Yuan Xiuyan was speechless: "I said I can't do this now, do you want me to bear huge compensation?"

Lin Yingjun took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

He wanted his wife to come back to him, but he also didn't want to lose such a large fortune from his wife.

"Since you can't come back, I will go to Huaxia to find you now, and I plan to quit my job today.

Lin Yingjun expressed his plan.

"You are crazy!!!"

Yuan Xiuyan was suddenly startled.

If Lin Yingjun came to China, what would Qi Lin do if he found out about it?

He obviously had plans for himself.

At that time, if Song Yingjun and Qi Lin had a conflict, he found that his wife had been taken over by someone.

She is not worried about Qi Lin, but the problem is that Lin Yingjun is an ordinary person after all, and he is not from Huaxia. If he fell into Qi Lin's hands, wouldn't he die in vain?

"How did you talk? Could it be that you don't want me to come to Huaxia? I knew you already had other ideas, right?"

Lin Yingjun frowned and asked.

Won Soo-yeon, who is hard to persuade to die, has nothing to do with Lin Yingjun.

"Come if you want."

she said with a sigh.

Let's take it one step at a time, I just hope that Lin Yingjun will be more courageous and retreat back to the peninsula in spite of the difficulties, which is the best ending.

I just finished talking with Lin Yingjun.

Won Soo-yeon received another call from Zhongsheng Benz.

"Hello, is this Miss Won Soo-yeon?"

The other party asked politely.


Yuan Xiuyan's voice was cold.

She didn't forget how this 4S Mercedes-Benz shop bullied her a weak woman last time.

"It's like this. Our company is very sorry for your bad car buying experience last time, so our company decided to compensate you for three new cars according to the contract, and give you a lifetime warranty and free lifetime maintenance service. I apologize, what do you think."

The other party asked with a hint of expectation.

Hearing the other party's words, Yuan Xiuyan sighed in her heart.

Only by participating in it personally can one realize the power of Qi.

The big company that I thought was hard to shake, was so submissive under Qi Lin's random phone call, and his attitude changed 180 degrees before and after.

"Although he is unreasonable and domineering, he is really reassuring when he handles things."

Yuan Xiuyan thought in her heart.

Qi Lin told her.

If the person who drove the Mercedes-Benz came to her and offered compensation, she would just agree.

"Let's just follow this plan, I hope you won't give me another oil-spilling car this time.

Yuan Xiuyan said lightly.

"No, absolutely not. What happened last time was just a misunderstanding. Don't worry, Ms. Yuan. The car this time is a newly imported car from Germany. If you are worried, you can seek a professional appraisal."

The other party immediately promised.

"When can I pick up the car?"

Won Soo-yeon skipped the topic and asked directly.

The other party quickly said: "You can pick up the car now, and the car is parked in our exhibition hall.

Because she suffered from shopping in Huaxia, Yuan Xiuyan feels quite insecure now.

After hanging up the phone, she hesitated and called Qi Lin: "Boss, do you have time? Zhongsheng Benz asked me to get a new car."

Although Matsushima Kira is a female ninja, she is still fragile in her newlywed bridal chamber.

At this moment, he was stroking the beautiful girl's hair, and he smiled with a gleam in his dark eyes: "Are you inviting me to pick up the car with you? Haven't you always been afraid of me?"

Yuan Xiuyan's pretty face flushed: "The boss is joking, you have helped me, how could I be afraid of you."

"Aren't you afraid of me? Does that mean you don't take me seriously?"

The corners of Qi Lin's mouth curled up slightly, and the words he said were overwhelming.

"It's not like this, I... I..."

"Boss, stop kidding!!!"

Yuan Xiuyan stomped her feet with a pretty face.

The straight Hanman beautiful legs and the high heels made the male employees of the company stare straight at him.

"You wait for me at the gate of the company, and I will pick you up."

Only then did Qi Lin let Yuan Xiuyan go, and he agreed to her.

"Okay, thank you boss."

Yuan Xiuyan lowered her head, her heart was beating wildly, and she didn't know whether it was the right decision to invite Qi Lin to pick up the car together.

"Stop pretending to be asleep, you are a female ninja after all, aren't you just having a bridal chamber with me? It's hard to accept this fact?"

"I have something to do when I go out, you should adjust your mentality, eat well to restore your physical strength, don't go on a hunger strike, if you don't have physical strength, how can you have the energy to assassinate me or escape from my hands

Qi Lin patted Matsushima Wuna Momoko and said with a smile.

Kirina Matsushima saw that her fake sleep was exposed.

Wearing a gym suit, the beautiful girl with white silk opened her beautiful eyes and looked at Qi Lin with shame and anger.

The bastard was right.

Now is not the time for self-pity and despair.

Only by recovering your physical strength and reaching the peak of your strength, will you have a chance to avenge this bastard's innocence.

By the way, let me tell you some news, that senior brother Masao Oda didn't cherish the chance of survival you fought for him, and got involved with Chen Jiawei and wanted to confront me together.

"What kind of surprise do you think I'm going to prepare for him?"

Qi Lin touched Matsushima Kirina's white and tender face, and smiled faintly.

Before Kira Matsushima opened her mouth to say anything, this letter had already turned and left the room.

After Qi Lin left, Matsushima Kirina's beautiful eyes revealed bitterness: "Brother, brother, I have been robbed of my innocence by that bastard Qi Lin, and I am the one who seeks revenge from him, so why do you want to go with yourself?"

With Oda Masao's strength, he is definitely not Qi Lin's opponent. She really does not want Oda Masao and Qi Lin to have any more conflicts.

Zhongsheng Mercedes-Benz test drive site.

Zanxin's three Mercedes-Benz E300 sedans are parked on the open ground.

"Miss Yuan, please take a test drive first to see if there is any problem with the car. If there is no problem, we can sign the contract.

(Qian Hao) The person who called Yuan Xiuyan was the deputy general manager of Zhongsheng Group, and he was considered a big shot, but now he is a low-key flatterer Yuan Xiuyan.

There is no way, under the pressure of Qi Lin, Zhongsheng Benz is facing the result of closing all stores for rectification and discrediting.

This billion-dollar group can only be softened by Qi Lin.

The steering wheel of the Peninsula car is on the right, while the steering wheel of the Huaxia car is on the left.

Although Yuan Xiuyan can drive, but now that the driving position has changed, she still feels a little nervous.

He glanced at Qi Lin pitifully: "Boss, the driver's seat of our peninsula is on the right side, I'm a little uncomfortable, can you sit in the passenger seat and help me?"

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