"Are you finally going to attack me?"

Hearing the threat in Qi Lin's words, Matsushima Kirina's beautiful eyes felt a tinge of desolation.

As an elite jonin and a top assassin trained by the Matsushima family, Matsushima Kira has been mentally prepared since she was sensible, and one day she will fall into the hands of the enemy.

For an assassin, death is the ultimate way back. The only difference is whether he dies in the hands of the enemy or returns to the mountains with astonishing wealth.

At the moment when the latter can be achieved, there will be nothing left in the end.

"Didn't we agree? When I recover from my injury, you can do whatever you want to me."

Kirina Matsushima wanted to delay for a few more days.

A little more time means more chances of winning.

It's a pity that Qi Lin just didn't take the trap: "When you recover from your injury, you can find a way to escape from my palm? I'm sorry, but I think you in this state are the most suitable to taste

"Choose, serve me in exchange for your own life, or be like Li Zhou, who will be played by me in the end so that life is worse than death.

A hint of evil flashed across Qi Lin's black eyes, and his tone was full of unscrupulousness.

Matsushima Kirina also knew that there was no room for maneuver in this matter at this moment.

Her pretty face turned cold.

"Don't you try to scare me. Since I have become a Jonin 23 assassin, I know that one day I will fall into the hands of the enemy. If you dare to mess with me now, I will commit suicide immediately

"I don't think you'll just get a corpse."

Qi Lin has long known that there is a highly poisonous capsule in Matsushima Yuna's teeth.

The moment Matsushima Yuna spoke, Qi Lin rushed forward with lightning speed, and pinched her fair chin.


Matsushima Yuna, who was restrained and unable to move, looked at Qi Lin who was close at hand, her beautiful eyes were terrified.

She had long guessed that Qi Lin was extraordinary in skill, and might not be inferior to her in strength.

But at this moment, she found that she still underestimated Qi Lin.

This is not inferior to him, this is clearly a strength far above his own.

It was a wrong choice for me to accept the mission from Sakura Country and come to Huaxia to assassinate Qi Lin, just like delivering food.

Control Matsushima Kirina.

Qi Lin stretched out two fingers directly, and put them into Matsushima Parkomi's moist little mouth.

He dug inside for a few minutes, finally found a highly poisonous capsule among the tender fish, and took it out.

Matsushima Kirina's pretty face was flushed, this bastard is so contemptuous of herself, once she finds a chance, she must kill this bastard.

"Isn't your reliance on this poisonous capsule? Now that I've taken it out, how else can you turn yourself into a corpse?"

"Could it be possible to kill yourself by biting your tongue?"

"Presumably you all know that biting your tongue to commit suicide is just a fiction in TV dramas. Let alone how painful it is, even if you bleed to death, it will be more than ten hours later. By then, your blood It has also been stopped."

With a trace of teasing in his black eyes, Qi Lin said to Matsushima Wuna.

At this moment, Kirina Matsushima finally had a trace of panic in her beautiful eyes.

She was already inferior to Qi Lin in strength, and now she was seriously injured and was taken out of the highly poisonous capsule she relied on.

Could it be that she is really going to be raped by Qi Lin today?

Anyone who is familiar with Qi Lin knows it.

As a villain of destiny, he never bothered to do rape.

He likes to play the game of cat and mouse, not only to play with the mouse, but also to get the mouse to his mouth in the end.

Under Matsushima Kirina's puzzled eyes, Qi Lin let her go.

"You go, I'm in a good mood today, I was just joking with you just now, you can go back to the country with cherry blossoms now."

Qi Lin said with a smile.

As soon as this remark came out, Matsushima Yuna was stunned, and she couldn't understand Qi Lin.

It was Qi Lin who imprisoned himself.

It was Qi Lin who kept drawing his attention.

Now let me go again.

If it hadn't been for Qi Lin's repeated fights and losses, knowing that this is a scheming monster, he would really have thought that Qi Lin was schizophrenic.

"Are you really going to let me go?"

There was a trace of distrust in Matsushima Yuna's tone, thinking that Qi Lin was playing tricks on her.

"I really let you go, of course, if you don't want to go, I can continue to fulfill what I just said.

Qi Lin touched his nose and said.

"Farewell, don't send.

Matsushima Wuna had a rare humor, and suddenly felt that Qi Lin was pretty good.

Then, she turned around and left without looking back.

When Qi Lin went downstairs, Yan Yanzheng looked at Qi Lin helplessly with beautiful eyes: "You really let her go like this? This Matsushima Wuna is not an ordinary girl, she is the top assassin of Sakura Kingdom, Let her go, wouldn't there be endless troubles?"

Now that she is pregnant with Qi Lin's child, her mentality is not as casual as before.

She didn't want to lose her father as soon as her child was born.

Qi Lin was sitting on the sofa next to Yan Yan, stroking her white and tender belly, feeling the existence of a small life, and taking out his mobile phone.

"Matsushima Wuna doesn't understand me, you are my wife, don't you understand me? I'm just teasing her, let her feel that after being full of hope, what is it like to be left with nothing but despair?"

Speaking of this, Qi Lin called Bernice.

"My dear Persian cat, do me a favor.

Bernice has blond hair and blue eyes, and her skin is as white as milk. She really looks like a Persian cat from the Western Regions.

Qi Lin asked her to inform Buzz for himself, and 103 said that Matsushima Wuna had appeared and was on the way to the airport.

Because Qi Lin asked Kunkun to follow Matsushima Yuna, Qi Lin knew her whereabouts at the moment.

Buzz not only hated Chen Jiawei to the bone, but also hated Matsushima Wuna who cut off four of his fingers and almost killed himself.

After getting the news, he summoned the Golden Knights dispatched from the family without hesitation, and directly intercepted Matsushima Wuna on the way to the airport.

Matsushima Kirina chose to turn back from the suburbs to the airport because she was worried about some twists and turns on the road.

But he didn't expect to give Buzz the opportunity to attack her in broad daylight.

"What are you going to do?"

Wuna Matsushima saw that she could reach the opposite Tianhe Airport through the tidal flat along the Yangtze River, but found herself surrounded by a group of tall Gauls.

And among them, there is Bazi who he once assassinated.

"You still have the guts to ask me? Did you assassinate me at Bernice's concert and cut off four of my fingers?"

Buzz almost gritted his teeth, and said viciously to Matsushima Yuna in front of him.

Except for his fiancée, Bernice, Buzz will not be sympathetic to any woman, and now his mind is full of how to catch Matsushima Kirina, and then let people abuse her in every possible way, and finally chopped up the idea of ​​feeding the dog. .

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