Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

431: Deep In It, Really Want To Take Fruit Photos?

"I'm sorry, I'm confused again after touching the big three yuan."

Lin Yun skillfully pushed the mahjong in front of her with her slender jade fingers, with a faint smile on her pretty face.

After all, I have been playing mahjong for decades. Although I have been unfamiliar with it for a few months, I still have not forgotten that instinct.

The previous few hands of cards were all confused by her.

Just these few hands helped her win thousands of dollars.

"This place really came to the right place today, when I go back next time, Jin'er will be very happy to know that I won the money.

Lin Yun thought with a smile in her heart.

But she didn't know that this was intentional by Mrs. Sun and the others.

Put a long line to catch big fish, first let Lin Yun win a few hands to taste the sweetness, and then slowly lure her into the trap.

Mrs. Sun handed several hundred yuan bills to Lin Yun, and said with a smile: "Sister Yun is very lucky today, I think she will win by herself today."

Lin Yun's "580" was a little embarrassed when she heard this: "This is just the beginning, maybe your luck will improve after a while."


Mrs. Sun smiled meaningfully.

Some words should not be said indiscriminately.

Feeling that Lin Yun had already entered the set, Mrs. Sun exchanged glances with the other two young women and began to cooperate secretly.

"Four loaves.

Mrs. Sun leisurely made a four-cake cake.

Seeing this card, Lin Yun's pretty face beamed with joy: "I want four cakes."

She took down the other three fours, and then took the last one in the pile.

In fact, Lin Yun's trading has already been suspended, Hu Liujiutiao.

It's a pity that this one is not six or nine, but a fortune.

Lin Yun's pretty face was a little pity, and then she glanced at the cards that had been played below.

Seeing that Fa Cai had already been placed, she smiled and typed Fa Cai: "Fa Cai."

"Sister Yun, you seem to be on fire, Da San Yuan, Hu Fa Cai."

Another young woman pushed down her cards with a smile and said with a smile.

At this moment, Lin Yun's pretty face froze, revealing a wry smile.

Didn’t Fortune already bet on it? Why are you still playing this one?

How did Lin Yun know that the three of them communicated with each other's eyes and gestures, and they already knew the cards in each other's hands.

This piece of four cakes was deliberately called to Lin Yun, so that she could fire a cannon.

The big three yuan is a bar on the cannon again, this card is already full, and with the counting, Lin Yun lost more than a thousand in this hand.

"This hand must have been negligent on my part, play it well next time.

Lin Yun was not discouraged either, thinking so in her heart.

But what happened next was far beyond her imagination.

It seems that his own cards followed the sentence: "Your luck will improve after a while."

It all evaporated.

Mrs. Sun, including the two young women, took turns playing cards, and all of them were big cards, the kind that could win thousands of dollars in one go.

And what about herself?

Although they won a few hands, they were all small asses, the kind who won only a hundred dollars, and they couldn't make ends meet.

Just half an hour passed.

Instead of winning any more money, Lin Yun lost all of the more than 10,000 yuan Jin gave her in one go.

With the end of the game, Lin Yun gave the only little money to Mrs. Sun, her pretty face was extremely embarrassed: "Well... the money I brought doesn't seem to be enough, let's do it for now, let's I'll play it later when I have time.

How could Mrs. Sun just let Lin Yun go.

Otherwise, how would she carry out the next plan.

Mrs. Sun had a pretty face with a trace of coquettish anger: "Sister Yun, what nonsense are you talking about? We have only been fighting for less than an hour, how could you just leave like this, didn't you just not bring enough money? We girlfriends are white called?"

Speaking of this, Mrs. Sun took her extravagant Gucci limited-edition bag, took out 50,000 yuan from it, and put it in front of Lin Yun.

There was a gentle smile on her pretty face: "Sister Yun, if you don't get enough of the 50,000 yuan, you can ask me for it later.

Lin Yun's pretty face showed a hint of hesitation: "This...isn't that good?"

Mrs. Sun said with a smile: "There's nothing wrong with it, it's just a small amount of money. I believe in Sister Yun's character. You can return it to me when we meet next time."

"And it's not certain. Maybe when you get lucky, you win all of them back at once, so you can just return the money?"

These words directly touched Lin Yun's heart.

It's not easy for Jin'er to make money, and I don't know how long it took her to work hard to earn back the ten thousand yuan.

Although she knew that she would go back and tell Jin'er about it, she wouldn't say anything about herself given her personality.

But Lin Yun felt sorry for herself...

Gambling has this kind of mentality, always fantasizing that you will win back what you lose next.

And as you lose more and more, you will sink deeper and deeper, and finally make irreparable wrong decisions because you lose your mind.

"Then...... that's fine, I'll pay you back the money later."

Lin Yun felt relieved, and actually accepted the money.

However, the next game was not as Lin Yun imagined, her luck turned.

How to recite time or how to recite time.

Never played a big hand, only won a few small hands.

And the loser was the big card that was full and full, and the 50,000 yuan didn't hold on for an hour, and was cleared again.

Looking at the extremely clean drawer, Lin Yun's pretty face was slightly pale.

She seems to have lost a little too much.

If it was before Yu Zhen went bankrupt, Qian Linyun wouldn't even blink at this point.

But the problem is, now their family is down and out, and Yu Jin alone supports them.

Finally, life is getting better now, Yu Jin has saved some money, and the mother and daughter are going to buy a house of their own first.

But now it's a good thing, I actually lost 60,000 directly, and spent most of the money Yu Jin saved.

"Sister Yun, why is your face so pale? Is there something wrong?"

Mrs. Sun smiled happily in her heart, but on the surface she pretended to be 1.7 and asked without knowing it.

"No... nothing.

Lin Yun forced a smile on her pretty face, not knowing what to say.

She is also a strong woman, but now she is embarrassed in front of her former best friend, and even has to borrow money to play mahjong, she feels uncomfortable.

"Oh, look at my brain, it must be that sister Yun has no money in the drawer, right?"

"Well, playing cards is also quite strange. It is said that you win the first hand and lose ten, so everyone is unwilling to win the first hand."

"But sister Yun, don't mind, now the ten rounds of cards have passed, and your card luck should be coming.

"How about this, I'll lend you another 100,000 yuan, the money will be the next time we meet, you will pay me back, and let's have a good time.

Mrs. Sun guessed that Lin Yun was getting deeper and deeper, with a sly smile in her eyes, she continued to seduce Lin Yun. .

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