"What the hell is this bastard doing? Why isn't he leaving?"

"Testing me? What does he want to do to me?"

Hearing that Qi Lin suspected that he was not asleep and wanted to test himself, Matsushima Wuna panicked.

But before she secretly opened her eyes, take a look.

She suddenly felt her lips cool down, and a sense of dizziness hit her instantly.

What's even more exaggerated is that Qi Lin passed five levels and beheaded six generals.

directly occupied the base camp.

There is a prize when you open the cover, and you will be rewarded with a sip of honey flower tea.

But despite this, Matsushima Yuna still pretended to fall asleep aggrievedly, not daring to open her eyes, nor did she dare to resist Qi Lin.

She was afraid that Qi Lin would know that she had already contacted Li Zhou.

She wanted to know the secret of the bookshelf in this villa and find a way to deal with Qi Lin.

After kissing for a few minutes, she found that Matsushima Yuna didn't respond, so she let her go.

"It seems that this female ninja is really asleep."

"It's like kissing a dead pig. It's meaningless."

Qi Lin pouted and said.

Hearing Qi Lin scolding herself, Matsushima Kuna almost lost control of her emotions and jumped up on the spot.

He obviously took advantage of himself, but he still scolded himself as a dead pig.

Is there a more shameless man in this world than Qi Lin?

After amusing Matsushima Kirina with a few words, Qi Lin left the room directly.

At the door of the room, Matsushima Wuna vaguely heard Qi Lin's order: "You two take good care of her, this time she woke up and ran around, it is your dereliction of duty, if you let her break into Jizhou's room How to do?"

Although, Kirina Matsushima heard Qi Lin's footsteps gradually drifting away.

It looks like he really left this time.

"This bastard is now sending someone to watch me, it looks like he won't be able to get the things Li Zhou said today.

In desperation, Matsushima Kirina simply closed her beautiful eyes and began to sleep.

In order to better recover the body, prepare for tomorrow's plan, or even recharge your batteries for the next escape, and prepare sufficient energy.

After Qi Lin left Matsushima Wuna's room, he didn't go to the living room on the first floor, but went directly to Li Zhou's study on the third floor.

"The seventh row of the bookshelf, the fifth book from the left."

In the luxurious study room, Qi Lin walked behind Li Zhou's desk and began to look for the location of the institution he mentioned.

Very easily, after Qi Lin took out the Das Kapital, he found the switch of the secret room behind the book.


He pressed the switch directly.



With the start of the mechanism and the sound of gears turning, the bookshelves gradually separated to the left and right, revealing the secret room behind it.

The secret room has been specially designed.

When the bookshelf mechanism is turned on, the lights inside will automatically light up, making the inside brightly lit.

This is a secret room with an area of ​​about seven or eight square meters.

Although the area is not large, the things on display are dazzling.

Gold and silver jewellery, collections of antique calligraphy and paintings, and even boxes of US dollars filled the entire space.

Qi Lin roughly estimated that the things here plus cash are worth more than two or three hundred million.

It looks like.

This is the back road for Li Zhou to make a comeback.

It's a pity that Qi Lin is now cheaper.


Qi Lin didn't even take a look at the gold, silver and jewelry, but walked directly to the box Li Zhou mentioned.

He opened the suitcase, and inside he saw the personal seal that Li Zhou said, as well as some encrypted files.

A personal seal is a symbol of Li Zhou's identity, and with this thing, the transfer of shares can be made reasonable.

Qi Lin changed his face again, pretending to be Li Zhou, went to the bank safe and took out the share transfer contract he had drawn up a long time ago, changed the transferor to Yan Yan and stamped Ji Zhou's private seal.

In this way.

100% of Huamei Zixin's shares are in the hands of Qi Lin and Yan Yan.

"It's a bit too boring to directly expose the scheme of Matsushima Kirina and Yan Yan."

"Give Li Jiaming and Li Zhou some hope first, and let them despair in the end, how interesting.

The corners of Qi Lin's mouth turned up slightly, and a smile flashed across his black eyes.

After that, Qi Lin picked up those encrypted files of Huamei Zixin and watched them.

I don't know if I don't read it.

At first glance, even Qi Lin has to admire, this season is really a qualified villain.

These documents not only record his personal network, but also how many innocent people have been harmed by his self-made family over the years.

Among them are the details of entrapment of Yan Yan's parents.

Put those encrypted files back.

Qi Lin walked out of the secret room and returned to Li Zhou's office.

He rummaged through Li Zhou's desk and found a model of a private seal.

