Sisters, because we respect each other, we can live in harmony.


To save face for Wang Siling, when her father came, all the sisters in the family stayed on the second floor and did not come down, so she was asked to be the hostess of the house to entertain her natal family.

"Uncle Wang, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Wang Dongcheng coming, Qi Lin didn't find it strange. He smiled and greeted Wang Dongcheng.

Wang Dongcheng severed ties with his son-in-law Wang Cheng. If he wanted to provide for the elderly, he could only rely on Wang Siling and himself, his future son-in-law.

Seeing that Qi Lin didn't seem to be bored with him, Wang Dongcheng was relieved.

He quickly smiled and offered two bottles of Moutai: "You and Si Ling are dating now. Logically speaking, as a father, I should pay a visit. This is a small present. Xiaolin, don't be disgusted."

Wang Dongcheng has lowered his status to the extreme.

Logically speaking, he is marrying his daughter and future father-in-law.

He should sit at home and wait for Qi Lin to come to visit with a generous gift, and then consider whether to let his daughter date Qi Lin.

But there is no way, the status of the two families is too different, he wants to put on airs, but what if Qi Lin doesn't come for the New Year?

Qi Lin was angry, what should he do if he didn't take the initiative to pay New Year's greetings?

Poor Wang Dongcheng gritted his teeth and spent several months of wages to buy two bottles of Moutai and deliver them to his door.

Actually he didn't know.

Qi Lin cherishes Wang Siling, and Zhu Sifa must be homesick for this New Year's Eve.

Even if Wang Dongcheng doesn't come, Qi Lin will take Wang Siling back to her house with a gift and visit her.

"We are very happy when people come, why are you bringing such an expensive gift?"

"Quick! Come in and sit down."

Fang Yuanyuan saw that another in-law had come to her house, so she quickly took the gift and asked Wang Dongcheng to come in and sit down.

Fang Yuanyuan probably knows something about Qi Lin and Wang Cheng.

A gentleman is happy to be kind and enmity, so Wang Cheng has been cheating on his son, and it is normal for his son to take revenge.

She doesn't necessarily like Wang Dongcheng's snobby in-laws either.

But Wang Siling is innocent.

Who doesn't like this kind and lovely little girl?

She is always the first one to get up in the morning and cook breakfast for the family. Even though there is a nanny, Aunt Chen, she will silently help Aunt Chen. Even Aunt Chen likes this little girl very much.

When she sometimes came back from work in the company with a tired face, Wang Siling would come over quietly with a basin soaked in herbs, wash her mother's feet and massage her to relieve her fatigue.

Such a virtuous daughter-in-law, I ask which mother-in-law is willing to buy the same one?

In addition, her attitude towards Wang Siling's father, Wang Dongcheng, has also improved a lot.

Seeing that the Qi family had a good attitude, Wang Dongcheng relaxed a little.

Sitting on the sofa in the living room, Wang Dongcheng looked around and asked doubtfully, "But what about love? Isn't she at home?"

At this point, there was a scene where Wang Siling was upstairs and she heard Fang Yuanyuan call her down.

After calling Wang Siwei, Fang Yuanyuan smiled and said: "She is upstairs in the living room, chatting with a few girlfriends, she will come down soon"||.

Wang Dongcheng didn't think too much about the fact that Wang Siling's best friend was from Wang Qilin's family.

Of course, even if he knew that Qi Lin had many women, he still dared not speak out.

"This child, Si Ling, who is older than the Chinese New Year, doesn't know how to help entertain guests, or go to the kitchen to help out or something. When she comes down, I will talk to her well."

When Wang Dongcheng heard that Wang Siling was playing in the upstairs room, he deliberately said with a straight face.

Fang Yuanyuan, on the other hand, smiled faintly: "I let Si Ling take a good rest. This child is usually sensible and makes people feel distressed. Even I can't bear to say a word about him. It's not appropriate for you to talk about her when it's Chinese New Year's Eve?"

This rich wife, coupled with the aura of an elite strong woman, immediately frightened Wang Dongcheng, making him feel embarrassed and laugh endlessly.

However, Wang Dongcheng was quite happy in his heart.

At home, he was always worried that Wang Siling and Qi Lin were not in the right household and would be made things difficult by his future mother-in-law.

Seeing that Fang Yuanyuan liked Wang Siling so much now, he finally felt relieved.

A few people were chatting. Wearing a festive bright red Hanfu skirt, with two ball heads tied with red ribbons, and wearing white silk leggings, the very cute Wang Siling finally left the stairs. down.


Seeing Wang Dongcheng coming, Wang Siling held back the joy in his heart and let out a timid cry.

No matter how Wang Dongcheng pushed her to Qi Lin at the beginning, since his mother left, he lived frugally alone, and the fact that he supported his two children's education proved that he was still a qualified father.

Not to mention all these years, because he was worried that Wang Siling and Wang Cheng would be wronged, he did not find another woman, which is enough to show how much he attaches importance to his two children.

Wang Dongcheng's only criticism is that he cares too much about face, and Qi Lin also took advantage of this to turn him against Wang Cheng.

At the same time, because he wanted to curry favor with Qi Lin and let his daughter live a good life, he forcibly matched the two.

For Qi Lin, this Wang Dongcheng is quite interesting.


