Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

391: Chen Shuyi Catches Rape On The Spot

"You, are you the neighbor across the door?"

Opening the door, Jin Qiu stared at Won Soo-yeon in front of her in a daze.

Seeing that the other party still remembered her, Yuan Xiuyan breathed a sigh of relief.

Borrowing a man's clothes is already embarrassing, if the other party still forgets about herself, then she will really find a crack in the ground for that thin-skinned girl.

Also don't think Won Soo Yeon is shy.

In fact, eight out of ten writers have social phobia.

"Yes, my name is Won Soo-yeon."

Yuan Xiuyan nodded politely.

Jin Qiu asked suspiciously: "I don't know what's wrong with Ms. Yuan coming here. Could it be that the power went out again at home?"

Thinking of the oolong last time, Yuan Xiuyan's pretty face flushed slightly.

She explained: "This time it's not a power outage, but the faucet is broken..."


"So you're here to ask me to fix your faucet?"

Jin Qiu can't laugh or cry.

This beautiful neighbor from the peninsula really treats her like a man.

Seeing that Jin Qiu misunderstood her, Yuan Xiuyan quickly explained: "It's not about repairing the water pipes, the water pipes have already been repaired, I want to borrow a set of men's clothes from your family."


Jin Qiu was speechless again.

If Yuan Xiuyan asked her to fix the water pipes, she didn't think it was so outrageous.

Asking her to borrow a set of men's clothes, or a stranger who has only met once, is simply out of line.

"Xiaoqiu, what's going on?"

At this moment, Chen Shuyi, who had finished cooking in the kitchen, saw the two people at the door talking all the time, so she came over curiously to have a look.

When she saw that the person who came was Yuan Xiuyan, her pretty face couldn't help but blush.

She thought of the charming voice from Yuan Xiuyan's house just now.

"Sister Shuyi, this Yuan Xiuyan came to us to borrow a set of men's clothes.

Jin Qiu said to Chen Shuyi speechlessly.

Chen Shuyi thought she had heard wrong.

Unless there is a particularly intimate relationship, it is impossible to ask someone to borrow a set of men's clothes when it comes up.

"Don't you have your husband's clothes at home?"

Chen Shuyi asked helplessly.

Won Soo-yeon lacks Chinese language, and the two women who speak Korean can't understand it.

She stammered and explained in broken Chinese: "No, he asked me to come, saying that you can borrow it."

When Jin Qiu heard Yuan Xiuyan's words, he was immediately angry.

The image of a wretched and thick-skinned man immediately popped up in his mind: "We are a charity, right? If someone returns, we will definitely be able to borrow it."

"Don't say that all the clothes here belong to the boss. Even if there are clothes, I won't lend them to you. You can go now."

Hearing Jin Qiu's ruthless words, Yuan Xiuyan's beautiful eyes were full of embarrassment, and she couldn't help lowering her head.

Chen Shuyi is still gentle and kind-hearted.

"Well, there is a new set of clothes at home, and no one has worn them yet, so you can take them for emergency."

Chen Shuyi felt that unless it was absolutely necessary, the other party would definitely not ask her to borrow clothes, and it would be nice if she could help.

When Jin Qiu heard that Chen Shuyi agreed, her pretty face became anxious: "Sister Shuyi, you always help this peninsula woman, she will make more progress in the future.

Chen Shuyi had a faint smile on her pretty face: "We are all neighbors, and it's not a big deal. It's right to help each other out. Leave my room and bring the newly bought clothes."

Seeing that Chen Shuyi had made up her mind, Jin Qiu could only stare at Yuan Xiuyan, and then reluctantly went back to get her clothes.

"Thank you, I really appreciate the two beautiful ladies, how much is this suit? I will give it to you now."

Seeing that Chen Shuyi was willing to borrow clothes, Yuan Xiuyan asked with a touch of emotion.

Chen Shuyi smiled lightly: "It's just an ordinary set of clothes, it's not worth much, go to minister."

Jin Qiu is not so easy to talk to, she turned her beautiful eyes, and suddenly said in Qiu Yuelin's ear: "Sister Shuyi, why don't we go and have a look, I want to see, which man is so thick-skinned that he actually let his wife Borrow clothes from neighbors."

Chen Shuyi was still thinking about the messy voices from the opposite door just now.

How could she go to a stranger's house casually: "Forget it, I'm not interested in what you say.

But Jin Qiu took Chen Shuyi's arm and said: "Sister Shuyi, let's just go and have a look, it's nothing.

"Won Soo-yeon, since we are all neighbors, you don't mind showing Sister Shu-yi a tour of your home?"

She asked Won Soo-yeon again.

Yuan Xiuyan's pretty face froze for a moment.

Would you be angry if you casually brought strangers into your home?

...asking for flowers......

But immediately, Yuan Xiuyan thought again, with Qi Lin's playful personality, if he brought two such beautiful girls home, he might divert his attention and no longer pay attention to himself.

Thinking of this, she smiled and nodded: "You can visit, as long as you don't think my house is a bit messy.

"No, no."

Just like that, Jin Qiu pulled the reluctant Chen Shuyi and followed Yuan Xiuyan to her house.


Coincidentally, just as Qi Lin came out of the bathroom wearing boxer pants, Yuan Xiuyan opened the door and walked in.

Thus, a scene that shocked Chen Shuyi and stunned Jin Qiu appeared.

Hydrating wheat-colored healthy skin.

Streamlined mermaid vest line.

The waist of a male dog with amazingly explosive muscles.

Qi Lin presents the most perfect male god image in front of Jin Qiu, Chen Shuyi and Yuan Xiuyan.

Chen Shuyi is okay, she has seen it a long time ago.

Yuan Xiuyan and Jin Qiuqiao blushed at the same time, but they did not move their eyes away.

It's been a long time.

Jin Qiucai stammered Qi Lin and asked, "Boss, boss, you, why are you here?"

"The opposite is your home, right? Did you go to the wrong door?"

Looking at Jin Qiu's beautiful little face in front of him, Qi Lin pinched her cheek: "Are you being too lenient, little girl? You have to decide where I live?"

Of course Jin Qiu didn't dare decide on Qi Lin's freedom, she quickly shook her head and said, "I, I didn't mean that..."

Looking at Jin Qiu who was a little scared, with a hint of panic in her beautiful eyes, Qi Lin interrupted her with a smile: "Okay, I'm just joking with you, are you and Shuyi here to deliver clothes? I'm looking for Yuan Xiuyan still has something to do, you can go back after delivering the clothes."

The smartest thing about Chen Shuyi is that as long as Qi Lin leaves their love nest, she will not interfere in Qi Lin's private affairs.

Although Qi Lin is at her neighbor's house, she has no idea about the mother and daughter.

"Xiaoqiu, the rice is already cooked, and there are only two servings, if you call someone over, one of us will still be hungry.

With that said, Chen Shuyi had pulled Jin Qiu away.

Looking at Chen Shuyi's pretty back, Qi Lin couldn't laugh or cry.

After this girl was promoted to his wife, now she has learned to speak in a strange way, right Fan?

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