"I'm just an assassin, if the other party gives me money, I will complete the task given by the other party.

"Chen Jiawei is the main emissary of a certain empress. Are you seeking revenge on the wrong person?"

Kirina Matsushima said with a pretty face.

But Buzz smiled coldly: "Chen Jiawei, a bastard, I will naturally ask him to settle this account, but before that, I want to catch you little bitch......

Speaking of this, he no longer wants to talk nonsense with Matsushima Sono.

After he lifted it up, he gave an order to his subordinates: "Catch her alive at all costs. I want to take her back and torture her slowly. First let her take her turn, and then let her watch all her organs being destroyed." Excision, and eventually become a useless skin."

At this time, Matsushima Kirina's beautiful eyes flashed a solemn look.

She suddenly felt that compared with Buzz, Qi Lin was much easier to talk and gentler.

Qi Lin is at least interested in her, so he won't be too ruthless.

And this Buzz didn't treat her as a human being at all.

"With my current strength, I'm afraid I'm no match for these people, not to mention that Qi Lin confiscated all my weapons, and I don't have the help of auxiliary tools such as smoke bombs, mist bombs, ecstasy bombs, and darts..."

"Is Huaxia really my burial place? Qi Lin gave me a chance to leave, but I can't even leave Jianghan City."

Buzz would not give Matsushima Kirina a chance to feel sorry for herself.

Under his order, dozens of tall and powerful members of the Golden Knights surrounded them directly and launched an offensive against Matsushima Yuna.

Under the attack of these Golden Knights, each of whom is comparable to a member of the US Marine Corps, Matsushima Kirina was able to resist it at first.

But now she only has 50% to 60% of her strength left, and she will soon be stretched.


After fighting dozens of moves, the opponent discovered a flaw and kicked the wound on the collarbone, spurting out a mouthful of blood.


Before Matsushima Yuna, who had taken a few steps back, stood up, she was immediately hit by a death elbow from a golden knight.

If it wasn't because of her outstanding martial arts that she lost most of her strength and rolled and fell out, she might have died on the spot.

But even so, she completely lost her combat power, lying on the ground in a state of embarrassment, watching herself surrounded by these golden knights.

"There won't be such a coincidence in this world. As soon as I left Qi Lin's place, Buzz knew my whereabouts and immediately led people to surround me.

Matsushima Kirina's mind became clearer at this moment, and she realized that something was wrong.

She also finally understood why Qi Lin let her go so easily, maybe it was to put her in a desperate situation, and wait until she begged him to save herself.

What is Yangmou?

Yangmou is not necessarily positive.

It means that you clearly know the opponent's strategy, but you have no way to crack it.

If she doesn't ask Qi Lin to save herself at this moment, then she will, as Buzz said, endure all the childbirth of his subordinates, and eventually she will die, until she loses interest after being played by Buzz, and finally leaves this world in humiliation .

But if you ask Qi Lin, although you will lose your innocence, at least it will not be as tragic as falling into the hands of Buzz.

Thinking of this, a bitter smile appeared on the corner of Matsushima Kirina's mouth.

The scheming of Qi Lin, the big devil, is simply too dark. Fighting him by yourself is like a mouse in the hands of a cat's paw, and you will die anyway?

Seeing that Baz was about to approach, Matsushima Wuna couldn't bear it any longer, and shouted to the empty riverside: "Qi Lin, I know you are watching, as long as you come out to save me, I promise you any conditions immediately!!!”

Buzz, who already had a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth, was stunned for a moment when he heard Matsushima Kirina's words.

In the next second, a disdainful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "I still count on Qi Lin to save you, let me tell you, even if God comes today, you can't escape from my palm.

"Papa Papa~"

While Buzz was speaking, the sound of Rizhen's slow footsteps appeared.

At some point, Qi Lin had already appeared in front of Buzz with plum, orchid, bamboo, chrysanthemum, and Zhou Pojun.

"Mr. Buzz, don't be so confident in your words. If this female ninja is really taken away by me later, wouldn't this be a slap in the face?"

Qi Lin said lazily.

Looking at Qi Lin who suddenly appeared, Matsushima Kirina couldn't help showing a happy look in her beautiful eyes, and she was relieved in her heart.

She never thought that one day she would count on her enemy to save her.

Thinking of this, Matsushima Kirina's beautiful little face immediately spat slightly: "It's this bastard who put me into the current trap. Why should I be happy when he comes."

Buzz looked at Qi Lin who suddenly appeared, his eyes were dignified.

Chen Jiawei suffered at the hands of Qi Lin many times.

And in his several accidents, Qi Lin's shadow loomed in it. If he thought that Qi Lin was an ordinary rich second generation and ordinary businessman, then he would be an idiot.

"President Qi, this matter has nothing to do with you, this woman is the one who assassinated me, I think it's better for you not to get involved.

This is Qi Lin's warning.

"No, no, Matsushima Yuna is not someone else, she is my concubine in the greenhouse..."

Speaking of this, Qi Lin blinked at Matsushima Kuna, and asked with a smile: "You think so?"

Matsushima Kirina rolled her eyes at Qi Lin, wishing that Buzz's hatred would be transferred to Qi Lin.

She deliberately said coquettishly: "Yes, master, take me home quickly, this place is so scary.

Seeing Qi Lin and Matsushima Wuna, two dogs and men whom he loathes so much, showing affection in front of him, his face darkened.

"I really want to take this woman away today. If you want to snatch her away, you can come and give it a try."

Speaking of which, Buzz asked his subordinates to take Matsushima Kirina away now.

Qi Lin stopped talking nonsense with Baz at the moment.

His expression was indifferent, and he directly addressed Mei Lan Zhu Ju and Zhou Po Junzi.

The battle between five people and the twenty-eight Golden Knights started immediately.

The seemingly unbalanced battle turned out to make Baz look ugly.

Needless to say Zhou Pojun, the former Huaxia Soldier King, can be called a humanoid weapon of military strength.

The strength of plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum is similar to that of spring, summer, autumn and winter, and each has its own characteristics. When the four of them work together, they are equally powerful.

The Golden Knights, who wanted to come to snatch people, were directly suppressed. Instead of being able to get close to Matsushima Wuna, they were repulsed back. (good money)

Seeing this scene, although Buzz was angry, he forced himself to calm down.

It is unwise to fight Qi Lin to death. After all, he cooperates with Qi Lin and Xiaomanyao TV Tower. If he wants to kill Qi Lin completely, he must do something in this regard.

In addition, he still needs to use the power of the Golden Knights to deal with Chen Jiawei.

Now that the Golden Knights are damaged here, it will be difficult to deal with the Chen family.

Thinking of this, Buzz directly recalled the Golden Knights.

"You'd better be inseparable from Mr. Qi, responsible as long as I find a chance, I will definitely kill you!"

Buzz didn't say anything to Qi Lin, but just gave Matsushima Wuna a cold look, and then turned around and left with his subordinates.

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