Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

452: Black Silk And White Silk In Winter

With Qi Lin, a guy who can come and go, the atmosphere gradually becomes active, and the relationship between the two families has also been drawn into a lot.

The topic revolved around whether the child in Qi Xueyao's womb was a boy or a girl, what name he would have when the time came, what occupation he would have when he grew up, and so on.

Time passed quickly, and an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

Qi Dong and Sun Qing looked at each other, then stood up at the same time.

Sun Qing said with a smile: "Father-in-law, mother-in-law, this year's worship is also over, seeing Xiaolin and Xueyao living so happily, I feel relieved, there are still a few more families here who have not worshiped for the New Year, we will Say goodbye first.

Fang Yuanyuan hurriedly said to the guests: "Since you are here, why don't you just stay for a few days before leaving. I will let Xiaolin take you around Jianghan City, just to relax."

Sun Qing accepted the Mercedes-Benz from Qi Lin because it was a wish from the two children.

But she is only Qi Xueyao's mother after all, how could she really live here and disturb the 05 family.

At that time, Fang Yuanyuan should have an opinion on Qi Xueyao.

Sun Qing, the mother-in-law, did a good job. She smiled and shook her head and said, "I'm not being polite. I've already discussed the New Year's greetings with others. If I don't go again, I'll give birth to a gift."

Speaking of this, Sun Qing walked up to Qi Xueyao, took her daughter's jade hand and said gently: "Xueyao, since you are married, you are now Xiaolin's wife, so you can't be as self-willed as before, you have to learn to respect your parents-in-law, Take good care of your husband and keep your house in order, you know?"

Qi Xueyao's eyes were slightly red, but she also knew that it was the New Year's Eve and it was not suitable to cry.

She suppressed the teardrops around her eyes, held her mother's hand tightly and said: "Got it, Mom, you and Dad, you should take good care of yourself, get your driver's license test early, and come to visit me and your grandson and granddaughter often."

"You don't need to say that, when my grandson and granddaughter are born, your father and I can run here every few days.

Sun Qing and Qi Dong finally left.

Qi Xueyao lay in Qi Lin's arms, sobbing softly.

Qi Lin can also understand that pregnant women are a group that is prone to emotional fluctuations.

She is often not at home, if she doesn't want her parents, it's a lie.

But Qi Xueyao never mentioned that she would buy a house for her parents in Jianghan City, or take them over to live in, or even go back to see them.

Speaking of which, Qi Xueyao is definitely a sensible woman.

For the sake of Qi Xueyao's health, Qi Lin did not let Qi Xueyao show up while waiting for the guests to come to pay New Year's greetings, but sent her back to the room to rest.

at the same time………

Outside Qi Lin's villa.

A middle-aged man who was actually only in his forties, but looked very old, was walking around the door with hesitation, as if he was considering whether to go in.

This person is Wang Siling's old father, Wang Dongcheng.

Because Wang Cheng's personality changed drastically, becoming neither male nor female, the father and son severed the relationship again.

He lost his wife in his early years and raised his two children alone.

Without his son Wang Cheng, his only hope for the rest of his life was his daughter Wang Siai.

Now Wang Siling has moved to Qilin Villa.

Think about it, if a big girl with yellow flowers lives in a boy's house and doesn't come home for several months, isn't this equivalent to giving her daughter to him?

Although Wang Dongcheng didn't dare to force Qi Lin to be responsible for anything, he also wanted to gain access to this relationship and become Qi Lin's father-in-law.

"I'm just going to pay New Year's greetings, and Si Ling also recognizes me as a father, so Qi Lin's family probably won't kick me out.

Swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

In the end, Wang Dongcheng stepped into Qi Lin's house with two bottles of Moutai in hand.

Coincidentally, just as Wang Dongcheng was going in, he ran into Qi Dong and Sun Qing who were coming out.

Looking at the middle-aged man with a disturbed expression in front of them, the couple were taken aback for a moment.

In the past, anyone who came here to pay New Year's greetings would be the object of their envy.

After all, those who have contacts with the Qi family are either rich or expensive.

But now Qi Dong Sun Qing's family and Qi Lin's family have become relatives and become in-laws. They have a little pride in the face of these visiting guests.

It's still because my son-in-law is capable, no matter who comes here, he has to bow his knees.

With such thoughts in mind, the husband and wife left here side by side without thinking too much.

However, they would never know that this middle-aged man who came to visit Qi Lin's house was actually the same as them.

They are all in-laws of the Qi family, but Wang Dongcheng's son, Wang Cheng, has sinned against Qi Lin, which makes Wang Dongcheng feel a little unnatural every time he sees Qi Lin.

If they knew this, I'm afraid Sun Qing and Qi Dong would jump up in anger, blushing and scolding Qi Lin as a scumbag, wanting to fight Qi Lin desperately.

There is also a living room on the second floor of the villa.

Here the TV is turned on, and the coffee table is filled with various imported nut snacks. A few girls are wearing black and white pantyhose, and their little feet with beautiful arches are sitting around the electric heating table, laughing and chatting.

When seeing Qi Xueyao came back, her beautiful eyes were flushed, as if she had cried, and the girls were all taken aback.

It was Wang Siling who moved quickly and greeted Qi Xueyao immediately. After helping Qi Xueyao to sit down, she asked with a trace of worry on her pretty face, "Sister Xueyao, why are you crying during the Chinese New Year? Did something unhappy happen to you?" ?"

Qi Xue shook her head, feeling melancholy and said: "I haven't encountered any unhappy things. We pregnant women are prone to mood swings, and we will be fine after a while."

Wang Siling wanted to say something else.

But Fang Yuanyuan's voice came from downstairs: "Si Ling, come downstairs quickly, your father is here to see you."

Hearing this voice, Wang Siai's pretty face froze.

Qi Lin and Wang Cheng formed a deadly feud, even Wang Siling did not dare to contact the family casually, for fear that Qi Lin would be angry.

But if you really want to talk about it, which girl would miss home and experience the feeling of reunion.

When she heard that her father Wang Dongcheng had arrived, her beautiful eyes turned red, and she almost couldn't hold back and cried.

At this moment, she seemed to understand Qi Xueyao's mood and why her eyes were flushed.

Qi Xueyao gently touched the head of the kindest little sister in the family, and said: "Go quickly, it's not easy for your father to come here during the Chinese New Year, and your Qi Lin big brother is the best at coming. Your dad shouldn't let you down."

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