Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

379: The Female Ninja Walks While Leaning On The Wall, Sequelae Of Drug Abuse?

Although Huamei Zixin is a private medical institution.

But in order for this private chain hospital to gain a foothold in Putian hospitals, Lizhou actually invited many top doctors in China.

Among them is a private medical team that serves him.

But now, this private medical team has taken advantage of Qi Lin and Yan Yan.

Under the treatment of this private medical team, Matsushima Yuna's injury has stabilized.

The vital signs became more and more stable.

Just around eight o'clock in the evening, she woke up.

"Where is this place?"

Matsushima Kirina looked at the surrounding environment with a hint of confusion in her eyes.

But immediately, she remembered.

Because of a rift with the Chen family, he was shot into the right chest by Chen Tiansheng's subordinates, and he sent people to surround him.

With more and more serious injuries, Matsushima Yuna was forced into a desperate situation by Chen Tiansheng's subordinates, and even tried to commit suicide by crushing a highly poisonous capsule.

At the last moment, another enemy of hers, Qi Lin, arrived at a critical moment and rescued her.

"This should be Qi Lin's home."

Matsushima Kira struggled to sit up.

The environment is quiet, and in the room full of high-tech treatment equipment, Matsushima Enen did not notice anyone.

She checked her injuries and found that the bullet in her right chest had been taken out and wrapped up with clean gauze.

At this time, she remembered Qi Lin lying there and sucking poisoned blood for her, and her pretty face couldn't help but flush slightly.

She gritted her silver teeth and cursed in a low voice: "Damn Qi Lin, when I escape from here, I will definitely kill you."

Qi Lin said.

When she recovers from her injuries, she will be asked for something.

Kirina Matsushima didn't want to just lie here and wait to die.

She was going to see if there was any chance of escape while there was no one in the ward.

No matter how bad it is, let's check the environment in the villa and prepare for the next escape.


When Matsushima Kira unplugged the monitoring device on her body, stepped on the floor with her tender little feet, and was about to get up, she felt an incomparable pain and a soreness.

It looks like.

Although the bullet was taken out, the sequelae of the gunshot wound still existed.

If she didn't have a good rest for a night or two, she might faint on the ground before she escaped from the villa.

"Forget it, don't rush to escape today, let's recuperate for a day or two, let's take a look at the environment in the villa first."

Matsushima Kiruna made up her mind, stood up while leaning on the wall, then walked slowly to the door of the room and opened it.

What surprised her was that there was still no one guarding the door of the room.

The corridors in the villa were quiet.

"Strange, Qi Lin should know my strength, why didn't he send someone to monitor me? Is he not afraid that I will run away?"

Kirina Matsushima was a little strange.

"No, it should be that Qi Lin knows that I have just finished the operation, the anesthesia has not subsided, and I am still a little weak, so he has relaxed his vigilance towards me?"

With this in mind, Matsushima Kirina has already walked to the corner of the corridor.

Here, she finally met the first person.

"Miss Song Nai, are you awake?"

"Why are you running around alone? The boss said you should take more rest.

Seeing that Matsushima Kirina woke up, Amei was walking weakly leaning on the wall, and hurried over to help her.

"Do not touch me!"

As a ninja, Matsushima Kirina could not allow strangers to touch her casually, and directly opened Amei's hand.

Realizing that his tone was too harsh, Matsushima Yuna immediately slowed down and said, "I can't stay idle, so I just want to wander around. Did Qi Lin confiscate my right to leave the room?"

A hint of deep meaning flashed across Amei's eyes, but she said with a smile on the surface: "This is not true, the boss said, you can visit this villa as you like, except that you can't go out.

"By the way, Ms. Song Nai, you must remember that the second room on your left is absolutely not allowed to enter. This is the boss's order. I hope you abide by the following and don't make things difficult.

I heard Amei keep calling herself Song Nai.

Embarrassment flashed across Matsushima Kirina's beautiful eyes.

When she lied to Qi Lin that her name was Song Nai, Qi Lin always called her Miss Milkman and played tricks on her.

But at this time, Matsushima Kirina couldn't care about this little flaw.

As a female ninja, the biggest shortcoming is that she is too curious.

The more others forbade her to do something, the more she wanted to find out.

After Amei chatted with Matsushima Yuna for a few words, she turned around and went downstairs to do her own business.

Seeing Amei's disappearing back, Matsushima Kirina's eyes flashed meaningfully: "This maid has good skills, so it's not that Qi Lin has no one to guard me, but it's not as strict as I imagined. .”

"With my current level of weakness, I definitely can't beat this maid, and the matter of running away can't be messed up now.

"As for the room she said she couldn't enter..."

