Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

376: All Become Disabled Now, And Qi Lin Is Written Into The School History

"Do you know why I came here for you?"

There was a hint of anger on Buzz's face.

Chen Jiawei was stunned for a moment, looked at Buzz's face and asked, "Didn't we discuss the details of getting rid of Qi Lin?"

Buzz laughed grimly: "I want to get rid of Qi Lin, but before I get rid of Qi Lin, I have to get rid of you, a rebellious boy!"

Looking at the crazy-looking Baz, Chen Jiawei was stunned.

"Mr. Buzz, I don't understand what you're saying."

Buzz sneered: "Don't understand, right? Then let me tell you."

"You found the female ninja who assassinated me, right? Just because she failed in the assassination, you were afraid that the matter would be leaked, so you sent someone to hunt her down, and wanted to kill her to silence you, right?"

Hearing Buzz's words, Chen Jiawei was shocked instantly.

Because the thing that worried him most - happened.

"Mr. Buzz, who are you talking about?"

Chen Jiawei hurriedly asked.

Buzz laughed angrily: "Who did I hear it from? Of course it was my fiancée who told me. If it wasn't for her help, I would still be kept in the dark."

"Hearing your tone, you admit that you are behind the scenes, right?"

Chen Jiawei originally wanted to deny knowing Matsushima Wuna.

But when he heard that Buzz had evidence in his hands, and his tone was so firm, he couldn't stop smiling wryly.

It seems that this matter cannot be concealed.

"Mr. Buzz, I was also played by the female ninja Matsushima Wuna. You can also see my miserable state now."

"That's right, my current injury is due to that female ninja Matsushima Kira, and you and I are actually victims.

Chen Jiawei tried his best to explain.

"At the beginning, I invited her here to assassinate Qi Lin, a bastard, and I didn't let her do anything to you at all.

"Who knows, this female ninja is a traitor, and she wears the same pants as that bastard Qi Lin. It must be Qi Lin who instigated her assassination of you."

Chen Jiawei poured all the dirty water on Qi Lin.

However, the fact is indeed what he said.

Hearing Chen Jiawei's words, Buzz was directly amused: "Yes, yes, if you have something to blame, push it to Qi Lin, Chen Jiawei, Chen Jiawei, you really have a good plan.

"I didn't have any enmity with Qi Lin at first, but you made me and Qi Lin fight against each other."

"Now that I think about it, it's actually you who are using me again, wanting me and Qi Lin to lose out, and you to benefit from it."

"The more than 1,000 collections are also in your hands, right?"

"I'm just saying why Li's bodyguard, Ali, appeared in the auction exhibition hall back then."

Now Buzz has gone mad, as long as bad things happen, they will all be blamed on Chen Jiawei.

"Mr. Buzz...

Chen Jiawei looked helpless.

He clearly knew that these were all caused by Qi Lin, but looking at Buzz's current state, it seemed that Qi Lin had really succeeded in alienating him.

Is it possible that before I get rid of the bastard Qi Lin, I have to fight Buzz to the death?

"Don't call me by my name, I think you're insulting me."

"Hurry up and hand over the 1,000 collections. Regarding the fact that you found someone to assassinate me, I can let the past go."

Buzz looked grim.

Today, he only wants to retrieve the collection and restore his status as the heir.

As long as the family's wealth of hundreds of billions and the title of nobility are obtained, Chen Jiawei and Qi Lin are not enough to look at.

"Mr. Buzz, your collection is really none of my business, I have always been your most loyal ally.

Chen Jiawei still wanted to make a final struggle.

But Buzz didn't give him a chance.

"You don't want to give it, do you? Then you can leave it to me today.

Buzz threw the cigar on the ground and snapped his fingers.

"Da da da~"

The footsteps of neat leather shoes sounded.

In Chen Jiawei's astonished eyes.

More than twenty blond and mighty men surrounded him.

These are members of the Barts Family Knights, and they are also the strongest force protecting the family members.

The Baz family inherited the title of Earl of the Gaul Empire, allowing them to cultivate their own forces.

Of course, in the eyes of most people.

Members of the Knights, as in the European medieval scene.

Wearing armor all over the body, riding a tall horse, holding a saber or epee in his hand.

Times are advancing.

Knights are also progress.

Today they receive the brutal training of the Marine Corps, equipped with body armor, military spikes, and state-of-the-art personal weapons.

It can be said to be an extremely terrifying force.

"Catch me the guy in the wheelchair, life or death!"

Buzz grinned grinningly, and gave orders to the Knights.

Chen Jiawei also felt that something was wrong at this time, and looked flustered.

Fortunately, his bodyguards are still loyal at critical moments.

"Bang bang!"

"Let's go! Escort Mr. Chen out of here first."

The leader of the bodyguards immediately took out his pistol to fight back, while letting the remaining bodyguards retreat with Chen Jiawei.

Facing the mighty knights who fought individually or in groups, the leader of the report was directly shot into a hornet's nest.


