Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

400: Xia Sha's Wife Is On My Side

Hearing Qi Lin say this, Xia Sha knew something was wrong.

She immediately took two steps back.

But he was still caught by Qi Lin.

"Let me introduce to everyone, Xia Sha, the deputy general manager of Shrimp Emperor and my right-hand assistant.

Qi Lin took Xia Sha's white wrist and introduced it to the girls with a smile.

Holding hands in front of Qi Lin's wives.

There is also his niece Lan Yuxi in it.

Xia Sha's pretty face couldn't help but blush slightly for Qi Xueyao, who had her own college classmates and couldn't listen to her.

"Hey, why are you here, auntie?"

Lan Yuxi was playing mahjong just now, and didn't notice that Zhong Xia and Chu Chun were still following behind.

Hearing Lan Yuxi's address, Qiu Yuelin was slightly taken aback: "Yuxi, is this your aunt? Why do you look so young?"

Lan Yuxi stood up, hopped to Xia Sha's side, then took her arm and explained with a smile: "Oh, my grandmother gave birth to my aunt later, she was nearly forty years old, so she is older than me. Not a few years older, take a closer look, don't we have a little bit of similarity?"

Qiu Yuelin carefully looked at Xia Sha's eyes, and found that she and Lan Yuxi were indeed similar in some details, but they were two beautiful girls with different styles.

At this time, Qiu Yuelin couldn't help but started to mutter in her heart: "Qi Lin 600 likes these taboo relationships the most. Yuxi's aunt is so beautiful. If he doesn't have any ideas and tells ghosts, ghosts won't." Believe."

"Now that Yuxi's smile has been brought to the role of the deputy general manager of Xiahuang, is this trying to take care of the niece and aunt?"

Qiu Yuelin has long been used to Qi Lin's fascination.

She was worried that Qi Lin's emotions would affect his Xueya.

But hearing Qi Lin say that the spicy crab and the dried pot bullfrog were both invented by Xia Sha, which means that this girl still has some skills.

"Sasha, you are welcome to come to our house as a guest, let's sit down and have something to eat together."

As the hostess, Qi Xueyao had a bit of a problem with Xia Sha before.

But she knew that Xia Sha would be Qi Lin's woman sooner or later, so she might as well be more magnanimous and show the attitude of being the main palace.

Of course, this kind of main palace was not granted by Qi Lin, but Qi Xueyao made it for Qi Lin to see, trying to make this status of the main palace a reality.

When Qiu Yuelin heard Qi Xueyao called Xia Sha Sha Sha, her pretty face became even more puzzled.

"Xueyao, do you know this Xia Sha?"

Qi Xueyao suppressed a smile and said, "Of course we know each other. Sasha and I are college classmates, and we were named Huake University's campus beauty together. At that time, we were secretly competing about who would find a better boyfriend in the future."


How did she find out that the relationship here is getting more and more bloody?

"No, I've already eaten in the restaurant just now. I came here to deliver food just by the way. I mainly want to talk to Qi Lin about the work of Shrimp King."

Xia Sha rejected Qi Xueyao's invitation.

She didn't forget how Qi Xueyao and Qi Lin played tricks on her back then.

Anyway, she wanted to keep herself as little involved in Qi Lin's family affairs as possible.

Hearing Xia Sha's words, Qi Lin's black eyes flashed with amazement.

It's no wonder that Xia Sha followed her in after delivering the meal, she was looking for her feelings.

"Then you guys eat first, I'll take Xia Sha up to discuss business."

Qi Lin said with a smile.

These words are strangely ambiguous.

Let's get down to business and go upstairs?

Could it be possible to enter the room and have a private meeting?

Qi Xueyao and Qiu Yuelin had weird eyes.

Xia Sha also blushed pretty: "Go to the balcony on the second floor and talk."

She corrected it immediately.

After a few minutes.

Qi Lin leaned against the railing, with a cigarette in his mouth, puffing, waiting for Xia Sha's next words.

"You can't stop smoking, don't you know there is a lady next to you?"

Xia Sha slapped her little hands and said coquettishly.

Qi Lin grinned: "Are you my wife? What do you care about me so much? Unless you call me husband, I won't smoke."

Xia Sha will not be used to Qi Lin, she gave Qi Lin a look with her beautiful eyes, and directly talked about the business.

"Qin Han is amazing, do you remember?"

Qi Lin smiled and said, "Why (cdee) don't remember, when you and Qi Xueyao attended the class reunion last time, you missed that tall, rich and handsome guy, right?"

Hearing Qi Lin's strange words, Xia Sha gave him a white look.

"Just remember, didn't he say last time that he wanted to start his own business after returning from Singapore?"

"Some time ago, more than a dozen Haidilao chain hot pot restaurants that he ordered opened for business."

Xia Sha said again.

There was a hint of interest in Qi Lin's eyes.

Haidilao Qi Lin certainly knows.

Twenty years later, the leader of China's catering enterprises, at its peak, had a market value of nearly 200 billion. With its considerate service and high-end hot pot ingredients, it was very popular in China.

At first everyone thought it was a national enterprise.

Knowing that a certain blogger exposed that the boss of Haidilao and his family immigrated to Singapore a long time ago, everyone knew that they were supporting foreign companies.

Since it can become the leader in the catering industry, it must have its own unique advantages

Now that Xia Sha suddenly finds herself, she must have suffered a loss when confronting Haidilao, so come and seek her own help.

However, Qi Lin pretended not to know and asked, "And then?"

Xia Sha sighed suddenly: "I didn't expect that this Qin Han is really business-minded, and he can get along with so many ways to attract customers, and the business is booming as soon as it opened, directly stealing away many of our customers. "

"I don't know if it's intentional or not. The store he found is either next to us or across the street. If Haidilao is allowed to expand, our Shrimp King will definitely go downhill slowly, and eventually even be eliminated by the market."

Xia Sha didn't know, when she spoke, she subconsciously regarded herself as being in the same camp as Qi Lin.

Although Qin Han is exceptionally good, not only can she not feel good about her, but she also blames this college classmate for not remembering her old love and going against Xia Huang.

Qi Lin was also quite satisfied with Xia Sha's attitude.

But he still joked: "Why, do you feel that your old classmate is very good now, and you want to develop further with him?"

Hearing Qi Lin's nonsense, Xia Sha's beautiful eyes were full of anger: "It's business, if you continue to talk nonsense, I will turn around and leave immediately."

Qi Lin blinked: "Then tell me, how do you feel about this old classmate?"

Xia Sha didn't expect Qi Lin to be worried that she would fall in love with another man. She suppressed a smile on her pretty face and said, "No, I even wanted to slap him a few times to relieve my anger when I thought of him robbing the Shrimp King business."

Qi Lin smiled: "Well, yes, this is my wife Xia Sha, and she should be on her husband's side."

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