Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

454: Qi Lin's Second And Third Aunts, Each With A Lipstick Mark

Qi Dong and Wang Dongcheng's family conditions are so-so, because they want to curry favor with Qi Lin, their son-in-law, they broke the tradition and came to Qi Lin to pay New Year's greetings on the first day of the new year.

But Qi Lin's other father-in-laws are unusual.

Take Lan Gang and Qiu Shanhai as examples.

One is the deputy director of the Jianghan City Police Department, the future director, who is already considered a big member of the party.

It was impossible for him to come to Qi Lin to pay New Year's greetings on his own initiative, not only that, he also asked Zhou Lina to pick up Lan Yuxi in advance, and waited for the future son-in-law to come to honor his father-in-law and mother-in-law on the third day of the new year.

Another father-in-law, Qiu Shanhai, came from a scholarly family, and his ancestors even had great writers, and now he is also a wealthy family in Jianghan City.

Although he is now helping Qi Lin manage the 720 antivirus company, he is still a proud person.

When Qi Lin and Qiu Yuelin held their wedding in private, they didn't invite relatives and friends, and they didn't get a marriage certificate. He was already quite critical.

Now that he has handed Qiu Yuelin over to Qi Lin, if this son-in-law doesn't obediently come to his house to pay New Year's greetings to his father-in-law on the third day of the Lunar New Year, then he will really lose his face.

"Don't worry about your troubles outside, you boy. You only have two father-in-laws here, and you will be devastated. If your father-in-laws are all here."

As soon as Wang Dongcheng left, Qi Feng on the side taunted Qi Lin mercilessly.

This stinky brat is messing with flowers and grass outside, hugging left and right, but he, a 070 father, can only guard a tigress. It would be a lie to say that he doesn't feel sour in his heart.

Of course, Qi Feng definitely didn't have the idea of ​​cheating, he just sighed that he was so honest, such a good man who was loyal to love, how could he raise such a philandering son, it's just hell.

Hearing his father's slightly sour tone, Qi Lin was preparing to offer fire to Fang Yuanyuan.

"Da da da"

Several footsteps came from the door.

Qi Lin looked up.

Good guy, the most important group of guests for the Qi family today has arrived.

Qi Lin's grandparents passed away early, leaving only one son to depend on each other in this world.

Fortunately, Qi Feng, the eldest son of Qi, fought hard, not only was admitted to a prestigious university, but also succeeded in starting a business, and married the university student at that time as his wife, which can be regarded as truly reaching the pinnacle of life.

An older brother is like a father.

When Qi Lin's grandparents left, Qi Feng had just graduated, and his two younger brothers were still studying.

In order for the two younger brothers to successfully complete their studies, Qi Feng, who was only 22 at the time, basically required to work three jobs a day in order to barely make up for the living expenses and tuition fees of the two younger brothers.

It was precisely because of Qi Feng's masculinity and attitude towards the head of the family (aheb) that Fang Yuanyuan, who was Qi Feng's girlfriend at the time, married him without hesitation, and worked hard with him to maintain the relationship between the two. A small family, raising two uncles.

The eldest brother and sister-in-law's contribution, the two younger brothers have always seen it in their eyes and remembered it in their hearts, so they naturally respect them both.

After the two got married and started a business, as long as it was a holiday, they would come to visit.

Even if there is no time, I will send a special product from home.

Therefore, Qi Lin's family does not have so many family struggles and intrigues in the novel.

On the contrary, they move frequently and are closely related.

"Brother and sister-in-law, happy new year, I wish you a prosperous business, abundant wealth, good health and good luck in the new year.

The somewhat simple and honest middle-aged man who entered the door cupped his hands and sent New Year greetings.

And his wife Li Hui, who was beside him, put down a large pile of presents in her hand, and also said with a smile: "Brother and sister-in-law, happy new year.

This middle-aged man is Qi Lin's second uncle, named Qi Zheng, who graduated from Huazhong Agricultural University and is also an out-and-out top student.

After graduating, he did not stay in Jianghan City to work, but returned to his hometown Huayuan City, where he painstakingly studied the cultivation and improvement of crops and helped the local people get rich in agriculture.

He is a truly selfless intellectual.

"Brother and sister-in-law, happy new year. I caught this big herring weighing more than 100 catties in the Danjiang River some time ago. I have kept it at home since I came back. It is fresh. This is a good fortune, and it heralds the new year for our Qi family. More than a year!"

The man in his thirties who followed Qi Zheng into the door grinned and walked in pulling a trolley.

As soon as he entered, there was a strong fishy smell in the room, which made Fang Yuanyuan frown uncontrollably.

"I tell you not to bring fish over here. If you don't listen, you will make big brother's house stink to death. If I were big brother, I would just take a broom and drive you out if I saw your ghostly appearance.

Behind the man pulling the fish, a woman who still had charm saw Fang Yuanyuan's frown, and immediately reprimanded her husband.

These two people are Qi's third uncle and a while.

The name of the third aunt is Chen Ying, and the name of the third uncle is Qi Gang.

Qi Gang graduated from Jianghan University, his education is higher than Qi Zheng's, and he is a real high-achieving student.

However, he is even more idle than Qi Zheng. Not long after graduation, he became obsessed with fishing. He didn't even want the iron job of a civil servant. Get soft.

His wife, Chen Ying, has always had great opinions on this kind of disregard for the family, scolding Qi Gang for not doing his job properly, a dead fisherman, and arguing for a divorce.

For their sake, Qi Feng and Fang Yuanyuan tried to persuade them to make peace for countless times.

"Okay, okay, don't quarrel for the Chinese New Year, it's too unlucky, no matter if you bring gifts or fish, I, the eldest brother, will be happy.

"Sister Chen, take this fish to the kitchen."

"Come in, all of you, and stop standing at the door."

As the eldest brother Qi Feng spoke out, the younger brother and younger siblings also had to give face.

Only then did Chen Ying stare at the jerk husband, and walked into the villa.

"Second uncle, third uncle."

*Second aunt, third baby.

Qi Lin, who was sitting on the sofa, didn't bother to get up, and directly raised his hand with a smile to say hello.

Hearing Qi Lin's voice, the beautiful eyes of the two aunts immediately looked at the handsome nephew, revealing a gleam of light.

Seeing this scene, Qi Lin had a feeling in his heart that he had already guessed what would happen next.


Qi Lin hasn't said a word yet, don't mess with my hairstyle, don't pinch my face.

Two beautiful young women and aunts came over at the same time, one was rubbing Qi Lin's hair vigorously, and the other was pinching Qi Lin's handsome cheek, pulling it to both sides.

While pinching Qi Lin's cheek, Chen Ying said with a hint of joy on her pretty face: "I haven't seen you in half a year. My little Lin has grown up and is getting more and more handsome. Let my third aunt kiss me."


After finishing speaking, he took a sip on Qi Lin's face, leaving a lipstick mark.

Li Hui rubbed Qi Lin's hair, and said with a gentle smile: "A few days ago, I chatted with my sister-in-law, and my sister-in-law said that Xiao Lin has become sensible recently, and also helped the family start a business. I didn't believe it at first... ..."

"In the past, this little guy didn't even call us when we met, but this time he even knew to call for someone. It seems that my sister-in-law didn't lie. This little guy is really sensible."

"Second aunt also rewards you a little."

Speaking of this, Li Hui pouted and smacked Qi Lin's face.

Fortunately, Qi Lin's two cheeks are balanced, and there is a lipstick mark on one side.

Qi Lin: ………………”

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