Chen Jiawei screamed even more, and almost passed out from the pain.

Old wounds are not healed, and new wounds are added.

Both his legs and knees were hit by the knights.

The knee bone was directly shattered.

This is good, Chen Jiawei is really going to become disabled.

However, he was still pulled into the car by his own bodyguards, then quickly closed the car door, and stepped on the accelerator firmly.

Fortunately, Chen Jiawei was traveling in a bulletproof car.

After the members of the Knights shot for a while, they could only watch Chen Jiawei escape, leaving only the bodies of a few bodyguards behind.

Seeing this scene, Buzz's face turned black with anger, and he cursed angrily: "You trash, you can't even catch a cripple.

The members of the Knights looked innocent.

They would like to say: Mr. Buzz, it seems that you are also a cripple.

"Chen Jiawei, don't think it's over, if you don't hand over the collection, I will uproot your Chen family.

Buzz clenched his fists, his face gloomy.

Qi Lin didn't know that his divorce plan had taken effect, and even caused Buzz and Chen Jiawei to fight.

If he knew this, he should be in a good mood.

at this time.

This guy was looking at Erlang's legs, in the headmaster's office, talking with the newly appointed headmaster.

Qi Lin is different from ordinary students, no matter in identity or mentality.

Of course the new headmaster would not treat him like an ordinary student.

"Student Qi Lin, if you don't go to school every day, many students in the school have already complained."

"Although you do have many honors and honors for the school, after all, I am the headmaster because of my heart. If you have been like this for a long time, it will make it difficult for me to do so.

The new headmaster is called Chen Zhijian, he said with embarrassment on his face.

When a wise man talks, he doesn't need to beat around the bush.

The principal of the No. 1 High School Attached to China Normal University is also a cadre at the department level. He knows many identities of Qi Lin like the back of his hand.

...asking for flowers...

For example, Qi Lin founded 720 anti-virus company, Tangren Entertainment is also his, and he also cooperated with Zhou Xingxing to make movies.

No way, before Chen Zhijian became the principal, he also taught at Jianghan University for many years, and he was full of peaches and plums.

Many elites in the business and political circles are his students, and it is not difficult to know these things.

How could Qi Lin not know what the old fox wanted to say.

It's not just trying to get some money for the students.

But Qi Lin didn't feel angry either.

He didn't come to school all the time, and he even disclosed his puppy love at school, and even dated the new teacher Qiu Yuelin.

None of these incidents are unforgivable in key high schools, but he has been helping himself to the end until now.

"Principal Chen doesn't need to beat around the bush, just tell me if the school has any difficulties.

Qi Lin threw away the cigarette butt and crushed it in the ashtray, then said lightly.

Looking at the 18-year-old boy, whose conversational tone is more sophisticated than many people who are over 50 years old, Chen Zhijian was deeply moved.

What kind of family is it that can teach such a heaven-defying child.

"Ahem, that's right."

"Our school has a history of almost a hundred years, and many of the buildings are even older than my age, such as the school staff dormitory.


"It's fine if it's just old. The key is that the damage is also very serious. Many circuits and water pipes are already aging, which poses a major threat to the living environment."

"Student Qi Lin, your business is so big now, and it has been written into the history of the school before you graduated. I think you can give back to your alma mater, let more students follow your example, and leave a glorious stroke in the history of the school. …………

What Qi Lin hates to hear most is these official accents. He waved his hand: "Stop, stop, you want to build a new staff dormitory, right? I remember that there are more than 400 staff in our school, right? And many of them are outside the school Don’t say I’m stingy, how about this, I’ll donate 5 million to the school, and I will personally supervise the money to build a few new dormitories for our school’s amiable and respectable teachers.”


According to the purchasing power after 20 years, the direct value is 25 million.

It is completely sufficient to build dormitories for teaching staff, and they can also be equipped with complete electrical appliances and furniture.

So I have to say that Qi Lin's move was absolutely generous, far beyond the headmaster's expectation.

In the headmaster's mind, Qi Lin was generous enough to donate one or two million yuan, and it was absolutely impossible for Qi Lin to donate more than three million yuan.

As a result, Qi Lin slapped his face.

"You're not stingy, Qi Lin is not stingy at all, you really care about the teachers of the school, I will pass this on to all the teachers and students, and let them remember your contribution to the school.

"And don't worry, Qi Lin, no matter what others say about your absenteeism and early love, I will take care of these things, and it will definitely not affect Qi Lin's graduation."

The headmaster couldn't close his mouth with joy.

As for Qi Lin's claim that he was responsible for the use of the funds, Chen Zhijian didn't care at all.

What he wants is political achievements, not money.

This money is used to do a good job, which is better than anything else.

"Principal, don't worry, I donate so much money, there are conditions."

Qi Lin suddenly said with a smile.

"Premise? What premise?"

The headmaster stopped smiling, a little unresponsive.

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