Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

430: Make A Cage, Set Up A Set To Take Pictures

"Mrs. Sun, Lin Yun's family is already bankrupt, why do you ask her to come out to play? We are not in the same circle anymore.

"That's right, what if she asks us to borrow money? Should we borrow it or not? If we don't borrow money, they will say that we are fake rich wives. Why pretend to be rich?"

As soon as Mrs. Sun hung up the phone, the two charming young women curled their lips and said.

Mrs. Sun took out a slender lady's cigarette and lit it. Her slender jade fingers skillfully held the cigarette and sent it between her moist lips. Hey, hey, took a puff, and then exhaled a puff of smoke ring.

"Lin Yun used to have the highest airs among us rich wives, not only because she is the most beautiful, but also because she has a husband who is famous for loving his wife, and a daughter who is a talented student.

"Later, after her daughter got engaged to Mr. Chen, she became even more arrogant. When we asked her to come out to play, she often refused."

"Now, I finally waited until something happened to her family, her husband went to jail, and my daughter broke off her engagement with Mr. Chen... If I don't humiliate her well, can I be worthy of this opportunity given by God?"

Mrs. Sun said in a leisurely tone.

After hearing these words, the other two wives finally realized at this moment, their pretty faces were full of interested expressions.

"I used to think that Lin Yun's family was going bankrupt. We are no longer from the same world. We just don't want to associate with her. Now that I think about it, since she is down and out, why not humiliate her once?"

"Last time when I went to a Gucci store to buy something, the bag I wanted was out of print. This Lin Yun deliberately walked past me with that bag, saying that her husband brought it back from abroad.

Hear me cry out. "

"That's right, that's right, my son is still in elementary school, and his grades are a bit behind. I heard that her daughter is a top student, so I kissed her and asked her daughter to help my son with his lessons.

"Do you know what she said? She said that her daughter is too busy on the TV station to help, and let me hire a tutor myself."

The two young women said angrily.

Woman, it's just that weird.

Obviously some men listened to it and treated it as a small matter of jokes, but they still brooded in their hearts, thinking about getting revenge on their talents because of these small things.

It can only be said that it is really the hornet's tail that is the most poisonous woman's heart.

"Since everyone has agreed, do you want to hear how I plan to humiliate Lin Yun?"

Mrs. Sun asked with a mysterious smile.

"Say it, talk it! The best way is to make Lin Yun unable to look up forever, and let her see us like a mouse seeing a cat.

The other two young women asked impatiently.

Mrs. Sun didn't play tricks anymore, and said her idea: "It's very simple to say, when Lin Yun comes, we will invite her to play cards.

"The three of us agreed on gestures and eyes in advance, and we will make a cage for Lin Yun later, so that she will lose in a mess."

The other two young women thought the idea was good, but they also felt that there seemed to be something wrong with it.

"After all, Lin Yun is not in the same family as before. We all play cards. If we ask her out to play mahjong, will she agree?"

one of the young women asked.

Mrs. Sun smiled faintly: "I've thought about this a long time ago, why don't we play poker today, and play smaller.

"Even if we were younger, the three of us would make a cage together, and winning or losing would not be something she could bear."

"When she loses all the money she brought, we will continue to lend her money, ask her to write IOUs, and finally make the debt pile up.

"When Lin Yun sees the IOU and is desperate and has nowhere to go, let's threaten her to take a fruit photo."

"You say, if Lin Yun's fruit photo is in our hands, will she still have dignity and reputation in the future? We want to beat and scold, it's not all based on our mood.

It has to be said that this Mrs. Sun's mind is too vicious, and she can't even come up with such a bad idea.

"Wonderful, it's really seconds."

The eyes of the other two young women brightened, and they praised directly.

"At that time, the phoenix in distress will really be inferior to the chicken."

The three beautiful young women laughed at the same time, but the laughter could make outsiders shudder.

"Without further delay, the three of us will make an agreement first, this time we will cooperate, if we don't win Lin Yun by hundreds of thousands, we will definitely not give up.

Mrs. Sun had already walked to the mahjong table, a strange flash of light flashed in her eyes.

"Didn't you just come out to play? Why did you open a mahjong room?"

Lin Yun used to come here a lot, and when she entered the room, she frowned and said when she saw the layout of the room.

Mrs. Sun was afraid that Lin Yun would leave, so she quickly pulled her in first: "Sister Yun, haven't you had enough fun in Jianghan City? We've lived here for decades, where haven't we been? It’s better to play mahjong and drink tea here if you don’t have any new attractions, and you can chat with your sisters privately, so that you can better catch up on the past and connect with each other.”

...asking for flowers...

There was nothing wrong with what he said, which left Lin Yun speechless.

But the problem is.

Her family has gone bankrupt, and her financial situation is not as good as before.

The family's economy is supported by Yu Jin alone.

No matter how proud Lin Yun is, and her ten fingers don't stick to Yang Chunshui, she still feels sorry for her daughter, and doesn't want to lose money and cause her trouble.

"I think it's better to forget it, I, you know my current situation, you are all playing big cards, I can't afford it at all.


Lin Yun's pretty face flushed slightly, and she spoke the truth.

Mrs. Sun turned her beautiful eyes, and said with a smile again: "What do you mean, are we the kind of people who dislike the screen and love the rich? Playing mahjong is purely for entertainment. Since sister Yun doesn't want to play cards, then we can play smaller." .”

"Today, I will clock in the five-star 30 foundation, count to two to five, how about the front door, the car?"

"You should know that our sisters used to start with one hundred, count one, three, five, seven, nine, and win or lose by tens of thousands.

"It's interesting to accompany you like this now, isn't it?"

Hearing Mrs. Sun say that, Lin Yun was slightly embarrassed.

Her poker skills are actually not bad, and she used to win often.

The family now relies on their daughter Yu Jin for all expenses, and Lin Yun actually wanted to come up with a calendar.

If he can win tens of thousands and go back today, maybe he can give Jin'er a surprise.

Thinking of this, Lin Yun nodded: "Since the sisters are graciously inviting you, it's hard for me to refuse.

After finishing speaking, Lin Yun took the 10,000 yuan from Yu Jin and sat down at the mahjong table.

Seeing that Lin Yun really fell into the trap.

Mrs. Sun and the three young women secretly looked at each other and begged for monthly tickets! Evaluation tickets! Rewards! Reminders! Flowers! Please give Qi Lin more motivation to update! The data hasn’t been touched for a long time

Brothers who have not clicked on the automatic subscription, you will not get lost in reading in the future. Automatic subscription is also something the author can survive. Qi Lin thank you brothers! With a glance, his eyes are full of tricks and smiles. .

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