Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

405: I Can Only Say Sorry To My Childhood Sweetheart

"You bastard is so despicable, didn't you say let me go?"

After Buzz left, seeing Qi Lin walking in front of him and looking at him with a smile, Matsushima Yuna clutched her aching chest, gritted her silver teeth and stared at him.

Qi Lin said with a smile: "I said I let you go, but you are not neat, who can blame this?"

"Just now you said it yourself, as long as I save you, you are willing to promise me any conditions.

Matsushima Yuna said angrily: "What if I say no?"

Qi Lin shrugged: "Buzz hasn't gone far, if you don't agree, I'll send you there now, I think he should be quite interested in you."

Thinking of Baz's brutal appearance, giving birth in turn, removing organs alive, chopping them up and feeding them to dogs, Matsushima Kirina's eyes showed a hint of helplessness.

"I was picked up in the wound by Buzz's men just now, and now the place where the operation was performed is cracked again. You know that this state cannot be changed."

Qi Lin shook his head and smiled: "Don't use this to prevaricate me, you know I don't like this, but don't say I'm unkind, although you can't see blood when you are seriously injured, some feelings are okay Right?"

Matsushima Kirina sighed inwardly.

It is already thankful that Qi Lin can not take away his innocence now.

Some things must be paid, otherwise it would be impossible to stabilize Qi Lin.

"I invite you to 410 to eat 'boiled dumplings'.

"And you don't mind that I smell bloody now, and we can also have quarrels."

Kirina Matsushima is a native of Sakura Country.

Although he is still innocent and has never experienced this kind of thing, he has been familiar with it since he was a child.

What he said made him very satisfied.

This is a refreshing person.

What's the meaning of chirping.

What about a 19-year-old female ninja?

'Boiled dumplings' must be delicious.

The two are enemies again, and it is normal to quarrel.

"I choose the color of the skirt and stockings according to my taste."

"Okay, come home with me first, lest you hang up before you can enjoy the service of the female ninja.

Qi Lin was hugged by a princess, and picked up Songdao Xiachen who was on the ground.

Zhou Pojun hurried over to open the car door, then sat in the driver's seat and drove towards the villa.

In the nick of time, because of the appearance of Qi Lin, Matsushima Yuna escaped the pursuit of death.

But think of the upcoming coming-of-age ceremony.

Matsushima Kirina's beautiful eyes were shy.

Regardless of whether she is a female ninja trained by inhuman cruelty (cdei) since she was a child, she is a nineteen-year-old girl after all.

How could she calm down when she was exposed to a field that she had never touched before, and it was not her childhood sweetheart Masao Oda.

"I was originally a ninja, and in the ninja manual, seducing the enemy is a compulsory homework.

"It's already a big profit to keep Qi Lin's innocence under the condition of stabilizing Qi Lin, so there's no need to care about these side details."

"It's just that I always feel sorry for Brother Zhengxiong. Think about the promises we made under the moon. If we find an opportunity, we will leave the family, find a secluded paradise, stop getting involved in power and money, and live an ordinary life..."

"If Brother Zhengxiong knew about my current predicament, he wouldn't blame me, would he?"

Bitterness gradually brewed in Matsushima Yuna's heart.

After returning to Yan Yan's villa, Qi Lin asked Amei to bathe Matsushima Wuna and put on a new black and white maid dress.

It's just like when she pretended to be a servant and went to Qi Lin's house to apply for a job, and then she was bullied.

Of course, knee-high white silk is also indispensable.

Then, Matsushima Wuna was taken by Qi Lin to a room upstairs.

As soon as they entered the room, Matsushima Su Na had a quarrel with Qi.

But after all, he doesn't often parry, and his quarrels are not very clever.

Matsushima Kirina's pretty face was flushed, and she really wanted to bite Qi Lin to death and escape while he was injured.

But after thinking about it, I gave up.

It's not worth taking such a risk if you sacrifice to such an extent.

After 'arguing' with Qi Lin for half an hour, Matsushima Yuna looked at Qi Lin inquiringly with her beautiful eyes.

"Okay, let's serve the main course now, let me see how your dumplings taste."

Qi Lin said with a smile.

Matsushima Kirina's pretty face turned even redder, her delicate white silk feet were lifted up, her graceful arches were slightly bent, and she was about to serve Qi Lin dumplings.

Shrimp Emperor Headquarters.

Looking at the dining hall where there are not many people, Xiaotao felt that leisure was not a good thing for the first time.

Many people may not remember who Xiaotao is.

At the beginning, Qi Lin tricked Wang Cheng and pretended to be him to help Xia Sha's shop, and finally separated the two, making Xia Sha hate Wang Cheng to the bone.

And Xiaotao was the first little beauty clerk Qi Lin saw at that time.

Speaking of which, Xiao Tao and Xia Sha are still relatives.

Xiaotao is also surnamed Xia, her original name was Xia Taotao, she is a very cute minister.

She and Xia Sha's mother, that is, Lan Yuxi's grandmother, are from the same village.

Because people from my hometown introduced that this little girl is honest, her family conditions are not very good, and she came out to work before graduating from high school.

The little girl is extremely beautiful, and the family members are afraid that she will be bullied by bad people outside, so they want this familiar person to take her with them.

So Xia Taotao has been following Xia Sha.

Several months passed.

Xia Sha has gone from being a restaurant owner left behind by her mother to the deputy general manager of Shrimp King, who is in charge of more than 40 branches and a catering company worth more than 50 million yuan.

Xia Taotao also followed the carp to the dragon gate, and was appointed by Xia Sha as the store manager of the main store of Shrimp King.

Xia Taotao, who had never read any books and thought that she would be a waiter all her life, was flattered to manage twenty or thirty subordinates for the first time.

Therefore, I cherish my hard-won work very much.

She found Xia Sha, who was designing something in front of the computer, with a hint of worry on her pretty face: "Sister Sha Sha, the number of customers is still dropping, our diner customers today are about 15% less than yesterday.

"If this continues, our customers will be snatched away by Haidilao next door."

In order to manage the Shrimp King Catering Co., Ltd. well, Xia Sha has put in a lot of effort.

During the day, you not only have to manage the company's big and small affairs.

In the evening, I also used the extra time to enroll in several business study classes to supplement various business knowledge, learn computer data management, business plan design and so on.

Looking at the similarly designed promotional posters and leaflets on the computer, Xia Sha nodded in satisfaction.

A few days ago, she was still suffering from the undeclared war against Haidilao, and the hot Jianghan City.

Now, after discussing the plan with Qi Lin, she is already confident, and she is not worried about Haidilao's suppression of King Shrimp at all. .

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