Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

390: It’S Too Big, Use Force, Chen Shuyi Is Dumbfounded

"What's going on in the kitchen? Why is there so much water?"

Obviously taking advantage of others, Qi Lin asked nonchalantly.

If it were anyone, Won Soo-yeon would have already slapped her in the face.

She's not a slut.

I have been separated from my ex-husband for more than two years, and I have never thought of cheating.

But Qi Lin is different from ordinary people, he is a big villain, a big devil.

He is pretty, so it is not surprising that he has thoughts about himself.

Now Qi Lin just eats tofu and doesn't make any big moves.

Yuan Xiuyan was afraid that if she resisted too much, or scolding Qi Lin would provoke him.

She was alone and helpless in Huaxia, and Qi Linqiang was annoyed, but she was the one who really suffered.

"It seems that the water pipe in the vegetable sink has burst, and it has been leaking..."

"Mr. Qi Lin, I'm really sorry, I invited you to my house for dinner, and this kind of thing happened.

Won Soo-yeon's pretty face showed a hint of embarrassment.

She hoped that Qi Lin would understand what she meant and leave here quickly.

After all, the water pipe burst, and I couldn't even eat.

"It's just a small problem. I'm pretty good at fixing plumbing and so on."

Qi Lin said with a smile.


"Mr. Qi Lin, would a rich man like you and a big entrepreneur still have the 557 skills of repairing water pipes?"

Yuan Xiuyan really didn't believe that a rich man like Qi Lin would do this.

Qi Lin's black eyes carried a hint of deep meaning: "Fixing plumbing and air conditioning is a must-have skill for men, otherwise how can you be the old king next door?"

Yuan Xiuyan didn't understand Qi Lin's words.

There was a trace of confusion in her beautiful eyes, and then she said: "Since Mr. Qi Lin said so, I will trouble you."

Qi Lin smiled and said, "Go and get me a wrench first."

"Oh oh oh, ok.

Yuan Xiuyan nodded quickly.

outside the door.

Chen Shuyi, who had already finished throwing out the trash, came out of the elevator.

When passing by Yuan Xiuyan's house.

"Bang bang bang!!!"

She heard a strange knocking sound coming from inside.

But she is not curious, and she is going to go directly to her home.

"Wow, goodness!"

Suddenly, Yuan Xiuyan's exclamation came from behind Chen Shuyi.

Maybe Chen Shuyi didn't understand the meaning of this sentence before.

But she is already married to Qi Lin.

Chen Shuyi's pretty face turned red in an instant, and she spat slightly: "This peninsula woman is too rough, she dares to say anything, and doesn't care about the feelings of her neighbors.


Before Chen Shuyi could digest the last sentence, more outrageous words came from behind her.

Chen Shuyi's beautiful eyes were full of embarrassment, she really wanted to turn around and knock on Yuan Xiuyan's door, to let her pay attention to the influence.

But what happened inside, was it really what she thought?

In the kitchen of Won Soo-yeon's house.

She brought the wrench and handed it to Qi Lin.

Qi Lin tapped on the faucet.


I don't know if it was an operation error. The water pipe that was only a small leak suddenly burst open.

The kitchen directly flooded Jinshan, and Qi Lin and Yuan Xiuyan were completely soaked.

"Wow! It's so big!"

And the sentence that Chen Shuyi heard came from Yuan Xiuyan's mouth at this time.

She lacks Chinese, and this sentence is just describing the water that gushes out suddenly.

Qi Lin saw that something was wrong.

Quickly grab the two separated water pipes and forcefully close them.

At this time, Yuan Xiuyan seemed to be in the scene, and the actual operator was herself. Seeing Qi Lin exerting strength, she also clenched her fist and gritted her silver teeth to cheer Qi Lin: strength!"

Listening to Yuan Xiuyan's words, several black lines appeared on Qi Lin's forehead.

It's better not to say it, if the neighbors outside hear it, they will think he is a pervert.

Qi Lin was not joking when he said that he could repair water pipes.

After his repairs, a few minutes later, the wild faucet in Yuan Xiuyan's house was finally tamed, watertight and can be used normally.

The price was that Qi Lin and Yuan Xiuyan's clothes were all wet.

Qi Lin looked at Yuan Xiuyan with great interest.

Seeing Qi Lin staring at her, Yuan Xiuyan lowered her head and took a look in doubt.

But in the next second, she blushed and crossed her arms.

"I, I'm going to change clothes first!"

After a while, Won Soo-yeon changed into a home-style floral dress, which made her more feminine.

She (cddg) has clothes to change, but Qi Lin is not so lucky.

This house was newly bought, how could Hou Xiuyan prepare men's clothes here.

But now it's winter, Qi Lin is wearing wet clothes, what should he do if he catches a cold?

Lin Yun'er felt distressed and brought Qi Lin the little blanket she used to wrap him up: "big brother, why don't Yun'er go buy some clothes for you now?"

Asking about the fragrance on the little loli blanket, Qi Lin smiled and shook his head: "Don't bother, just ask your mother to go to the neighbor across the door to get a set."

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Yuan Xiuyan and Lin Du were stunned at the same time.

"It's okay to borrow other things from other people's houses, but it's not so good to borrow men's clothes?"

Won Soo-yeon asked with a wry smile.

Qi Lin smiled lightly and said: "There is nothing wrong with this, you just do what I say."

Qi Lin is the big boss, how could Yuan Tukai refuse his request.

With a hint of helplessness on her pretty face, Yuan Xiuyan could only go out.

"It's easy to catch a cold if you wait like this. I'll take a shower first, Yun'er, come here and help me rub my back and grab my hair."

Qi Lin smiled and said to Lin Yun'er.

When Lin Yun'er heard Qi Lin's words, her small face froze for a moment, and the next second it was flushed like a well-cooked hut.

After a few minutes.

Qi Lin was sitting on a small stool wearing boxer tops, while Lin Yun'er was blushing and standing obediently behind Qi Lin, her white and tender hands were full of foam to help Qi Lin grab her hair.

"Although he's very shy, Qilin Ouba's figure is really good, he looks like a handsome sunny guy in Korean manga."

"When Yun'er grows up, such a handsome Ou Zhong will be Yun'er's boyfriend."

Lin Yun'er was still thinking wildly.

Yuan Xiuyan over there has already knocked on Chen Shuyi's door.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk ~"

Chen Shuyi is cooking in the kitchen.

Jin Qiu can actually cook.

However, in order to please Qi Lin's stomach, Chen Shuyi would occasionally cook in order not to let her cooking skills become unfamiliar.

"Xiaoqiu, is there someone knocking on the door? Go and open the door.

In the kitchen, Chen Shuyi said.

"Oh~ got it."

Jin Qiu who was sitting on the sofa agreed casually.

From the corner of her beautiful eyes, she was looking at Chen Shuyi's light pink Chanel dress on the sofa.

Stealing clothes is addictive, especially wearing Chen Shuyi's clothes, and then being bullied by Qi Lin, she will have a stimulating sense of guilt.

She is obviously the least talkative of the four sisters in early summer, autumn and winter, but she goes farther and farther on the road of playing tricks.

The heartbeat returns to the heartbeat.

But Chen Shuyi could come out at any time, and Jin Qiu didn't dare to touch her dress casually.

She could only stand up and open the door for Yuan Xiuyan outside.

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