They haven't seen each other for a few months, and the relationship between the two has become quite distant, but as soon as Wang Siling saw him, he called her father, and Wang Dongcheng knew that his daughter was not in vain.

This kind of kinship, whose blood is thicker than water, made him burst into tears instantly.

"Si Ling, come here and sit down and talk slowly."

Qi Lin, who was sitting on the sofa, smiled and patted his leg, signaling Jiang Si to sit down.

Although Wang Siling is well-behaved, but if she wants to say who she listens to most, it is of course Qi Lin.

Even if he made an excessive request, Wang Siling would still blushed, nibbling her moist lower lip and obeying.

Taking small steps slowly, Wang Siling walked up to Qi Lin under Wang Dongcheng's astonished eyes, and then sat on the big brother's lap.

Qi Lin hugged Sister Qing's small waist, patted her white silk legs, and kissed the corner of her fragrant mouth.

Fang Yuanyuan couldn't help rolling her eyes at this intimate gesture.

This kid is simply too much, in front of his father, he directly bullies his daughter.

If she were Wang Siling's father, she would run away immediately, chasing this bastard with a knife.

Fortunately, Wang Dongcheng was quite afraid of Qi Lin, the son-in-law, so he turned his head in embarrassment, pretending not to see it.

After Qi Lin and the blushing Wang Siling finished showing their affection, they turned their heads and said with a sneer: "Seeing that Si Ling is so affectionate to Xiao Lin, I, as a father, feel relieved, and I see that Si Ling is so affectionate. I seem to have gained a lot of weight recently, the food here must be better than at home, right?"

Wang Dongcheng is a big man, and without a woman like Qi Dong's wife, Sun Qing, how can he chat?

Basically, during this time, they were all talking awkwardly.

And he also discovered this, after making sure that Wang Siling was doing well here and that he might really become Mrs. Qi in the future, he got up and prepared to leave.

Qi Lin patted Wang Siling's white and tender little hand at the right time, indicating that she could get up.

Wang Siling's beautiful eyes gave the big brother a gentle look, then got up, stood up from Qi Lin's lap, and handed the red envelope that had been prepared to Wang Dongcheng: "Dad, this is a little love from me and Qi Lin's big brother, you Take it."

There is not much money in it, just over 10,000 yuan.

It was saved from the prize money of Wang Siling's piano competition.

It's not that she doesn't want to give more, but Qi Lin told her that after people suddenly get wealth that doesn't match their vision, they will expand violently, and finally explode with a bang, leaving no place for burial.

In order not to let his father use his inexhaustible wealth to eat, drink, whore and gamble, Wang Siling accepted Qi Lin's suggestion and only gave him 10,000 yuan.

"This is……………………

Wang Dongcheng was stunned for a moment, subconsciously took the red envelope and looked at it.

When he saw that there was a 10,000 yuan red envelope inside, his hand felt like he had been scalded, and he quickly returned the red envelope to Wang Siling. His old face flushed and he said, "I can't take it. I can't take this money anyway. Logically speaking, you guys can't take it." The two are juniors, I should give you red envelopes, how can you give me red envelopes."

Ten thousand yuan is considered a huge sum of money to Wang Dongcheng, and it would be a lie to say that he is not tempted.

But he is a face-saving person after all, he didn't even prepare red envelopes for Qi Lin and Wang Siling, how could he accept red envelopes from the two children.

Wang Siling looked at Qi Lin at a loss, waiting for him to make up his mind.

Qi Lin smiled and took the red envelope from Wang Siling's hand, and put it in Wang Dongcheng's hand again: "Uncle Wang, this money is the prize money Si Ling got for participating in the piano competition. You worked hard to bring her up, and now it's her time to respect you." It's time, if you don't accept it, Siling will definitely feel bad."

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Wang Dongcheng stared blankly at his slim daughter who had already come out.

After all, he still has patriarchal problems.

In his heart, the status of Wang Siling's daughter is inferior to that of Wang Cheng's son. In the past, he paid more attention to Wang Cheng's son, and always ignored his daughter's feelings.

Because raising a son to guard against old age, the daughter will marry sooner or later, (good Zhao) has children for others, and the relationship with himself is gradually indifferent.

But now when he thinks of his rebellious son who has become a man and a woman, and looks at the extremely sensible daughter who has become a well-known young pianist in China, he can no longer bear the guilt in his heart.

On New Year's Eve, a big man burst into tears.

"Si Ling! Dad, I'm sorry for you. Dad shouldn't be partial to your brother. If he knew that you like playing the piano, Dad would buy you a piano even if he sells everything. It won't let your talent go to waste."

How could Qi Lin stand a big man, crying loudly at his home on the first day of the new year.

How unlucky this shit is.

"Uncle Wang, there are still people in our family coming to pay New Year's greetings, you are crying like this, what should we do when someone misunderstands you?"

"You go back first, come back to see Siling when you have time, I told the guard, let him let you into the area at any time.

Qi Lin waved his hand funny.

This kind of nifty son-in-law who sent his father-in-law away was unprecedented.

But Wang Dongcheng didn't dare to say anything, he turned his head three times at a step, reluctantly glanced at his daughter, and finally took the 10,000 yuan filial piety from his daughter and went home with great emotion.

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