Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

416: A Master Of Heart Stealing, It Is Not Wrong To Lose

"I'm fine, don't think I was threatened by Qi Lin.

"To tell you the truth, I'm tired of being a ninja and a killer."

"After coming to Huaxia, I completely fell in love with this country, and I have someone I like. Now I just want to stay in Huaxia and live a good life."

"The one you see now is my doctor.

"You have also seen the wedding dress on me. Yes, I have promised to marry him, and I have also given him my innocence."

"I know you had thoughts about me, brother, but the two of us have never been suitable, you should understand what I mean."

When Kirina Matsushima said these words with a pretty face, she was extremely calm.

But the heart feels like a knife is piercing.

In order to protect the senior brother who has taken care of her since she was a child, she had to hurt him severely.

Sure enough, upon hearing Matsushima Kirina's words, Oda Masao staggered back a few "six thirty" steps.

"You have someone you actually have someone you like..."

Oda Masao muttered to himself in bewilderment.

But he was obviously still unwilling.

"Junior Sister, have you forgotten that our childhood sweethearts grew up together? Have you forgotten the promise to go back to the mountains and forests together?"

"Okay! Even if you have someone you like now, why do you treat me like this?"

Matsushima Kirina bit her lower lip, her beautiful eyes were full of mist: "Because your appearance has disturbed my life, I want to prove to my husband that I have no affection for you at all."

"So I put medicine in your tea to help my husband deal with you."

"Are you satisfied with the answer now?"


Oda Masao is very satisfied,


At this moment, Masao Oda's entire world collapsed completely, and he spit out a mouthful of blood.

The more affectionate a person is, the easier it is to be hurt by affection.

Masao Oda, who was hit by Kira Matsushima, spit out a mouthful of blood, and his face suddenly became sluggish.

He never expected that he came all the way to China to save his little junior sister, and finally got this kind of result.

Looking at Oda Masao in front of him, Qi Lin was also very interested and smiled.

Is this the pinnacle of dog licking?

I can lick myself to vomit blood.

So, when facing the person you like, you have to do whatever it takes, sir, let's talk about it after cooking it.

Masao Oda and Kirina Matsushima are childhood sweethearts, childhood sweethearts.

With such good opportunities all these years, but he still wants to be a gentleman, the result is not understood in the end.

"I respect your choice, and I also hope that my junior sister will be happy for the rest of her life."

Masao Oda seemed to have changed a lot in an instant.

He has no hatred for Matsushima Kirina.

He already had long hair, and his unrestrained style had the mood of Yasuo, a wandering swordsman.

After saying this, Masao Oda turned around and walked slowly towards the door.

He didn't know it at all.

Matsushima Yuna has friendship with him.

He also has the best chance to win Matsushima Kirina's heart and get married with the most powerful and beautiful girl in the history of Sakura Country.

But now, Matsushima Yuna has to sacrifice herself in order to save him.

Is this plot familiar?

Isn't Qi Lin the ultimate villain in the TV series?

But it is a pity that there are protagonists in this world, but in the eyes of Qi Lin, the villain of destiny, they are just toys in his hands, "There is no trouble at all.

"Are you satisfied now?"

After Oda Masao left, Matsushima Kirina's eyes flashed a trace of relief.

Then she wiped the teardrops from the corners of her eyes, and Qi Qi said coldly.

"Satisfied with what? Satisfied that you have no more love for your brother?"

"But the more you are like this, the more interesting it is for me to bully you."

"I'm thinking about senior brother, but I have to serve other men. This feeling of ice and fire must make you feel good, right?"

The corners of Qi Lin's mouth turned up slightly, smiling like a devil.

"Let's go, I've also prepared several sets of new main clothes, including nurses, teachers, and gym suits. You can choose two more."

It's not even night yet.

Qi Lin, the most beautiful girl assassin in Sakura Country, didn't even reach 1% of his appreciation accuracy.

The road is long and long.

Matsushima Kirina is still heartbroken.

Hearing that Qi Lin's mind was full of teasing herself, a flash of shame and anger flashed in her beautiful eyes, and she scolded directly: "You bastard!"

Qi Lin grinned: "Turn harder now, and scold me later, it's best to speak louder, I like to hear it the most."

Speaking of this, Princess Qilin picked up Matsushima Wuna and walked towards the second floor again.

After Oda Masao left Yan Yan's villa.

Dejected, he planned to go directly to the airport, leave this heartbroken place, and return to the country of cherry blossoms..

He who was hurt by Matsushima Yuna may never fall in love with someone again in this life.

He is going to leave the Matsushima family, wander around Tianya, and experience the extreme loneliness in this world.


When Masao Oda arrived at the airport, he was stopped by a man in a wheelchair.

The man had just been pushed off by bodyguards from a bulletproof Mercedes-Benz S650.

The person who came was the first person Oda Masao saw after he arrived in Huaxia.

"The little junior sister who rescued you came?"

Chen Jiawei asked the question knowingly.

If Oda Masao had rescued Matsushima Kirina, he wouldn't be alone at the airport now.

Oda Masao shook his head, a trace of sentimentality flashed in his eyes: "She doesn't need me to save her, and she is not the original her... But, I respect her choice."

Hearing Masao Oda's words, Chen Jiawei was thoughtful.

It seems that some interesting things happened in the process.

He just said it.

So what if Masao Oda is stronger?

Qi Lin is a master of stealing hearts.

Did he have a bad relationship with Yu Jin?

So what?

His fiancée turned her gun and directed Qi Lin to deal with her fiancé.

I'm afraid Masao Oda has encountered the same experience as himself now.

"Can you tell me exactly what happened?"

Chen Jiawei asked with a smile.

Oda Masao now sees many things away, it is obviously a scandal, but he said it calmly.

"0.9 My junior sister fell in love with Qi Lin. She poisoned my tea and led me to Buzz, which almost killed me."

Hearing Masao Oda's words, Chen Jiawei looked virtuous.

"Qi Lin's heart-stealing skills are superb, but at least it needs a process. It is definitely impossible for Matsushima Yuna to poison Oda Masao, a childhood sweetheart, from the very beginning. It is very likely that Qi Lin used disguise A fake Matsushima Yuna tricked Masao Oda into the past.

The one who knows Qi Lin best is Chen Jiawei, an opponent who has been framed countless times by Qi Lin.

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