the lessons learned from losing his balls twice, Chen Jiawei is now more and more cautious about his own safety.

"Where's my father?"

Chen Jiawei didn't see Chen Tiansheng when he let the maid help him into the wheelchair and then pushed him downstairs.

"President Chen went to the company to handle business."

A bodyguard said quickly.

Chen Jiawei didn't say much to Chen Tiansheng about Buzz's personal education, and Chen Tiansheng also agreed with this matter.

"How about this, you call 8 bodyguards to go out with me."

Chen Jiawei said to the bodyguard.

"Alright Mr. Chen."

Chen Tiansheng was not at home, and Chen Jiawei had the final say in the villa.

When Chen Jiawei arrived at the appointed place, Buzz was standing by the river blowing the wind, with a cigar in his mouth.

Hearing the sound of the car stopping, Buzz turned around.

And when he saw two cars coming, when Chen Jiawei was pushed out of the car, he was followed by 8 bodyguards.

Seeing this scene, Buzz's eyes flashed with anger.

In the past, when two people met, basically they would call only one or two bodyguards.

Now that Chen Jiawei called so many people, this is obviously a guilty conscience.


He did the assassination of himself. .

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