Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

455: Qi Ziqi Is Weird, Shy And Shy Qi Yuerou

Regarding his wife's intimacy, Qi Zheng and Qi Gang looked at it with a smile on their face, and had no opinion at all.

The Qi family is in Qi Feng's generation, and the incense is at its peak, and there are three sons who inherit the incense.

But in Qi Lin's generation, things changed.

Both Qi Zheng and Qi Gang had only one daughter and no sons.

They also want to have another one, but everyone understands China's policies in the 1990s.

As a result, Miao Qilin, the only seedling of the Qi family, was particularly favored.

The second uncle, the second aunt, the third uncle and the third aunt almost regarded Qi Lin as his own son and treated him like a son.

Because of this, Qi Zheng and Qi Gang smiled at their wife's love for Qi Lin.

Not to mention Li Hui and Chen Ying, if Qi Lin agrees, they all want to go up and kiss this handsome nephew.

Qi Lin wiped the saliva off his face helplessly, and looked at the second and third uncles: "I said, second and third uncles, can you not control your wives? Isn't it playing hooligans to molesting good boys in broad daylight?"


Seeing Qi Lin's embarrassment and embarrassment, the whole family couldn't help laughing, and the atmosphere became more harmonious for a while.

So, it's no wonder that in the previous life, Qi Lin lay flat at a young age.

Aunt Uncle loves him, and so do his parents.

In this kind of environment, Qi Lin just sits and enjoys what he gets, idles around, and does not bully men and women, committing rape and committing crimes are considered good.

"Second Aunt, Third Aunt, why are you here? The two younger sisters should be on vacation now, why don't you bring them to play at home?"

Qi Lin saw that only the second uncle and the second aunt came, the third uncle and the third aunt came, and the two younger sisters did not come, so he looked a little puzzled.

Second Uncle Qi Zheng looked helplessly outside the door, then at Qi Lin.

Seeing the expression of the second uncle, Qi Lin understood it all at once, and felt a little funny in his heart.

The two younger sisters should have come, but there was a naughty one of them who wanted to make fun of him, so he hid outside the door and didn't come in, right?

Thinking of this, Qi Lin said as if nothing had happened: "Oh, it's a pity that the two younger sisters didn't come. I had a gift to give them. Since they are not here, I will return this gift... ……………”

Qi Lin's voice just fell.

"What gift? What gift? Lin big brother, you can't return it, we're all here."

There was a clear voice like a silver bell coming from outside the door.

Afterwards, two pure and lovely figures ran into the villa holding big hands and small hands.

The girl who ran in front was a slim, elf-cute girl who looked somewhat similar to her second aunt, Li Hui, named Qi Ziqi.

Although she has exquisite facial features, bright eyes and white teeth, she is already a beauty at a young age, but judging from her big watery eyes that keep rolling around, she is a naughty girl.

And actually, that's exactly what happened.

Qi Ziqi's personality followed her father Qi Zheng's. She liked flowers, plants and trees since childhood, was close to nature and all kinds of food, liked chasing hares and boars, and catching insects in the grass, like an elf in the forest.

Because of this kind of crazy girl character who is naturally detached, her academic performance is a bit unsatisfactory.

As soon as she was asked to study, she fell asleep, and when she was asked to do homework, her stomach started to hurt, so her grades were also at the bottom of the grade.

As long as they think of their daughter's study, Qi Zheng and Li Hui's husband and wife will have a headache.

To sum up, this is a wild girl who, like Qi Lin, made her parents worry.

Compared with Qi Ziqi, who was eccentric and eccentric, Qi Yuesheng, who was pulled by her and followed behind her, was much quieter.

She has always been shy and timid on her delicate face, and her personality is almost more shy than Wang Siling's.

This may also have something to do with her father Qi Gang fishing outside all year round, and there is no father's support at home, so when facing outsiders, she is a little shy.

However, her shy and shy personality can't stop her talent in learning.

Contrary to Qi Ziqi, Qi Yuerou's academic performance has always been among the best, dominating the top three, is a typical example of good children from other people's families, and is also the pride of Qi Gang and Chen Ying.

"Lin big brother, where is the gift? Show me quickly!"

After Qi Ziqi rushed over, he let go of Qi Yuerou's little hand, and her white tender little hand grabbed Qi Lin's big hand to look up and down, looking at my present.

Qi Lin smiled: "No gift, I lied to you girl, who told you to hide outside the door to scare me.

The relationship between Qi Lin and his two cousins ​​is very good, and when he jokes, he is not ambiguous at all.

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Qi Ziqi's beautiful big eyes glared, and he threw himself on Qi Lin, pounding his chest with a powder fist: "Smelly Lin big brother, he is still as cunning as before!" Hurry up and take out my gift !"

0...seeking flowers........

Seeing that her daughter didn't look like a lady at all, Li Hui blushed and felt ashamed.

She quickly got up and walked up, pulled Qi Ziqi who was sitting on Qi Lin's lap, and let her sit obediently beside her.

Looking at the daughter with a puffed mouth and still staring at Qi Lin with beautiful eyes, who seemed a little unconvinced, Qi Zheng heaved a long sigh, with a frown on his face.

"Though I, Qi Zheng, is such an honest and responsible person, and her mother is also gentle and virtuous, how could I cultivate such a wild girl?"

"If you don't study hard and don't work hard, you will know that you are playing around crazy every day, and you are recruiting bandits."

"I don't ask her to make any achievements in the future, but at least she looks like a girl."


"If it goes on like this, I suspect that it will be difficult for this girl to get married in the future...

Speaking of this, Qi Zheng glanced at Qi Lin enviously, and then Qi Feng asked: "Brother, Xiao Lin was quite naughty before, but now he has changed so much and become much more sensible, how did you teach him? Can I also learn from it?"

Hearing Qi Zheng's words, Fang Yuanyuan's pretty face couldn't help but blush.

How did she teach Qi Lin?

She is not afraid of being laughed at when she speaks out, she is the most typical type of loving mother and loser.

If Qi Lin hadn't come to his senses and followed her way of educating children, Qi Lin would only become a gnawing family in the end.

"Cough cough...... Is this matter of educating children? It can only be understood, but it cannot be expressed in words. You asked me to say one, two, three, and I didn't know how to sum it up for a while.

Why don't you wait for me to summarize it next time and tell you?"

Qi Feng was also embarrassed.

But fortunately, he reacted quickly and prevaricated with a bunch of ambiguous words.

Regarding the conversation of several people, Qi Lin did not interrupt, but stared at his eccentric cousin Qi Ziqi, trying to compare his skills of not blinking.

But in fact, he recalled the life experience of his cousin Qi Ziqi in his previous life.

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