Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

424: Why Do You Have Men's Slippers At Home?

After Qi Lin and Yuan Xiuyan entered, Lin Yingjun came out from the corner of the corridor with an uncertain expression.

"Although I can't expose them directly, I won't make Won Soo-yeon feel better!!!"

"I'm going to knock on the door now, I want to see where you are going to hide this adulterer.

"It's better to get scared and hide out of the window, and then fall down and die.

What is impotent rage?

What is the method of overcoming obscenity?

The strange idea of ​​the man in Bangzi Kingdom really makes people laugh.

"Tuk tuk..."

Lin Yingjun knocked on the door of Yuan Xiuyan's house.

Yuan Xiuyan, who had just delivered the nightgown to Qi Lin, suddenly panicked.

Yun'er called just now and said that the training in the company was delayed for two hours and she would not come back for dinner.

It is estimated that I will not be able to go home until ten o'clock late.

So who else is knocking on the door now, besides Lin Yingjun who has already got off the plane?

Although Qi Lin has comforted her, don't be afraid of Lin Yingjun.

But she is a normal woman after all.

Breaking the promise with Lin Yingjun first, it is inevitable that there will be some guilt in my heart.

"Qi Lin is still taking a bath, first find a reason to send Lin Yingjun away, it is best not to let the two meet.

After giving herself a boost, Yuan Xiuyan opened the door regularly.

"You came?"

Looking at 613's ex-husband carrying luggage in front of her, Won Soo-yeon forced a smile.

Lin Yingjun's face remained normal: "Yeah, it's quite hard to find here. I'm not familiar with Huaxia's place of life. Fortunately, the driver didn't see me as a foreigner and transported me to have my organs cut."

I don't know where Lin Yingjun heard that Huaxia's black car drivers would transport foreign passengers to have their organs cut.

In comparison, the law and order in Huaxia is much better than that of the peninsula.

Gangsters are rampant in the peninsula, and there is freedom of religion.

There are many cults that exist legally there.

Not to mention any blatant human sacrifices.

Closer to home.

"Huaxia is not as scary as you think. I have lived here for a while, so it's quite safe here."

Yuan Xiuyan chatted pretending to be calm, then took out a pair of shoe covers from the shoe cabinet and handed it to Lin Yingjun.

Seeing Yuan Xiuyan's actions, Lin Yingjun couldn't help being stunned.

The peninsula is a patriarchal country.

Before the divorce, when he came home, Yuan Xiuyan would come over with slippers and kneel on the ground to change them for him.

Are you treated so badly now?

I had to change my shoe covers myself.

"Aren't there slippers I'm wearing here?"

Lin Yingjun frowned and asked.

Yuan Xiuyan (cdej) said embarrassingly: "Yun'er and I live here alone, so I didn't buy your slippers."

If Lin Yingjun hadn't seen the scene of Yuan Xiuyan and Qi Lin kissing, maybe he really believed this nonsense.

Especially when he saw a pair of men's cotton slippers on the shoe cabinet.

"Then what's the matter with this pair of cotton slippers?"

Lin Yingjun pointed to the cotton slippers on the shoe cabinet, his face a little annoyed.

Seeing the direction Lin Yingjun pointed at, Yuan Yan's pretty face froze.

It's over.

How did she forget to hide the cotton slippers she just bought?

This pair of slippers was originally for Qi Lin to wear, but Qi Lin went to the bathroom to take a shower, and he was barefoot, so this pair of slippers was directly placed in the shoe cabinet.

"This... This pair of slippers actually belonged to my neighbor. Last time, a couple from the opposite door came to visit. When they left, they passed on the wrong slippers. They put me on and left their own slippers."

Won Soo-yeon's white forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat.

In the end, she still made up a reason to see if she could fool her.

Lin Yingjun naturally knew the truth, but he couldn't expose it directly.

"Okay, no need to explain, I believe what you said."

Lin Yingjun waved his hand, put on his shoe covers, and finally came.

After entering the door.

Lin Yingjun was directly shocked by the size of the house and the luxurious decoration.

Jianghan City is the most prosperous city in central China, and it is not far behind Seoul.

In Seoul, a set of such a large flat would cost at least tens of millions of dollars to afford.

For Lin Yingjun, it was something out of reach.

But now, Yuan Xiuyan actually bought such a big house in Huaxia, which made Lin Yingjun even more interested in remarrying her.

"This is my wife, Lin Yingjun's wife, no one can take her away from me!"

Lin Yingjun clenched his fists and roared in his heart.

"I was too stupid back then. I listened to her and said what she said was for the sake of the child."

"It's all right now, and a third party has been given the opportunity to step in."

"Fortunately, Xiuyan and I already have a child. As long as we don't expose this matter and play the emotional card, Xiuyan will definitely be willing to remarry me."

Lin Yingjun sat on the sofa and began to think about his next plan.

"Have a cup of tea first.

Won Soo-yeon poured Lin Yingjun a cup of tea, then sat down on the sofa.

But she was almost two meters away from where Lin Yingjun was sitting.

This intentional alienation made Lin Yingjun feel another pain in his heart.

"Xiuyan, I can understand your work in Huaxia, but you don't have to quit your job to return to the peninsula. You can ask the company for three days off, go back to the peninsula with me to go through the remarriage procedures, and then return to Huaxia It is also possible to work."

Lin Yingjun started talking about remarriage again.

Yuan Xiuyan is now committed to Qi Lin, and it is absolutely impossible to remarry Lin Yingjun again.

Hearing his words, she felt a headache.

But fortunately, she has already thought of the reason: "I don't have any opinions on this, but when we got divorced, it hit Yun'er quite hard, and now I have to consider her feelings.

"If we want to remarry, we must pass her test, you should understand?"

Hearing Yuan Xiuyan's words, Lin Yingjun frowned.

He always felt that this was Won Soo-yeon's prevarication.

But the problem is, what she said is quite reasonable.

Yun'er has grown up now, if the two remarry without telling her, I don't know what kind of trouble this little girl will make.

"Then I'll go to Yun'er tomorrow. It's what you said. As long as Yun'er agrees, we will remarry."

Lin Yingjun finally agreed with Yuan Xiuyan's idea.

In his eyes, Yun'er is his biological daughter after all.

Now that her father is back, the happy family can be reunited again. Even if this little girl has a little temper, she probably won't disagree.

"Yes... I said it.

Yuan Xiuyan nodded helplessly, to temporarily stabilize Lin Yingjun.

In the past two years, Yuan Xiuyan has been the one who has been by Lin Yun'er's side.

She knew best how much Lin Yun'er hated this cruel man who abandoned her mother and daughter.

From crying and begging for his father at the beginning, to now being extremely indifferent to Lin Yingjun, and no longer has a trace of affection.

Lin Yingjun wanted to pass Lin Yuner's test, it was not easy.

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