Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

377: Bringing Three Wives Home, It's Too Cool

"Hu Bing was arrested, you should know about this, right?"

Qi Lin asked with a smile.

Hu Bing's trial still needs to go through a process, but Qi Lin has sent someone to inquire about it. Based on the crimes he committed, he will not run away after 20 years.

In addition, Qi Lin also asked someone to greet him in the prison, and someone will specially entertain him in the future.

For example, the same treatment as Wang Cheng.

I also hope that Hu Bing can survive in it.

Chen Zhijian nodded: "The school has known about this for a long time."

Qi Lin asked again: "Since the school already knows that Hu Bing has been arrested, how will he deal with his work?"

Chen Zhi said honestly: "He made such a big mistake, which is a huge stain on the school. Regarding this matter, the Education Bureau even named and criticized it."

"Some time ago, the school had already expelled Hu Bing, and regarding his position as dean, the school is going to hold a meeting these days to study candidates."

Qi Lin suddenly interrupted Chen Zhijian: "As for the candidates for this position, I would like to recommend someone."

"Who do you want to recommend?"

Chen Zhijian was stunned.

Qi Lin is just a student.

He is not qualified to decide the selection of school leaders at all. "eight seven seven"

But the point is that Qi Lin is not an ordinary student, Chen Zhijian had to listen to his opinion.

"I think Teacher Qiu Yuelin is pretty good."

Qi Lin said with a smile.

Regarding Qiu Yuelin's desire to become a teacher, Qi Lin certainly respected her idea.

He has so many women.

In order for these women not to be cranky because of boredom.

Chase your own dreams and live a fulfilling life, so that emotional problems are not easy to occur.

But Qiu Yuelin would definitely not be able to just be a little teacher.

There are only three members of Qi Lin in the Qi family.

But in the future, the Qi family is destined to become a powerful family.

Everyone must have their own time to contribute to this family.

As for Qiu Yuelin, Qi Lin planned to train her to be the youngest female principal of the No. 1 High School Attached to China Normal University.

Even sit in a more prominent position than the principal.

Let's not talk about these educational resources and Qijia's help in the future.

Just from the aspect of Qi Lin's bad taste.

In the office, it must be fun to play games with the headmistress.

"Student Qi Lin, are you kidding me? This is absolutely not acceptable. Her qualifications are too low. Even if I agree, I won't be able to convince the public when the school holds a meeting to study."

Chen Zhijian directly denied it.

Regarding Chen Zhijian's denial, Qi Lin's answer was very straightforward: "If you can't do it, then I don't need to talk about my 5 million yuan. If the principal wants to expel me, he can expel me casually. Anyway, I have no interest in going to school. When the time comes Just find a school to be affiliated with, I believe there will still be many schools that want me.

Qi Lin shrugged indifferently.

But the threat in the words is obvious.

Chen Zhijian looked helpless at this moment.

Only students have ever been afraid of the principal.

No student dares to threaten the principal.

And this matter happened to him today.

The key is that Chen Zhijian has to deal with it cautiously.

Now that Qi Lin's image has been established in the school, if he is dismissed rashly, wouldn't the school slap him in the face?

Secondly, even if the school really expelled Qi Lin, with Qi Lin's honor, there are still key high schools scrambling to take it, which is also a huge loss for the No. 1 High School Affiliated to China Normal University.

Most importantly, Chen Zhijian really needed the 5 million urgently.

Now that he has just taken office, his ability is not enough to convince the public, and he needs to do some deeds to prove his majesty.

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth and said, "I can fight for Qiu Yuelin, so Qi Lin should be satisfied, right?"

Qi Lin smiled and took a puff of cigarette: "It's not about fighting for it, but about ensuring that I can take office."

Chen Zhijian smiled wryly and said, "I'm trying my best here, but if Qiu Yuelin has more honors, then when I nominate her, I can slightly shut the mouths of those who are dissatisfied.

Anyway, it's winter vacation now, and I'll be away from school for a while, so it's okay to delay the decision on the position of the dean until then: "I'll think of a way.

"Okay, I still have to go to the exam, so I won't bother the principal."

Qi Lin threw away the cigarette butt, retracted Erlang's legs, and left the principal's office with his hands in his pockets.

Looking at Qi Lin's back, Chen Zhijian nodded helplessly: "The 22-year-old dean, thanks to this kid who dares to think, if Qiu Yuelin can't stand the pressure, can't stand everyone's strange eyes, it doesn't matter if she has mental problems. It's my business."

Qi Lin has only tutored in mathematics, and has not tutored the rest of the subjects.

So although he went for those exams, he handed in blank papers.

Finally, when it was time to leave school, Qi Lin waited for the three girls to leave school at the school gate.

