Qi Lin didn't really want to do anything to Yuan Xiuyan.

After all, this is a downtown area, and the environment is really not suitable for two people to talk about love.

"Okay, let's go shopping first."

Qi Lin let Yuan Xiuyan go.

Yuan Xiuyan breathed a sigh of relief.

He hurriedly drove to the parking lot and stopped, and after buying some ingredients for cooking, he drove Qi Lin back to his home.

Lin Yun'er was still studying professional knowledge at the Sugarman Entertainment Company, and didn't go home until 1:00.

Now is the time for two people to be romantic and charming.

"I'm going to cook now."

After returning home, Yuan Xiuyan put on her black silk jade feet and put on slippers, then lowered her head and wanted to go to the kitchen.

But how could Qi Lin let her go.

He put his arms around her small waist, and then exerted all his strength.

In the next second, the young woman's lithe body was sprayed into her bosom.

"Don't play with me these small thoughts. Wouldn't it be good to take advantage of Yun'er's absence? Could it be that you want to wait for Yun'er to come back and let's show her affection?"

Qi Lin said with a smile.

Thinking that with Qi Lin's character, he would really do such a thing, Touyan sighed silently.

Either way, it's a knife, and it's death sooner or later.

For Yun'er's healthy growth, it is reasonable to sacrifice as a mother.

"Go to the master bedroom."

Won Soo-yeon's voice was thin and weak like a mosquito.

Qi Lin was about to speak, but suddenly saw a set of Sakura Country gym suits on the sofa.

It is the kind that girls wear for the convenience of physical education class, or dance body class.

Won Soo-yeon is already in her thirties, and she is still a mature woman, so she definitely wouldn't wear this kind of clothes.

Therefore, there is a high probability that this kind of clothes belonged to Lin Yun'er.

Thinking of this, a wicked look flashed in his black eyes.

Under Yuan Xiuyan's confused eyes, he walked out of the sofa and picked up the gym suit.

Qi Lin smelled it, and there was a faint fragrance from Lin Yuner's body on it.

Seeing Qi Lin's actions, Xiuyan was stunned.

In the next second, she hurriedly snatched the gym suit from Qi Lin's hand: "This is Yun'er's clothes. My clothes are all in the closet. If you want to see what I wear, you can choose."

In order to protect her daughter, Won Soo-yeon really broke her heart.

Qi Lin smiled lightly and said: "I know this is Yun'er's clothes, but I don't want to do anything to Yun'er, I just want to see you wearing this suit.

T: "...."

What are you kidding!!!

Not to mention that she is over the age of a student, but in terms of body size and weight, she can't fit in this suit, right?

It's not about how fat she is, her figure is exactly the figure of the heroine portrayed in the Korean manga.

But the problem is, Yun'er is still a young girl, still developing, and her clothes are too small, so what would she look like wearing her clothes?

"No! No! Yun'er's clothes are too small, I can't fit them.

Yuan Xiuyan hurriedly refused shyly.

Qi Lin smiled and said, "You don't want to wear it, do you? That's fine. When Yun'er comes back, I'll let her wear it for me."


The bastard was threatening himself again.

But Won Soo-yeon just likes this.

She bit her lower lip, a look of helplessness flashed across her beautiful eyes, she was willing to go all out.

"Don't always talk about Yun'er, I promise you."

As she said that, she didn't even dare to look at Qi Lin, and went directly to the bathroom with this gym suit.

When Yuan Xiuyan came out again, a flash of surprise flashed in Qi Lin's eyes.

Sometimes gym suits are too small to be glamorous.

Let Yuan Xiuyan's figure have an exaggerated sense of plumpness.

"come over!"

Qi Lin waved at Won Soo-yeon.

Won Soo-yeon crossed her arms, bit her lower lip and walked over shyly.

to be frank.

Gym suits with knee-high white silk are the real gods.

But fortunately, Yuan Xiuyan's jade feet are delicate and fair, and appreciation alone is enough.


Qi Lin kissed him again, and then hugged this beautiful novelist who likes to write sweet love stories like a princess.

"Bastard, you big bastard!"

"What if I'm pregnant?"

Yuan Xiuyan beat Qi Lin in shame and indignation, venting her grievance and dissatisfaction.

"Such a big reaction?"

"Isn't it just pregnancy? When the time comes, she will be born. Let Yun'er have another brother or sister."

Qi Lin lit a cigarette with a calm expression, and puffed.

For him with a strong body, Won Soo-yeon's punching was like drizzle and tickling.

Qi Lin's thick skin has far exceeded Yuan Xiuyan's imagination.

Let Yun'er have one more sibling?

How can this bastard say such outrageous things!!!

"I'm already in my thirties, and I don't want to have children at all...No, I'm going to buy medicine immediately."

...asking for flowers......

Yuan Xiuyan glared at Qi Lin with shame and indignation, and was about to get up and change clothes to go out to the doctor.

Qi Lin did not stop Yuan Xiuyan, but said in a calm tone: "After thinking about it, I will make a decision. Is my Qi Lin's child the one you say you can or not? If you dare to go, I will let Yun'er to live for you."


At this moment, Yuan Xiuyan almost collapsed.

What on earth is this bastard thinking!

It's fine if you want it yourself, but now you still want to give birth to him by yourself?

Actually, does Qi Lin really want Xiuyan to give him a baby?

Not really.

It's because he has a stubborn temper, the more Yuan Xiuyan resisted giving birth to him, the more he wanted her to give birth.


Maybe this is the bad taste of being a villain.


Won Soo-yeon was so angry that she sat back on the bed and began to cry.

In the end, she still didn't dare to disobey Qi Lin's words and went out to buy medicine.

Seeing this scene, Qi Lin smiled with satisfaction.

"Things have to be on the bright side. At least you won't be lonely and helpless in the future. There is a man who can come to take care of you and comfort you. Although you are not my woman yet, I will give you my support." Something."

Won Soo-yeon is not in the mood to listen to these now, she just kept crying, full of confusion about the future in her heart.

If she was really pregnant, how would she explain it to Yun'er, she would have to die of shame on the spot.

I don't know if it's a coincidence.

At this moment, Yuan Xiuyan's cell phone rang.

"Ring ring ring ~"

Yuan Xiuyan didn't want to take care of it at first, but when she saw that the caller ID was Lin Yun'er's biological father Lin Yingjun, her pretty face immediately panicked.

She wanted to take the phone and hang up directly.

But Qi Lin moved faster, took the phone first, pressed the answer button, and handed it to Yuan Xiuyan.

He was still blinking, as if he was saying to Won Soo-yeon, don't thank me, who told me to be considerate.

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