"Didn't you say that Qin Han's Haidilao had a booming business as soon as it opened? Tell me about the characteristics of his store.

Qi Lin asked Xia Sha with a smile.

Xia Sha thought for a while, and then said: "I went to Haidilao to explore the store, and found that they have put a lot of effort into service."

"For example, a customer's cup is always full. As soon as they drink half of it, someone will come over to pour water. According to a waiter I asked, they have undergone strict training. If the store manager sees the customer pouring water by himself, they will fined wages."

"Besides, Haidilao's life is so hot that when customers need to line up, the waiters will also serve them tea and national food.

"No matter how unreasonable the guests are, the waiters will never talk back to each other. In short, they have achieved the ultimate in service."

"In terms of price, they are not as affordable as we are. Haidilao is taking the high-end hot pot route. Let alone the taste, the ingredients are indeed very clean, but generally speaking, customers are still paying for services."

Xia Sha took out a small notebook and told Qi Lin what she had summarized during this time.

Qi Lin looked at Xia Sha in surprise.

She didn't expect Xia Sha to change so much in just a few months.

The little girl who never knew how to do business, and the restaurant was about to close down, now she doesn't care about it, and is all-powerful to develop the Shrimp King into a stronger and stronger professional elite.

"Well, it's not bad, you can actually take the time to visit the store, spy on the secret of the other party's success, and even summarize and record your own conclusions. Wife Sasha, you are now a qualified entrepreneur."

Qi Lin smiled and praised Xia Sha.

And Xia Sha was a little embarrassed by Qi Lin's praise.

"I asked you to help me with ideas, not to listen to your flattery. Although I know the elements of the other party's success, I can't find a way to solve it. You have the most ideas, so give me some advice."

Qi Lin's idea is not so easy to take away.

He joked to Xia Sha: "I don't know how to kiss flattery, but I want to kiss Sasha's ass.


"Can you speak well?"

Xia Sha said unhappily.

After teasing Xia Sha, Qi Lin finally said, "Well, I have an idea that can help you break the situation.

"Could you stop being tricky and tell me quickly."

Xia Sha's pretty face lit up, and she knew she was right this time.

Qi Lin smiled again: "I want to know, then you must agree to one condition first, and kiss me on the face first."

I haven't used the old routine for a long time. I think back then, this routine cheated Wang Siai, Lan Yuxi and other school girls' first kisses.

Xia Sha was rendered speechless by these words.

"Is this your shop, or mine? I helped your Shrimp Emperor keep him awake every day, and you're still asking me for conditions. I don't care if you're here."

A hint of anger appeared on Xia Sha's pretty face.

Qi Lin didn't care about it: "It doesn't matter, I don't care, anyway, I have a lot of industries, and I opened the Shrimp King because I saw that you like this industry. If the Shrimp King really collapsed, it would be a trivial thing for me Little thing."

Qi Lin's words confirmed that Xia Sha had already developed feelings for King Shrimp.

It's like a child waiting to be fed, brought up in his own hands.

Can she bear to watch the Shrimp King collapse now?

This is Qi Lin's decision on Xia Sha.

Sure enough, Xia Sha was tightly controlled by Qi Lin.

She wanted to say bluntly, don't worry about it, I'll go back to my little shop.

But in the end, she didn't have the courage to speak out.

With a hint of aggrieved, her pretty face was still a little red: "I've convinced you, bastard, bring your face closer!"

Not to give innocence.

Her first kiss was given to Qi Lin a long time ago, but now it's just a kiss on Qi Lin's face, and she has nothing to resist.

Qi Lin smiled and moved his face closer with a look of neediness.

Xia Sha closed her beautiful eyes, ready to kiss her.


But in the next second, Qi Lin, who suddenly turned around, kissed her moist lips.

This time, Xia Sha invited Qi Lin to drink a cup of sweet honey flower tea.

Xia Sha, who was caught by the routine, turned her small face away angrily, but from an angle that no one else could see, a shyness appeared in her beautiful eyes.

When she kissed Qi Lin just now, the deer bumped in her heart, and she couldn't tell what it was like.

Qi Lin didn't try to coax Xia Sha, but said to himself: "In business knowledge, there is a saying that if you follow the trend, you will die if you don't have special features, but we, Shrimp King, first set up the catering market in Jianghan City, and Haidilao in Qin Town. "

"Using this advantage, we can innovate on the basis of following their service model, and then kill them directly."

...asking for flowers......

Qi Lin used a hot word that appeared twenty years later.

"Roll them to death? How?"

Xia Sha forgot that she was bullied by Qi Lin just now, and asked stupidly.

Qi Lin smiled faintly: "We must emulate the three points you just mentioned, and then we can innovate in services, such as providing free manicure and shoe shine services for customers who enter the store for consumption."

"When the guests are eating, they can provide services for coaxing children, playing with them, etc."

"When a guest celebrates his birthday, we give him a free cake and sing a happy birthday song to him in unison.

"The guest broke up, and we can also give comfort and sing a song to express his heart for the other party."


"If a customer finds the free snacks and fruits in our store delicious after eating, we can also pack some for them."


Qi Lin provided Xia Sha with many classic service examples.

Xia Sha was dumbfounded.

After all, Huaxia's consumption mode today is that customers who come in to eat only provide food services.

It's not like what Qi Lin said, it's like serving customers like gods.

"Won't we lose money by doing this? In this way, the labor cost and the budget that has nothing to do with meals will be much higher."

Xia Sha thinks that Qi Lin's idea is very good, but it can deal with Qin Han's Haidilao offensive, and even make a beautiful turnaround.

But the problem is, even if you win, you will lose both sides.

As a result, Shrimp King will incur a lot of unnecessary expenses.

After all, Xia Sha is still a little girl and doesn't understand business games.

Qi Lin said with a faint smile: "I'm not afraid of losing money, our ultimate goal is not to make money from the profits of King Shrimp. What we need to do is to come up with a set of beautiful data and let King Shrimp go public to make money."

"If King Shrimp is you alone, you definitely can't do this, because the period before the listing is a money-burning game."

"But don't forget, I am the big boss behind the Shrimp King. As long as I continuously inject funds into the Shrimp King, we will make a lot of money when it goes public."

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