Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

425: Remember To Come To Me Next Time When You Repair The Water Pipe

"Xiuyan, we divorced because of Yun'er's schooling problems, now that we are no longer on the peninsula, we don't have to worry about anything anymore.

"I'll stay with you for the time being."

Lin Yingjun suddenly said with a smile.

In his cognition.

A third party who breaks into someone else's marriage is generally guilty.

He saw Qi Lin enter here, but he didn't see Qi Lin's people after entering.

That must be Yuan Xiuyan hiding Qi Lin.

As a result, he just asked Won Soo-yeon to let him live here.

If I live here by myself, wouldn't this third person have to hide in the cabinet or outside the window for one night, and finally ~ freeze into a fool?

Ha ha!

He wanted to poach Lin Yingjun's corner, but he didn't want to see if he had the strength.

Hearing that Lin Yingjun actually wanted to live here, Yuan Xiuyan was shocked.

She didn't know that Qi Lin, who was taking a shower in the bathroom, knew that Lin Yingjun had come.

According to Qi Lin's temper, if he heard Lin Yingjun's words, he would definitely be angry.


If Lin Yingjun is really allowed to live here, what if Yingjun asks to be intimate with her?

The two haven't been together for several years, and with Qi Lin's intervention, how could she touch Lin Yingjun again.

"It's like this. The company arranged for me to live in this large flat. The company requires that I can only live in it by myself. At most, Yun'er can also live in it. You can't just bring people in. These are all written in the contract. You , You'd better find a house to live in first."

Yuan Xiuyan blushed slightly, because the lie she told was too shallow.

Lin Yingjun knew why Yuan Xiuyan said that, he sneered, and wanted to continue teasing Yuan Xiuyan.

But at this moment.


There was a sound of the bathroom door opening.

The sound of the door opening was not too loud, but it was enough to attract the attention of Yuan Xiuyan and Lin Yingjun.

Especially Yuan Xiuyan, her pretty face changed in surprise, and she said in her heart: "It's over, Qi Lin is coming out, if he sees Lin Yingjun, the two of them will start a fire [Jiang Qi clashes."

Lin Yingjun, on the other hand, was bewildered.

Isn't this little boy a third party?

Seeing his original partner, he should stay away, or even hide, why did he run out?

at this time.

Qi Lin was wearing the bathrobe that Yuan Xiuyan had chosen for him, his flowing short hair was still stained with water droplets, and his handsome cheeks showed a cynical look.

Looking at the face that was three points more handsome than his own, Lin Yingjun could no longer hold back the anger in his heart and asked Qi Lin, "Who are you? Why are you at Xiuyan's house?"

Qi Lin looked at Lin Yingjun with great interest, with a playful look in his eyes: "Me? Of course I came to help Miss Xiuyan clear the water pipe. Now that the water pipe has been repaired, it is very smooth... However, I was also splashed with water. By the way, I took a bath at Miss Xiuyan's house."

Lin Yingjun: "..."

Is there a more ridiculous reason than this?

Repairing the plumbing can repair the whole body soaked? Still taking a bath at the employer's house?

I don't know, but I thought you were the male owner of this house.

"You ask me who I am, then who are you?"

Qi Lin changed the subject and asked Lin Yingjun.

Lin Yingjun's face was slightly ugly, but he still answered Qi Lin's question: "I am Xiuyan's ex-husband, but we plan to get back together soon..."

Qi Lin directly interrupted Lin Yingjun's words: "So this is an ex-husband, I thought you were Miss Xiuyan's husband... Since you are not Miss Xiuyan's husband, then who am I and what are you doing here? What the hell are you doing?"


Lin Yingjun was blown away by Qi Lin's arrogant attitude.

Almost blurted out, you cheated on me, robbed my wife, and did such unconscionable things, how dare you speak to me in such a tone?

But in the end, because he didn't want to expose this matter, he and Won Soo-yeon lost the last hope of remarrying.

I could only swallow this breath silently.

Looking at Lin Yingjun, who was so devoted to playing the role of the protagonist, that he didn't even dare to talk back, Qi Lin felt bored for a while.

"It's boring...Miss Xiuyan, I have something to do today so I'll leave first. Next time the water pipe breaks down and needs to be unblocked, remember to call me."

Qi Lin blinked at Yuan Xiuyan, who was pretty and blushing, then turned and left.

After Qi Lin left, Lin Yingjun looked at Yuan Xiuyan coldly: "Xiuyan, is he really here to repair the water pipes?"

...asking for flowers.

He also fantasized about Yuan Xiuyan confessing his mistakes to him, reprimanding her a few more words, and then forgiving her.

But who knows that Yuan Xiuyan has no intention of repenting at all, and nodded guiltyly: "The faucet at home is indeed broken... Don't mind Qi Lin's attitude when he speaks, he is just like this, he is actually a warm-hearted, ordinary person pretty good."

Hearing Yuan Xiuyan's words, Lin Yingjun was disappointed.

That's right, Qi Lin is indeed a warm-hearted person, so hot that he is on Yuan Xiuyan's bed.

"I'll stay in the hotel for a few days, and I'll go to Yun'er tomorrow. I hope you will remember your words. As long as Yun'er accepts me as a father again, you can take a few days off and "return to the peninsula to remarry with me."

Lin Yingjun said something to Yuan Xiuyan, then turned around and walked out with his luggage.

Ten p.m.

Lin Yun'er finally came back after receiving dance training in the company, and having supper with her colleagues in the company.

If Lin Yun'er came back so late and had supper with friends in the society when she was on the peninsula, Yuan Xiuyan would have lost her temper.

But both of them are in the same company, Yuan Xiuyan couldn't be more clear about Lin Yun'er's position in the company.

Everyone knows that this little sister was brought back from the peninsula by the big boss Qi Lin, and her status is different from that of an ordinary little actor, so she is very concerned about her.

No one dared to have the slightest idea about this beautiful and outrageous little loli.

So Yuan Xiuyan acquiesced to Lin Yun'er and her company colleagues going to eat supper.

After all, the princess in the castle has to accept the outside world, so it is also beneficial for her to establish her own contacts early.

"Huh? How come there are men's slippers at home? Mom, did someone come to the house just now?"

Looking at the cotton slippers that Yuan Xiuyan bought for Qi Lin, Lin Yun'er asked curiously after taking off the small leather shoes and stepping on the small puppet slippers with her small and cute white silk feet.

Yuan Xiuyan, who was sitting on the sofa in a daze, couldn't help but nodded when she saw her daughter came back: "You, Qilin Ouba, came to the house just now."

Hearing that Qi Lin had come, Lin Yun'er immediately exclaimed: "Qi Lin Ouba has come? Mom, why didn't you tell me earlier? If I knew that Qi Lin Ouba was here, I wouldn't eat supper outside. .”

"When did Qi Lin Ouba leave?".

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