Mercedes-Benz cars can be blacked out for oil leaks, and the driving experience is so-so, but its interior is still comfortable, and it is definitely the No. 1 car brand.

Qi Lin agreed to Yuan Xiuyan's request and sat in the co-pilot to watch her drive the car, just in case.

to be frank.

The probability of an oil leak in a new Mercedes-Benz car is estimated to be only one in ten thousand.

Especially at this time, the Mercedes-Benz cars are all imported from Germany, and there is no joint venture car yet.

Yuan Xiuyan's car was also in an accident because the previous owner had just driven it on the road.

The deputy manager of Zhongsheng Benz Jianghan Branch repaired and refurbished the car privately because he was greedy for the profit of the price difference, and sold it as a new car.

Only then did the following series of events occur.

Closer to home.

Driving is nothing more than practice makes perfect.

Yuan Xiuyan knew how to drive, but she was not familiar with Huaxia's right-hand driving rules.

Accompanied by Qi Lin, she walked around the test site of the Zhongsheng Mercedes-Benz shop a few times, and she already knew Huaxia's driving rules by heart.

"I can't use so many cars, anyway, I can get these cars only with your help, or you can take the other two cars."

Yuan Xiuyan is quite sensible, unexpectedly, she didn't take away the two cars that Zhongsheng Benz compensated for.

Qi Lin didn't refuse either: "OK 473, I'll send someone over and drive away later."

He figured in his mind that these two cars could be given to his women as gifts.

As for who to send it to...

Of course, whoever is the most obedient and well-behaved will give it to him.

"Let's have dinner at my house tonight, I have learned a few Chinese dishes, try it out.

Yuan Xiuyan blushed slightly, and Qi Lin initiated the invitation.

Last time I said I was going to cook, I thank Qi Lin for helping her out.

But Qi Lin disliked the food in the peninsula, so he cooked it himself.

Yuan Xiuyan felt a little sorry, and learned a few Chinese dishes in the past two days.

Cooking is a thing that knows everything.

She was already good at cooking peninsula dishes, so learning how to cook a few Chinese dishes is just a trivial matter.

Of course, Qi Lin would not refuse Yuan Xiuyan's invitation, he said with a smile: "Then what are you waiting for, let's drive to the vegetable market to buy some food, this way I will practice my driving skills for you."

Yuan Xiuyan nodded slightly, and then started the car.

But not long after, Yuan Xiuyan blushed pretty, and regretted inviting Feng.

She is wearing a floral dress today, paired with warm black silk leggings, and a pair of strappy high heels.


Yuan Xiuyan stepped on the brake in an instant, almost causing Qi Lin to throw her off.

Qi Lin immediately showed a trace of dissatisfaction: "Are you a novice driver? How urgent is it to step on the brakes?"

Yuan Xiuyan's beautiful eyes showed a trace of grievance: "Boss, can you, can you stop doing this?"

Qi Lin laughed and said, "What's wrong with me?"

Yuan Xiuyan bit her lower lip, with an unspeakable expression on her beautiful face: "I, I have been married, and now I have a daughter......"

This sentence made Qi Lin's ears callous.

He picked his ears and said lazily: "But as far as I know, you are already divorced. You are only thirty-two or three-year-old this year. Could it be that you plan to be single and never find a partner for the rest of your life?"

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Yuan Xiuyan's beautiful eyes showed a trace of helplessness.

She and her ex-husband just divorced for the sake of Yun'er's enrollment in the peninsula.

She and her ex-husband will remarry sooner or later, whether it's for their agreement, or for Yun to have a complete family.

Besides, even if she doesn't plan to remarry her ex-husband, she won't consider any development with Qi Lin.

He is so careless, and he will not treat himself as his wife and treat her wholeheartedly.

If she finds such a man as her boyfriend or husband, she will probably spend the rest of her life in jealousy or endless neglect.

"I have decided to remarry my ex-husband."

Won Soo-yeon summoned up her courage and told Qi Lin her (cdef) plan.

Hearing Yuan Xiuyan's words, Qi Lin smiled: "Remarry? You are from the peninsula. If you want to remarry, you have to go back to the peninsula, right? But the question is, can you go back now?"

T: "...."

This is Qi Lin threatening her nakedly.


Without Qi Lin's consent, she couldn't go back to the peninsula at all.

"Forget it, there's no point in your moaning. Anyway, Yun'er likes me quite a bit. Why don't I go to her tonight and have a talk with her."

Qi Lin clearly knew where Won Soo-yeon's weakness was, so he said that on purpose.

"Don't! You can't bully Yun'er, she's still so young!"

Yuan Xiuyan's pretty face immediately panicked, and she blurted out.

"Then you have to choose an option, right? You know who I am. I'm not a good person, but a big villain. You can't let me go away empty-handed, right?"

The corners of Qi Lin's mouth curled up slightly, further forcing Yuan Xiuyan.

Won Soo-yeon looked at her in disbelief at this moment.

She is lonely and helpless in Huaxia.

Now Qi Lin has booked her again, if she doesn't compromise, Lin Yun'er will become a victim.

As a mother, who would want her daughter to jump into the fire pit?

"I promise you, you can do whatever you want.

Yuan Xiuyan's beautiful eyes were flushed, and she directly smashed the jar.

But how could Qi Lin care about these.

Just at the entrance of the vegetable market, regardless of the horns of the vehicles blocked behind.

Qi Lin hugged the back of Yuan Xiuyan's head directly, and kissed Yuan Xiuyan directly under the latter's flustered eyes.

The charm of a young woman is indeed different from that of a young girl.

"If you don't want me to attack Yun'er, just cooperate with me."

Qi Lin said with a smile.

A trace of shyness flashed across Yuan Xiuyan's beautiful eyes, and finally she took the initiative to respond to Qi Lin.

At that moment, she, a married young woman, actually became a little bit emotional after kissing this handsome guy Qi Lin.


"Ba ba ba!"

The horn sounded frantically at the back.

Even the traffic police sensed the abnormality here and came over to check.

Listening to the sound of horns outside and the sound of traffic police knocking on the window, her beautiful eyes were covered with mist, and Xiuyan, who had almost fallen into it, finally woke up like a dream.

She pushed Qi Lin away, sat up, and said in a panic: "No, people outside are urging, let's buy the vegetables first, let's talk about it when we go back.

Yuan Xiuyan is just an ordinary woman, she doesn't have a big heart like Qi Lin.

If it is not for Mercedes-Benz glass is one-way glass, the outside cannot see the inside.

When the face of the traffic policeman appeared, her heart almost jumped out of fright. .

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