"Husband, the exam is finally over, and it's winter vacation, I, Lan Yuxi, will be free, and I won't use it for class anymore.

Lan Yuxi didn't care about the strange eyes of the students after school, and threw herself into Qi Lin's arms at the school gate, jumping and jumping.

Wang Siling stood obediently beside Qi Lin.

"Looking at you like this, you should have done well in the final exam this time?"

Qi Lin put his arms around his delicate girlfriend, and shaved her nose with a smile.

Lan Yuxi's beautiful eyes carried a hint of pride: "Needless to say, although we haven't met each other this month, I have used it all to study.

"My husband is so good, and I can only keep up with him by studying hard.

"Yo, I like to hear what you said, I reward you with a kiss."

Qi Lin directly kissed Lan Yuxi's moist lips.

Of course, Qi Lin did not forget his love sister Wang Siling.

Hugging her with his right hand, Qi Lin directly staged a hug from left to right in front of the passing students.

"Si Ling, how did you do in the exam this time?"

Qi Lin asked with a smile.

Wang Siling was relatively timid, afraid that Qi Lin would kiss herself in front of so many classmates, she hurriedly said shyly: "I, I did so well in the exam. Recently, I have practiced a lot of piano, and I don't have much time to review my homework."

"The test is average? How is it average? Tell me about the specific results, such as how many grades do you expect to be able to enter this time?"

Qi Lin asked with a smile.

Wang Siling said embarrassingly: "Bad, maybe in the top ten, I don't know if I guessed right.

Lan Yuxi: "…………………

She is currently in love with Qi Lin.

Puppy love will affect grades, this is the truth that has been practiced for a long time.....

Especially when Lan Yuxi was still with Qi Lin.

Now that he knows the taste, he is distracted in class, blushing and reminiscing about playing games with Qi Lin.


Even though she studied hard this month and recovered the homework she had missed, she could only face the top ten in her grade.

The top ten in the grades of the No. 1 High School Attached to China Normal University, basically the top ten universities in Huaxia Country can make steady progress.

Wang Siling's words are the perfect Versailles.

She delayed her studies by practicing the piano, and could only enter the top ten in the grade. Isn't this a proper slap in the face of Lan Yuxi?

"Well, you Siling, you know that my sister worked hard to get into the top ten in the grade, but you still say that, are you embarrassing my sister?"

Lan Yuxi pouted her small mouth, and pulled Wang Siwei's small face with her two small hands.

Ben Qilin was hugging at the school gate. Wang Siling was already shy enough, but now that Lan Yuxi was bullying her, she shyly slid into Qi Lin's arms: "What's the matter, sister Yuxi, don't pull people's face. What are you looking at?"

A few people frolicked for a while, Lan Yuxi urged Qi Lin to go home quickly: "Honey, I'm hungry, let's go back to eat first?"

Because there is an exam all day today, a few people didn't go home for lunch at noon, but just dealt with it casually at the snack bar in front of the school.

Lan Yuxi was waiting to go to Qi Lin's house for a big meal at night.

After all, her family is an ordinary working class, and all they eat are home-cooked dishes.

Unlike Qi Lin's family, seafood, abalone, delicacies and so on are all the time, which whetted Lan Yuxi's appetite.

Therefore, it makes sense to raise sons and daughters poorly.

The same goes for girlfriends.

If you give your girlfriend enough material things, then she won't be easily seduced by other men with brand-name bags, luxury cosmetics, luxury cars and so on.

"Wait a little longer, we still have one less family member.

Qi Lin said with a smile.

"Who is missing?"

Lan Yuxi froze for a moment.

Wang Siling reminded softly: "Sister Yuxi, sister Yuelin hasn't come yet on 5.6."

"Uh... alright~"

It was only then that Lan Yuxi remembered that the math teacher in her class was still her good sister.

Because Qiu Yuelin is the invigilator, she has to collect all the test papers and send them to the designated location, so Qi Lin and the others waited for half an hour before she appeared at the door on her small bicycle.

"Huh? Why haven't you left yet?"

Qiu Yuelin thought that Qi Lin had already gone back to the villa with his two love sisters.

Some time ago, she bought a duplex villa near the early school, and now she lives with Chuchun.

This is the love nest and wedding place of her and Qi Lin.

"There is one less member in the family, how can I go first, don't you think so? Mrs. Yue?"

Qi Lin blinked at Qiu Yuelin and said with a smile.

Qiu Yuelin blushed pretty.

Because this is at the school gate, many students know her.

Qi Lin called her Yueyue wife, and she almost died of shame.

"Our home is not that villa, you can go home with your two love sisters first, and when you are free, don't forget to come and see me.

Qiu Yuelin said coquettishly, but anyone could hear the resentment in her tone. .

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