Matsushima Kirina touched the wall and walked towards that room little by little.


When the room was opened, Matsushima Kirina saw that the dark and gloomy room was full of various therapeutic instruments, with little lights flickering.

And from time to time, Didi's machine monitoring sound can be heard.

Compared with the room I lived in [this place is simply depressing and overwhelming.

Ordinary people may have the idea of ​​leaving here quickly after looking at it twice.

But Matsushima Kirina, as a female ninja, what she lacks most is courage.

She frowned slightly on her pretty willow-leaf eyebrows, and then turned on the light in the room.

At this moment, the complete scene in the room slowly came into her eyes.

On the hospital bed in the middle lay a skinny man with only skin and bones.

He has tubes inserted all over his body, and it seems that these tubes connected to the treatment equipment are the life-saving straw for his survival.

If it wasn't for the slow roll of his eyeballs, Matsushima Yuna would have thought he was dead.

Having not been in contact with the light source for a long time, Li Zhou closed his eyes slightly uncomfortable.

When he opened his eyes again, he found an extremely beautiful woman standing in front of him.

Perhaps a long time ago, when Li Zhou saw such a beautiful woman, he would have the idea of ​​taking it for himself.

But ever since he was tricked by his wife Yan Yan and Qi Lin, Li Zhou was extremely excited and hated when he saw a beautiful woman.

Maybe this is the sequelae of his being murdered into what he is now.

"Who are you from Qi Lin? How could you enter this room without Qi Lin's consent?"

Li Zhou spoke, with a hint of sinister in his tone.

Matsushima Wuna did not answer Li Zhou's question, but looked directly at him and asked, "Who are you Qi Lin? His father?"

Li Zhou laughed loudly at this time: "You are right, I am the father of that rebellious son Qi Lin, I really regret that I didn't strangle him to death when I gave birth to this little bastard."

Matsushima Kirina frowned: "You are not his father, you are lying."

Li Zhou didn't expect to be able to deceive Matsushima Wuna either, he stopped smiling, and then said word by word: "You're right, I'm not Qi Lin's father, I just want him to die immediately, I can't wait for him to die The person who peeled off his skin and wished to smash his bones into ashes."

々Little girl, you must have been deceived by Qi Lin, a little bastard, right? You thought he was a caring and wealthy second generation rich man.

"Actually, let me tell you that he is an extremely sinister villain who likes to play with women, and finally kicked him off mercilessly. If you believe me, leave him immediately.

Now that Li Zhou was paralyzed and under strict surveillance by Qi Lin, there was almost no hope of finding Qi Lin for revenge.

Now he only wants to separate one from another, even if Qi Lin is disgusted, he will feel better.

Looking at the endless hatred in the eyes of the skinny man in front of him, Matsushima Yuna knew that her trip was not in vain.

An enemy of an enemy is a friend.

Since Qi Lin listed this room as a forbidden area, then this man must be an extremely important person.

Can I use him to deal with Qi Lin?

"You guessed wrong, I am also Qi Lin's enemy, not his woman."

"Looking at you like this, you should have been hurt by Qi Lin, right?"

"Why don't you tell me now, I can help you if you need anything, maybe I can give you some help."

Kirina Matsushima stated her thoughts directly.

Hearing that Matsushima Wuna said that she was Qi Lin's enemy, Li Zhou froze for a moment.

But immediately, a look of disdain flashed in his eyes.

"This place is run by Qi Lin like an iron bucket, without his consent, Gen (Li Zhao) would never let anyone in.

"I see it now. You should be a spy sent by him, right? I just want to know from me where my private seal is, and I want to find the most important documents of Huamei Zixin, as well as the 35 documents in my hand. % of shares."

"Hehe, I advise you to give up your mind."

"As long as I die, according to the inheritance, my wealth will be automatically passed on to my son."

"At that time, relying on this batch of property, my son will be able to find Qi Lin, a little bastard, and avenge me."

Li Zhou said with a sneer.

"I don't have anything to prove my identity, but you have also seen that I got a bullet in my right chest, which was left when I assassinated Qi Lin. If you don't believe me, then I have nothing to say Can say."

Matsushima Kirina left a faint sentence before turning around and leaving.

Seeing that Matsushima Wuna was about to leave, Li Zhou became a little anxious this time.

He is now paralyzed in bed, as if he has fallen into endless despair, and it is impossible for anyone to save him.

Now a woman who claims to be Qi Lin's enemy has finally come. If I don't give it a try, maybe I won't be able to wait for the day of revenge on Qi Lin in this life.

"I believe you! You help me bring something to my son."

Gritting his teeth, Ji Zhou suddenly called Song Dao to a stop. .

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