Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

417: Won Soo-Yeon’S Ex-Husband Quietly Changed Her Mentality

"Qi Lin is best at alienation and disguise. Could it be that he made someone pretend to be Matsushima Wuna, alienated Oda Masao and his junior sister, and made them suspicious of each other, and finally hated each other?" other side?"

Chen Jiawei guessed in his heart.

I have to say that this guy is the protagonist who has played against Qi Lin the most times, and is still alive and kicking. Qi Lin is not indifferent to understanding.

So, he told Masao Oda his guess: "Qi Lin is best at disguise. He should have someone pretend to be your junior sister to drive a wedge between the two of you. Think carefully about what you are seeing When your junior sister was there, was there anything wrong with her?"

Hearing Chen Jiawei's words, Oda Masao was stunned.

He is not a stupid person either, he immediately showed a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Speaking of which, it's quite strange to see Junior Sister Wu Nai this time. She didn't speak or speak along the way, and she looked at me very strangely..."

"But the second time I went to Qi Lin Villa, the Wu Nai I saw was different. She looked at me with unspeakable difficulties, as if she couldn't help herself. This is definitely a real junior sister."

"Could it be... Could it be that she was threatened by Qi Lin?"

Thinking of this, the decadent look in Masao Oda's eyes disappeared, he clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and said, "It's too damned, I almost fell into the trick of that bastard Qi Lin, my junior sister didn't betray me at all, he First, someone pretended to be a junior sister to drive us apart, and then threatened the real junior sister to hurt me, just to separate the two of us."

Chen Jiawei nodded, with a teachable expression: "It's not too late for Mr. Zhitian to understand, I think you also understand how treacherous Qi Lin is, and we can't deal with it with our own strength alone." His, is Mr. Oda interested in dealing with him with me now?"

Of course, Masao Oda couldn't trust Chen Jiawei directly.

These Chinese people don't have a good thing, and if they believe in any one casually, they will be deceived by the other party.

But this does not prevent Oda Masao from borrowing Chen Jiawei's power.

I have just come to China, and I am not familiar with the place here, and Qi Lin does not know enough about it.

Chen Jiawei wanted to use him, so why didn't he want to use Chen Jiawei.

"Mr. Chen, happy cooperation."

Oda Masao held out his hand.

Chen Jiawei smiled immediately, and shook hands with Masao Oda: "Mr. Oda, we are happy to cooperate.

Not to mention Masao Oda and Chen Jiawei who have formed an alliance.

At this time, Won Soo-yeon, who was working in the office of Sugarman Entertainment, was receiving a call from her ex-husband who was far away on the peninsula.

"Xiuyan, why did you suddenly go to Huaxia for no reason?"

His ex-husband Lin Junxiu's tone was tinged with dissatisfaction.

Because of this incident, Yuan Xiuyan never had a business relationship with him.

Two years ago, he and Yuan Xiuyan agreed to divorce because of Lin Yun'er's school quota.

The plan of the two is that they will remarry after Lin Yun'er graduates from junior high school.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. Lin Yun'er is now in the third year of junior high school and school will start soon.

But Qi Lin stepped in and brought Lin Yun'er and Yuan Xiuyan to China together, which also ruined Lin Yingjun's plan to remarry.

Yuan Xiuyan hesitated for a moment, and told Lin Yingjun about the copyright of her novel: "The copyright of my romantic house has been sold to a company in Huaxia, and the contract requirement of the other party is to let me come to Huaxia as a The screenwriter, wait until the filming of this drama is finished, and then go back to the peninsula.

Lin Yingjun had heard about the popularity of Won Soo-yeon's 'Full House' novel for a long time.

At the beginning, it seemed that he had also contacted KBS, the largest TV station in the peninsula.

Lin Yingjun is actually a machismo.

At the beginning, Yuan Xiuyan was asked to be a housewife at home and take care of Lin's son full-time.

Yuan Xiuyan told him that she wanted to write a novel, Lin Yingjun saw that he was not going out to show his face, so he agreed.

So in his heart, Won Soo-yeon's success now has more than half of his credit.

If it wasn't for him to make money outside, so that Won Soo-yeon could write novels at home with peace of mind, would she be able to achieve what she is now?

"How much did the copyright sell for?"

Lin Yingjun asked immediately.

Yuan Xiuyan didn't hide anything: "It's about 20 million Huaxia coins."


Hearing this number, Lin Yingjun was stunned.

In his eyes, selling the film and television rights of a novel by Yuan Xiuyan for hundreds of thousands would be the best. He didn't expect that his wife was so powerful.

This amount of money alone is something he will never be able to earn in his entire life.

Based on his current monthly income of 20,000 yuan in the peninsula, it may take him 50 years without eating or drinking to earn that much money.

"Xiuyan, since we already have so much money, why do we still have to work? You come back to the peninsula now, let's buy a villa, invest in financial management, and directly realize the freedom of wealth. Let Yun'er board at the school and let's travel around world lost."

Lin Yingjun said excitedly.

There was a trace of helplessness in Yuan Xiuyan's beautiful eyes.

She also knows that she has achieved financial freedom, but the problem is, is she not free personally?

Qi Lin has been sending people to watch her. If she is not familiar with Huaxia's place of life, where can she escape?

"Didn't I say that this money is not so easy to earn? I have already signed a contract with Huaxia, and I can only talk about the termination of the contract after the filming of 'Full House' is over. Otherwise, I will have to pay compensation." Sky-high breach of contract fee, this time may be one year, or several years.”

Won Soo-yeon explained again.

Lin Yingjun: "...210..."

"And now I have bought a house in Huaxia, and Yun'er has transferred here.

Won Soo-yeon uttered a bombshell.

Lin Yingjun was originally a machismo, and when he heard this, he immediately exploded.

"What did you do? Why didn't you discuss such a big matter with me?"

"Don't you know that the Chinese have stolen our culture and invaded us? Are you going to live in a country that we are hostile to?"

"I see that you clearly made money and don't want to remarry me, right?"

"For this matter, how much did I sacrifice at the beginning, is this how you treat me now?"

Lin Yingjun roared angrily.

Listening to the harsh voice on the phone, Yuan Xiuyan frowned slightly.

When she stayed in the peninsula, she didn't feel anything because men in the peninsula were like this.

Now that she has come into contact with Chinese men, seeing their humility and love for women, she seems to be bored with her going.

"This matter is not what you think, there are many secrets in it..."

Yuan Xiuyan hesitated to speak, but she didn't dare to speak out about Qi Lin's threat to her.

"Since it's not what I thought, you'll just take a few sentences with you now.

Lin Yingjun's tone carried a hint of order. .

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