Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

380: Fall Asleep Again? Let Me See How The Wound Heals.

Li Zhou knew.

The world is bustling and bustling, all come for profit.

Although the woman in front of her said that she wanted to help her, if there was no interest to motivate her, I am afraid that the other party would not do her best in doing things.

Since he chose to believe in Matsushima Wuna, Li Zhou was willing to go all out this time.

He gritted his teeth and said, "As long as you promise to bring these things to my son, I will give you 10 million now, which will directly allow you to realize the freedom of wealth and enable you to deal with Qi Lin."

10 million is not particularly attractive to Matsushima Kirina.

If she picked up an order at random, she would probably be able to get this much money.

But now she is deeply trapped in a tiger's den, with no money on her body.

If she had this money, her hopes of returning to the Sakura Country would be a little higher.

"What's your son's name and what does he look like?"

Matsushima Yuna asked directly.

Li Zhou said in a deep voice: "My son's name is Li Jiaming, and I'm Li Zhou. As for his appearance, you can check his information on the son of the original chairman of Huamei Zixin."

Matsushima Kirina nodded, and then asked: "Then what did you ask me to bring to him? Where did you put it?"

At this moment, there was still a flash of hesitation in Li Zhou's eyes.

These things are already his last reliance. Once these things go wrong, he will no longer have the capital to fight against Qi Lin.

If you hesitate, you will lose.

Li Zhou made the final 763 decision in his mind.

"You can see a large bookshelf in the study room on the third floor. In the seventh row of the bookshelf, there is a button behind the fifth book from the left to the right. When you press this button, the bookshelf will move away, and a book will appear behind it. A secret room, and what I want you to bring to my son is in a suitcase inside."

Speaking of this, a gloomy look appeared in Li Zhou's eyes: "I hope you are really Qi Lin's enemy, and we will work together to deal with this little bastard."

"If you're lying to me in the end, even if I, Li Zhou, become a ghost, I won't let you go down to the eighteenth floor of hell."

"Also, even if you are really Qi Lin's woman, you should think about it.

"He has so many women, how much benefit will you get in the end? It's better to do things for me sincerely and get the 10 million to live abroad, than to be his lover and lackey.

Matsushima Wuna wrote down Li Zhou's instructions, and then said lightly: "Don't provoke me or confuse me. I said he is the one I must kill. When I return to the cherry blossoms, it will be the countdown to his life."

"Are you from Sakura Country?"

Li Zhou was really shocked this time.

"Haha, it's good that you are from the country of Sakura. Now I kind of believe that you are Qi Lin's enemy."

Li Zhou laughed out loud, and his mood improved a lot.

The two discussed how to deal with Qi Lin, but they didn't know that everything here was monitored by Amei in the monitoring room.

She picked up the walkie-talkie and said to Ah Zhu: "Hurry up and ask Madam to come over, the woman brought back by the boss has colluded with Li Zhou.

Yan Yan knits sweaters in the living room on the first floor.

The weather is cold, and she has learned to knit sweaters with a gentle temperament, and she is going to knit some sweaters for Qi.

Li Zhou had never experienced this kind of treatment.

"Ma'am, Ah Mei asked you to go to the monitoring room, saying that the woman brought back by the boss had colluded with Li Zhou."

Lin Dong protects Huang Yiyi and Jiang Nannan in Xiangjiang.

Ah Zhu is now in charge of protecting her personally.

"Go and get my anti-radiation overalls first.

The monitoring room is full of electronic equipment.

Now that Yan Yan is pregnant, she cherishes the baby in her womb extremely.

As for this anti-radiation overalls, Qi Lin had someone purchase them from abroad, and Qi Xueyao and Yan Yan each had one.

Putting on the anti-radiation overalls, Yan Yan took A Zhu to the monitoring room of the villa.

Coincidentally, the conversation between Ji and Matsushima Murona has reached the final stage.

She heard about the secret behind the bookshelf that Li Zhou told.

"You can see a large bookshelf in the study room on the third floor. In the seventh row of the bookshelf, there is a button behind the fifth book from the left to the right. When you press this button, the bookshelf will move away, and a book will appear behind it. A secret room, and what I want you to bring to my son is in a suitcase inside..."

This was said by Li Zhou himself.

Hearing this, Yan Yanmei's eyes sneered a little: "What a cunning old man, he tricked me into marrying him for more than ten years, but he has been keeping this big secret from me (cddf), if it wasn't for Xiao Lin who would have predicted the enemy I'm afraid this old thing will take this secret to the grave."

Ah Zhu who was on the side asked: "Ma'am, what should we do now? The two of them want to deal with the boss. Anyway, we already know Li Zhou's secret, why don't we go up and control these two people and kill them in the cradle?" ?”

Yan Yan thought for a while, but shook his head: "I'll inform Xiaolin first, he brought that woman back, let him make the decision."

When Qi Lin came, Matsushima Wuna just came out of Lizhou's room.

She turned off the light, checked the room carefully, erased all traces left by herself, and then prepared to go to the study on the third floor.

Nights are long and dreams are many, getting the things in that box as soon as possible is the most important thing.

On the way, Yan Yan had already told him the details of Song Dao's murder and Li Zhou's conspiracy.

So as soon as he entered the villa, Qi Lin smiled and gave Yan Yan a big hug: "My wife Yan Yan is really virtuous, and she started knitting sweaters for me as soon as winter came.

"Hug lightly, and be careful of our child."

Yan Yan's beautiful face was full of coquettishness, and Nun Baiyu pointed Qi Lin's forehead.

The two chatted intimately, and Qi Lin suddenly asked, "Has Matsushima Wuna woke up?"

Yan Yan nodded: "Just now Amei said that she is awake and has already left the room to exhale."

Qi Lin smiled and said, "Are you awake? Then I'll go up and see her."

The voices of the two were not low.

Matsushima Kirina has never been afraid of anyone since she was born.

Only Qi Lin, the big devil, has a shadow.

Hearing that he came back and wanted to come up to see her, she felt nervous.

At this moment, Matsushima Yuna couldn't care less about the secret room on the third floor, and hurriedly covered her wound, leaning on the wall and walking towards her room.

After a few minutes.


Matsushima Yuna, who closed her beautiful eyes and pretended to be asleep, heard the door open.

Then came the sound of footsteps walking towards him.

She is a ninja, and she is best at judging the gender and number of people based on the sound of footsteps.

"Only Qi Lin?"

Matsushima Kirina thought to herself.

"Huh? Didn't Amei say that she was already awake and wandering upstairs? Why did she fall asleep again now?"

"Could it be that the recovery from the injury was slow and he fell asleep again?"

Looking at Matsushima Kirina with her eyes closed and her expression peaceful, Qi Lin said in bewilderment.

Kirina Matsushima prayed that Qi Lin would leave after watching it, and stop messing around.

However, Qi Lin is not as good as she wants.

"Or is this woman pretending to be asleep?"

"No, let's try her out first, to see how she is recovering from her injuries, and whether she has any history of running away."

Qi Lin suddenly said to himself.

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