Don't forget, Qi Lin is also an SSS level counterfeiter.

Randomly picked up a small knife on the table, and after a while, Qi Lin carved the model of this private seal into Li Zhou's private seal.

Comparing the two private seals, it cannot be said that they are very similar, they are exactly the same.

But when you go to the bank to seal the transfer of shares, the fake seal can be identified as fake by the other party when you go to the bank that has registered with the public security department.

This is the brilliance of Qi Lin's counterfeiting ability.

False is true and true is false.

After putting the fake private seal back into the secret room, he withdrew.

Go back to the living room on the first floor.

Qi Lin saw that Yan Yan was still knitting sweaters there.

"Go to bed early, it's getting late now."

Qi Lin smiled and touched Yan Yan's hair.

"What about you? The matter is over? Do you want to stay here to rest tonight?"

Yan Yan gently put down the half-knitted sweater and asked.

Qi Lin shook his head and smiled, "It won't happen this time, there are still people waiting for me at home."

Yan Yan also knew that Qi Lin was not just a woman.

It was too greedy to let him stay after accompanying me yesterday.

"Be careful on the road there."

Yan Yan got up personally, put on a windbreaker coat for Qi Lin, and then gave a gentle warning.



When I got home, it was already 11 o'clock in the evening.

But the sound of mahjong is still deafening.

"Which one of you won?"

Qi Lin asked with a smile as soon as he entered the door.

When Chuchun saw Qi Lin came back, he hurried over to help Qi Lin take off his coat, and then hung it up.

Qi Xueyao glanced at Qi Lin resentfully: "It's all your fault for the hot money you gave Lan. She lost by herself in the beginning, but now she has won three in a row."

...asking for flowers......

Qiu Yuelin didn't care about the money.

Don't forget, Qi Lin gave her 100 million cash to compensate the 100% shares he took away from 720 Antivirus Company.

It can be said that Qiu Yuelin deserves her name now, and Qi Lin is the richest among these women.

"I can play a little bit of red and middle, and the five-star card like this garden city is still too unfamiliar." It seems that I will have to learn more from my sisters in the future.

"Yuxi, let's go shopping together tomorrow, you won hundreds of thousands by yourself, why don't you treat me tomorrow?"

Qiu Yuelin asked with a smile.

At this time, Lan Yuxi was so happy that he couldn't find Bei: "It's just a small problem, just ask what you want to buy tomorrow, and I will pay for it!"

Looking at the proud Lan Yuxi, Qi Lin rubbed her little head amusedly and joked: "You little sisters, which one is not richer than you? You are the most capable.

Lan Yuxi pursed her mouth: "I'm not convinced by this. Siling doesn't have my money, and she only has 100,000 cash from you every month."

Qi Lin said indifferently: "Si Ling has now been appraised as a provincial piano master. She will play the piano everywhere this winter vacation. Not to mention a lot, it's easy to earn hundreds of thousands. Do you still have this confidence now?"


Qi Xueyao also said sarcastic remarks at the side: "Lan Yuxi, are you too happy too early? It's only 11 o'clock, and there is still an hour left, maybe by then you will not only spit out your winnings, but also your own Export any pocket money."

Before Lan Yuxi could say anything.

Qi Lin flicked directly on Qi Xueyao's forehead.


"What are you doing? Why do you want to criticize me? You want to favor Lan Yuxi, and you don't want to be so obvious?"

Qi Xueyao gave Qi Lin a coquettish look with her beautiful eyes.

Qi Lin's face was light: "What time is it? It's going to be 12 o'clock, don't you want this child?"

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Qi Xueyao realized that she had wrongly blamed her husband.

There was a trace of guilt in her beautiful eyes: "I was having fun, did I forget it for a while? Husband, I'm going to sleep now. If you want to play, you can take my place.

After speaking, Qi Xueyao hurriedly got up and went to the second floor.

Of course Qi Lin is not interested in playing mahjong with his wives.

With this time, it would be better to play golf, ace in one, birdie.

Wang Siling's white stockings.

Lan Yuxi's black stockings match the K uniform.

Because he had promised Qi Lin, Wang Siling shyly went back to his room to sleep after fulfilling the banana promise.

Lan Yuxi and Qi Lin were just newlyweds, they seemed like they were going through a catastrophe, and Qi Xueyao couldn't stand their aura.

"Asshole, why don't you let people sleep?"

Qi Xueyao frantically took out the earplugs and put them on, then covered her head with the quilt.

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